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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 14 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    Oh Jules, the number eight is NOT lucky number.

    Huh?  In Chinese culture, it most certainly is, which is exactly what she was trying to say.

    Sonja said Rocco's qualification list is......long.  Lol!

    Best part of the episode

    • Love 12
  2. 2 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

    And Daniel really is an odd duck, isn't he?  He has said some pretty insightful things, yet he continues to spout the weirdest shit most of the time.  Are all Canadians like that, or was he home schooled?    ; )

    Were you?  There's 35 million of us.  He knew more about World Geography and American History than whichever that twin was.

    Also, Vinny is better-looking than Lamp and seems to be a decent sort besides.

    I agree Vinny seems like a good guy but I personally am more attracted to Lamp.

    The whole issue for me though, is simply that Izzy didn't handle the situation well.  I was going to write more about this, but then I was simply writing that there was no good way to handle it.  If Izzy just asked Vinny for some space, THEN went after Lamp, it would still be totally obvious.  So she just cut right to the chase.  I guess she was in too deep with Vinny for this to look okay no matter what.  It seemed only a couple of weeks ago that she was desperate for Vinny to give her a rose instead of another woman.  Now Vinny should go after her (I forget who that was.)

    • Love 5
  3. Is Jared really that dumb , or was it producer driven that he brought those 'concerns' to Caila, or was he deviously trying to get Caila to be more interested in him, through jealousy?

    I, and many other women, have been in Caila's position, where some girl is trying to gaslight the fuck out of the situation and steal the guy for herself.  It brought back horrible memories.  It's one thing if it happens, it's a million times worse when the guy falls for it.  

    No Daniel this episode so I call it a loss

    I started out being a fan of Caila, now I think I'm just in jealous territory.  I wonder if guys like Jared like that's she's such a pleaser (absolutely unwilling to tell Brett "No", and just smiling "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." at him over and over again).  I'll never be one of those people that smiles all of the time, so I think I've figured out why I'm single.

    • Love 9
  4. One doesn't have to put down Caila to put up the twins -- and vice versa.  Why is everything black and white -- can't there be nuance!?   Why can't they all three be good-looking, or none of them are ugly to me at all?  I think the twins have this very goofy, cute demeanor -- they definitely have a sense of humour.  Caila has perfect teeth - as someone who never had braces, this is my weakness - and a B E A U T I F U L smile.  (My opinion).  Sure, the twins are gorgeous in that early 1990s, Sweet Valley High fantasy - Not an insult, just.... that's what I see.... But Caila has an even better personality (I know this is subjective) so that gives her edge for me.  I think she's gorgeous, probably because she smiles so easily and her personality is just so positive.  The worst I can say about the twins is that they seem innocent for this show and a tad immature -- and I think none of those things are bad, at all.  They're just growing up.  This show is not a competition for who the hottest women is... Why do women have to be pitted against each other in this way.  Ironically, it was Haley (?) who was putting Caila down, and out come people who think they should put down Caila to "defend" Haley's honour (?!)

    • Love 10
  5. 37 minutes ago, huahaha said:

    That was another case of editing, I think. 

    I realize that television shows are edited.  I'm not sure if that's a counterpoint or what.  I found Jojo's season extremely dull.  And sure, it was "edited" to be dull, then.... Ok?

    • Love 2
  6. Some journalists/bloggers etc. are talking about how some articles have phrased Star Trek Beyond as a success, and we already know it's getting a sequel.
    While articles discuss Ghostbusters as a "failure" and that the sequel's been scrapped.  Numbers from Wikipedia:


    Star Trek Beyond

    Budget$185 million[3]

    Box office$211.4 million[3]

    Ghostbusters 2016

    Budget$144 million[2]

    Box office$193.9 million[2]


    Numbers wise Ghostbusters looks more successful:



    A counterpoint:

    Myles McNutt ‏@Memles  Aug 12

    2) #StarTrekBeyond has yet to open in the largest overseas territory (China), where it has advantages as a Chinese co-production.

    Myles McNutt ‏@Memles  Aug 12

    3) #Ghostbusters will not release in China, and unlike #StarTrekBeyond has mostly finished its overseas rollout.

  7. Quote

    To me Nick hasn't done anything great and Josh hasn't done anything awful. 

    It's not about one doing something bad and the other doing something good.  It's about their personalities.  I find Nick very likeable and therefore attractive.  I find Josh not my 'type' of person (the way he acts, speaks, the things he says, his attitude towards Nick), not likeable, and consequently not attractive.  It's how you interact with people in daily life - you vibe with some people and you don't with others.

    A lot of people dislike Caila.  Yet I don't remember her doing any 'negative' thing?  What has she done?  Smile too much....  Meh.  I like her a lot.

    I thought Jojo would be a sexy exciting Bachelorette and she was as dull as dishwater so what do we really know.  Maybe Caila's season would have been interesting. I'm already more interested in her stint on BiP than Jojo's entire season.

    • Love 15
  8. I will go back and read every post - this is what I live for sadly.

    However there are two points I want to make so I can get them off my chest immediately.

    1)  Amanda was so extremely KIND to Evan.  It blew me away.  (Yet so nicely assertive about exactly what she wanted to do.) It reminded me of why I liked her so much in Ben's season, even though the way she talks can be really bothersome.  The way she speaks though, is a superficial thing.  Deeply I just think she's a good person who handles herself extremely well.  I can't help but be pushed back into her corner, again and again (if this is the correct metaphor).  Her maturity in these situations.  Honestly, I don't care anymore if she wants to make out with Josh all day.  I worry about her, but this is what the show's about, so, meh.  No hate, here.

    2)  I had an issue with a guy who would not leave me alone for months and months.  It was one of the worst experiences of my life.  After some therapy, I read a book about assertiveness and it seriously changed my life.  I've posted about stuff like this before and there is always someone who cries out victim blaming.  That's not what I'm about to do.  Somebody who spent 4 years writing papers on sexual assault and 15 years watching SVU would not do that.  However, let me say that Carly's behaviour with Supremely Quintessential "Nice Guy" Evan makes my skin very itchy.  I wish she'd make a decision either way and then confidently and assertively act on it.  Because there are guys out there who just refuse to hear no.  Again and again.  


    Caila is just such a catch.  I should probably find a more modern way to express that.

    • Love 3
  9. Amanda looked really, really beautiful with her hair up - I didn't know who it was.  That's the only positive thing I have to say about her anymore.

    And Jared looked hot - like oh yeah, he's hot, isn't he, okay - I forgot -- when he sidled up to someone and just started talking in a friendly way.  Oh, it was Carly.  And he showed personality!  And he showed personality at the end with Evan.  I guess he was looking for the phrase The Road less travelled?  And then Evan starting talking about roads "divulging".  What a wank.

    Daniel is just the best.  His superficial advice for Evan was actually good!  I'd love to see Daniel give Evan a makeover.

    I always thought Christian seemed like such a catch from his introductory package (haha) at the beginning of Jojo's season.  But she seemed really uninterested in anyone who wasn't a square headed "white guy into sports" (someone else posted that) so we never got to see it.  So yeah I still think so.

    I just need some machinations to happen to keep Daniel on the show til the end.  (Oh, and don't spoiler me here. I don't want to see it.)

    (Edited to write "uninterested" instead of "interested".  Sorry, guys.)

    • Love 5
  10. Leah is desperate and Single White Female towards other women.  She's scary, only focuses on other people.  And now the surgeries - definitely lip collagen and who knows what else.  All the makeup.  I mean, should I go on?  LOL sorry.  She makes me uncomfortable so no I don't find her attractive.

    Nick is beautiful.  (Jubilee too, but, farewell, dear!)

    Ashley I. almost convinced me that Jared was hot but this season he's just standing around silently so eh I'm really not into it.

    • Love 3
  11. Quote

    I like Jubilee but this franchise will never work for her until she stops being so awkward around guys she likes. Also, I know editing manipulates stuff on this show but it almost looked like she didn't even bother trying to get to know any other guys after her date with Jared and seemed to just hang out with the twins and Amanda. I guess it's possible she was really confident Jared would give her his rose. 

    To me, all of this stuff about Jubilee, I just find endearing.  She's awkward around guys.  Yes, she's not a smooth operator - so?  That's okay.  She doesn't bother to get to know other guys besides Jared - right. She focused on one guy, tried it, he didn't like her.  That's okay too.  She's not a player.  I don't think she was confident about Jared; I think she was hopeful.  She seems like a one-man woman. She tried it. This show's not for her.

    Seriously has Jared ever smiled on this show or showed making a connection with anyone?  (Since Kaitlyn).  I guess I missed it.

    • Love 10
  12. Leah got a lot of plastic surgery.  I'm glad the other women were allowed to talk about it, and the show actually aired it.

    Carly is just mean, mean, straight up mean.  How would she feel if somebody talked about her like that on this show?  

    Grant is attractive but acts really teenagery.  Maybe he's younger than I thought.  

    Amanda's use of "like" at Nick's first date.  Haha.

    This "Josh" character is reallllllllllllllllllllly not my type.  He reminds me of any typical arrogant douchebro in my city!  I don't get it.  

    If not for his speech thing, Nick seems on a shallow level to be almost perfect, but then he had to go and make out with Leah.  WTF?  I think I'm over him.

    Poor Jubilee, but she's not trashy enough for the show anyway.

    I'm Canadian but the twins at the end made me laugh.  Until they ran their joke straight into the ground.

    Jared acts like the most depressed person on Earth

    • Love 10
  13. I really liked it.  It's very cute.

    So, so, so, so many reviews focused on Kate McKinnon so I feel like this kind of bias and hyperbole hurt my enjoyment of her.  I adore Melissa McCarthy.  I'm realizing I adore her in every role she's in.  She just makes me happy.  So I just want to say, yes, I really liked her in this.  Kristen was funny too but I'm a fan of hers.  It's interesting how they gave her the more 'muted' role.  I also realized it's 2 of the cast from Bridesmaids, and 2 current SNLers who were not in movies prior to this.  (I understand that Kristen is also from SNL.)

    Chris Hemsworth was very funny.  I haaaaaaaaaated Thor and fell asleep watching it but Chris is very funny here.  It was surprising. 

    I think they could have given Leslie more to do.

    Was the last 3rd of it basically a shot for shot remake of the first?

    • Love 3
  14. I liked it.  The first half kind of bored me, but the second half really swelled me up into it.  It's very romantic.  The costumes were heavenly; it's a really pretty film.   It's like a less impactful The Great Gatsby.  Much better than Magic in the Moonlight, which I thought was shit, and Irrational Man, which was just okay.  Not as good as Blue Jasmine, which I think is a perfect film.  I liked it better than Midnight in Paris but that is just a personal preference.

    • Love 1
  15. 16 hours ago, waynes said:

    Grant reminds me of a poor man's version of Tyson Beckford. 

    He looks nothing like Tyson.  He could kind of look like Jason Olive


    Also, I liked Lace's hair.  I thought it was sexy!

    I'm happy that Daniel has his fans here.  

    I'm finding Nick really attractive here, and I am still intrigued by him.  Never saw Andy's season.

    • Love 2
  16. A lot of you would write about how attractive Jay is.  I finally got to see it two episodes ago and now at least there's something for me to focus on.

    • Love 2
  17. 12 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Last season at this time, we had the manipulative Latina, Anna, the calculating black woman who knew she wasn't going to the finale, and Faith. The contestants were so much more sharply drawn last season.

    If the characters were so 'sharply drawn' then can't you use their names?  Using women of colours' races to define them is a turn off.   And you didn't do it with the white actors.


    Zimmer & Appleby being the queens they are (and Completely blameless in all of this)

    I agree with a lot of what you said, but I don't think actors are completely blameless.  Everyone has different limits to what they will do.  I assume actors don't have MUCH power but they have some.  They can also make decisions.  Anyways, I just feel a little differently here.  I've quit jobs where I didn't agree with what I was doing ethically.  I'm not saying it needs to go that far, but..... a lot of actors grab ahold of more power in a show (the cast of Friends) or become Exec Producers (The Office, Sex and the City, The Good Wife....)

    • Love 8
  18. 9 hours ago, topanga said:

    I have no idea what the movie is about, but--I wonder if it's a similar situation to what Don Cheadle described, when his European distributors told him he needed to add an international start to his all-black cast. The thing is, there are huge Chinese movie stars out there. Maybe we haven't heard of them, but aren't today's movies all about the global market anyway, primarily China?

    International Star is code for white.  




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