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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. LOL, the kid from Glee!!!  I Googled both Quantico and Glee and I have figured it out!  It's the hot mixed looking guy.  Okay thank you for that, that is kind of cool it's the same guy.  They answered our criticisms and added some minority males.  One who (maybe) (almost) blew up a school, and the hot Glee kid.


    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4498664/ My god, he's so young.  (Said born 1992 on Wikipedia.)

  2. I think "fair" in this instance means consistent. If they are inconsistent in their suggestions--telling them to do one thing and then later the opposite--that's what's being called unfair.


    To accuse the judges of not being consistent towards Candice is assuming that for every challenge, she sends down a great garment but the judges are reacting differently every time.


    I will argue that that's not the case.  The judges react well when it's a beautiful, well constructed garment that they could see a woman wanting to wear or own.  For the last challenge the judges reacted horribly to Candice's mini collection because they didn't find it so.  Sure well constructed but nobody ONLY wants to see a well constructed collection.  I think it is instead possible that the judges did not like the mini collection and reacted accordingly.  That's how I interpret things.  And to me that is not inconsistent behaviour.  I think it's instead possible that Candice's performance in the competition was not consistent.


    Not seeing how the judges were inconsistent here.  And it's not like Candice was even the only contestant criticized.  If I was Candice I'd want the hard truth of my collection and the opportunity to fix it so I could possibly win.  Not just fake smiles and applause and to be sent on my way even though the judges didn't like it.


    Kelly is dressing "her girl" the same way Michelle was dressing the phantom hordes of hipsters with money who wanted to hang out with her. The fact that you're uncomfortable with that is kind of the point of the outsider perspective, isn't it?


    I understand your point Julia but this contest has existed for 14 seasons.  Somebody can be annoyed or upset by this aspect of the show but this is the show as it stands and always has been.  Michelle's vision fit with what the judges wanted and hence she won the show.  Kelly's vision COULD come closer to what the judges want if she picks the right luxurious fabrics that Nina wants, does the right hemlines and sex appeal that Heidi wants, and executes the clothes with the tailoring that Zac wants.  These are the parameters of the show. 


    I think in order to win this show with a unique vision that doesn't meet any other criteria (not in line with 2015 trends, not sexy enough to meet what Heidi likes) it has to be very beautiful and actually unique.  It's pretty rare to see a collection like that come from a PR contestant.   I guess Lee Ann's was, right?  Hard for me to remember.  I remember Jay winning when I thought it was an insane collection that had nothing in common with fashion at the time and that nobody would actually wear.  Good for him, he won regardless, with his unique Jay vision, and his great skill and execution.


    I never thought of PR as a show that rewards outsider perspectives.  I understood it to be notorious for kicking out weirdos like Kooan or Elisa that spit on her fabrics, etc. 


    They're desperate for the next new thing to the point where it can be both poorly-conceived and badly made but they'll privilege the thing they've never seen before over something that shows some skill.


    Maybe the judges think a skilled sewer is a dime a dozen.  Hence people like Anya winning her season.  


    She has mentioned being brought up by parents who were both addicts before - as a fact of life, and not, IMO, as a way for the viewer to feel sorry for her.


    Never thought she was trying to garner sympathy, far from it.  

  3. Exactly, Wes is not paranoid, he has totally correct instincts.


    I think it is normal to be constantly freaking out if you think that the person you were in love with is dead.


    I get that the character of Wes annoys some people because his themes are repetitive and stagnant, but I love everything about him.


    Laurel has atrociously bad instincts, unless deep down she just really doesn't give a fuck if Frank is a cold-blooded murderer or not.  Then maybe she's spot on.


    I still don't get why Bonnie is taking the blame for the murder.


    Michaela is the one I find the most one-dimensional.  Maybe it's the actor who plays her.  There doesn't seem to be a lot of depth or nuance.  But then again there isn't depth or nuance to the character either.  


    Wes is on a path, he's on a mission, it makes total sense to me, and I get it.  


    Captain Save a Ho seems to be his allotted role on the show.


    Yeah exactly

  4. That's exactly what I came here to say.  I thought they were pretty unfair to her.  The praise her all season for sticking with her point of view.  They tell her to really go for it and put on a show for fashion week.  Then when she does, they tell her she's trying to be someone else.  I agree that her collection needs some editing (like "lose the hat and gloves"), but to expect her to completely re-do her whole collection in two days is ridiculous.  Her stuff was a little costumey and ridiculous, but at least she went for something big.


    I don't understand, why would fairness come into this competition?  Things need to be fair for Candice?  The judges seem to earnestly want the 4 to create the best collections possible for the NYFW.  They don't want to be embarrassed by how bad their 4 PR designers are showing.  So they gave them what I found to be good criticisms.  The format of the competition is stupid in my opinion - of course 2 days is not enough to redo or redesign a collection.  For me there's no question about that.  However, this is the format of the show and to win the contest you have to work within the parameters.


    When Candice had to work within a challenge she usually did a pretty good job.  For the red carpet challenge she did an extremely minimalist, pared down version of a red carpet gown.  It was black and sleek and not overdesigned.  Of course the judges found it okay.  Hard to find flaws with it.


    Now that Candice has to do a collection with no real parameters to work within, she does something that I found a bit horrifying.  The sleekness and classiness of that red carpet gown was lost.  The judges are expecting an actual collection that would appeal to a woman.  If you're going to go all out and be a Costume Designer for NYFW a la Jean Paul Gaultier or Chris March then you really have to go all out.  What I saw from Candice was a muddled collection of halfway between Costume and (wearable, I guess?)  Are the clothes supposed to be wearable?  Are the clothes supposed to be costume?  Could anyone really wear all of this, seriously?  To what event could you wear it to?  What kind of of woman wants to dress like this in 2015?  What season is this for?


    Head to toe leather?  It's extremely unrealistic.  I understand if Candice wants to be a costume designer but she has to make that really obvious and the costumes have to be kind of insane and not wearable for real life.  If Candice wants to be a designer for real life then the below makes no sense to me.  It's like uber glamourous funeral wear.  Is anyone going to have a need for that?   This to me is too in the middle to be costume OR wearable and she's got to pick one lane.  For example, let's say she wants to make a collection for a woman to actually wear.  Then 1 leather piece per outfit is beyond enough.  Don't need to have more than 1 leather piece per outfit, don't have to add lace ON TOP of that, don't have to add a hat ON TOP of that.  It's extremely heavy, I mean just looking at it is even too heavy for my eyes.  


    Even in this picture below, she's wearing a leather skirt and that's it.  Because that's what a woman might actually wear.


    Now, I think this is enough reasons I've listed to not like the collection and it's not just blinding Candice hate.  To me, in 2015 this collection makes no sense.  There's no reference to today, and what I think women want to wear now; I'm sorry.  Leather bustiers?!


    The closest thing I could see referencing today is the middle dress.  The top half is great.  Make the leather skirt a long pencil skirt tight fitting to below the knee, though, and remove the lace.  Then a woman might actually feel attractive.  The rest I have no use for unless it's intended for time capsule purposes



    • Love 4
  5. I swear I am not letting my Candice dislike cloud my judgement, but I had a very bad reaction to Candice's mini collection.  As soon as the red and white look came out I said tacky, tacky, tacky.  It's just all wrong.  Maybe the reason she doesn't use colour or print is that she's simply bad at it?  Throughout the show her best quality is that her execution is always perfect and her clothes look well done.  The problem is taste, for her.  It screamed 1990s to me, but not in the cool 'hip' way that some designers try to do (the new Saint Laurent - slip dresses, lingerie, grunge, plaid, ratty tights - think Courtney Love).  It just screamed bad 1990s (vinyl, costume stores, pleather, shiny materials that look cheap - think Spice Girls).  


    That was my major problem.  


    I guess we were all waiting for Candice's comeuppance and here it is.  This is the problem when an artist thinks she's perfect in every way and has zero critical eye.  Usually artists are full of self doubt like Ashley.  Candice could use a critical eye towards HER OWN DESIGNS.  She's great at having it for other's.  But there is something wacky going on in her head.  I'm not saying people should be more insecure but I guess I've been raised to feel like a bit of self deprecation is endearing, and you should always feel a need to improve and to know that there are other smarter people in the room to learn from.   I know it sounds bad but I mean it better than it's coming off.  Humility basically and the desire to grow and learn and get better.  There is some good saying out there about how intelligent people know they're not the most intelligent people in the world, I could be completely making this up.


    Kelly's collection seemed fine - she has a voice, and I get it, and it's unique - but she should have listened to Tim's advice about the mesh.  It looked very cheap.


    Edmond's collection seemed fine but get rid of the ruffled dress, I strongly agree with the judges here.  No woman would want to wear that.  That bow dress was immaculate and the best thing we saw today.  Every woman would want to wear that.  He can't do all over the top gowns in a collection unfortunately.  Should do some things that are really minimalist and put a pant or two in there.  A tuxedo pant with something beautiful on top.  


    Ashley's, I don't even know what to say or think.  At least it wasn't Candice's.  Some designer always gets way too headstrong about some stupid thing in their collection and this year it's Ashley with the headpieces.  Everyone is telling her logical things about removing them and she refuses to listen.  1 or 2 would be fine but there's no way it should translate to every look a woman would want to wear.


    Glad Edmond was saved.  I hope he can take it.


    Really, extremely impressed with the judges today.  They told it how it is and I agreed with so much of it.  I'm so glad they didn't praise Candice like the sun shines out of her ass.  Maybe she has finally learned it doesn't.


    sinkwriter, after reading everything it looks like I'm echoing you on Candice.

    millenium and others, I agreed with Candice not needing to mention her parents were drug addicts, then again, maybe I can't judge.  I don't know.

    LotusFlower, I agree it seemed kind of slacker and procrastinaty, but Edmond has probably watched every season.  I think it's actually strategic to wait for the harsh critiques and the knowledge that you'll have to whip up 1 or 2 garments in the last minute challenge.

    • Love 4
  6. Obviously Viola is the best actor not only on this show but maybe Planet Earth.  I love when Nate was just laying into her and she looked like a hurt baby!  And I think that either the actor who plays Hot Nate is more talented than I give him credit for or he becomes an even better actor when Viola is around.  Their scenes are hot fire whether he hates her or not!


    But guys, guuyyyyyyys, Alfred Enoch who plays Wes is my second favourite actor on the show.  I love him so much!  Seriously he really moves me..... Love him.  


    I think Oliver is coming in at 3rd!  He's so nerdy but I don't know what it is about him.... he's so real I guess, while the other characters seem more cartoonish!  He's like the viewer implanted into the series.


    There's so much I don't get with this show but I don't pretend.  I hate how that Cousin It reveal happened with three or four characters just talking really fast and expecting the whole audience to understand.  I rewound it three times and added closed captioning and it still doesn't make sense.  Whatever.  


    Thank you for the Oprah gif it made me laugh and laugh!  When is it from?

    • Love 1
  7. I'm very happy for all of you.  To someone like me who wishes her certain favourite shows would get revived I know that this is a dream come true.  The GG fan community here was so welcoming and nice to me even though I only discovered the show in 2014.  Very happy for you guys.   Excited for the revival.  TV can be an amazing medium these days.

  8. As a Russell fan I concede that that is a great and hilarious point.  Russell did literally cry about that.   Hahahhahahaa.


    By the way.  When the balut came up and Kass had to eat it, Spencer made things about a billion times worse for his "tribemate" by loudly guffawing at how disgusting it was.  Look we know it's disgusting, but you don't even have to eat it, so why not chill?  


    I love Jeremy.  I wanted him to go far in his first season and he didn't.  I was heartbroken.  So excited to see what happens this year.  I love the reference to him being King Jeremy because he literally did lie on a hammock and dismiss Stephen's ideas.  Pretty hilarious.  Love him not telling anyone about the idol.  Love the fact that he knows he needs Joe around as a shield and making sure it happens.  

    • Love 7
  9. I don't understand why doesn't Spencer do the unexpected thing and team up with Woo to vote out Savage WHO WANTS HIM GONE?!! Will I ever get over this? Then again, the only person Woo trusted was Savage.... argh!

    • Love 1
  10. Yes, both Tasha and Kelly Wiglesworth were challenge monsters.


    If we're going to keep 3 out of 4 Cagayan I pick Woo over Kass a billion times, can't believe that is even a question.  I'd pick Morgan's breasts over Kass.  I'd pick Tony, anyone, almost anyone, or yes literally anyone.  Trish, the basketball player.  Still so sad.  Kass adds nothing except nonsense.  Woo is loyal to a FAULT, yes I guess he's a challenge threat but with Jeremy and Joe and maybe even Spencer around you could hardly tell.  Plus he is extremely beautiful and affable.  Him laughing at Kimmie in disbelief - "You're not even gonna try?"  .... Sigh

    • Love 9
  11. I really hope you guys don't mind this.


    Woo's beautiful face.




    Joe Oiling Up, and Tasha's HILARIOUS reactions after (to who I wonder!?!?)




    Spencer looking - dare I say it - hot, and Stephen hilariously excited to eat at the Immunity Challenge




    Last but not least, Abby's beautiful Ass



    • Love 13
  12. So, this is the absolute worst outcome for me.  Of course my two favourite players are on the chopping block.  At least Jeremy was safe.  Season after Season, Tribal after Tribal, Woo learns no lessons.  It is the same goddamn mistake again and again.  It drives me crazy because I love him as a person so very much.  Why is Woo always on the chopping block?  Why would you want to vote out the person who has no strategic game whatsoever?  Why on god's green earth did Ciera find it necessary to go after WOO of all people?


    I absolutely loved all the Stephen and Jeremy drama and Stephen's storyline.  I ate it up completely.  I love seeing more insight into that voting block.  Stephen already IS a real boy with feelings.  


    I guess Woo becomes a target eventually because he's a second placer.  It fucking sucks, so hard for me.  Spencer gets saved again and again and again.  And Joe never has to go to tribal.


    Why do people trust Tasha so implicitly?  Don't expect me to remember any of the early tribes.  Stephen and Joe were confiding in her immediately.  Why is that?  Ugh, Kelly Wiglesworth so easily turned on Spencer.   Here comes the part of the season where I care less and less.  Jeremy and Spencer are my draws now, but even them combined are not enough to replace Woo.  

    • Love 7
  13. This episode was really good.  I wasn't so sure with the first two episodes but wanted to support it so badly because of what it stands for.  But now I am a legitimate fan and hope it keeps going strong.


    The episode was heartwarming because Rebecca got a big win and now everyone can see how Josh is appealing.  Not that it really should logically matter though. I don't know if Rebecca likes Josh because he's so appealing - that is too logical and that's not what this show is about.  The show is about a damaged woman who almost arbitrarily and extremely put her hopes and dreams on a guy she once knew.   But seeing Josh being appealing is just nice for the audience.


    I'm finding the show inspirational because I would love to write something original like this someday.  It's really cool that they created something so original.


    The Face Your Fears song, I wasn't paying enough attention but every time I tuned in the lyrics were hysterical.  I have to watch that again and maybe transcribe it.


    I like the neighbour girl, though she is trying a bit hard to be the cool one. She's doing it not as convincingly as Aubrey Plaza.


    Sorry, but this Millennial stereotype is here to stay :)  You're going to see it in many shows for years to come.  It's like the Generation X slacker who wears plaid.  This will continue.

    • Love 1
  14. The kid who was The Mask was called Jazz Gumby and a sea sick gangster.


    That was so clever.  And Emery and Evan were so confident about what they thought he was.  It's so cute, I guess they were not allowed to watch that movie, or it was still in theatres.  I saw that movie in a theatre but Jessica would never spend that amount of money.

    • Love 1
  15. I guess I could understand production preferring Spencer over Monica, but why would they prefer Kelly Wiglesworth over Monica?


    Monica = PROS:  Young, fit, stereotypically hot.  Starts conflicts with other women (Kimmie).  


    Kelly = PROS:  The storyline of being from Season 1.  That is literally it.  Nothing else.  She maybe becomes a challenge monster later, but does production even care about those storylines as much as young, bikini clad females who love to start conflict?  If you look at the casting of the past 20 or so seasons, they want hot young chicks in bikinis and care about little else.


    Does anyone know her racial background?  I googled her last name and seems to be Spanish so i guess Latina or Filipina or at least partly.

  16. Lisa's mother was such a f***ing drama queen.  Not crying at all about her dead daughter but crying about the shame that MJ brought to her family (saying this sarcastically) for telling the truth up there.  I had to LAUGH at all the tears.  Give me a fucking break!!!!!


    This show gets too real sometimes, LOL (For me).  I am a wimpy crybaby.


    Don't follow Gabrielle Union on Twitter if you cannot watch this show live.  She and all of her costars were giving away allllll the spoilers on Twitter.  That really pissed me off, they are unfollowed now.


    I'm so attracted to everything about Kara.... the character, the actor, everything.  Hard to explain.  She's so cool.  


    Lisa was really beautiful, can't believe she's out of the show like that....  I feel like  I hardly got to know the character through this show.


    I guess it's really over with David now?  Like I even care anymore.  I miss Andre the married guy.

    • Love 2
  17. As a Russell fan I have to say it's really funny to me how if I say I love Russell's play in Survivor: Samoa or consider him one of the better players of the game, people always argue that results mean everything, therefore if you are a runner up like Russell you are a horrible player of the game.


    Yet someone like Monica who was 16th in this season is apparently a good player of the game... who makes good moves..... have to laugh..... 

    • Love 2
  18. I don't think people are less patient today.  I just think there are infinite more television choices and infinitely more ways to access television shows.  People also don't have endless hours (meaning, money) to watch television so they invest their time wisely.  And television shows get cancelled extremely fast. We shouldn't blame audiences.  Technology, the recession etc. changed the way we view television forever.  Some networks give no investment to new shows and can't afford to.  If you want to invest in a long term show you'd have to buy Netflix or cable and leave it at that....

    • Love 4
  19. The actors are adorable - Melissa Benoist was so charming and cute.  I like Mehcad Brooks a lot from Necessary Roughness and I think he's better here.  And Calista Flockhart made me so nostalgic for being younger and watching Ally McBeal.


    The guy from Smash was also fine and the Grey's Anatomy girl was way less annoying than she was on GA.  The villain is from The Mentalist right?  It's all these people adopted from other shows.


    However, it is really stupid and annoying when they keep saying Him and they should quit that tactic for episode 102.

    • Love 8
  20. I complain about a show directly stealing scenes from a movie and the responses are it's okay because the movie is 1) really good  2) not well known enough and 3) "old".  I don't get that.


    True but how many people have seen that movie? ( I haven't). It's a seventeen year old movie after all.


    Out of Sight made $77.7 million.  Divided by an $8 ticket (or the price of a DVD or whatever) in the 90s and that's almost 10 million people.

    It was nominated for 2 Oscars.

    There was a television show spin-off.


    It's Soderbergh, and people who know film and direction know that movie, which is how these Quantico idiots stole from it.   I give them no excuses.

    • Love 4
  21. LOL at Zuleika's comment about Spencer becoming "a real boy"; I'm really sorry but that is too good not to quote.


    Your username always reminds me of Zulema from Project Runway:  "I don't care if you cry, but you're going to cry and cut."

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