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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. On 9/30/2016 at 4:30 PM, DrivingSideways said:

    I want to know what kind of workout Paul does that requires zero stamina or sweating but results in an amazing body.  I'm not kidding - I want that secret.


    17 hours ago, burner said:

    Definitely agree Lance should be ditched. I'm surprised that he's not in this more, tbh. But right now he just seems like a waste of a "name".

    I'm sorry that I agree with this.  The way he speaks, with that eyebrow, is so off-putting.  I'd prefer a different host and honestly Robbie was a good suggestion.

    • Love 2
  2. On 9/30/2016 at 3:38 PM, roamyn said:

    Danique for the next Prince Charming!

    He was so lost & broken-hearted last week, yet seems like a genuinely nice person who's deserving of love.

    Guys I looooooooove Danique.  His story touched me so much last week. I love him.  I can relate to him.  Ahhhhh!

    Sam liked a tweet of me asking how I can follow Danique on social media.  LOL.

    I thought that Robbie was VERY funny this episode.

    I'm completely shocked that Paul was let go instead of Robbie. I  thought he was the frontrunner.  Now I think it's the guy that Robert is so obviously obsessed with but I don't know his name.  Main Course.

    21 hours ago, J.D. said:

    I theorize Robert will pick Eric or Justin in the end. I toggle back-n-forth on which one I think he'll choose.

    Right.  Same.  I thought Paul was his #1 above both!

    I really, really like the show guys.  I'm obsessed.  I've watched about 10 new shows this fall season and I like quite a few of them, but I like this one the best!  It would be cool if it came back for a second season because I'm really enjoying myself.

    • Love 1
  3. 21 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    Omg hands down best part of the episode to me was Jason. Wanting to learn ethnics. And then asking when they try out for football, and if the school has a prom. Love him!


    (Sorry guys, but if I try multiple quotes in one post, bad things happen.  Sinkholes happen. I refuse to try again.)

    • Love 4
  4. 8 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    I think he's lacking in morality as well as intelligence. He was a con artist, and he blew up someone's boat.

    I think he idolized Fake deadmau and was hurt about how deadmau treated him and said his music was garbage.  Although, if deadmau did pay him for that gig, it would have been stupid to blow up the boat.  



    Didn't Tahani name drop a couple of Spice Girls when talking about her fundraiser success? Cause Tahani looks 30ish at the most.  She would have been still a kid when the Spice Girls were all that.  Could be bad writing, but maybe she's a faker too.

    What!?  Where is this coming from.  I'm 33 and I know all of the Spice Girls very well.  I have friends 5 years younger who all do as well.   Strange comment.

    On 9/30/2016 at 10:39 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

     And that Jason's DJ name was DJ Music!

    Haha, that's so cute.

    • Sad 1
  5. Having a Filipino character on television like this, able to be his own person, his own character like a unique human being and not what some idiot thinks Asian people are like, is a big deal.  (Though Crazy Ex-Girlfriend did it as well.)  This show is one of the most multicultural I've ever seen and the cast is not even that big and the show is only 4 episodes old. 

    • Love 17
  6. On 9/29/2016 at 8:39 PM, La Traviata said:

    People are so afraid of fat shaming that they live in their own self-imposed make believe, pretend land that they're "cool" with their bodies the way they are, when they're not.  In fact, I suspect any minute now someone will chime into this thread proclaiming that I don't know what I'm talking about, because THEY are perfectly fine with being overweight, and THEY wouldn't change a thing.  I'm not buying it.  

    I have never met one person like this.

    Shaming fat people for not being ashamed enough that they're fat.  That's a new one for me.

    As an overweight woman, I've had several men in my life tell me I'm fat.   Do you really think anyone lets a fat person forget how they look?  Because I really don't think that they do.

    Most women I know - if not every single one - look great to me and yet constantly want to improve.  That's been my experience.  Honestly I think I would like to live in this fantasy world where women could possibly be okay with how they look.  Maybe in a few decades that might happen.

    • Love 11
  7. 37 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

    The character I want it to be is Nate, because again, what is his purpose on the show.



    15 hours ago, Gillian Rosh said:

    Kudos to the HTGAWM makeup team for Frank's beaten up face. He was unrecognizable.

    Ok; thanks.  I didn't even know that's supposed to be him.  I had my suspicions but I was very unsure of who that was.  (I still don't remember a lot from last season.  I don't know what's happening with Frank's storyline.)

    • Love 22
  8. 2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    So if they aim for diversity they're accused of token this and token that and a cast of characters, but if they left out the tokens and dorks and dweebs wouldn't they be left with that hated  sea of pretty white faces?  Year after year I've seen the first boot be an older white woman and I don't really find that any easier to watch than a young Asian woman.  This year the first boot was voted out for the very same reason as most of those older white women -- bossiness.

    Typical excuse rhetoric for keeping the status quo.  Who accused the show of using non-whites as tokens?  I'm going to continue to complain about minorities, people like me, being represented on American television.

    The male players are just as bossy as the female.  I never notice the women players being 'more bossy'.  I think people see that trait differently in different genders.  

    I never felt like Mikaela was "confrontational" either, while I'm at it.  (I've seen that written a few times here.)  "Honest", sure.

    • Love 13
  9. Mari most definitely said Television screens which is stupid because it can apply to Baby Boomers and Generation X just as much if not more than Millennials.  I admit I fully grew up in front of a television but I'm one of the oldest Millennials and from what I hear, my family was unique that way.  She could have been referring to her gaming.

  10. 2 hours ago, Charlesman said:

    My other favorite little moment was the little Probst in the background, peeking his head around the corner to see if Hannah voted yet. Hilarious. 

    I also really loved that.  That felt very novel for this show.

    I'm sick of people bringing up "Demographics of the U.S.A." as justification for a low amount of minorities on a show that's been on for THIRTY THREE SEASONS.   I wish people would give it up.

    If you watch Project Runway, half the cast (at least) is gay and there are always people FROM OTHER COUNTRIES and there are people who don't speak English as a first language and hardly as a second, and there are racial minorities EVERYWHERE.  It can be done.  There's no reason why it can't.  There's no reason why any American show has to be majority white.  Stop thinking like that.

    • Love 11
  11. 2 hours ago, innocuouspuff said:

    My favourite moment: the millenials basically claiming they invented casual sexual contact. They're okay with hooking up! which no generation before them has ever thought of doing, of course.

    I'd blame all the thinkpieces about that, actually, of which there are probably several dozen.  Such thinkpieces were a huge 'thing' at one point. And I'm going to bet they were written by Gen-Xers.

    One of the craziest things that Gen X or Baby Boomers (I'm guessing) do is release a thinkpiece every week on a new thing that Millennials are supposedly abstaining from (buying houses. Because they're just so wealthy and it's a choice.  Living on their own.  Sex. Dating.  Committed relationships. blah blah blah.  Corn on the cob!  Horses.  Whatever.)  Anyways it's all just mumbo jumbo clickbait bullshit to get clicks and views.  

    • Love 6
  12. 2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Speaking of Michaela....the casting department dissapoints 9 times out of 10 when it comes to the African American women. They can only go with the "angry confrontational" black woman or as the helpful sidekick who aids the winner and has no shot to win themselves (the woman who was allied with the notoriously blandest winner ever Kim Spradlin-I forget her name that's how memorable she was). I believe Tasha Fox will always be their most shining example of bucking the stereotypes they like to cast. Tasha was worthy in the physical and social game and it carried her a long way in her seasons.

    I disagree.  Cydney from last season is one of my favourite players of all time.  

    I don't find Mikaela angry.  If she's so angry why would she keep Figgy in the game.  

    Last week, I never realized the Wimpy Tv writer was a Gen X.  That really made me laugh.  The super wimpy guy is not a Millennial.

    I really like Zeke, LOL, his style gets me.   Though his gameplay was...... not good

    Ken's speech thing -- reminds me of some sexy Hollywood actor.  Shia LaBeouf or somebody.  Just sounded like some hot accent to me, LOL.

    • Love 6
  13. 3 hours ago, mojoween said:

    "You need to pull the bunny out of the hat. You can't just walk in with the bunny."

    Can you give me the context for this?  I missed this.

    My people - Asian women - getting decimated on the show.  We're finally represented since what, season 14, then this?  Lordttt  (And by represented I mean more than one of us at a time.... I didn't bother to look at the numbers...)

    The high school kid

    Who is that?  The Shaggy haired kid?  I really liked the shaggy haired kid this episode , though he is extremely nerdy.  

    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, foreverevolving said:

    I still feel it's not the best counter example, Clooney wasn't the lead on the Facts of Life (as Kevin is on The Manny), he was there for like a season and half in total.

    My original point was that there are a lot of people who worked on sitcoms and shows in their earlier time in Hollywood and now have huge, profitable Hollywood careers.  The Manny is not exactly like Facts of Life, and The Manny doesn't exist, but none of this, in my opinion, picks apart my point.  Some people who are now huge Hollywood stars have been toiling away in less than high-pedigree work since their early 20s and Kevin has one good, steady job now at 37 that he feels is beneath him.  That's strange to me.  Personal opinion.  Agree to disagree. 

    My mother was a big Days of Our Lives fan when I was growing up.  Jensen Ackles was like a much younger Justin on that show.  Blonde, kind of dumb, not the best actor (no offense), good-looking "himbo".  He did steady work on that show and now has a great career on Supernatural.  Good for him.  Lots of famous actors started out as being little more than eye candy on soaps.  Kelly Ripa, Meg Ryan, I assume (I don't know what their parts were like.)  

    • Love 6
  15. People keep saying "Hee" at me.  Ok.  I'm talking about Facts of Life.  Not ER.  This is my third clarification on this.  Anyways, I'm so beyond done.  Just agree to disagree.  No need to laugh.

    1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

    Someone should have told him "two words: Matthew McConaughey,"

    Another great example is Mark Wahlberg who was a CK model/ "Rapper" and now look at his career.

    There are a lot of "From Himbo to Hero" type stores in Hollywood.

    • Love 4
  16. 2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Yes, George Clooney put in his time doing tv (The Facts of Life!) but during the five years that he was a regular on ER, he made several movies (Batman & Robin, One Fine Day, The Thin Red Line, From Dusk Til Dawn, Out of Sight).

    That's exactly what I was referring to .  Clooney put in his dues by acting on a sitcom for years.  And look where it got him.  

    2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Hee, the "six seasons and a movie" thing for Community actually originated with Joel McHale saying that every week on The Soup. And it worked!

    Who did it work for?  I know Sex and the City, but I'm having trouble of finding other examples.  It worked for Entourage.

    With regards to Randall's father, has it only been said that he's "sick" so far?  With no named disease?

    Facts of Life:  George Clooney ... George Burnett[8] (cast member 1985–1986, recurring 1986–1987)

    • Love 2
  17. I really loved the pilot (ugh, not the AIRPLANE PILOT, LOL!  THE SHOW'S pilot. Hahaha!)

    This one was compelling enough but there's some logistical questions I'm going to pose because this is what I was left with at the end of the show.

    1)  How does the pilot avoiding the street of people prove she wasn't at fault for the passengers' deaths?  IT DOESN'T!  It avoids the issue, does it not!?  Was it simply that the plane had hit weather that no pilot could get out of and they were doomed?  Was there a way a better navigation/weather system would have been able to help the pilot to avoid this the bad weather?  How is the airline responsible for the deaths?  Is the airline responsible, at all?  Only in the hiring of the pilot, right?  This was twisting my mind around.

    2)  What happened with the co-pilot, exactly?  The co-pilot was a male who was having an affair with someone on the plane and they had just gotten into a fight.  What was that woman, exactly?  A flight attendant?  Was the co-pilot helping the pilot during the turbulence, or not?

  18. To be honest I like Kate and her storyline because I can relate to a lot of it!  I was nodding along like crazy to what she was saying!



    3 million over 22 episodes = roughly 136000 per show.  It's not Big Bang money but enough to say the show was on for a few seasons and was a solid performer for the network.

    I went from being interested in Kevin's story last week to thinking that the boy is insane.  Unless the show is misogynistic or racist I would do it and pay my dues.  Again I point to the examples of George Clooney, Margot Robbie, etc. etc. who paid their dues on sitcoms or shows and look at them now.  Look at Jennifer Aniston.   If you're good-looking and can act, Hollywood will embrace you with that resume.

    When people mention actors who wanted to break into films - or thought they could - there's a lot of examples I  vaguely remember but can't pinpoint!!  Somebody help me.  Was Mischa Barton on The O.C. one?  (I wasn't as into the show back then).  Then there's Blake Lively on Gossip Girl, but they did their six seasons and closed the show properly.  (Somebody said the typical contract is seven seasons --- I know that it's five seasons for a show to reach syndication, and a lot of shows go to 6, remember Abed from Community:  "Six seasons and a movie!"  Six seasons was the duration of Gossip Girl, Sex and the City, LOST, and Community.  So is the contract really seven?  Not sure.)

    • Love 2
  19. - Agree that Kevin whining on the phone about his "issue" was ridiculous.  I felt some empathy last episode, but if he's really going to wallow like that?  Hahaha... oh dear.

    - Randall had temporary blindness from not sleeping enough, or something?

    - Twitter (I love Twitter, but it is horrible for some things. People love to spoil television shows and I have to block all of them) spoiled for me (actually it was Previously.TV's twitter feed, which I have now blocked) that there was ALSO a twist this episode. God, I really, really, really wish I hadn't known that going in.  I spent the entire episode thinking about it and it ruined my enjoyment, and I knew there'd be a twist in the last few frames.  I was 100% convinced that Katey Segal was the grown up mother/Mandy Moore character.  And as his agent/manager/whatever she just wasn't acting maternally towards Kevin and it was a misdirect.

    Anyways, I guess EVERY episode will have a twist LOL which is so weird because I hope I'll be able to "sit back and enjoy" -- I'm worried I won't be able to?  I obviously have anxiety issues.  It's like how every episode of LOST ended with a major cliffhanger, but I still enjoyed every episode so hmm. I don't know.  Just typing aloud.

    Katey Segal spent a lot of time on Married with Children, a show I DEARLY hated, and I've always held some jealousy towards her for somehow being able to land a part in literally every single quality show on Earth (Lost , Futurama, sons of anarchy, This is us, 1000000 more shows - SHE ALWAYS SHOWS UP.)  (I know her husband is the creator of SOA).  I've never been really impressed with her.) Anyways, she's like the real life Kevin I guess.  

    • Love 8
  20. I did a lot of studying of this stuff in college.  I think some psychologists agree when the gap is more than 6 years, your birth order just stars over again, so if there's 2 siblings 7 years apart they're both basically onlys again.  (It's been AWHILE since I've been in college though. I love reading about this stuff even for fun.)

    • Love 6
  21. Pixiebomb, as someone who was an only, then an oldest, then finally a middle, I would love, love, love to watch your idea!  :)

    But you can't have all firstborns together competing against the middle/babies I don't think.  They are notoriously higher achievers and much more conscientious :)   You're forgetting only, which I assume is the majority of babies in developed countries these days.  Huge population.  I'm thinking bigger families will or already are eventually dying out, what with the birth rate being so extremely low in developed nations.  Maybe 4 tribes like Season 13: Cook Islands would do the trick.  Only/middle/baby/oldest.

    Also, if you really did manage to raise 4 kids with the "same rules and expectations", wow.  I've never heard of that happening!  I would assume that the major reason for people of different birth orders being different people is the difference of rules and expectations set upon them by the exact same set of parents.  Gender of the children and parent would inform that too, I'm sure, also the parents' cultural backgrounds, etc. but I assume the order affects a lot of the differences in raising children.

    I think it's okay to talk about generational differences. I think it's extremely interesting.  It's not just technology that decides a generation but so many other factors like 9/11 for North America, etc.  My first or second day of college was 9/11.   That's one of the reasons I'm an old Millennial.  Conversations about differences in groups can have nuance.  Doesn't have to be so black and white.  I think it's an interesting experiment.  

    When I first heard about Cook Islands (I wasn't a fan back then) it SOUNDED offensive.  But years later when I watched the show it is one of the best seasons, I think.  It was fascinating.  I don't have high hopes for this season but I'm willing to stick it out.  Just wish it was as racially diverse as the show could be 10 whole years ago.

    • Love 7
  22. There are Gen Xers on this show born in 82?  Is that right?  I always thought I was a Millennial!  I know that 81 is usually used as the borderline age but 82?  Damn.  I've never related to being a Gen X before..... but I was really was hardcore into grunge.  I'd rather be the oldest Millennial than the youngest Gen X obviously because it makes me feel younger.  Ha!



    And am I crazy, or isn't it Generation X generally people born in the late 60's through the 70's, then Generation Y is the 80's to mid'90's, while Millennials are 1995-on?  I swear I read somewhere that the internet's explosion into mainstream use (which happened in roughly 1995) was used the cutoff point between Gen-Y and the Millennial generation, since it went Gen-X grew up without an internet, Millennials have always had the internet and Gen-Y had both?

    Generation Y and Millennials are the same thing.  I've usually read 1981 as the cutoff point.  

    Wikipedia:  Since then, the company has sometimes used 1982 as the starting birth year.[5] According to Horovitz, in 2012, Ad Age "threw in the towel by conceding that Millennials is a better name than Gen Y",[1] 

    1995 birth year and on is already the next generation:  Generation Z.  There's a loooooot of Generation Zs around already ;)

    Like always I pay a lot of attention to the racial makeup of the cast.  Only 2 black contestants, is that right?  Yet surprisingly a lot of Asians (I'm Asian) for Survivor this round.

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