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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Watching Brooklyn 99 I'm reminded of all the interracial couples.  This show is a master of them!


    Jake Peralta and Santiago

    Rosa Diaz and Marcus (played by Nick Cannon)

    Chief Holt and his husband (Kevin?) 

    Chief Holt's ex is played by Nick Offerman


    There's been one episode interracial couples too, like when Charles Boyle dated Archie Panjabi.  This show does it so often and so seamlessly that I don't even notice it until I force myself to realize for the purposes of this thread.

  2. In the Kelley versus Jeremy dynamic I was going to say that it looks like while Jeremy may have been in control of votes at the start of the game, Kelley has been in control lately.  I just have all these memories of Kelley nodding sagely after a tribal boot is announced.  And memories of Jeremy kind of trying to scramble and do what the majority is doing already.  But a closer look makes me think it actually just ping pongs between them from week to week.


    I already forget what happened with Savage.


    Wiglesworth:  Kelley is in charge; J-S-S team up with the WC to vote out Wiglesworth.

    Ciera:  Jeremy pulls a move to save Stephen.  Jeremy momentarily in charge.

    Stephen:  Spencer is in charge.  Spencer teams up with the WC to vote out Stephen.  (My memory is really bad BTW)

    Joe:  Kelley (?) is in charge (?)  That's what I think anyway.  J-S-T work with the WC to vote out Joe.


    I don't know if Jeremy is getting some amazing edit.  I also don't think he's "overrated".  I think there's just people out there like me who really like him and root for him.  I guess there's some possibility he runs around doing offensive and annoying things we're not being shown, but meh.  Hard for me to believe after 1.5 seasons of watching him I guess.

    • Love 2
  3. This is the article I read where Bill Hader said Lorne doesn't mind breaking:




    So when you’re breaking and it’s live, what goes through your head?


    “Ah, shit. Fuck.” In the “Stefons” and other stuff it legitimately is “Fuck.” And now, people tell me, “Aw, you’re doing that on purpose, right?” I’ll have people stop me on the street and go, “You’re laughing on purpose.” And I’m like, “No. Why? Why would I do that? [laughs] Why would I do that to myself?” I think some people think me breaking is actually doing the character of Stefon, in how I’ll put my hands over my mouth. That’s kind of part of the character. It’s not me not trying to laugh. But usually I start to break towards the end and that’s because John [Mulaney] has changed the words or people are just laughing around me. Everyone’s laughing and I just can’t keep it together. But usually, if the camera followed me back to my dressing booth after Stefon, the majority of the time I’m pissed. I’m thinking, “Fuck.” And John’s going, “Bill that was great.” And people are going, “That was hilarious.” And I get mad.


    I did the same thing in “Californians.” I apologized to Lorne after “Californians.” I was like, “I’m so sorry.” Because I laughed during dress, too. And I was like, “I’m so sorry. I just can’t do it.” And he was like, “Who fuckin’ cares?” His attitude is if what you’re saying and what’s happening isn’t funny and you’re laughing, then we have a problem. But what Fred was doing was hilarious. And what Stefon says sometimes is really hilarious.


    I’m a soft touch. If you were at the table reads on Wednesday, you’d see I break constantly. John Solomon and, I think, Mike O’Brien wrote a sketch with this eagle-head guy? It was with Will Ferrell and Jason Sudekis and I were in it. He was this guy who owned a manor and there was basically a mannequin’s body but the head was an eagle. And there was a drawing of it in the sketch, and I just couldn’t — I was laughing so hard. Will Ferrell was making me laugh so hard. We were saying, “Well we want to come to you to get some money for a hospital.” Because he’s this really rich man, with an eagle. [laughs] And Will Ferrell was doing this thing where he was like, [as Will Ferrell, as the rich eagle man] “Mister Pennyworth would love to — Oh, what’s that sir? I’m sorry, he he’s a… he sees a rat that’s actually 500 yards outside the window.” And I would cry laughing every time. Because he would keep interrupting us going “Ah, I’m sorry, he thought he, he heard a herring about…” Because eagles have really good perception. And so I was just losing my mind and I apologized to the writers afterward. I was like, “Um, I totally ruined that.” I was just laughing through the whole thing.


    • Love 1
  4. Ryan is a talented actor, but it's very hard for him to pull off live stuff; he just needs a lot more practice.  His stuff in Santa Baby was perfect.


    The alien abduction skit was great.  Even without the breaking -- which I found funny -- I was still laughing really hard at Kate's lines.  The writing plus her delivery.


    I have read that Lorne DOES like the cast breaking.  Also, how do you explain the success and his endorsement of both Fallon and Hader?  


    And yes, Kristen Wiig has played children.  What about Gilly?


    I liked Taran's Clooney impression.  He may not look a lot like him -- though they gave him dark brown contacts, right? -- but the mannerisms were great!  

    • Love 1
  5. But you can target someone with an idol.  By doing a split vote.  


    Jeremy didn't "team up" with the three witches to vote out Wiggles, he just did it so they don't focus on someone from his alliance.


    No idea what that means

  6. At this point of  the game I don't see Jeremy as that great of a player as he is portrayed. I mean, I do like him as a human being and the way he treats his wife and family, but other than finding two idols and being on the winning tribe from the start he has not done anything else that is so extraordinary. He has not won an individual immunity or reward challenge yet. He has no other relationship than with Spencer and Tasha. His social game with the rest there is zero. A good player needs to adjust their alliances and/or voting blocs and try to create relationships even with people who seem on the bottom at the time. Jeremy seems to disregard Keith, Abi and Wentworth, even Kimmi fell so much in the outs that she had to create new plans for herself! This is a mistake from Jeremy's part, in my opinion.


    Jeremy is playing some kind of mirror reflection game to Kelley.  You could say something very similar to Kelley.  Kelley treats Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha as non-entities as well.  You seem to be forgetting that Jeremy and Spencer teamed up with Kelley, Abi and Ciera to vote out Wigglesworth.  Jeremy has adjusted his game and has had to adjust his game.  


    He had relationships with Joe and Stephen. 


    Like posters have mentioned time and again, he magically is never targeted, even after playing an idol for another person (indicator to a sharp player that he might have more.)


    I don't care that he hasn't won challenges.  I wonder what winners have won the game with winning no challenges but I have a suspicion they are out there.

    • Love 4
  7. Disliking someone isn't sexist but the way "bitch" has been throwing around along with some derogatory terms followed by some people, not everyone talking about loving the bromance that's where I'm talking about double standards.


    I too hate the word "bitch" being used.   It is a derogatory term no question.  I hate it every time for any reason.


    I do however love the bromance.  Psssst.  Straight women like me love men.  Alert the church elders!  My favourite player is Jeremy and my second favourite player is Spencer.  I love Jeremy....   


    The worst thing about Russell (Swan's?) injury was that they were blindfolded.  It was so disturbing.  The guy passed out while blindfolded and his head fell forward onto something and the challenge went on anyway.   It took so long for Jeff to figure it out, because everyone was fucking blindfolded and nobody could alert him!  Gah.


    When someone mentioned Rob Mariano I was all like Who?!  LOL

    • Love 3
  8. Who is the hot white guy in the boardroom?  I never watch this show closely enough.  Also I feel dirty things about Hakeem too.  I went to check Wikipedia to see if he was legal  


    I appreciated the whole back and forth between Skye and Charlemagne.  When he asked if she was black, I was like, "dude, you look like you're going into MIchael Jackson territory."  I'm old and I don't get this, "you're not black your're mixed" stuff.  Shit was so much simpler in the 70's; if a person was mixed and they said they were black, everybody would be like, "okay."  Now it seems that unless you're the color of LeVar Burton, you're not "truly" black.


    Well we don't know how Skye acts in the public eye.  I never thought this was about her skin colour shade.  I thought it was about how she acts.  Maybe she acts like Vin Diesel and people are annoyed by it.  I don't know.  I think it's weird that I've seen Rashida Jones in like 5-6 projects and you never ever get to see what her character's parents look like.  


    I hate how they ruined Anika's character :(  Even if she didn't do the stair-pushing, I mean.... shit is going whackly for her so far.  


    I think Camilla really does love Hakeem.  I have zero idea what Hakeem thinks or feels though, because Yaz is so limited as an actor (but so attractive and swaggy though.)  Isn't this leading to Camilla giving the company over to Hakeem?  Isn't this all painfully obvious, or am I wrong here?  Mimi already signed it over to her.

    • Love 4
  9. When I say the "jury notices and likes Spencer so much more than Jeremy" I'm talking about a hypothetical future jury of the Abi-Kelley-Ciera trifecta.  Who I really do think like Spencer a lot.  I feel like they dislike Jeremy or see him as a non-entity.  But I have no major proof for this, just a feeling.


    Tasha is a man's woman...she will stick with Jeremy and Spencer.


    I kind of love this.  I think it's true.  For some reason Tasha has great respect for J&S but none for the so-called Witches' Coven meaning Abi and Kelley.  Is it detrimental to her game, yes probably.  I can't help but keep giving waves of respect to Jeremy for playing a great game of getting either quiet respect from people (Tasha, I guess Spencer, Kimmi, Joe) or just no real consideration at all (Witches Coven, Keith).


    Which brings me to Keith's vote for Tasha.  I think it's simple -- he didn't want to piss off the men, Jeremy and Spencer, whom he seems to respect.  He didn't care about pissing off Tasha.  Though I like the theory that he didn't want to vote for Joe and he and Tasha argued about it.  Then there's Joe. Another person who didn't try to go after Jeremy and Spencer.  Oh no, he simply respects them too much and wants to bring them to the end.  The Woo Play.  Ha!!!  Everyone says Woo is such an idiot, but Joe was trying to play the same game, just with a lot better Immunity Challenge prowess!  Joe, you can't win like that.  Oh sigh.  Unless he won every single challenge he had zero chance.  


    I don't get why everyone takes Kelley's comments about Joe so seriously.  "He will pass out to win a challenge".  She was just trying to say the diplomatic whatever thing at Tribal to justify voting out Joe.  Who cares if it makes sense, is insulting, or not?  Make up a party line and say whatever to justify the vote.  Makes Joe happy, looks okay to the jury, doesn't have to make much sense.


    That was really scary when Joe went down, it's amazing that his blood sugar could drop that low just from doing the challenge.


    I fainted a few times when I was a teenager.  It would always be if I was standing for too long.  For me, too long was like 10 minutes.  It's more amazing that more people don't pass out in this game, I think.  You have to have iron in your system to withstand this -- I don't even know what these people eat.


    I couldn't believe my ears when Kimmi was talking at the top of the episode.  Amazing, simply amazing.  I see the "well that was then and this is now" talk has begun already!


    Yeah, Kimmi is just not a good player.  She's a reactive player instead of a proactive one.  She'll change her so-called beliefs to fit whatever bad situation she's in.  She finds out she's in trouble and then starts to scramble, really obviously, and really badly.  I will continue to say that she's a bad player until the end....  I don't care how far she makes it.  There was that scene at Tribal where she got (1 or 2?) votes against her and then put her hands over her mouth in extreme panic.  That kind of player is so frustrating.


    Spencer has apparently been able to get deep with his little sprite of a girlfriend.



    • Love 3
  10. The IC challenge was interesting for a number of reasons, not least watching Jeremy bag it again. The assumption has been that he is a challenge threat who hid behind Joe...but where is the evidence?


    Speaking for myself, I've never seen (or remembered?) evidence of Jeremy being a challenge threat.  However I do strongly believe that Jeremy is worried OTHERS will think he is a huge physical threat, which is why I do think for the first half of the game he wanted Joe as a shield and kind of threw some immunity challenges.  However, I also feel that the 'challenge throwing' stopped very suddenly -- I can't remember when.  Maybe around when Savage was voted out?

    • Love 1
  11. Joe passed out from low blood sugar.  He said his legs went numb, he saw stars, and then he collapsed.


    Spencer aligned with Jeremy (re-aligned) then they re-aligned with Tasha.  Everyone wanted to vote out Joe -- the side of Abi and Wentworth, and Kimmie who suddenly wants a Quote Girls' Alliance, and S-J-T.  Keith voted for Tasha.  Joe voted for Abi.  At Tribal, Joe tried to sway people to vote for Abi because Quote Everybody Wants to take Abi to the End.


    If Joe's done anything offensive, the editors haven't shown it.  Aside from kissing his father multiple times near the mouth.  LOL!  I say sore losers.  


    Spencer isn't pale.  He's very badly sunburnt as shown at Tribal.

    • Love 9
  12. Memories (of Joe) light the corner of my mind

    (Hmm, I always thought it was like the corner of my eyes as a kid.... )


    Check out Joe's shorts

    And Spencer's green eyes

    Bromance Alliance at the bottom



    • Love 12
  13. So that's it for Joe.  I'm kind of sad.  I never thought I cared.  Abi being downright "evil" (I can totally see it now -- took me awhile) all episode made me despise her.  The editors really #blindsided me.  I totally bought Jeremy and Spencer being downright panicked.   I really also thought that Wentworth would play some kind of Immunity for Abi.  I have to admit I was really surprised.  Poor Joe.  I was thinking he shouldn't have played his cards about wanting Abi out so badly because Wentworth would have done it!  Never mind.


    Loved all the editors' shots of J&S, my favourite players, scheming together.  I guess a lot of posters think Spencer is dumb for taking Jeremy to the end but when I thought about it deeper this episode -- the jury seems to like and notice Spencer so much better than Jeremy.  I want Jeremy to win, but I'm scared Spencer could do it.  All Jeremy has is the idol, and my love for him.    I hate the word Broalliance because I think it's so stupid and inaccurate.  I think they're the Bromance, it's just the two of them.


    It's kind of sick, but Joe was so emotional and physically vulnerable this episode so of course it was majorly easy for me to like him.  He was so attractive.  His shorts could not possibly have ridden (? how do you spell?) any lower.  I took a few photos.   What was with Joe's eyes at Tribal by the way?  He looked fucked up!


    The family challenge -- Jeff Botoxing through the tears was one of the highlights for me.  


    One of the great clips:


    Tasha:  You're not really worried about this All Girls' Alliance are you?

    Jeremy and Spencer:  (Pause)  No no no no no


    Jeremy to Spencer:  I'm just really worried about this All Girls' Alliance.  What do you think?


    I love Jeremy getting right back in the fucking game.  Just inserting himself into it and making sure Spencer doesn't do anything without him.  And Spencer doesn't even think twice about re-aligning.  Jeremy so smooth


    And Abi thinks that Joe is the clown of the season.  Yeah girl.  You're spot on.  

    • Love 16
  14. Unlike cars or jewelry or houses, Birkins seem to be the officially designated affectation of wealth + vanity;


    How is it unlike jewelry?  I wasn't sure I understood this point.  I'd never buy a Birkin obviously but at least a purse has a function which I don't see that jewellry has at all.

    • Love 1
  15. Not really impressed with how often Office Space is mentioned here.  That's my favourite movie.  I had no idea people could actually consider it stupid in any form.    I think that most of my top 20 movies have been mentioned here!


    I'd argue that the following movies are actually 4 or 5 star movies :  Office Space, Clueless (more like 6 out of 5 stars), Mean Girls, and Something Borrowed for instance.   Something Borrowed was ravaged by critics but as someone who has read the book I thought the movie did a fantastic job.  I think my favourite supposedly "stupid" movie is Tommy Boy -- that's a 5 star movie for me.... Dumb and Dumber too, goes without saying.


    I've been watching some really good ones lately.  "Blue Streak" with Martin Lawrence and Luke Wilson is very funny.  If they had inserted more comedy instead of action I'd go ahead and call it perfect.  The comedy is spot on.  I rewatched "10 Things I Hate About You" and it was way better than I anticipated.  It's so clever and the actors are very good.


    I have a good recommendation... "I Spy" with Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson.  I've watched it a bunch of times and it is very enjoyable and funny.   Mark me down as another fan of Evolution and Idiocracy.  I have a friend who considers Idiocracy one of the smartest movies he's ever seen :)


    I know people say Gwyneth Paltrow is a mega bitch in real life, but since I have never met the woman, or heard any of her quotes, I can only appreciate her acting, which in this movie is great!


    I always enjoyed her movies.  I've also watched A Perfect Murder (not stupid) and A View from the Top (Kind of stupid) a bunch of times.  For anyone who likes those girly movies, I'd recommend giving the second one a whirl; just don't expect it to be Oscar Worthy.

    • Love 2
  16. I guess we're supposed to hate Cary because Cary saying it was reverse racism to call 2 white guys Biff and Skippy really made me hate him.  Whatever, I hardly cared about the guy beforehand what with the way this show is going.  We're supposed to buy Cary, this guy who is so ignorant of racism and also loves to date women of colour.  Gee, I love it, isn't it so radical and kewl?  I know that as a woman of colour I would just *DIE* to date this totally ignorant blonde guy, OMG can you even imagEN?

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