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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Activism isn't about being happy with scraps or being thankful for what comes your way, though.  She's speaking up for what she believes in and she's going to in go hard.  

    Matt Damon is the star, his face is all over the promotion.  People keep tweeting out the posters and the ads - it's all him.  I've never seen another actor's face.  Yet it's about the Great Wall of China.  To me it's pretty self-explanatory.

    If you don't judge a movie based off a trailer, how do you know what to see?  I won't say a movie is "shit" based off of a trailer, but the point of a trailer is to sell tickets and give a basic idea.  Constance feels insulted that Matt Damon is the face of the movie campaign and I think that's fair.

    • Love 14
  2. People who toss judgment Sonja's way, but not Tom's?  It's clear that your view of what women should do in the bedroom might be outdated and biased based on gender.  It's 2016, Sonja's incredibly single, and like 50.  She needs to be doing and feeling anything she wants.  It's not a simple case of being happy for a friend who is marrying a stranger.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  I don't think Luann deserves more respect than Sonja just because she landed the ring.  Really outdated thinking.

    • Love 11
  3. I don't get all the pearl-clutching judgment, my god.  I had a college friend who ended up being a friend with benefits for about a decade.  Yes, he was my friend.  We had known each other since were 12.  We were real friends and hung out - mostly to have sex. So what?  He never disrespected me, not once.  It was a good time and it was nice when neither of us were in relationships.  Nobody really knows what happened between Sonja and Tom.  Sonja is entitled to any damn single feeling over Tom that she has.  God, the judgement against this woman like any woman who has had casual sex should walk home with their head down and tail between their legs and never expect anything out of life.  

    In several of my 'friends with benefits' situations, the guy wanted to turn into a relationship.  I didn't.  (I've been on the other side of that too - where I pushed for more, but was rebuffed.)  There aren't black and white rules for these relationships like No man ever wants more.  I've found that NOT to be the case.  I really have to wonder if all of the people implying that Sonja is some kind of idiot have ever had casual sex before.  It's fine if you haven't, but then, don't act like this is The Scarlett Letter.

    • Love 15
  4. 23 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    How can Ramona simultaneously slay in a bathing suit and look awkward as hell? lol!  It's like a camera comes out and she turns into Jim Carrey. 

    are you on Twitter?  Because I need to follow you.

    Not a cheesy pick up line I'm being literal

    I liked Jules' parents but I felt so sorry for her little boy.  I know in her TH Jules said she was on vacation but the truth is she's working.  You'd think her douche bag of a husband would come home for the kids especially since Mommy isn't there and the nanny is new and they are not used to her.  I hope he goes down in flames in the divorce.

    I just watched Seasons 5 through 7.  Kristen's husband was a dick like this too.  Kristen went away with the girls and her husband Josh is like "Yayyyyy vacation!" and he picks up and leaves the kids.  To me he is a fucking asshole.

    • Love 3
  5. On 7/26/2016 at 10:49 PM, leighdear said:

    Most of those guys had college degrees, so Wells and his radio host gig don't necessarily represent the highest level of intellect. 

    I didn't like him, so I won't cut him slack.  Just like we all do.  We all defend the ones we like and criticize the ones we don't.  

    Interesting.  That's... not how it works for me at all.  

    I actually believe everything that Chad says!  It's not like he said anything nice, so why would any of it be hard to believe?  LOL!  He's not promising to love any of us.... He's the only one being real. (NOT that I like him - I'm neutral. Though I do enjoy the entertainment he provides, because he's the only entertainment that this show is bringing.)


    Chad, on the other hand, is just endless comedy. I so appreciate him breaking the conventions of the show and saying whatever truth he wants too. YES Jordan and Robby are both insincere and YES most of those guys are there to promote themselves. Who else has ever walked onto the set and said those things out loud? They play it off as villainous behaviour, but it's so refreshing.


    By the way - what did Chad do to Jojo that was so bad?  Did he talk shit about her in the media or something?  I know he was bad to the other GUYS - but to Jojo?  Was it the flippant comments about her in the sports challenge?  How she nags or whatever?  LOL!  She absolutely did not seem to mind back then.

    I love how nobody cheered for Alex.  I can't tell you how happy that made me.  It was pronounced.

    Agree with those who said Wells was too know-it-all on the show.  (And I really, really like him, and I know he has a lot of fans here, so.... we're able to criticize the ones we like.)  I think the fans embracing him after the show went to his head.  Oh well.  He wasn't offensive.  Just a bit much.

    Super excited for BiP.  Did they even show one millisecond of Jubilee in the preview for it?  It was a shock to see the announcement that she's on the show, because it feels like the editors blocked out any possible glimpse of her in the preview. Unless she goes home super early.

    Luke is really hot - but there's somebody where I don't know what to believe at all.  He's really able to bring the tears. I found that surprising, because... well... it's a reality show about love.  I don't get what's going on there. If he just wants the fame and glory or what.

    After reading everyone's comments I now remember that Chase exists.  No offense people who want him for Bachelor. But my god. On television he is extremely, extremely dull and boring.  

    Re:  Chris Harrison.  I'm only on my 3rd season, but to me he looks.... old.  I hate saying that because it sounds so dumb and mean.  But yeah.  Tired. Old.  "Over it" might be a better way of saying it but I don't know how he used to be.

    • Love 5
  6. Finished Season 6.  Aviva is the absolute worst out of 5-6-7-8 whether she's in the season or not.  Maybe speaking the really obvious.  Season 6 was sooooooooooooooo boring I could barely get through it.  I think I liked Season 5 and 7.  

    I don't like Kristen, but I really liked Heather in Season 6.  I wonder why she seemed so awful to me in Season 7, but god I really did not like her.  I guess she had had enough of Ramona by then.

    Kristen tries to manufacture drama so hard that it makes me wonder if the producers tell her outright to do so?  The same song and dance through every season is, Woman does something, other woman demands apology, Woman 1 apologizes, Woman 2 says I don't accept your apology and it goes on forever until the next one.  I wonder if Aviva outright RUINED Season 6 because maybe there was supposed to be  a bunch of fun and good times but either she ruined all of them, or declined to attend, which made the producers scramble to put on a show.

    I hope you guys don't mind my little notes here - the 1 person that comes to like these posts always spurs me on to write a next :)

    • Love 1
  7. DearEvette, I just read your post on the experiences of multiracial people and it was so great!  Instead of the over simplistic, "Let me tell you how it is" broad strokes, unintelligent, generalizations I USUALLY have to read about multiracial people, your post was so nuanced, thoughtful and relatable.  Just loved it.

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, jhlipton said:

    A thousand times YES.  Why have a black policewoman and not use her?

    In y view nothing that either cop did was based on race.  Darius (who obviously never got "the talk") was being snitty and never said anything about his back until he was being bent over.  Then first Rachel, then Romeo rushed at the officer.  He had no time to think, only time to react.  The fact that he only fired once (as opposed to the 20 times we've seen in Real Life) showed great constraint on his part.  If they really wanted to make this a #BLM episode, Darius and/or Romeo should have been shot for not doing anything wrong.

    Oh, my God.

    • Love 8
  9. So Babalu you actually have contributed something positive.

    It took 12 hours for @jack to respond to this issue, and a lot of people are obviously still upset that what was done isn't enough, and that women of colour and other people (a lot of women on Twitter in the gaming community, for an example, or any woman that is outspoken on racial issues / has thousands of followers / etc.) that aren't famous like Leslie do NOT get helped when they are attacked in the same manner - HOWEVER, banning Milo permanently is a positive contribution and for that I'm happy.  Milo had his 'fans' / servants whomever all attack Leslie.  Now they are all crying because he's banned :) 

    And crazily enough some of Milo's fans are even saying he went too far (saw posts linked on Reddit) - some tweeted @ him they were feeling a crisis of conscience (saw the tweets) -- that's how bad the abuse towards Leslie got... 

    • Love 4
  10. Quote

    It's like watching The Good Wife and being annoyed that we're not seeing what's up with the husband or coworkers when they're not hanging with The Good Wife. And speaking of that show, I'm glad Rachel isn't a Mary Sue. She's vile, manipulative, and over her head. 

    Not to get too deep into spoiler territory - I believe everyone should have the chance to watch things spoiler free, but there is a woman of colour on The Good Wife who was a mere 'coworker' of Alicia's, and whenever anything happened to that character, some or many fans, including myself, cared an extreme amount.  Also, depending on the fan, the show, the actors, the backgrounds of members of the fandom, and so many other factors, some people watch shows mostly or even SOLELY for the non-main characters.  Especially when viewers are of minority groups.  If we only cared about main characters of shows, we'd have like 2 shows to watch.

    I never felt that Alicia was a Mary Sue either, if I understand the term correctly.  To me Alicia is a deeply flawed character.

    Nice point about Ruby, Gurkel.  It never made sense to me that they got rid of such a good character that the show actually invested in, and now with this new 'plot' it makes even less sense.

    CaliCheeseSucks I feel similarly - to your post - don't know about the cheese. ;)

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, mack6986 said:

    Well, yeah...I specifically mentioned the show's Twitter and Facebook (in addition to IMDb, on which the response seems to be fairly positive).  I didn't say anything about Twitter searches.  And it goes without saying that the reaction here has been negative; I didn't realize that needed to be explicitly stated.  

    Mack6986, here is how your original quote began.  I have bolded the part I disagreed with, and that explains what I wrote.  I disagree. I saw a lot of viewer backlash and I am still seeing it.


    For the record, there doesn't seem to be much viewer backlash at all.  

    • Love 3
  12. Quote

    For the record, there doesn't seem to be much viewer backlash at all.  Comments on the show's Facebook and Twitter, as well as on IMDb, seem to be mostly positive.  I actually just read a thread on IMDb that says Darius and Romeo are to blame, if you can believe that.

    No, I won't put that on the record.   I've seen many negative comments HERE, and on Twitter.  If you're only looking at the SHOW'S social media than I guess it might look positive.  But I would not agree.  I searched for the hashtag #UnReal on Twitter and saw a lot of negative responses.  


    So, I don't think UnReal is trying to say that 2 black men getting stopped and shopped is new - the entire point was that it was old and happens all very often. And while the punishment about what happened was completely disproportionate, Darius and Romeo shouldn't have taken the car - it was against the rules AND that car didn't belong to them. Darius and Romeo play on Darius's fame all the time. They were expecting the same thing to happen here and it didn't. So, while that doesn't justify the fact that Romeo was shot, and Darius hurt - NO way, NO how, I do believe Romeo and Darius started it all by driving off in a car that they didn't have the permission to drive. And Darius's walking off, by the way, was also instigated by Jay, another black man, who disrespected what Chantal was trying to do, and the man himself, by blowing her fiancee's ashes around. So, while the cops are most at fault, followed by Rachel and Coleman, I am not also going to absolve Darius and Romeo completely of the blame. I realise this view may be regarded as wrong and cause offence to many.

    Coleman and Rachel didn't care about the car being gone.  They cared about not knowing where their suitor was and not having total control over him.  So they intentionally reported the car as being "stolen" which they did not actually feel, all for the hopes that the cops would beat the men, (because of racism), and for sure anyone with half a brain knows that a shooting or murder could have or would have taken place in that scenario.  Also, Darius's fragile spine.  Coleman and Rachel exploited systematic racism - and the lives of two black men - for ratings.

     will confess that I could see where Rachel and Coleman were going with wanting to film the real indignity, with a view towards shining a light on it, and perhaps contributing towards getting it to go away. It ended up being terribly wrong, and they put into danger people who hadn't signed up for it, but honestly, till Romeo was shot, I wasn't turned off. Even after the shooting, they hadn't lost me,

    "The real indignity" meaning what?  That C&R knew that Romeo and Darius would get roughed up or worse?  Filming a real indignity for their show is WORTH potentially killing , harming, or paralyzing these two men?  Shining a light on an issue and hopefully getting a goddamn Peabody award or whatever is worth that?  

    • Love 15
  13. Fresh Prince did a wonderful episode about Will and Carlton being stopped in an expensive car, and then thrown in jail.  That was the 90s.  What about Rodney King?  Black people being stopped unfairly by the cops (and then a lot worse) is not new.  I really appreciate the poster saying this is not a "fad".  It's not Pokemon.  Black Lives Matter shouldn't be treated as product placement.

    How anyone can watch Darius's spine being bent and thinking/worrying/then knowing somebody was going to get shot.... Ugh.  

    Honestly, I really liked the show last year, but the stuff with Mary was absolutely not my bag.  Now there's no reason for me to watch anymore.  I feel ashamed that I was so public on social media for wanting the show to get more awards recognition than it has.

    The real life Bachelor and Bachelorette get very high ratings right?  I am going to go ahead and assume that from the spinoffs, aftershows, episodes that air for an hour or longer, 1 or more times a week.  I assume the franchise is a ratings juggernaut.  It really doesn't matter what happens on the show.  There's no way producers would feel that putting people's lives at risk is necessary for ratings in the real life counterpoint is necessary.  To exploit the sickening reality of systematic racism and how it leads to MURDER.  Now I see Chris Harrison was right all along.  I'm not saying The Bachelor is fantastic but they know not to murder people and put discriminated groups in the literal line of fire.

    Can somebody recap the disclaimer at the beginning?  I definitely did not see one, but I did not watch this on cable.

    • Love 9
  14. I know this is a big ask but would somebody mind doing a screenshot of that announcement?

    In Canada, we're not allowed to view the American version of the site, which to me is so incredibly stupid.  So we're blocked from all of that info.

  15. Whoopi Goldberg meant a lot to me growing up to, also, in being a visible minority.  As did so many people and women of colour on television and in the movies.  It really moves me to hear that Leslie Jones told that story.  Seriously, my brother and I watched Whoopi in so many things over and over again that we joke that she was like our substitute Mom.

    • Love 4
  16. Okay --- I'm on Season 6 now.  I really enjoy Heather defending Carole to Aviva over the book drama.  I admit, I'll eat crow here and say I like Heather in Season 6 - so far.  And Kristen is downright LIKEABLE.  But she was obviously very humble in this season and didn't try to stick out or start drama with people, which is what I saw in Season 7.

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