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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I have to admit that I noticed that too - that first Kimmie targeted Monica, now the so-called Witches' Coven.  What the heck kind of game is she playin'?


    Sometimes I see people disliking  when players find multiple idols -- Russell, Tony, Jeremy.  I don't get it!  It's like disliking a player for playing extremely well.  I have to say I love it.  I loved Jeremy's happiness and triumph this episode.

    • Love 16
  2. Abi's animal print swimwear was very sexy.  So you have to do a lot of yoga, and I guess be Brazilian, to have that kind of body.  I'll never get there.  I was so frustrated by her not winning the Immunity Challenge.  I really wish she didn't raise her damn foot.  I think she got a bit cocky towards the end.  F***ing so crazy how Joe always wins.


    Kass 100% gave the finger again at tribal.  Spencer voted for Wigglesworth.  It said Kelly Wi.  And Andrew was wearing a beanie.


    Christmas bells seemed to ring over any strategy talk.  I thought it was so funny.  Better than some kind of racist supposed-to-be-Cambodian music or maybe they were intending that.


    In the immunity challenge, when they had to move to the top ledge, and 6 or so players all fell in the water all at the same time, that was a great shot.  So dramatic.  They do a really good job building tension in these challenges.  I am always holding my breath and completely captivated.  I don't remember feeling like that in many years from this show.  I usually tune out at the challenges which I find so boring and convoluted. Meaning, I can't follow them.


    I have to congratulate Ciera.  I am no fan of hers but she's played a great game so far.  She really got in Stephen's head and swerved him around.  Good for her.  I give her all the credit (and obviously Wentworth with her idol).  And then Stephen played the WC women very well, by slowly and gently floating out one name and letting Abi shark bite all over it.  


    I was getting really scared for this tribal.  Jeremy and Spencer are my boys so I just want good things for them.  I guess this is a good move for Stephen?  He keeps the supposed Witches Coven around him who apparently are not as likeable (I guess Abi is the least likeable, then Ciera?  Then Stephen LOL then Kelley being the most likeable?  I don't know.  I'm not the jury.)  And he got rid of Joe's closest ally apparently.  


    The other castaways see Wiggles as a threat because she's the only returnee from Season 1.  To them, that looms large over their heads.  To us, we think she's boring as F***  (sorry, but I do.  Did her plastic surgery also remove her personality).   


    This picture is actually from the recap of last week's tribal, when Ciera smiled at Kass:  (Ciera DID look cuter this episode.  In the rain, and in the Immunity Challenge.  But I can't help myself ok)



    • Love 16
  3. Did the ratings improve since the live shows?  The only reason a network show would do something is for ratings I think.  I don't think creativity is the answer.  Not when network shows struggle so much to stay on the air.  Creativity is for cable where shows have that luxury.

  4. Yes, I'm another "I find Spencer fascinating" person.  It's hard for me to talk about how good or bad someone is at strategy; I mostly just care about personality.


    I find Spencer a fascinating case on Survivor because I don't think we ever see people like Spencer on this show.  I'm basing this mostly on Cagayan which I guess is his more 'natural', unfiltered personality.  I found it hysterical that Spencer absolutely could not hide any frustrations with other people at all.  He has no manipulative bone in his body.  He doesn't hide how he feels.  He's constantly upset.  (Obviously he is majorly improving that this round.)  He reminds me of Frank Grimes.  Let's say Woo is the Homer Simpson of the game.  Then Spencer is sooooo Frank Grimes.  And that's why he's fascinating.  We're now watching a season of Frank Grimes trying to tolerate the Homers.   (Now I'm remembering why the Frank Grimes analogy is so funny.  J'Tia was ACTUALLY a Nuclear Safety inspector like Homer is.  Hahahahhahahaha.)  http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Frank_Grimes.  Also, Jeff admits that he absolutely did not want Spencer on the show and had to be convinced.   (Or something like that, that he had no chance of winning, etc.)


    It's also funny how they keep playing that Cagayan clip over, and over again.  Spencer:  "Kass - zero chance of winning this game" in the midst of her Tribal Council vote against Sarah (I believe).  It's the crux of Spencer.  I think it's hilarious that he said that and totally right.  But he was just so indignant.  It's funny.


    I'm pretty sure he did well in immunity challenges in Cagayan, too.  I'll never forget a challenge towards the end of the game, where there was only 5 players left I think.  When he won, he fell to the ground with his hands on his head.  So dramatic like Willem Dafoe in Apocalypse Now.  

    • Love 7
  5. One of my favourite things about Survivor: Panama is that after Cirie's husband leaves, you can see Aras wearing a gigantic, baby blue Polo t-shirt.  Which was Cirie's husband's, that he left for him.  Did anyone else notice that?  I find it hysterical.  I think Cirie made her husband leave the island in a wifebeater.


    Aras-Baskauskas-Survivor_300.jpg vlcsnap2013090911h53m45s65copy.jpg

    • Love 5
  6. And I loved the boys arguing over what pic to download. I also liked how Justin's likes totally changed since they last say him. That rings true for me since I had a cousin like that growing up.


    "It's like chasing the wind."


    I don't understand why Eddie would like Pearl Jam though.  How is that a compromise between grunge and hip-hop?  They're the second most grunge band that I can possibly think of.  They are even from Seattle.  (Pearl Jam is what Evan is going to call mayonnaise).  I was expecting some REAL compromise between grunge and hip-hop but I can't think of what the 1995 version of that is.  Today we have Chris Cornell doing an album produced by Timbaland -- now that's a compromise.  

  7. I wouldn't even call her Asian-American because she defied so many Asian cliches. She grew up with a Jewish stepfather and she and her mother had converted to Judaism. When asked to help with a patient who only spoke Chinese, she was all "don't look at me, the only Chinese I know is the menu at Mr. Chow's". The only "Asian" thing about her is that she was an overachiever, having both an MD and a PhD.

    Christina is an Asian-American character, that is a fact.  She is an American character of Asian descent.  Her fitting into stereotypes is not what makes her Asian.  I'm going to go ahead and posit there are probably millions of Asian North American people that don't fit into stereotypes, much like Christina. They are still Asian.  She's not some rare exception; she is based in real life.  


    There are billions of Asian people in the world and they are all of differing religions and speak differing languages.  There are a lot of second or third generation Asian North Americans who do not speak an Asian language.  It happens.

    • Love 6
  8. I love how Annalise wanted to be a soul singer - which I thought seemed so stereotypical - and then she was so horrible at singing.  That really impressed me.


    I just really like this show.  I'm not really sure if Christina Milian adds anything, but, eh.

    • Love 3
  9. Thanksgiving Episode


    1.  Scenario by A Tribe Called Quest


    2.  I thought I heard Caribbean Queen by Billy Ocean in the bankground of Louis and his brother-in-law getting drunk, but that could have been wishful thinking.


    3.  Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler


    Musicians mentioned by Eddie - Janet Jackson and Tracy Chapman :)  Oh, and Pearl Jam :)

  10. I think it's important to point out the Mean Girl dynamic.  I don't think it's sexist.  It's still a very real thing.  Sexism actually contributes to the Mean Girl dynamic.  Books have been written about it.  Many of us have experienced this in life, so to me pointing it out is very validating.  It would be great if we lived in a feminist utopia where women all help other women and sing kumbaya.  Not being sarcastic, I honestly wish.  But that isn't the reality - YET.  Some of us wish for that and work towards that.  Others could completely not give a fuck, hence, the mean girl dynamic.  There are women in your social life and workplace and family who will (I'll say it politely) act negatively towards you.  It's unfortunate but it's a good thing to be aware of.  




    Men can be negative towards other men, too!  It just gets a different label.  Or "Boys will be Boys", or no label, because they're men so whatever.  (Sarcasm here.)


    I agree that Bitch fest was a sexist term though.  I don't think anyone could argue bitch isn't a sexist term.  But mean?  Nah.   Mean women would have been better, sure , but there's no movie named that.  We all know Blake loves that movie.

    • Love 3
  11. This episode I really liked.  The past few have not really caught my attention.  There were 3-4 parts I rewound to watch at and laugh again.


    After Gina did her demonstration and proved Captain Holt wrong, and then left the room, Charles saying "You're a good Captain" and his A-OK hand gesture made me laugh more than anything else in the episode.  


    I loved the mattress testing montage set to Lil Jon's Get Low.  This show used to do great montages like that -- remember Jake in that oversize white suit when he was undercover with Craig Robinson's character?  It might have been to LL Cool J's Mama Said Knock You Out.  


    Boyle:  Guys, I've discovered a new drug myself, and it's your relationship, and it's getting me high.


    I rewatched I Love You Man (2009) this weekend.  Samberg and Joe Lo Truglio played friends in it!  Paul Rudd or Rashida Jones should guest on the show.  Lots of comedy people in that one - Thomas Lennon, Aziz Ansari, Jason Segel, etc.


    Santiago:  I love being in this mattress.

    Salesman:  And the mattress loves you in it.

    Jake:  God?

    Salesman:  It's Brian.


    When Scully (?) ate his own goldfish, did Jake freak out because he didn't want the fish to die?

    • Love 2
  12. First Got Horny 2 U: This was kind of progressive in the weirdest of ways. Idk, I feel like you never see burgeoning sexuality in young girls shown/mentioned on television, it's like it's this and Sally Draper masturbating on Mad Men and that's it.


    Besides Elizabeth Banks' scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin, the actor Hailee Steinfeld's single "Love Myself" is all about masturbation.  She seems super, duper young to me so I find the whole thing a bit odd, but more power to her I guess.  I think it's true that when I was her age there was no young women talking about it in the media that way.  So I guess it's a good thing.


    Aron's List was good. I always like Vanessa in these kind of fake commercials. One the biggest laughs in this for me was when the VO says, "Dog walkers?" and Jay says, "I'll do it."


    I agree, his delivery killed it.

    For the Jay fans out there I HAVE TO direct your attention to his latest Instagram post.  I hardly needed coffee after...



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