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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Who cares if it's a gimmick?
    Adding ghosts to a movie is a gimmick.
    It is very rare that a movie does not employ a gimmick.
    Did Superman vs Batman employ a gimmick?  Did The Avengers employ a gimmick by putting 45 Hollywood stars in it?  Did Ocean's 11?
    Is anyone under the impression that the original Ghostbusters was made with the distinct hope that only a handful of people would see it and that it would not make any money




    a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.

    • Love 2
  2. Saying that people who call out bad behaviour against a discriminated population is "dividing us even further" is a typical deflecting/dismissive tactic. 

     It's not a war, people, it's just a movie.  I can't wait for it to be over so we can finally move on.

    Sexism won't be 'over' but yeah the point of calling out this behaviour is to progress and move forward.
    The issue won't be 'over' - we'll see what happens when further remakes or movies like this one come out, and the reactions that come.

    • Love 8
  3. Mindy's had a lot of work done herself.  I'm not shaming people who do it.  I have to say, plastic surgery does make me uncomfortable and I don't personally like it.  It's not that I think it should be shamed - I think, like Mindy says, it's the dishonesty that sucks.  Hollywood pretending like their 'perfect' looks are naturally received, which in turn I think, shames the normal non-Hollywood human body and face which IS natural, or people's beautifully varied different ethnicities and backgrounds.  And what bothers me even more is that when I point it out to someone, and their immediate knee jerk reaction is "no way there's no way there's no way, that's just how she's always looked."  So the lies are really easily bought, and the denial effect is crazy-making.  I think I got halfway through the book - I was enjoying it!!  But never finished.  I should soon.

    I agree though - since I was a young teen I've always wondered, is it standard fare for actresses' PR to tell everyone they eat whatever they want and just drink water blah blah?  I've written on these forums before about the disingenuousness of the fictional characters Grace Adler, Lorelai Gilmore, and the ones in Sandra Bullock's movies as all needing to eat like pigs and yet staying extremely skinny.  That's been a trope for as long as I can remember.

    It's ridiculous what Jenny McCarthy has now become, but I'll never forget when she went on a talk show in the 90s and took out a black marker and started drawing all over some sexy picture of herself, showing everyone all the 'flaws' she has on her body versus how it was Photoshopped to the extreme.  The actual height of her legs, her acne, her thighs, her stomach, etc. It had an effect on me because until then I had never seen a female actor be so honest about this stuff.

    • Love 5
  4. I really like Life Partners on Netflix.  It stars Leighton Meester and Gillian Jacobs.

    On 1/29/2016 at 9:52 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Yes, the quote boxes here make sense.  Yes.  thank you for adding them PTV

    On 1/29/2016 at 9:52 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:


    • Love 1
  5. vibeology I just kept chuckling throughout your first paragraph... because everything is so .. true.

    Think about the constant announcements of these people that they think the movie is going to suck / they're not going to watch it / it's an abomination / the women are not funny / the trailer looks like it sucks / I swear I'm not a misogynist but I already hate this movie etc. (Let alone the more offensive things, and violent threats I saw.)

    How the hell do you think I feel when the 67899th superhero of the movie is released every damn day?  I never started any campaign and I for the most part keep my mouth shut except for an eye roll here and there.  I don't even know if I've even said a "Harumph" out loud.  Even if I've felt it.

    Something about the combination of taking THIS particular movie and remaking it with 4 women - and THESE particular women, if you want me to get really deep about it - has created an abnormally negative and passionate response.  Before a movie's even released.  I remember people's feelings about the "newer" Star Wars movies and Gigli ... or, Mariah's "Glitter" ... for examples.....  but that was AFTER the movies were in theatres.  I never took those reactions as anything deeper than hating things that are bad quality, or hating self indulgent products (Glitter, Gigli), or doing things vastly different than expected (new Star Wars).  Because people had SEEN THE MOVIES and word had spread.  I'm a huge Mariah fan, but I never took any of those criticisms personally or to even feel like they were about HER.  This reaction though, is so wholly different, and just so premature.  I don't remember seeing violent threats about Gigli or Glitter.  Just a lot of mockery about the quality of the films, especially when it came to Gigli.  People pointed to the plots and the dialogue -- I KNOW some of the plots and dialogue without having seen it because there were so many of those reviews and sketches!

    Remakes - even and often badly thought out remakes - are done alllllllllllllllllll of the time.  But the notable difference here is the gender switching to women.  That is rare.  If people know of other movies where we can compare, let's.  But this is our best example right now.  And hence, the reaction.  If the reaction is NOT about how it's women.......what is it?

    • Love 3
  6. 8 hours ago, dixiecricket said:

     Darius character - I am really not feeling his character as a whole. I don't know if it is how the character has been written, how the actor is playing him, or what but he almost seems wooden in EVERYTHING that he does. Maybe it's that his backstory isn't as developed but I don't think Adam's was either (I really can't remember). His character just seems misplaced- there is no way that a show like Everlasting would cast him as he doesn't have the personality that the Suitors typically have.

    What personality do the Suitors typically have?  I have watched one Season of the Bachelor and I found the contestant - Ben - incredibly boring.  Is that preferable?

    I've also watched 2 Seasons of the Bachelorette and what I find with these shows is that the Suitor usually plays the "straight man/woman" in these scenarios while the producers hope to cast the CONTESTANTS for their personalities - for maximum conflict, humour, and drama. 

    Anyway, UnReal has had exactly ONE suitor before Darius.  Yes, BJ Britt / Darius is different than Freddie Stroma / Adam but I think that that's a positive thing and I think it's a great thing for the show - just as Rachel does for Everlasting.  Variety is the spice of life.

    I don't find Darius wooden.  I find him reserved, cautious, and careful.  The character is a famous football player and he's on a reality show.... to me it makes sense so far.

    • Love 5
  7. There seems to be a lot of suspicion of agenda when it comes to this movie.  For somebody like me, I am fine with the movie existing.  That's my agenda.  I'm not using it as an anything for anything.  I don't require anyone to do anything.

    Now, the people who spend their time actively trying to sabotage the movie?  That's an ACTUAL agenda.


    None of the people who are talking about how awful those who hate the movie are want to discuss whether or not the movie is actually any good.

    Yeah, the movie comes out Friday.  How suspicious it is, that none of us commented on the quality of something that wasn't released to us yet.  Hmmmmmm..... what could we be up to?

    • Love 9
  8. Not many replies.  I think everyone is as bored as I am.  I was so excited about Jojo as Bachelorette, but wow this season is so dull.  I know that some people did not like Kaitlyn at all and that she was polarizing, but that was the season that got me into the show and it was incredibly exciting and funny and things happened.  Jojo has been such a disappointment.  What occurred to me yesterday is that I wonder exactly how boring Lauren must be, if next to her Jojo seemed like the most exciting thing ever.  As Larry King says it's my 2 cents

    Bachelor Candidates, I agree that Luke seems the best.

    Wells - very hot, but obviously not everyone's type
    Chase - good looking and bland enough, but no personality for TV
    Luke - hot and good for TV I think
    Robby - I think he's very cute, but something about him on TV comes across as very slimy and not genuine.  I'm sure he's a nice guy but people get this feeling

    • Love 4
  9. Quote

    Is everything with a female protagonist the equivalent of required reading just because it has a female protagonist?

    No.  Nobody is forcing anyone to watch these movies.  Nobody has to watch any movie for any reason.

    But if someone is angry about the existence of such movies, then it's questionable. 

    Ghostbusters 2016's trailer being the most disliked YouTube video in history says something.  260,000 times it's been disliked.  That's a strong reaction towards a product that hasn't been released yet.

    • Love 8
  10. The Ghostbusters 2016 haters

    "I viciously hate and am against this movie, based on the trailer only - I haven't seen the movie."
    "Oh so anyone who doesn't like the new Ghostbusters is a misogynist?????? (I still haven't seen the movie.)"

    Yes, if you're posting on Reddit asking people to band together and sabotage the movie so that people hate it or nobody sees it, there might be something wrong with you.... 

    There have been a million movies where people never felt the need to announce they're not watching it.  Nobody needs to know why you're not watching a movie.  It almost never has to be announced.  There is a lot of vitriol towards this movie before it even came out.  If someone can't see the difference between that and something like the reception surrounding the movie Twilight then how can it be explained.  Nobody knew how Kristen would be in the movie before it was released, and the people I know who like the books, also liked the movies.

    There are movies that are for some demographics and not others...  the way that some people feel the need to announce "I'm NOT going to watch this movie because it stars a bunch of women (or other reasons)" it's always been weird to me.  When Sex and the City (2008) came out there were so many men on my Facebook timeline (whom I've since deleted) who complained about just the EXISTENCE of this movie.  A group of people who are used to having everything made for them.  What other explanation is there... 

    • Love 9
  11. I've heard both Kate and Chris do , now.  Reviews seem positive so far -- heard that the film is not perfect but the characters are great and that it is funny.  Lots of reviews are rolling in now.

    • Love 3
  12. I only just started watching this show.  I've watched all of Season 8 in a very fast whirlwind.  I'm a big fan of Dorinda and Jules.

    I think Dorinda is just so, so beautiful.  The sequence of her without any makeup and smiling.  She was so luminous.  I find her so attractive.  Anyway.  I don't have much to contribute in terms of "plot".

    I'm sure this has been rehashed but it's hard for me to take Ramona seriously when she simultaneously looks both like Kathy Lee Gifford and Mariah Carey (I am a HUGE fan of the latter.)  Sonya looks very much to me like Glenn Close mixed with Meryl Streep's lookalike daughters.

    I can't believe Carole was a friend of CBK's.  I'm obsessed with CBK.  Carole.... sucks so bad :(  If only CBK was still alive so I could see how glamourous she would be today.

    • Love 3
  13. What was ever appealing about Mark?  Does anyone remember?  He's such a loser.  Isn't he?  Is April not light years out of his league?  I didn't even realize they were dating each other.  That's gross.  The storyline with his ex is straight out of a CW teen show, it was so cliched and bad.  And I like CW teen shows.

    I love Jerry O'Connell and sad to see him go.  I hope his career is doing well?  Better than this show?

    • Love 6
  14. I had passion with a guy for years and years, but we didn't like each other very much.  I wonder if you can have it with like, a good guy who likes you. I wouldn't know.  Would be cool.

    Wells has a lot of fans on Twitter, I am happy for him.

    Derek seemed cool, but what if it's all the John Krasinski good faith rubbing off on him?

    I think that Alex has a temper, and while he acted "okayish-normal" for most of the episode, as soon as he got the rose his "real" personality came out, IMO, the one I hate.

    James is so insecure.  I thought I was bad, but he is more insecure than I am.  He needs to shut up on national TV about all of the weaknesses he sees in himself, and just keep it to himself, and it's a good learning lesson for me, too.

    I still think Robby is very beautiful!  I don't care!  He just seems kind of spacey and totally happy without getting to show his substance on the show.  It's kind of funny.  He's like the happy appendage of the group.  I also think it's funny how he looks like Will Arnett and Will Forte

    I thought the scene between Luke and Jojo was super hot, but he said Like too much.  Like 1000 times too much. 

    • Love 3
  15. On 6/22/2016 at 9:48 AM, questionfear said:

    2) She can't go to medical and claim there was a freak accident like she could with a burned hand or face. If that shit gets infected she's screwed...she can't rat on Maria without being really screwed, and if she doesn't rat, the prison thinks she's joined some sort of skinhead gang and she gets tagged as a gang member, and we all know that Piscatella is obsessed with any potential gang activity. 

    I don't think a person in power like Piscatella sees "gang activity" when the members are white.

    You see this in the news all time time - if people of colour are involved in a conflict cops or reporters label it gang activity.  Not so if the perpetrators are white.

    However, I will agree that getting a swastika burned into your arm is terrible.

    • Love 4
  16. On 6/18/2016 at 9:55 PM, Bruinsfan said:

    I don't know, to me Emma Stone has that kind of iconic 60s siren look like Raquel Welch or Kim Novak. I don't think it's looks that stand in the way of her being a bombshell, it's strictly an intangible quality of her personality.

    I'm surprised to hear this.  She looks to me like she lost about a third of the body weight she had when she first came on the scene in Superbad (and when I thought she was cool and had an attractive way about her)  Now she's  a Woody Allen muse, a waif, like early Mia Farrow.  I don't find her conventionally attractive - guess she's like a thinking man's beauty or something...  I find her really odd looking now.

    I love Margot Robbie.  I think she's beautiful and sexy and while I don't yet understand the Tonya Harding casting, she was fantastic in Focus.  A lot of star quality.  I liked her with Will Smith in that.  That and Wolf of Wall Street made a lot of money.  I like the Charlize Theron comparison.  Two actors I enjoy even though I'm jealous of beautiful blondes who make it in Hollywood.  The ones who are atrocious actors haven't lasted as well as Charlize has.

    I think there are a lot of people from Gen X and older Gen Y who really pull for Winona.  Edward Scissorhands is one of my favourite movies. (There's also Reality Bites, but it was a tiny bit before my time, and I constantly keep giving it more chances to grow on me.)  She's still gorgeous.  She was in Black Swan in 2010.

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