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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. KimberStormer, I realized that how you hate when people dismiss Kim's win as being too easy "because her opponents were unworthy of her" (LOL) is your version of my feeling when people say production made the idols "too easy" for Russell/Tony/Jeremy to find, or even worse, when Russell was playing I heard accusations of production just handing him the idols!  That's my personal pet peeve.  If the idols were so easy to find then I think that different people would keep finding them!  But instead, it's the same damn hungry people who really want to find the fucking idols and want to win the damn game!  I'd love to see clips of Abi looking for the idol, for instance.  But I'm not shown that -- so what am I supposed to think?


    Oh, and Ew at Jeff dating Jerri.  I don't even know who I'm Ew-ing at.  Ok, I'm Ew-ing at Jeff.  He should know better after Season 2.  I just remember hating, hating, hating her.  I felt neutral or even positive towards her during HvV.

    • Love 3
  2. I have not been near a birth either, but off the top of my head I can think of 3 girlfriends who had a traumatic hospital birth experience where they thought that they might die.  They're not exactly selling me on it.

    • Love 2
  3. I didn't much care for this one.


    Rebecca eating disgusting things (end of a shoelace?) and wanting to eat a pill off of a bathroom floor, just the thought makes me want to retch.


    I think what I love about the show is Rebecca's interactions with Josh.  They always make me smile.  There was not nearly enough of that in this episode.  I guess I am Paula.

  4. It's really hard to believe that anyone would break up with Nick Offerman, "Dave" or not :)


    I like the actor who plays Terry's wife a lot.  (Sharon).  I just wish we could have seen Cagney and Lacey welcome their new sister.


    "Balloon Boy Grew Up Hot".   It made me Google the Balloon Boy, who is way too young to be 'hot', but is like in some kind of punk band with his brothers I guess.  Not surprised.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2563546/Balloon-boys-parents-insist-not-hoax-five-years-promote-childrens-metal-band.html


    possibilities, wish I could like your post one more time.


    Jake: So I spoke with your doily...


    Jake:  So close.


    The biggest surprise laugh for me was Gina finding out what an episiotomy is.


    Gina:  I'm gonna need 40 minutes.


    I think I was 8 lbs and 6 oz, which was even bigger than my brother, and you guys are making me feel badly for my mother, which I don't like to do :)

  5. She said she might give it another try, after I detailed the well-lit and non-bedroom elements I thought she'd find appealing, but word to the marketing people: not everyone in the potential audience is interested in the sex lives of characters they don't even know.


    A sex scene to open a film or television show to show how "Comedically Wacky" the tone of it is has become such a trope.


    Bridesmaids, Away We Go -- those come to me off the top of my head besides this one.  I know that's only 3 examples including this show but it always has me rolling my eyes.  I just find it tired.  


    After Googling it, I see that there are some articles about this!  AV Club cited 19 examples in 2010.  http://www.avclub.com/article/start-with-a-bang-19-films-and-tv-episodes-that-op-46436

  6.  I'm a righty who would also immediately pick up my right foot.  I do exercise DVDs, and whenever we're supposed to start an exercise using a leg to step forward, raise, etc. I noticed that I always start with my right --- that way I can remember to go to my left later on when the instructor  goes to the opposing side.

  7. I just can't get onboard with the Grace storyline.  It doesn't feel genuine to me.  I think it's because all these years they've built her up as being an idiot.   If they did the storyline with Zach, it would have felt earned and therefore rewarding.  And I love that actor.   This episode was okay for me.  I love Vanessa Williams and her sick-ass office.

    • Love 4
  8. Matthew's really good at this.  Sometimes I couldn't even tell the difference between him and the cast.  He looked so much like one of the castmembers in that sketch he carried.  The monologue was boring as shit but I prefer it over singing.  Good for him.


    The Adele sketch, and obviously Adele, are great and the obvious highlights.


    I hated Adele's dress.  She's so beautiful and the outfit was a miss for me.


    Thanks for reminding me about the Vanessa Bayer WU character.  I liked that.  

  9. No -- they just gave Catherine a bunch of sleeping pills to temporarily put her to sleep.  We see that she wakes up in the flashforwards that were linked upthread.


    What a bunch of idiot kids.  In that Flashforward it looks like the Keating 4 ran through Sinclair's blood as they were leaving the premises. 


    Why is there blood coming from Annalise's head as well as her stomach?  Is it that she hit her head against the wall when she was shot?


    Youtube can be a wonderous thing, so I just checked the flash forward with Catherine. Frank has placed her in the woods in a bloodied PJ top (called it! unless it was a bloody nose, but then you need to explain Frank's behavior at the hospital to me) where she is found some hours later by a dog patrol. Whereupon she wakes, rather startled, and bolts upright. There seems to have been no running involved, as secnarf said. It just felt damn dynamic. ;-)
    awesome link to most of the flash forwards from 2x01-2x07:


    Thanks for this

    • Love 1
  10. It's not a double standard when one side is the minority (women are the minority versus men).  You can't call that an equal double standard, sorry!  


    I think it's pretty clear that in this game women are underestimated and there is sexism at play, just my opinion.


    Topic, I love Jeremy... 

    • Love 3
  11. I'm enjoying this show.  I wanted Jesse to win but the guy who won the challenge is just so cute as hell.  Good for them both.


    I guess a couple of people find Matt annoying?  I do not at all.  Samantha rubs me the wrong way, especially in the first challenge.  I feel horrible saying that, but when I was that age I thought I was the bees knees too.


    That boy who runs to hug everybody whether they win or lose!  Can I please adopt him?  I also like the precocious brunette boy with glasses who seems like such a character.


    Ysabele was a sweetheart and a half.  So cute.


    Does anyone else notice that in the runway show, the editors try really hard not to show the backs of the outfits?  I've noticed this both episodes in a row.

    • Love 2
  12. At least Jeremy's nice and likable and playing his game with actual clear knowledge not a hint of paranoia.  The exact opposite of Tony.


    What is wrong with paranoia?  I found it hilarious that entire season.  Sometimes it seemed totally misplaced.   No harm, no foul.  


    Speaking of Shakespeare, it was like a Greek tragedy in reverse.   Tony's "fatal flaw" helped him destroy his "imagined" enemies and helped him win the game handily.


    We have seen other weather-miserable seasons.  Wasn't one of them Fans versus Favourites when that depressed woman Kathy left the game?

    • Love 1
  13. I'm hoping for more backstory on how Bonnie/Frank/Annalise formed.  


    Another flashforward we have not seen yet:


    Frank takes Annalise to the hospital and goes all the way to the operating room until he is told to leave.  He acts passionately concerned the entire time.  As soon as he is told to leave the hospital he walks away completely calm.  This might be where he brings Catherine to a gravesite to bury her?


    The calm he feels as he walks away from the hospital is very creepy.  Now how does anyone explain that

  14. The thing that annoyed me about it is he found the clue in the same type of place he found the first one.  It's a big island - is it asking too much that the producers mix it up a bit?!?  I guess that notion is somewhere on the cutting floor along with an individual immunity challenge that doesn't require great balance.


     I submit that the clues for the idols (and therefore the idols) are NOT that easy to find.  The clues are the ones that are hidden, once you have the clue you pretty much (but not 100%) have the idol.  The clues for the idols HAVE to be hidden at landmarks - interesting trees, etc.  I remember Russell finding one under a bridge?  If they're hidden just in a pile of grass or somewhere non-descript they will never be found.  Also, the other players all searched for clues/idols but came up short.  Also, we are not seeing the hours and hours of footage of people searching.  If Joe is so magically good at everything, how has he not found one?  Kelley and Jeremy are the players who are best at finding the clues/idols period.  I wish we saw footage of Kelley trying hard to find another one this episode.  Did she even try?  They just showed her sleeping so it's hard to tell!

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