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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. It's really kind of disgusting that the people behind this show think that we all have a fetish for Olivia in peril and possibly getting raped. Once a season is once way too many.

    There's gotta be someone out there writing a good paper about how messed up this is.

    • Love 5
  2. Rick, I am aware that American Idol is not a live show... I just meant that his spot AIRS next week.


    Whether he said it before or after he was guesting, I'm not sure what is the difference?


    Maybe he feels a loyalty to Simon Cowell over the producers and is upset with how things went down on his behalf?  I see his point that he feels so passionately about the show therefore has a strong opinion on it.  It's also the last season... maybe spectators are expecting more than what is being shown.

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  3. I love what Clay is saying.  He's human... he can say what he wants.  He was on the show like 100 years ago.  I know he's "guesting" next week but he's allowed to have an opinion.  I agree with every single thing he said and it needed to be said.  The show is getting cancelled after once being a huge success.  He's giving a great opinion on why.


    It's definitely not "trashing" the show in my humble opinion.  It's honest, needed, critical feedback.





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  4. Drea has to be the mole right.  I would never read a spoiler but in every poster advertising the show she's in the background looking sketchy.


    And I agree, there was no explanation why Ray is so invested in Harlee; they just kept mentioning it without explaining why.  So I thought the daughter was Ray's also.


    I agree with the critique "too humourless".  I need humour and lightness in any show, like LOST, The Good Wife, etc. 


    I'll keep watching though.  I also agree with the statement that I expected it to suck, but it didn't actually suck.  

  5. Bridget is grunge.  LOL that's so cute.  Even when I was a kid grunge was something only the adults really understood.  I never really learned about the fashion or pop culture about the time I was born until about 20 years afterwards (thanks to Wikipedia).


    The thing about Zachary is that he's really a designer.  What he makes is so wow for me.  The others range from okay to good I guess.  I think Peytie has fabulous taste and ideas. Loved the triangles on the back of her dress this week, that was fantastic!   And Samantha is good at making bold clothes.


    Samantha, never liked her personality from minute one.  I don't MIND what she made, I see very much that it's cool and streetwear.  But I do not think it's at all good for a professional woman who's looking to make a good impression in her new career.  I find a bomber jacket silly and a denim skirt too casual for my INFORMAL life!


    I actually really liked (Maya's?) outfit?  The one with the white top and black leggings.  It didn't hurt at all that the model looked AMAZING in it, but it was a great outfit.  The pants were so streamlined; anyone who could pull those off would look amazingly sexy and I think anyone would stare at her in the room.  The top was plain and doesn't translate onscreen but I thought the whole outfit was a winner anyway.  Who doesn't want a good looking black and white outfit?  I thought Zach's was more cliche than Maya's.  I was with Tim, I wasn't really a fan of what Zach did, he just sewed it really well.  He's a sweet kid but to me he's more of a fantastic sewer.

  6. Yeah of course the trash talk SEEMED like a joke.  Then they auditioned and then considering their attitudes towards each other it seems like they were actually deadly serious.  The husband seemed to not care one tiny little bit that his wife was rejected and the wife was crying hot tears of rage when her husband wasn't (and was not happy for him).  It's an odd dynamic for a couple and I enjoy the point upthread that maybe it was a setup.

    • Love 1
  7. I'm disappointed to hear about the ratings.  I didn't know about this.  It's a good show and to be perfectly honest I prefer it over Jon's.   My favourite was John Oliver, and I guess this is a distant second, but I was never like the hugest Stewart fan.


    It should make us as humans weep hot tears of rage to think of kids that young being slaughtered in their classrooms over an amendment written when the most deadly thing on the market was a single-shot musket that would then take several minutes to reload.


    I burst out crying just reading this!  

    • Love 2
  8. Oh my god!  I forgot that I liked the guy who sang D'Angelo's "How Does it Feel".  I was majorly impressed by that.  "Why you so fine?" was kind of funny, but he wasn't super sexy and charming and funny or anything.  But I was blown away by that performance!  He copied how D'Angelo sings it but I was totally knocked out!  I did not expect any contestant to be able to pull off a song like that.


    Daniel Farmer probably should go for his absolutely off-putting personality but there hasn't been much in the way of good R&B put forth so far....so i guess he can stay for now. I'd bet money that a Daniel and group round drama incident is going to be inevitable.


    Is that who I'm talking about?  I never keep track of the names.  I hope he makes it far!

    • Love 2
  9. I like how Keith called out that girl for being drunk, because that's exactly what I was thinking.  Never expected a judge to actually say that.  


    After 2 hours, all I remember is the girl with the light eyes who sang "Rise Up" by (I think) Andra Day.  I was brought to tears just as Keith was.

    • Love 5
  10. I understand your opinion but after I said that tiny portion you cut, I spent a huge amount of time trying to show that PR and Survivor kept the tried and true formula for 15-30 seasons and it's worked well for them, even though they are the victims of the same changes in viewing habits, society, and networks (although PR is cable).   One thing that makes Idol different from those two shows is that the technology regarding music has majorly changed too, which I get.  

  11. No, I don't think he went there to kill the guy but he obviously didn't care that this was the result either


    That literally means that it was not premeditated.


    It makes a big difference.  I'm not American, but the difference between premeditated murder (1st degree) and "murder in the heat of the moment" (2nd degree) is major, like the difference between serving a life sentence versus 10 years or something.  So it's a huge decision that needs to be weighted as such.  Not the almost flippant (IMO) way he was treating it.


    He didn't go over to the guy's house intending to torture him.  And he didn't - CERTAINLY didn't, IMO - intend to kill him.  He didn't even know whether he had died.  And didn't the coach die from his injuries after the fact?  It's 2nd degree or less, IMO.


    The actor who played the young man in question by the way, I recognized him from a very interesting Rian Johnson/Joseph Gordon Levitt 2005 movie named "Brick".   His name is Noah Fleiss.  He's also been on SVU before!


    - Catfishing Teacher (2016) ... Nat Dennehy

    - Brotherhood (2004) ... Nathan Angeli

  12. Nice touch playing Lauryn Hill's "To Zion" in the background of that mother's - La'Porsha's - audition.  That sent shockwaves through my entire body.  (After the audition, they played Sia's "Eye of the Needle", if anyone's interested in that stuff.)



    I did not like or get La'Porsha's cover of "Creep" though.  I've heard a bazillion covers of that and that's gotta be the weirdest one.  Even weirder than Prince's.

    • Love 5
  13. Hahahaha.  Hahahah.  Yeah; was the coach saying, "You're a strapping, questionably attractive man.  You used to be a young athletic boy, like the kind I would coach"?


    What I didn't get was why didn't Dodds go along and play Good Cop.  The camera lingered on his face for so long while the audience was waiting with bated breath, like yes, Go with it Dodds!  He'll confess everything!  Instead Dodds stares back for awhile and then says... "Ew, no."  It's acting Dodds.  It's manipulating a perp.  Get a grip.

    • Love 5
  14. For this guy, he was never able to get his life back together after this happened to him. This wasn't a comment about rape or rape victims


    So if that's the case, then I would be sympathetic towards him, not charging him with a trumped up charge and saying "His life is over (anyway)".  Almost as a defense for what he was doing.

    • Love 1
  15. Christina Applegate - horrendous on Friends, horrendous in Anchorman.  Please watch Anchorman and notice that she has two styles of acting:  1) Sucking in her cheeks.  2)  Pursing her lips.  That's the end of that list.  On her first appearance on Friends, she showed up at Rachel's door, and then when Rachel opened it, she waited for the audience to applaud her.  There was a weird gap while she was waiting, too.  LOL.  Stupid.


    My pet peeve is actors who I think are mediocre who keep getting roles.  Leslie Mann gets a lot of roles; her husband is Judd Apatow.  I don't see enough charisma or appeal there for her to show up in every other movie.


    I like Eric McCormack fine, I guess, but I don't think he's a good actor.  I've seen him in Will and Grace, New Adventures of Old Christine, Perception.  He just whines all the time.


    Rashida Jones is just okay as an actor.  Very bland.  I feel like nobody wants to admit it.


    Oh my god I just remembered who the one I REALLY can't stand is.  Jane Krakowski.  Ally McBeal, 30 Rock, now Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.  It's the same character 3 times, people!  I don't get why or how anyone could like her or her acting!  Her eyes always have that same frazzled, panicked look no matter what is happening.  

    • Love 2
  16. All of these points are very interesting.  My mom thinks my brother is BEYOND the bee's knees but he certainly had to work as a teenager on up and my mother's highest fear/shame is if her kids do not have a job :)  (My older brother and I had our first jobs as children -- not teenagers.)


    Irlandesa, I can't believe there is someone else out there who dislikes generalizations based on age as much as I do.

    • Love 1
  17. Agreed, but also, ADA Robert Sean Leonard should get an Emmy for his delivery of the last line: "His life was already over at fifteen."


    I knew the line was coming, and yet, it made me so, so , so, so angry!  Was it supposed to?


    "Meh, his life is over cuz he's going to jail, but fuck him!  He was raped as a kid anyway."    Seriously?  People's lives become disposable once they're raped?  We just cease to care what happens to them after that point? They're society's trash?


    I wish the episode continued on with the female teacher being the perp instead.  That was so scandalous, and it seemed like they at least haven't done that plot in awhile.  Pedophilic coach?  What?  It feels like they do that at least twice a season, am I imagining that?  As soon as it started with that I tuned out.


    Dodds' hair dye is so glaring.  That's not a real human hair colour is it?


    Why can't we have an episode (meaning 5 episodes) centered around Carisi?

    • Love 4
  18. Sometimes I even tape a show, then eight minutes after it starts, I start watching THE TAPE of it, because that's the perfect amount of time to watch it so that you can fastforward through the commercials.  And you'll finish along with everyone else!  Watching live without the commercials.  

    • Love 1
  19. I think American Idol could definitely have been saved.  First because "never say never" applies here.  How can one say that a show that changed so much from what made it popular in the beginning and then tanked, could not have possibly been saved?


    - Project Runway (and all of its incarnations - All Stars! Junior! Whatever!), Survivor (30 seasons in), and the reality shows that I do not know about (Bachelor & Incarnations, any Food show and incarnations, Amazing Race)  are still going.  If Project Runway or Survivor ever gets cancelled, I will die.  Let me know if they're in danger.

    - People will always be interested in singing and music.  Doesn't matter whether phones improve or technology changes.  Just like people will always be interested in movies and television.

    - Appointment television still works if it's still captivating and high quality.   I don't know how long this will last.... how is Dancing with the Stars doing?   Maybe all those reality shows I mention in my first bulletpoint work better because we don't have to vote.  We have no power.  Does the audience vote for The Voice contestants? I know nothing about it. I  admit that the show does not interest me at all.


    How could it have been saved?


    You don't fix what isn't broken.  Jeff Probst and Heidi Klum for instance.  Simon Cowell is that person for AI.  I understand Simon Cowell left of his own volition, but I tried to read deeper about this stuff and apparently Simon Fuller wouldn't give him enough power/control?  That's a mistake.  Jeff and Heidi are executive producers from what I understand.  You pay the people who make the show.  He's what helped make it successful.  I watch sitcoms from the 2000s who make mention of Simon.  You keep him happy.  And I like Simon about a million times better than I like Jeff or Heidi and I think he held more value.


    The three judges now are all nice.  It's kind of like 3 coherent Paulas.  Is that what the audience wants to see?  Harry's personality turns me off incredibly.  I don't know if I'm the only one.  But it does.  I happen to like Keith and J.Lo but it's totally a matter of taste so I get why others don't. Harry is no Simon.  Harry holds nothing of value IMO.  He always acts like he's going to say something of major value, then just doesn't.  In this last episode it seemed like the judges hardly JUDGED and basically said nothing.  Sorry, but I don't find it interesting to hear a bunch of contestants that I don't know yet, sing.  How are we going to learn about anything?  The contestants, whether they're good, why they're good or not?    It's like having a bunch of designers show a bunch of designs, without showing the background of how they were made, and then having nobody comment on them.  Is that captivating?


    The joke auditions were always my favourite part of the show. I know that they are not popular here.  But what if they drew in ratings?  The sob stories, I absolutely hated.  But then sometimes I would fall for them.  What if they drew in ratings?  Again, you do not fix what isn't broken.  I hate that people get hurt on Survivor but it happens every season and the show creates conditions that allow for this to happen.  I hate *SOME* of the drama on Project Runway but it happens every season and the show creates conditions that ensure that it happens.


    Reality shows are still popular.  But Idol kind of threw everything away that made it popular and mainstream in the first place.


    The power voting was a good point made upthread.  I enjoy that point.  The contestants -- that's tougher for me.  Gotta think about that one.  I don't know who Kelly Clarkson was popular with or what conditions allowed her to win. Or if maybe she was just that f*cking good for instance.  Also, American Idol doesn't know how to market good talent.  Should people like Melinda Doolittle have fallen through the cracks?  Jennifer Hudson should not have.  I don't know much about the music industry in this deep of a way.  Again, Melinda was such a pop culture *thing* back then.  When you have those opportunities you absolutely have to capitalize on them.  Survivor has the same popular players come back again and again.  And I love it.


    Maybe instead of the voting it has to be 3 or 4 very coherent and knowledgeable and SMART (Simon) people who make the decisions about the singers.  This is what Project Runway does, for instance.  Not that the designers necessarily make it big (though some do - Michael Costello who didn't win, Christian Siriano.)  BUT THE SHOW SURVIVES.  Teens like stuff that is quirky or flash in the pan.  That is not necessarily a bad thing, but for the music industry, maybe.  The conditions that allow Kelly, Carrie, Scotty, Adam to flourish -- you appreciate talent and you find them the right, marketable genre -- that needs to be in step with the parameters of the show.

    • Love 4
  20. I didn't remember that from Arrested Development (did it happen when the show was on Fox or afterwards when they did the internet sequel?)


    It was in the fifth episode.  Of the entire series.  No excuse for a team of television comedy writers to not know about it.  And they're both FOX shows.

  21. And KW and KK get the hell off American Idol you famewhores. I'm sorry but that pissed me off, just get off my TV, both of them.


    Well I'll never disagree that KK is a famewhore, but at this point, isn't American Idol using THEM for the fame? I picture Idol begging them on their knees to appear.  I'm shocked they even deigned to.  

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