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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. To me, it's logical for Michaela to be surprised Brett and Sunday would vote for her.
    1.  Brett and Sunday probably implied they'd vote for each other.
    2.  Why would Brett and Sunday vote for Michaela out of all 4 Millennials?  You don't know the relationship between Brett, Sunday, and Michaela.  Maybe all three players got along fabulously. We saw Brett cry out complimenting her last episode, saying "There's nothing you can't do." Michaela was the challenge beast of the tribe.  Why would she expect their vote, now, so early?
    3.  To me it's logical that Michaela would be surprised by even one vote.  It goes against everything she was told.  I'm not saying it's good to believe everything you're told in Survivor.  I'm saying it's logical, based on what we've seen, that Michaela would be surprised.

    I did not see her on a high horse. I saw her as in control and confident.  She had the game all worked out but she didn't look down on anyone.  Her alliance had the numbers.  She didn't walk around like King of the tribe or something.

    If Jay got a vote, I think he would be shocked.  I don't think that makes him arrogant.

    • Love 8
  2. But that article implies to me that the season is 13 episodes - not the show.  Am I missing something?  It's like all those articles when How to Get Away with Murder premiered. Viola Davis only signed on because they promised her 15 episodes a season and no more.  It's in its 3rd season now.

    I really liked reading that article.

  3. That was one of the most boring and pointless television episodes I have watched this year.  Maybe I just need to pay better attention but it was really hard to.

    I'll say Debi Mazar looks beautiful

    • Love 1
  4. I loved this episode and I love this show.  I'm really kind of in awe of it.  It's unique, it's creative, it's interesting.  (Even though we compared it to all those Bryan Fuller shows) it truly is not exactly like anything I've ever seen.  Sounds weird but I mean that as a compliment.  I'm also becoming a fan of Kristen Bell more and more with every episode and I resisted her before this show for so long.  

    Adam Scott was great.  

    I agree that the Jason line to Janet was weird.  Maybe Chidi and Eleanor condescend to him?  And maybe Tahani expects too much out of him?  But that would be a pretty deep reading of a very simple line.  He, in his weird way of thinking, thinks Janet "understands" him.  That would be putting it more accurately I think.  

    I like how we're getting a fuller picture of Tahani.  I love how Tahani and Eleanor show a huge range of emotions and express their inner despair outwardly so much.  I love their acting.  I really feel it. Ted Danson has always been the 'weak' part for me - I don't mean that he's untalented, I just mean that I feel no draw towards him - but the line about Bad Janet was hilarious, I agree @swimmyfish.

    When Trevor was like "Yeah sure but who are they going to believe?  Me, or a woman?"  I LAUGHED AND I LAUGHED

    • Love 10
  5. 2 hours ago, LanceM said:

    It is interesting and surprising to me how she says that the only two that really talked to her in the first few days were Jay and Michelle. It does help explain why she would vote with that alliance to get rid of Mari and not go with the so called misfits since they apparently didn't try to connect with her in any way.

    It really IS interesting I agree.  Also, she never liked Figgy so maybe this helps explain.

    • Love 2
  6. 32 minutes ago, susannot said:

    I'm completely fucking done with this show.  Really, how racist and sexist  is it?  All minority women voted out before the merge?  Only 4 women left? Mark Burnett is an ultra-conservative Trump supporter.  Over and out.

    Good for you.  I genuinely admire your convictions.

    I'll see how I feel next week because I don't know.  So far I don't have your strength of will.

    I think ignoring people's race and gender (and other things) when it comes to their circumstances in any sort of social 'experiment' like this one is more harmful than not.  It's interesting and important to think about.  (Not saying that this thread is the place for it.)  Sorry, but to me it's not at all a coincidence.  I'm not calling any players outright racist or sexist -- it is so much more complex than that.

    • Love 9
  7. Jesus.



    A movie producer warned Mila Kunis' career would end if she refused to pose half-naked for a men's magazine, the A-list actress wrote in an open letter about sexism in Hollywood and society at large.

    "You'll never work in this town again," the unidentified producer allegedly told the star of "Black Swan," "Ted," and "Friends With Benefits" after Kunis said she would not take off her clothes to promote a film.



    Her actual letter is great:


    • Love 8
  8. I had a wealthy friend in high school whose parents were NEVER at their enormous mansion.  They were always on trips here or there or anywhere.  He threw awesome parties.  Oh man do I idolize his mom ; )  Meanwhile I definitely from a lower class was almost never allowed to go to parties but I think that is more because I am a girl / my mother's effed up cultural beliefs.  So yeah that's just one tiny example, but I went to school with a lot of rich crazy kids so I personally never associated a lack of money with teenage trouble.  Very much the opposite.  Immigrant parents like my mother were notorious for not allowing their children to have fun and instead forcing them to overachieve.  

    Somebody posted that at private schools, the teachers could be less qualified than at public.  Is there truth to this?  Very interesting.  Something I'd like to discuss with my father.  He has a lot of shame about not sending us to private because he couldn't afford it.  But hell, I wouldn't want to go to private anyway ;)  

    • Love 3
  9. Hahahahahahah.  I just laugh now.  I mean no disrespect to anyone.  I just think Hollywood has broken me and all I can do is laugh.  I'm honestly finding it so funny.  I think I have become delirious.



    AFM First Look: Jessica Chastain Remains by Sitting Bull's Side in 'Woman Walks Ahead' (Exclusive)

    Susanna White directed the 19th-century period drama about an artist who moves from Brooklyn to the Standing Rock Reservation in the Dakotas to advise the Sioux chieftain.

    Jessica Chastain is a Sitting Bull confidant in The Hollywood Reporter's exclusive first look at Woman Walks Ahead.



    • Love 3
  10. Rajai's home run is one of the craziest things I've ever seen.  I am very glad I was watching that.

    I'm very happy for the Cubs.  I really like them, and they are such a good team.  I became a fan in 3 games.

    • Love 2
  11. Yeah very interesting.  Love it.


    Holmes: I think we were all excited when we saw how diverse the casting was on the women’s side. And yet, five of the first seven people out were women of color. What is your take on this outcome? Did something feel off out there or is that just how the cards fell regardless of race?
    Bradshaw: It feels like America. You don’t feel it in the moment until you step back and look at it. Then you realize that we’re playing a social game. Part of making alliances is who you feel like you can trust. Part of who you feel like you can trust is who you feel familiar with. Part of who you feel familiar with is who you’re typically around. And part of who you’re around is who people look like. In a social game, what you look like can have an effect on what’s familiar to a person which can impact how quickly they trust you and how long they trust you. And so, maybe that had something to do with the boot order, maybe it was random. But I can say that I noticed.

    • Love 7
  12. Change in government IS being attempted through Twitter every day and all of the time.  Generalizations based on generations do nobody any good.  I think there will always be young people who have apathy about politics just as there are enthusiastic zealots.  And then the next generation has the same.  I want to say I think Twitter activism is an amazing thing that impresses me everyday.  Attempting to pass laws for adding restrictions for buying guns, #BlackLivesMatter, gay rights, #NoDAPL etc.  It's not all Millennials doing, but let's not dismiss Twitter activism like it's just people sharing what they're eating or something.  Anyone on Twitter is going to be bombarded with the election and they know about voting; it's not avoidable.  I'm Canadian and I cannot avoid it. I strongly believe Twitter has affected change at the very least in public awareness of these issues.  I've received a hell of a lot of education through activism on this medium.



    • Love 3
  13. I admire Jay's honesty.  You don't really see that much.  Incredibly assertive, a master in upfront communication.

    I really didn't want Michaela to go home.  I was like, not Zeke or Michaela.

    Then when it happened, I had kind of resigned myself to it, and I wasn't so hurt.  It didn't hurt my feelings, for some reason.

    I guess because I so logically understand it.   I'm glad that the Editors at least gave me the grace of showing the Jay and Will strategizing scene.  But damn, as a minority woman ......... ugh.

    I really love Michaela as a Survivor character/contestant.  Incredibly entertaining.  I cried at her winning that Reward Challenge, more than I did the Cubs game.  And then Jay took a sword and just stabbed her..... oh my.

    To posters who said Michaela was shocked to see her name written down by Brett and Sunday.  Of course she would be shocked.  For goodness sake.  It meant that at least 1 of the people in her 4 person alliance turned on her and allied with Brett and Sunday instead.

    It was cool to get affirmation that Michaela's tribe really DID admire her, contrary to what some watchers have written instead.

    @KimberStormer Sometimes I find myself really looking forward to your post, and this episode was one of those times.  It was not disappointing.  Again, I have no idea whether I agree (LOL) I guess I have no idea until we see whether Jay's actions pay off or not.  Brett is a liar and Michaela is a truth-teller. It's a very interesting dynamic and it's interesting who Jay and Will decided to cut.

    I loved Will's line "Hannah will freak out if we tell her, and Hannah will freak out if we don't tell her."  Or was it Jay.  Meh.

    Some see Michaela's reactions as dumb pride or entitlement.  To me itread like being hurt that she was betrayed.  She was surprised, which comes from feeling assured that she was safe, but I guess she felt like Jay thought the same way as her.  I don't know, is it smarter to suspect everyone all the time a la Tony or expect loyalty from your core four?  People have won both ways, so I guess both can be smart.  Michaela thinks Jay is the one who made a dumb mistake.  I honestly don't know what's true.  We'll see.  The Foa Foa Four in Somoa used their core 4 to make it to the end, and this is what Michaela had envisioned.  She didn't realize that 2 of them disagreed.  I think Jay has always wanted to reunite with Taylor and I guess it makes sense.  Michaela assumed true loyalty from beginning to end but maybe Jay never saw that vision at all.

    • Love 8
  14. You can jump in.

    Bridget Jones the first is a classic.  Wonderful, wonderful movie.  BJ2 is horrible.  No need to watch that.

    Critics are biased based on genre.  Something I really hate about contemporary film criticism.  Romcoms aren't appreciated unless they're written by Woody Allen or Jennifer Lawrence stars in them. Gotta be really white.  I'll talk more about this when I'm not so tired.

    • Love 4
  15. That could be idealizing the 90s a bit.  It's my favourite decade personally, but I don't know.  Did Meg Ryan movies even feature other women?  I don't remember many.  Rita Wilson, I guess.  Sandra Bullock sort of likes to feature a couple of other women, but make no mistake, the films are about her.  I'm a huge fan of Sandra's but I've always felt like her romcoms are incredibly disingenuous in that she always plays a lonely, loser woman who eats a lot - see All About Steve, Two Weeks Notice, Miss Congeniality - please, she's drop dead gorgeous and in fantastic shape.  It's an unrealistic fantasy in my opinion, and a bit insulting.  But don't get me wrong, she's starred in some of my favourite movies.

    I loved Focus.  

    • Love 1
  16. 9 hours ago, kili said:

    Kate is very good at her job. I wonder how long it takes Toby to start complaining about all the time she spends working because planning that ball is going to take up even more of her time than she spent on her old job (where he got bitter when she spent an hour trying to find a hotel for Kevin).

    100% I have to quote this because I love this post.

    I remember in some Sex and the City forum I went on a RANT because I had been rewatching Season (3 I think?) and Steve was pissing me off so much and acting like a petulant brat and not respecting Miranda's own time or job and I got this flutter of replies that agreed.  That was a lot of fun.  I was really raging about Steve.

    • Love 4
  17. I have REALLY enjoyed the past two games.  And it's very hard for me to watch baseball games not involving my team.  I guess I'm a Cubs fan.

    • Love 3
  18. Entertainment Weekly just released an article about this.  Funnily enough it's the latest issue with Glenn from Walking Dead on the cover.


    For my money This is Us is the best show of the fall season and the writers/casting people have managed to create a 'white family show' yet half the cast is black.  It's a wonderful show.  (I don't want to reveal any spoilers you have to see the pilot!)  It doesn't do the colour-blind thing, it deals with race head on.

    Also I wasn't sure what to think of Atlanta at first but halfway through the season I kind of got my mind blown.  It's brilliant.

    • Love 11
  19. I really love this show.

    I don't think of myself as a "sappy" person, but you know what, maybe I am and I just don't want to face it.  I just don't normally WATCH shows like this.  My bread and butter is things like "Curb Your Enthusiasm" where you can bet dollars to donuts you'll never cry.  (I'm using a lot of cliches I've NEVER used before; could be using them wrong.)  My mother never cries and my father always cries, so I think I am in the middle.  Once in awhile, I cry.  I think I'm hormonal and PMSing but I will say that I cried three times this episode.  I don't remember exactly each time but here's when I felt the most.  

    1.  Sterling K. Brown as Randall.  Randall waiting in the wings for his presentation.  I could barely stand it.  The excited look on his face.  I could barely watch him he made me feel so much.  Then Randall's excited look to his father when William offered to teach him piano.  JUST STOP IT.

    2.  Milo as Jack, with baby Randall.  (The actor playing Baby Randall, is he fucking brilliant or am I just a hormonal puddle who adores kids?! I hope they're both true.)  Milo was great.  Bravo.  There's the scene at the office then there's the STUPID SCENE WITH THE TIE I CANNOT BEAR IT OH GAWD.

    I honestly think I hate 'corny' stuff but I don't find this show that way at all.  I wonder what ultra cynical people think of this show, because I sort of thought I was one.  I don't know. I guess I'm not.  I really love this show a lot.  I'm really happy for Milo because I only saw him on Gilmore Girls and loved him, but I never followed his other shows.  I'm really proud of him.  I feel like we've watched him grown up, which is not at all true for me since I got into Gilmore Girls like 2 years ago.  

    I'm really impressed with the writing, and Sterling, Milo, and the kid who plays Baby Randall really knock me out - I'm a huge fan of acting and I pay a lot of attention to it.  Bad actors make me sick and almost angry.  We thought Jack and Kate were the close pairing but Jack's storyline with Randall is fucking amazing.  It's just so smart.  I'm inspired by the writing.

    I really hate Olivia but meh, I think we're supposed to, I don't know.  It's okay to have unlikeable characters.  Toby makes me angry because I think I'm confused about what the writers think or want me to think.  With Olivia I think it's kind of cut and dry.  She's a harsh person who is supposed to make Kevin see another side of himself.... I guess?  To shock him awake?  To make him realize better acting?  I don't know.  However, in my 'real' life all of the bad people in my life only hurt me and did not help me.  

    Every storyline on this show is interesting and makes me think.  It's a deep show - I love how @Amethyst said "It's not black and white".  It's hard to say what's right and it's hard to say what's wrong.  It is never spelled out for you. (This is like what Grey's Anatomy spelled out it was supposed to be like every single episode - even the show's title spells it out for you - not to knock that show, it is a good show.)   There are shows that I'll watch that I'll feel zero desire to read anyone's thoughts on it or share any of my own.  But this show I love reading all of your posts every week; love it.  

    • Love 10
  20. I am a big fan of his.  I really liked Central Intelligence, for instance.  But I didn't really laugh much at this.

    UNTIL the end.  Kevin does a 10-20 minute bit on



    that had me DYING.  I was crying.  I had to stifle my laughter because I was laughing so much I was embarrassed.  The rest, meh.

    Yeah, @BitterApple the James Bond stuff was terribly unfunny for me.  A waste :(

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