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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Personally I feel like I've seen however many seasons, and in almost none of them has anyone on the bottom of their alliance shaken up the boot order.


    LOL and what about Kass?  She comes to my mind immediately.  "Kass, zero chance of winning this game"


    I saw Samoa awhile ago but I do remember the tiny faction of the Foa Foa 4 staying together from beginning to end which the much larger alliance bouncing on each other -- Shambo, and the hot rocket scientist (John?)


    Then there's Penner and Candace in Cook Islands in a similar analogy.  There was the Aitu 4 where Yul befriended Penner who betrayed the much larger cool kids alliance with people like Parvati and Adam.

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  2. Yup, I went from finding her as annoying as sh*t to being convinced that she was a good player, all due to the Pro-Ciera faction on this board!    However.... it turns out..... Not Good Enough!!!  Sorry!!

    • Love 1
  3. I wish someone would throw his beanie in the fire at Tribal Council.


    Jeff:  "This..................... is NOT appropriate headwear."  Tosses it.  Andrew:  "Aw man, I looked really good in that."


    Off to roll my entire body in glitter... nude....


    "Too high, Can't come down!"



    • Love 3
  4. The dynamics are so confusing!  The editors showed us as Jeremy and Stephen as being thick as thieves - did anyone else on the island ever realize that until Jeremy's idol?  Why did people constantly confess to Jeremy they were voting out Fishbach? 


    I got to say, Before Jeremy's Idol (BJI) did STEPHEN even care about Jeremy?  I gotta wonder, what if people floated out Jeremy's name as next vote?  I'd hope Stephen would have done something cool.  At least... he would have tried... :)

  5. It's personal preference, in my mind.  Joe seems to be naturally good at what these challenges require and seems to have more endurance, tenacity, determination to do well in them than other humans.  But that kind of bores me.  Other people might find that fascinating and worthy of a win.  The game is so complex and people's reasons for liking or preferring a player are so multifaceted, personal, and complex.  No rules for why you should appreciate one player over another.  Joe's gameplay bores me, but so does Joe as a human.  If Jeremy was winning every challenge I might love it.  If Abi was winning every challenge ditto.  All I care about is what entertains me, makes me laugh, etc.  Also, challenges are only one aspect of the game like hitting is one aspect of baseball.  We've seen how Challenge Monsters fare in this game.  Usually second place.  Ozzy, Wiglesworth, and Colby come to mind.  So why root for someone who probably won't win?


    Also, if challenges were so important they'd cast 16 Joes.  They make the cast well rounded to see what will happen in this game with this mix of personalities.  The game is up for grabs for anybody no matter what your physical endurance or athleticism is.  Not everyone finds balances challenges so fascinating.


    I think Joe is good at being a human socially; I don't know if he has great social game though.  It's really hard to define good social game, maybe we know it when we see it.  I feel like Joe has abilities that make people keep him around.  It's a good debate though.  I don't know if I reward it as good social game.  Spencer is showing good social game, I think.  Like I've said ad nauseum, both "Sides" of this cast like and trust Spencer implicitly.  Nobody distrusts him.  Okay; Abi does, but the editors showed a great scene of him tending to Abi as one needs to do to get her to do what you want.  Tasha was good at this too.  

    • Love 7
  6. I'm getting bits and pieces of information to explain this, but why did Spencer say that "Stephen made a very questionable Survivor decision by taking Jeremy.... and Tasha on that reward challenge."


    Why was that questionable to him?  I understand that everyone has their own opinions, but what did Spencer himself mean or think by that?  Would appreciate it thanks.


    Jeremy NEEDS to find another idol now, for my LIIIFE

  7. Are you sure that's not an exact transcript? Because that's exactly what I remember :)


    The first four lines except for the last one which Abi was talking over, so I'm not 100% sure, are verbatim as I remember it.   Yes.


    How was it even remotely fair to have a reward challenge that was structured to allow Joe to be "in" everytime?  Bull.


    Kromm, can you explain this?  I don't get it.  Four challenges this episode so I'm confused.  Is this about the one in the water?  Was Joe allowed to play every round?  I thought there was one round he couldn't play... 

  8. Okay fine, I pick Colleen, Brenda, Kat, Parvati, and ....?    Have to look into that deeper.

    And Greg Buis, James Clement, Ozzy Lusth, Woo Hwang and Nick Brown...... and (Ryan Opray) ... Brady from Vanuatu...  I know Malcolm's hot but maybe his cold personality didn't make me crave him as much.


    John and Jaclyn from SJDS were both so pretty.

    And Adam from Cook Islands looks like Josh Holloway..... Oh man..... 

  9. I expected Kelley to play her idol for Joe, which would have knocked all the votes back to Stephen.  Then there's the potential of Jeremy playing his idol for Stephen a second time but that would have been way too wacky.  Either way you slice it I guess Stephen goes home.  I did not expect votes for Abi.  I don't know WTF Stephen was thinking.  The plan was convoluted.  Would Joe really have played so hard for Immunity if he had an idol?  He probably would.  But I can't imagine fucking Joe ever finding an idol.  Sorry.


    I didn't see it that way. To me he seemed frustrated which I feel that way just watching Abi from the comfort of my home so I can't imagine being out there, tired, wet, hungry and stressed and having to deal with her bullshit. He just seemed baffled and wanting to placate her but not say the wrong thing which with Abi and her crazy, could be anything.


    Not sure how what you're saying is different than what I did.  Perhaps you think I was making fun of Spencer and are trying to defend him?  I wasn't.  I think Spencer trying to deal with Abi is hilarious and I still do.  I think that Spencer's default mode is "frustrated" and Abi's default mode of "paranoid" was ramping up his frustration to 11, hence, me being tickled.


    The conversation went something like this:

    Spencer:  Abi, what is going on?

    Abi:  I don't know, Spencer, what is going on?

    Spencer:  Abi, the plan is what's going on.

    Abi:  Whatever.  I'm ready to go home if I have to.

    Spencer:   Abi, you're not though.


    My italics denote his desperate whining.  I don't know how anyone could not find this dynamic so hilarious.  Usually, Spencer doesn't feel the need to really slow down what he's saying and really stare into someone's eyes.  This stuff is very tough for him.  This shows his desperation; he was willing to do this with Abi to make the plan work.  What continues to fascinate me here about Spencer is he had absolutely no joy or excitement in dealing with Abi to do this.  You could see a spark of it with Kelley; she had some confidence that Abi would go along.  Spencer was absolutely tormented.  The power of Abi over somebody like Spencer.  

    • Love 11
  10. So disappointed in Spencer. He was my number two. How ironic that he did pretty much what Kass did. Got his panties in a bunch that his alliance didn't value him enough, felt insecure, and flipped. Too bad no one did his little bitch move of ostrich head bobbing, and hissed he had no chance of winning.


    A+ A+ A+ or turkey head bobbing to fit in with the season mannnnnnnnnn


    Yet, if Jeremy makes it to the final 3, he's going to have more allies on the jury.  Both have played good games, but Wentworth has had to fight to stay in it


    Jeremy has played a great game of somehow never being targeted despite being a threat - physically and Idolly.  He hated when Jeff brought up how he was voted out in SJDS.  Any one even suggesting the possibility that Jeremy's name can even be written down makes Jeremy livid.  Jeremy's had to fight to keep a fucking idiot of an ally.  Now he has none.  I guess he has Kimmie and Tasha but they cannot do much together. I am scared.

    • Love 2
  11. I could not believe when Abi actually told Spencer if he was okay and what was wrong with him, like Spencer was the one acting erratic and crazy.


    Classic Manipulator Tactic.  I could, however, watch Spencer trying to coax Abi on loop.  He was so desperate, he was practically whining. He sounded near tears, though it may have been in my head.  Spencer's displays of emotion continue to bewilder me in the most entertaining ways.


    Tasha and Spencer's private conversation in the first episode suggested to me that they are still close and willing to work with each other but looks like they just may have ended up on opposite sides this season.


    I noticed that too.  It took me a few seconds for me to realize their connection is Cagayan and Brains.


    But seriously, Joe needs to stop being so passive.


    I can't take it. I would vote for Abi to win over him. 

    • Love 2
  12. 1.  Why have Jeremy and Stephen continued to trust Spencer forever in this game?


    2.  I had another question...... but WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


    3.  Oh yeah, it was, why does nobody ever target Jeremy?  But I was so upset with how vulnerable Jeremy now is.


    Spencer is a master at getting people to trust him - EVEN A.B.I.  I agree he is showing some game FINALLY!


    And Jeremy is a master of cloaking himself!  I'd throw in a Harry Potter joke here but I've never actually read the books.  Just assume what I said was witty

    • Love 15
  13. What the fuck?!  Why does Wentworth suddenly want to back Joe instead of Stephen now!??!?!?!?!!?!?  Nooooooooooooooo .  I thought Wentworth did not want Joe around.  Why would ANYONE want this fucking immunity monster around?  


    I can't believe I missed Abi's crazy machinations and I'm happy they are back today.


    Oh my god, Spencer hanging with Abi is the most hilarious thing so far hahahahahahahhahahahahahah.  Boy Who Wants to be a Human is dealing with Woman Who Doesn't Use the Logic.  

    • Love 15
  14. Ugh, Joe sucks.  Come up with a different strategy!  If I was Joe, that is literally all I would be doing, making an alliance just in case that would be loyal to me and vice versa.


    I used to think I was rooting for Jeremy and Spencer but it's clear now to me where my loyalties really lie.  If Spencer is willing to go against Jeremy then screw him!  However if Spencer leaves the game I'll be way more bored. 

    • Love 3
  15. I don't think she ended up embracing sports at all, though.  She fully embraced literally being a cheerleader for Hader's character which to me was much worse.  I loved how Amy's character was a feminist.  I loved her saying "You're going to lose us the right to vote" at the cheerleaders at the earlier basketball game.  Then of course the main character does a 180 and becomes a cheerleader to impress her man to show her she can be not-cynical and see how cheerleaders "bring joy" to people.


    Hader's character saying that cheerleaders are great because they bring happiness to people or bring them together or WHAT-E-T-F -- the line was so hilariously bad to me that I thought the character was being sarcastic.  Then I realized he wasn't.  And that Amy's character was actually made to feel bad about that point.   


    I go to baseball games all the time and the game is what brings people together.  Not the cheerleaders.  


    I'm sorry if anyone here is a cheerleader - I do find the whole thing quite a bit sexist - no offense to anyone personally.  


     It's the embracing the non-feminist cheerleading that pissed me off, not necessarily embracing sports.  I think once you grow as a couple you're going to take on the superficial likes and characteristics of your partner and vice versa - that is normal and makes sense to me.  I don't think you lose your identity if you start to like the same music, hobbies, sports, movies, etc. as your partner.  It's natural for people to influence one another.  It's giving up your principles that I personally have the issue with.   Other than this fucking cheerleader angle at the end, I really loved the movie.


    why do movies & TV always have to assume that anyone who likes to drink needs to quit completely in order to be a responsible grown up? (Especially women)


    I actually think it's quite widespread today, this phenomenon of women drinking wine onscreen and it being totally normalized and a central part of the character.  Scandal is really well known for this.  The Good Wife.  New Adventures of Christine.  These 3 shows make a huge point of their main female protagonist being hugely into alcohol on a near-daily basis and it not interrupting their work, personal life, or routine.

    • Love 1
  16. I really liked the Birkin bag storyline.  Obviously it's over the top and ridiculous but my friends and I have those stupid dilemmas on a much smaller scale.  There's nothing we actually NEED to buy and most of the time we know that we SHOULDN'T.  It's definitely something I struggle with and I know I have a problem.  I've never spent more than $100 on a bag, but I have a lot of stupid cheap bags I don't need.  Any way.  Birkin bags have also shown up on Will and Grace, Sex and the City, and Gilmore Girls....  Like I said decor and fashion is definitely not needed in my life and I know for a fact that I am wasting my money.  Then look at MJ - she is a public figure who definitely cares about status symbols and looking perfect and desired and even unattainable.  Nobody should have to buy a Birkin bag, though, unless they are really old money, LOL!  Stars are 'given' them... I think it's kind of sad for her to buy one.  Does she want to look like she was given that by the company?  


    Just noticed she doesn't really have a love interest right now.  Just these F buddies.  Absolutely nothing morally wrong with that in my opinion but it might be boring for me to watch.  I'm not really into that white guy from the club.  Has nothing to do with his race.  They haven't really shown anything of him and he just looks whatever to me.  

    • Love 1
  17. I love the show , but I am certainly not bowled over by Noel Wells here.   I was impressed by Aziz's range of emotion in the breakup episode; I just don't feel or get much from her.  I feel like she's just playing quirky.

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