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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Slide puzzles are the devil's instrument.

    Laughed so much when Jeff said something like "Unless Jay is really good at slide puzzles" like we all get regular practice.

    There's only one thing to remember!  One piece of the puzzle will not exist/will be a hole - just work with that.

    I'll never forget Tony in Cagayan running first to the slide puzzle only to frantically move the pieces around and around with absolutely no game plan, and of course he lost.  LOL

  2. 8 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    That was crazy! I like this new rule. I wasn't a fan of Jessica's but I felt sorry for her. Going home because she drew the wrong rock. But she did it to herself, if she would have voted for Zeke they would not have had to go to rocks.

    I'll miss Chris, he was fun to watch in the challenges. 

    The rocks?  Not a new rule, right?  

    • Love 3
  3. Ohhhhh my god

    48 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Wow, Hannah sucks at this game.

    A lot of people played worse than her this round LOL

    Man that was fucking exciting.  Not as much as the Cubs/Indians game but I was screaming.  The Rajai HR still beats it, by a lot.  But this will go down in history.  I never saw the Paschal season.  That's one of the few I never saw.  (Thanks to those who pointed out it was Season 4 Marquesas.)   I'm so glad I was watching.  Survivor has renewed my faith in the show and the franchise and I now have renewed faith in this season, which I was rapidly losing.

    This season never felt like a favourite, but wow, I know that it will be historical now.

    Going to rocks sounds stupid when I hear about it secondhand, but watching it was much soooooo fun. Hahahahahah.  It was really like a movie; the director focusing on Jessica so much because she knew she was fated to "die" this way through the whole tribal.  Although, I think if Adam -- or, to a lesser extent, David -- was eliminated this way, I'd be pissed, because I like them and their stories. I have a personal affiliation towards Adam and David's arc brought me to tears today.  Jessica really thought she was going to win the whole thing.  I thought the lack of focus on Adam this entire episode, until TC when he fucked up the Ken call - was very weird.  I kept having to remind myself that he was the 10th person there.  Also, who orchestrated the Ken bluff?  And who was whispering it?  

    I was already thinking that challenge where they squirm through the sand looked like people trying to wriggle away from their deaths in a Tarantino film.  I KNOW I've seen a movie or two like that.  Very cinematic episode.

    I never knew Zeke was gay.  So yeah I didn't know about Brett either, but that surprised me less because I never paid attention to the guy.  Now I am finally confident that I know everyone's names.  LOL

    I used to get pissed about all the women and minorities being thrown out of the game, but I guess now I just have to see it like a metaphor for America.  Remember how Sunday focused so much on Jessica last week?  Perfect metaphor for a lot of women I know.  Sunday and Hannah are the last two women standing; just wow.  I always thought Sunday was dumb, but man, she won that challenge with Brett and Zeke...... is Zeke a genius or can Sunday hold her own?  LOL

    • Love 9
  4. 1 hour ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

     So now she has contentious relationships with all three of her children? 

    It's an epically fascinating show and I find the discussions after just as fascinating.  This sentence makes me think about how Jack kind of unilaterally made the decision to adopt Randall thinking it would at least help (not "fix" but...... salve?) the situation, adding more love to it, and putting them in a situation where they could give their love to someone back, and Rebecca was not 100% gung ho about the idea.  It's not a knock on her; adoption is such a huge thing.  And the show is so fascinating because it shows us this 40 year path of how this all happened leading up to the present.  It's so ambitious and awesome.  After losing their 3rd child, this family was going to have it tough no matter what, and adopting a 3rd kid to 'help' that situation adds a whole other layer of depth/complication to it.

    • Love 9
  5. This is pure speculation by me, but I think the Rebecca not knowing about Kevin's play stuff was really heavy-handed.  Is Rebecca so biased towards Randall that any kind of thing Kevin does is seen as needy attention-grabbing, and Rebecca kind of resents it and doesn't like it? And therefore, kind of ignores it? I have mother issues myself, so I am just thinking out loud.  The way some parents act, it is almost laughable 1) how different they treat their kids and 2) how insensitive they can be when a kid or even adult kid really wants approval or validation.  I'm not being judgemental because I don't have children myself, just that I've seen it.  Just as a tiny example, the way my father talks to my brother about his work versus mine.  Some parents see some work as more important than others and don't care how it comes off. 

    • Love 6
  6. 12 hours ago, Randomosity said:

    Not that she couldn't be nicer in general, but I read that line as deadpan humor, not rudeness.

    Then I'm definitely missing the punchline.  Oh, because he's black, he's obviously adopted?  It's rude, in my opinion, to make that kind of "joke"; doubly when you're a guest at that person's house.

    • Love 13
  7. 12 hours ago, random chance said:

    True, now it's always going to be the holiday where he learned his mom betrayed him, even if he forgives her. P.S. never choose a holiday as your wedding date, this has been a public service announcement.

    Ha!!  My older brother chose Valentine's Day.

    • Love 1
  8. All I can think is that Miguel killed Jack

    Milo is disgustingly hot at this point, although he always was, even as a scrawny young man.

    Kevin and Randall sharing the hat tradition was beautiful.  Especially because so many of us drew battle lines last week, this is a very interesting bridge across that.

    Olivia ....  It reinforces this sick fantasy that hot bitchy women get love because men just want to "fix" them.  How many Nice Guys out there claim that women just go after jerks, and all the nice guys finish last?  This is kind of overromanticizing that trope which is really funny to me.  What is redeeming about Olivia besides her looks?  Shallow.  (Oh maybe her 'acting talent'.  Buh. Whatever. Actors are a dime a dozen in Kevin's line of work.)  The show does make me relate more and more to Kate, though.  Because as an overweight woman, I really fucking doubt that a super hot, fit man like Kevin would want to fix ME.  You have to look like Olivia to get away with that, I guess.  Then your horrendous attitude becomes "adorable" and "lovable."  (Though I personally would have run away from Toby and his 'issues' immediately.)   Maybe we're underestimating the show?  And the show is illustrating how Kevin is attracted to Olivia because his mother ignored him as well?  

    Imagine a character who looks like Kate with the personality of Olivia.  Do you really think she could land a guy as hot as Kevin?  I think I've made it clear why this storyline bothers me.

    I know that kid who plays Little Randall doesn't look like Sterling but I don't care this time.  I really adore that kid.  He's very precious.

    • Love 18
  9. 36 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Yup, young MPG on Saved by the Bell left me cold.  Generic cute blonde guy.  Tv was littered with them.  

    I agree he kind of looked like that on SBTB but I think it's very cool that his mother is Indonesian!  Especially because he was meant to play the prototypical California blonde high school idol.  They spent that entire SBTB span dying his hair blonde!

    • Love 1
  10. Hated this particular joke.

    The rest was fine.  Meh compared to Chappelle, but not terrible.
    The Westworld sketch was good.
    I really hated the Thanksgiving Parade one, personally. The rest was fine.  The monologue was atrocious and somebody snarked back at me "It's SUPPOSED to be bad." You know, I really hate that response.  I don't care what you think something is supposed to be.  The monologue was bad and I'll say it was bad.  Really bad.  Compare it to last week's.   I ever heard a person or two declare that that one was the best they'd ever heard.  (Now imagine me saying in a smug tone:  "Well it's SUPPOSED to be."  Lord)

    • Love 2
  11. I feel like it was really obvious that they had Ginny sing Katy Perry's "Firework" off-key so that they wouldn't have to pay for the rights to the song, which is so so stupid.

    Also, a rain delay, as a plot?  Rain?  For a plot?  This just seemed like a lame way to avoid showing real baseball stuff.

    Is the show implying that Mike wantED to stay in San Diego because of Ginny?  And then he realized Ginny would be too much of a distraction, I guess.

    No offense but why are people discussing the next episode from now, and previews for it?  Definite pet peeve of mine; I don't want to know a week beforehand.

  12. Fuck that!  I'm angry but you know what?  I'm free.  I'm free of this show.  I can release myself now.

    I hope Alfred becomes a movie star or something.  I know he was in the Harry Potter movies but I've never watched them so eh.

    3 minutes ago, Tiger said:

    JD's twitter imbed making page scroll. . .


    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Zeke and I would either get along famously or hate each other more than life itself because we are just alike.  I too often have disdain for people and have a hard time hiding it.  I'm not as caustic as Michaela, but it's damn close.  It's why I would make a terrible Big Brother hamster.

    Ha!  I love it.  I feel the same.  Why I relate so strongly to fictional characters like Larry David.  I'm always on Larry's side.

    I am not nearly as caustic as Michaela but I idolize her.  LOL

    • Love 2
  14. 13 hours ago, Tikichick said:

    If that type of response is considered rude in answer to an internet post, imagine what it's been like growing up in the shadow of a sibling belittling you that way.  Randall isn't blameless in this equation.

    As I said above, Randall isn't blameless here. 

    I don't agree.  Kevin ignored or practically bullied Randall for existing.  Again, not Randall's fault.  Randall's reacting out of reasonable bitterness in my opinion.  Unfortunately, Kevin's jealousy and misplaced anger has helped form Randall's personality.  I don't assign blame to Randall, who in my opinion was the victim of Kevin's anger.  (Randall corrected Kevin's grammar?!  Ouch!  Not really.)

    Though I can understand sympathizing with Kevin for his situation now.

    • Like 1
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  15. Jay climbing aboard his high horse and taking Adam to task for being alive and sitting next to Taylor while Taylor stole all of the food was also one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on this show.  Thank god Adam spoke with some fucking sanity and said, You just fucking said you ate the food with him, Jay!

    Here's Adam and my reaction to that one


    • Love 24
  16. These explanations for why Sunday doesn't want Jessica in the game are even funnier than what I imagined.  I'm really laughing now.  Maybe I'll watch this again for the LOLz value.

    • Love 4
  17. Taylor, Will, Sunday.  All morons to me.  It's a season with morons left at the end.  Such a weird game.  What does Sunday have against Jessica?  Is anyone able to follow that nonsense?  Jessica voted for Sunday?  I can barely understand Sunday's language.

    I would also love to know Hannah's age, not just asking rhetorically.  She said something like, she's been a fan of the show since she was 16?

    • Love 13
  18. 4 hours ago, Tikichick said:

    Observing a parent repeatedly demonstrate incredible levels of love and caring for a sibling while not demonstrating the same for the sibling observing and craving that love can have a profound impact on someone's psyche.  Particularly when your pain is happening right under the parent's nose and they never notice.  Yeah, I would guess anybody would need help to cope and sustain a healthy emotional life.

    Yes, I know, I've lived it.  That's why I'm not as sympathetic towards Kevin.  He's 3 years older than I am.  I'm not bitter towards my sibling the way he is.  I think I got over those feelings towards my sibling when I was a teenager and realized it wasn't at all my sibling's fault, because he was an innocent child.

    Kate and Randall's stories strike me as way more sympathetic.  Personal opinion.

    If the show was more about Kevin realizing he has Mommy Issues (hello, me in a nutshell) then yeah, that's understandable for me.  But instead he lashes out at Randall.  It's hard to understand, but the show is interesting, because it's helping fill the blanks, and it's relatable.  But am I super sympathetic towards Kevin?  Nah.  And that's okay we can all see it differently.  I dislike having Mommy issues sure, but I hate being blamed or lashed out at for things that aren't my fault just as much.  i.e. how I see Randall in this equation.

    • Love 3
  19. 3 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

    In Kevin's defence, how many times would he need to introduce Randall as his brother? They went to different schools. As kids, it's normally the parents who introduces the family. If Randall actually went to LA and attended a taping of The Manny, I would expect Kevin to have introduced Randall as his brother. 

    Grammar: I thought Kevin was right in saying "Just you and me." Am I wrong? 

    Really.  I have two brothers and I use the phrase "My brother this" "My brother that" all the live long day.  For example, I just did.  I'm sure I have said the word "brother" at least a million times in my life, easily.  

    • Love 8
  20. 3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't feel for Kevin at all.  He comes off to me as a privileged douchebag.

    It honestly seems like Kevin's father treated him quite well.  It's really hard for some of us to sympathize because we all know so many people in so many worse situations than having 2 married parents with 1 who often shows that he loves you.  Blaming Randall for his issues at 36 just makes him look like a mental case.   He never called his brother his "brother" out loud until he was 36.  He needs help.

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