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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. That was David Schwimmer's idea which seems pretty unselfish because he was one of the most , if not the most experienced in the cast having starred in The Pallbearer with Gwyneth Paltrow.  And I think he might have been the critical standout in Season 1.  In order for them not to have resentment towards each other he said they should all start to negotiate together and equally.



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  2. On the contrary I feel like Leslie Jones is quite popular!  It took me a few tries to "get" her humour but now I really enjoy it.


    I also liked "It's National Compliment Day..... Dad."


    There was a joke I laughed really really hard at.  It was Che (I think?) talking about a woman who had 1,000 cats and her husband, when reached for comment, left 10 years ago.

    • Love 2
  3. I also enjoyed that club sketch with the three guys rapping.


    I guess they didn't want it to be too "on the nose" but the imitations of The Bland Man contestants were thinly veiled portrayals of the current contestants on the current season of The Bachelor.   A particularly unhinged-seeming contestant named "Lace" has been compared by everyone to the Girl at a Party you wish you hadn't started a Conversation with, and they had Cecily imitating her here.


    I always think that Kate McKinnon is genius, but I thought Aidy was also particularly hilarious tonight.


    Tweet about Nancy Kerrigan:


    @SNLinReview  1h1 hour ago
    The last time a female athlete hosted #SNL, Rob Schneider and Phil Hartman were still in the cast.
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  4. What a great show.  I feel bad that I had zero hopes for Rhonda Rousey but she really delivered.  The Palin stuff was great, the Oscars stuff was great, Jost and especially Che were great.


    Died of happiness hearing about Larry David hosting on February 6.

  5. I actually think that Jack Black IS conventionally handsome, he's just overweight!  He's smaller around the time of movies like The Cable Guy.  That's a good-looking man in my opinion.  A young Jack Black is like a current Emile Hirsch.  (Also I think that School of Rock is the funniest thing EVER.  I find him so charismatic.)  Hey, it's the UO thread!



    • Love 7
  6. Danny Franks, I'm not really seeing much vitriol, I'm seeing people questioning why no people of colour were nominated in any of the writing or acting categories, which I think is an important and interesting question to ask.  You are asking which people of colour should have been nominated.  I'll ask you , do you think all acting and writing nominations this year were deserved?


    There's room for 10 Best Picture nominees.  Eight movies were nominated.  I'll admit it does look weird to me that for most, if not all, of these movies, the casts are made up of 90% or more white actors.  It says to me that the Academy is interested in white stories and white people who tell other stories (in other categories, white people were nominated for Straight out of Compton and the Nina Simone documentary).  This is the kind of thing that stands out to me.  I think it's fair to question it.  The Academy is the biggest known movie award body in Hollywood.  It is part of the industry.


    I've seen The Big Short, every person in that cast is white.  The entire IMDB page for Spotlight looks the same.  


    There comes a breaking point where this stuff can't be wilfully ignored anymore, and this year we reached it big time.  You can say you didn't think Creed and Straight Outta Compton were that great but maybe critics disagreed with you.  Creed was rated by the Top critics at 91% on RottenTomatoes, that's not bad.  The Top critics only gave The Revenant an 83%...... it has 12 Oscar nominations.  The Big Short is at 87%.   I'm not saying RT is the be all and end all, but I think it's kind of unfair to dismiss one of the year's best rated films from the conversation.  Also if Creed was just a so-so movie, then I think it's weird that the white lead Sylvester Stallone was recognized while Michael B. Jordan and Tessa Thompson and Ryan Coogler were not.  Was Sylvester's acting that much of a standout and did the director not have to do with that?  How many coincidences is somebody supposed to tolerate before they question what is happening?


    It's all a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If people are not recognized by the industry (a.k.a. the Academy) then they might lose out on opportunities in the future.  The Academy brings recognition to people and projects.  I already know 4 people who are seeing The Revenant this weekend.  I'm 100% sure it's because of all those nominations.

    • Love 9
  7. White Feminism in Hollywood!  Joining the ranks of Charlotte Rampling and Patricia Arquette (and Patricia's defenders, like Debra Messing.)  This is so prevalent in Hollywood.  And she's already backtracking.




    Julie Delpy on Hollywood diversity: Women have it hardest

    'I sometimes wish I were African-American,' the actress says


    I also find this matter fascinating - Overpaid versus Underpaid actors, something I never really even thought about before!  Forbes releases every year a list of actors who are paid way more for movies than they bring in and actors who are paid way way less than they bring in:


    Really fascinating.  No women mentioned in the overpaid list; several women mentioned in the underpaid list.


    Overpaid:  Johnny Depp, Will Ferrell, etc.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/natalierobehmed/2015/12/22/hollywoods-most-overpaid-actors-of-2015-johnny-depp-leads-denzel-washington-will-ferrell/#625bfc551d75


    Underpaid:  Mila Kunis, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, etc. http://www.forbes.com/sites/natalierobehmed/2015/12/21/hollywoods-best-actors-for-the-buck-2015-chris-evans-leads-mila-kunis-scarlett-johansson-and-more/#5a9d2e4724a8

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  8. I agree that Peytie's wardrobe doesn't read too sexy for me either. So she shows her arms and legs - no big deal to me. She doesn't have her boobs or ass cheeks hanging out (which I just saw on Pitch Slapped, a reality show about two New Jersey high school acapella groups). 


    These past two summers, that's all I've seen.  Ass cheeks are the new cleavage I always say.  

    • Love 1
  9. Can't watch that trailer without crying


    xaxat, you're a smart/strong person for not reading comments.


    I've seen

    - Well make your own black Oscars then.

    - Have you ever thought that they were the best performances of the year?  Huh?

    - Everything is so PC these days

    - So now we have to give an Oscar to every colour?

    - it should be about the performance, not the race  (Meaning the best performances were rewarded)

    - Why are there only black people in the NBA then?


    etc. etc. etc. and then each comment has about 100 likes.

  10. I didn't notice J.Lo disliking Stephanie , just being honest, but I DID notice that she really really didn't like the laid back Hawaiian chick that turned off some people here (I liked her) while Harry and Keith put her through.


    After watching this episode J.Lo seemed to like and put through a lot of attractive females so now I don't know what to think.

  11. A perfect article for this topic in my opinion.




    Gillian Anderson: I Was Offered Half Duchovny’s Pay for ‘The X-Files’ Revival


    The work Anderson put into securing equal pay back in the ’90s seemingly came undone when it came time to negotiate pay for this year’s event series. Once again, Anderson was being offered “half” of what they would pay Duchovny.


    “I’m surprised that more [interviewers] haven’t brought that up because it’s the truth,” Anderson says of the pay disparity, first disclosed in the Hollywood Reporter. “Especially in this climate of women talking about the reality of [unequal pay] in this business, I think it’s important that it gets heard and voiced. It was shocking to me, given all the work that I had done in the past to get us to be paid fairly. I worked really hard toward that and finally got somewhere with it.


    “Even in interviews in the last few years, people have said to me, ‘I can’t believe that happened, how did you feel about it, that is insane.’ And my response always was, ‘That was then, this is now.’ And then it happened again! I don’t even know what to say about it.”

    • Love 6
  12. I'll give an incredibly biased and poor-memory based account of what I remember:


    Layana Aguilar, season 11 -->  She's a young, good-looking Latina woman with an annoying voice who kind of thinks she's the bee's knees.  She was on the same season as Michelle, Patricia, Kate I believe.  I don't really remember any groundbreaking designs.  


    Asha Daniels, Under the Gunn, a.k.a. season 12.5 -->  I remember her shunning and being rude towards Natalia and hating her for it.  From what I remember, a rumour started to gather support that Natalia sucked.  I remember Asha not even wanting to stand next to her for fear of catching her cooties.  Not sure how accurate that memory is.


    Sam Donovan, Under the Gunn, a.k.a. season 12.5 -->  I have zero recollection but I assume he was blonde.


    Daniel Franco, seasons 1 and 2 -->  A sweet , smiling, polite well-meaning man that the other designers sort of teased.  Is that right?


    Ken Laurence, season 12 -->  Tiny, Volatile man who threw divo fits.  Was he the person who drove Santino insane and to leave, or was that a female contestant?  I remember Alexander had to move in with Ken and Ken would not let him in the apartment.  Why do I picture Ken wearing a headscarf and pimple medication during this tantrum?


    Valerie Mayen, season 8 -->  A nice inoffensive woman.


    Emily Payne, season 13 -->  I think she had blue hair and interesting ideas.  Quiet and mild-mannered.  


    Mitchell Perry, season 13  -->  I'm having really little recollection here.


    Alexander Pope, season 12 -->  Kind of sassy.  I remember kind of liking his personality, but his designs left much to be desired.  Not horrible, not great.


    Dom Streater (winner), season 12  -->  The Master of Prints.  Cute , young, good-looking woman who unfortunately fell in with Helen's insanity and crowd.


    Kini Zamora, season 13 -->  An adorable Hawaiian man.  Cuddly and smiley.  A wizard at fast designing and sewing.  He uses denim way too often.  With higher quality fabrics, his designs could look so much more expensive, because from what I remember he does complicated designs.  I adore him.


    Stella Zotis, season 5 -->  The leather queen.  She had a heavy accent and could get on people's nerves walking around and declaring she just wanted to use leather.


    Fade Zu Grau, season 13 --->  German, so Heidi had an affinity towards him.  He had a unique personality.  His designs were very different from the pack.  I don't know, I remember one resembling a highway.  Hahaha.

    • Love 2
  13. I'll be even sadder at the end of Hollywood Week, it's always been my favorite part of Idol.


    You made me very depressed just reading this sentence.  I fucking LOVE Hollywood Week.  I love it, I crave it.  I'm sick for it.  Oh god no.  

    • Love 5
  14. The hardest thing to wrap my brain around is some people's knee-jerk assumption that all 20 of the white actors absolutely were the 20 best actors this year as if voting was the scientific proof , as if the Oscars are not based on a subjective voting system.  How can people not see that they're believing what they're told at face value?  "These 20 people were nominated so they deserved their nominations, end of story, no bias here."  "These 20 white people were the best actors this year, no questions asked."  I don't understand that logic.  I don't know why this kind of conclusion jumping makes me so upset, but it does.  People believe what they see and what they're told, but where is the critical thinking?  Where is the questioning?  

    • Love 7
  15. Not sure what it says about me that I didn't even notice the blue lipstick, but I really, really do not like Kelly Osborne.  She does not seem at all genuine to me, she has an air of inflated self-importance.  She has really bought into her own hype.  I have never heard her contribute anything useful or intelligent to the discussion.  I have a lot more respect for Hannah Davis.


    This was a good finale, I enjoyed it.  Zachary is so loveable.  I was not impressed with the dress that Samantha made -- I guess it took talent but it wasn't to my taste.  That print was yawn-worthy.

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