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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. He's in a lot of good movies as well - I guess I first fell hard for him after Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?  And he also is in the enjoyable (IMO) romantic comedies, 13 Going on 30, View from the Top, and Just Like Heaven.  I loved Rumor Has It when it first came out, but on rewatch it didn't seem as good.  (The man has Z-E-R-O issues playing second fiddle to the biggest female stars in Hollywood.)  Man, I definitely went through that period of thinking, why the heck can't I be married to Mark Ruffalo!?

    • Love 4
  2. 3 hours ago, kakiphony said:

    Maybe Ken can write a Survivor cookbook...

    Now we're cooking with gas.

    I want him there every year, in the background.  You KNOW somebody on the camera team loves him.  Including the cameras.  Hey those Survivors need to eat and so do my eyes!  We know he makes a great home!

    • Love 7
  3. 3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

     It cracks me up when the two of them discuss their "sick relationship."  

    Re: Jay and Adam.

    I agree.  It only means that they respect each other and see each other as the other's biggest threat, which is why they will not vote together.  

    It's such a contrast to how ugly Zeke was towards David.  (Though I admit, we're only seeing the edited version of Jay and Adam's Brovalry.)

    • Love 6
  4. 4 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

    if he makes it to the end, it is the genuine friendship between these four that will have gotten him there. It is the big difference between him and Zeke. They were both strategic players but David built closer bonds with a few while zeke was the social butterfly with all. 

    Your (whole) post was very interesting, a great read.

  5. 5 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Ken acts like he's an old fogey, saying Jay reminds him of his younger version of himself 10 years ago. Dude, you are 33 and Jay is 27, that's like only 6 years difference! Oh, Ken.

    Haha!!!!  I am Ken's age and I totally talk like this too.  Haha, that is so funny.

    • Love 4
  6. Watched the first half on a delay. Thought it was a bit empty yet entertaining. Shut it off and removed it from the DVR with a big smile on my face.
    Came here to read the posts.  See that SUNDAY was voted out.  WTF?  Had to wait until this morning to "get" the full episode, and watch the second half.
    So pissed off at myself.  My fault for going shopping and not watching it live like I usually do.  Damn you, Indigo Books.  
    Sadly, this show is kind of what I live for week to week, so I was pretty sad.  Pretty, pretty sad that I made that mistake.

    Hannah refuses to bathe in the ocean and it's seriously grossing me out.

    Jay is the oddly beautiful one, Ken is conventionally beautiful one (and god, he so is. I kept pausing the TV to take pictures. Not kidding. When he has that thing in his mouth, he looks like he's modelling in a photo shoot.)  But I think I'm kind of in geeky love with Adam.  He's so vulnerable, and seems so smart, and thoughtful.  I loved his bonding session with Jay.  I loved the men showing emotion with each other.  I loved how open and 'honest' Adam was with Jay, telling him he's a huge threat, and Jay being so honest back, asking to be saved anyway.  It was all so *interesting*.  David was the non-focus of this episode.  But I'm still cheering for him and his grey blazer, along with Adam.  Adam very much seems like a character on a television show - and he is - but he's also a real person.  

    Hannah wanting to get rid of the other goat to be the main goat was really funny.  It doesn't speak that well of women this episode, I hate to say it.  Kind of like trying to get rid of the other side chick so that you can be the Main side chick.  It does a disservice to yourself, as a woman, to only see the role that you and the other woman can play is the Goat.  But I guess it's just hard for me to appreciate a game like Hannah's, and I should try to look at things from another angle and think outside of the box.  Ken and Brett can be seen as goats, too.  But some of these women only seem to carry each other in their own sights.

    It is also so funny to watch Bret's game.  He'll do Literally Whatever, and Sunday will Literally do Whatever Bret does or says, I guess?  Bret "scrambles", but he only scrambles to be told what to do by whomever.  That's so funny.  Millennials like Adam and Hannah and Will seem like Superfans, and Bret just seems like somebody who's trying to extend a vacation.

    After Michaela, the people being voted out seem extremely classy.  Will had a great reaction and a huge smile.  Zeke had a great reaction too.  He's never seemed "bitter" to me just completely neutral-faced.

    • Love 8
  7. I'm always the one who comes out here writing some heartfelt essay because I love the show so much and it made me cry but I felt almost nothing for this episode.  

    I liked the stuff with Gerald McRaney and the stuff between Randall and his coworker, because Sterling and Jimmi Simpson are so talented and it was so well-directed that the entire scene was very cinematic.  

    But the rest of the stuff, meh.  I'll put my hand up as seemingly one of the lone people who would not care at all if Toby died.  

    I think the issue with Mandy Moore is that she's just not an amazing actor.  It's not easy for someone of her age to pretend to be a 70-ish year old mother.  (I wonder how Sterling or Milo would handle playing that age, for instance. I assume it would be hard for anyone.)  So I don't really blame her.  I love her as Young Rebecca.  But she's not given much to work with, Mandy looks insanely perfect even for her own age, and that character is hard to play.  It's just not that believable.  Just like Miguel's hair and eyebrows.

    I hate how the only thing Toby seemed to want from Kate was sex and then Kate delivered.  Ugh.  It seems so childish.  Maybe I should give Kate a break.  I don't know what her sexual history is like so maybe she does feel childish around Toby.

    Kevin and Sloane.  Again.  I don't find it believable.  Kevin is that kind of character that is usually a female one that writers always feel the need to have them paired up with someone, like Ally McBeal or Carrie Bradshaw or Pam from The Office.  Olivia's a complete asshole, so Kevin likes her. Sloane is kind of a loser (sorry, I don't know how else to view her), so Kevin likes her.  Who is Kevin?  I really have no idea.  

    As we all know that Beth is perfect, I didn't really like the part where Randall yelled at Beth to stay back and Beth wouldn't listen.  That seems stupid and dangerous.  What if there was some kind of gunman out there or something?  But maybe Beth was worried about Randall the way Randall worried for his coworker?

    • Love 3
  8. For me Cornelius and Mah-Jing and Roberi's were avant garde (Roberi's was the least of the three, because we have seen it many times).  Laurence and Rik's were not, but their work is always so polished, so their marks put them higher above Cornelius and Mah-Jing.

    I won't comment on Erin because she's flatly in the middle and the wild card.  It's getting confusing now, because these judges actually think that not using black is avant garde.

    • Love 2
  9. On 8/11/2016 at 6:41 PM, ribboninthesky1 said:

    I didn't understand why Richard Gere's character would want to marry her after she left him at the altar.  Then again, he wasn't much of a prize, either.  Maybe they were meant for each other.  Also, it annoyed me that she played coy (I don't mean to flirt with your husband!) with Joan Cusack's character. I get that flirty people may not always realize they're flirting, but I suspect that Joan Cusack was visibly uncomfortable with Roberts' interactions with her husband.  The husband doesn't get a pass, either.

    Funny thing is.  I came to this thread specifically to bring up Richard Gere's character in Runaway Bride.

    He basically seems like a misogynistic prick to me -- anyone else?  N'est-ce pas?  Probably spelling that wrong.  He spends the entire film criticizing Julia's character without knowing a damn thing about her, and then of course they end up in love.  He was an asshole through the whole movie.  He seems extremely ANGRY at her for her relationships which have nothing to do with him, and spends a lot of time criticizing her as a woman, for using her feminine wiles or what the fuck ever, as if the men aren't willing participants.

    Julia's character - incredibly impulsive, and flighty, and ends up cheating on Chris Meloni's character with Richard's right before the wedding, so that is obviously an asshole move.  But up until then, Richard was the asshole, not her.  All of those men entered into marriage with her willingly, thinking they could 'change' her, or 'solve' her.  Though of course, it makes no sense that she was so quick to jump into weddings all of the time when she knew damn well that she would get terrified at the actual altar.  

    The movie's weird.  I found the first half really enjoyable, but then it falls apart at the end.  It's weird.

    On 8/23/2016 at 1:30 PM, Bruinsfan said:

    I'll admit I thought she was stunningly beautiful back in her Mystic Pizza days; but in this century, not so much.

    I think she was stunningly beautiful in My Best Friend's Wedding, also, which I still think is a fantastic movie.  She is still really cute and ages really well, I think.

    • Applause 1
    • Love 6
  10. Arrival is the best MOVIE I've seen this year (haven't seen a few contenders, like La La Land, Passengers, Moonlight, Fences) but Amy Adams didn't particularly knock me out like she did a lot of other people.  I'm more of a fan of a performance like Emily Blunt's, which I admit was a lot showier I guess.  Even judging from the trailers, it will be hard to beat Natalie Portman or Viola Davis this year I assume?

  11. I will definitely read all of the posts later but - I was blown. the fuck. away.

    I'm now telling everyone in my immediate family to please catch it in the theatre.

    Best movie I've seen this year, but there was really not much of a contest.

    I loved it.  If you are on the fence about seeing it in the theatre - please do!

    • Love 7
  12. On 11/11/2016 at 0:20 AM, Silver Raven said:

    One of the love interests (I don't know if he's the one she winds up with or not) in The Edge of Seventeen is Chinese Canadian actor Hayden Szeto.


    I tried to go to the theatre to support this movie and the Asian (Canadian!) male love interest.

    I ended up being so consumed with anger.  Why?  Because Hailee, in the film, is given a white twin brother, and two white parents.  I couldn't handle it. I was consumed with my negative thoughts through more than half of the film.

    I'm sick of this shit.  Actors who have multiethnic backgrounds are often orphaned, adopted, or given white parents in Hollywood movies.  Why?  My guess is so that no one in the audience has to see the reality of their backgrounds and ethnicities  Anything, anything but let the main star have 1, or god forbid TWO!!!, parents of colour.

    Rashida Jones was the love interest in I Love You Man.  Her parents CONVENIENTLY didn't exist, I think her character was orphaned, and she had nobody to walk her down the aisle at her wedding.  God forbid somebody in the audience would have to witness the horror of Paul Rudd marrying a black woman!

    If you are wondering, Hailee's background is part Jewish, part black, part Filipino.  She plays a fake white person in this movie.

    Hayden Szeto was great.

    I'm not even going to touch on the movie trailer I saw before the film.  Martin Scorsese's "Silence", which looks to be a bunch of Hot White Men at the Moment who save some Japanese people.

    "Fences" with Denzel and Viola looks awesome.

    • Love 4
  13. On 11/11/2016 at 11:49 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Change:  I like Divorce a lot better now, and I will be sticking with it.  

    I abandoned:  Bull.  Notorious.  Conviction.  Empire (this one took me a long time!).  

    I want to abandon Secrets and Lies, but I won't.  Same with HTGAWM.  The Night Of was pretty damn good.  

    The pilot of Westworld was soooooo violent for me.  But there's so much hype surrounding the show I know I'll at least try Episode 2.

    So I abandoned Secrets and Lies, and HGTAWM (some of you will know why.)  I'm happy about these decisions -- they've been a long time coming.

    Oh, I went back to Bull and I'm gonna stick with it.  Haha.

  14. 5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    Oh gosh, yes. Every season there are plenty of people who are all - "ME?? Why are they mentioning MY name?? The nerve!" It's par for the course with Survivor. 

    It comes off as indignant, but for people like Ken, and a lot of others, like Michaela, they're just shocked that they didn't calculate or see the game properly.  A lot of it is shame.  It just comes off as indignation or anger, and I don't personally begrudge the players that.  The game continues to be hard every single season.  The factors are too variable.  I totally get why everyone freaks out when their name is floated.  I think / assume a lot of the players' goals is for that too never happen, and once it does, it's like a house of cards falling.

    • Love 7
  15. 3 hours ago, green said:

    I don't think Adam playing the idol was bad gameplay at all.  After Ken blew things up totally for their alliance I think it was a wise move not to trust Will because even Will said his emotions wanted revenge so who knew if his game side would win out.  Zeke is a great manipulator too.  So better safe than sorry so I think Adam was smart to make the play.

    I completely agree!!!!  Saying it is a bad move is just a 'hindsight is 20/20' opinion that can only be held with the benefit of being on the other side of it.  The opinion can only be held retroactively, so it's kind of moot.   Is there any way that it's not?   How could Adam know that Will had flipped when he stomped around all indignantly?   I still didn't even notice Will had flipped until people here posted about it.  Sorry Will.  

    Zeke went from being my favourite to the Grinch-like editors pressing their fingers together and releasing his villainous side for his last two episodes.  They're such odd storytellers.

    • Love 9
  16. 4 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I don't think I'd like Jay IRL but he's playing a hell of a game.  He was seen as the leader of the millennials yet he's still there.  He's a challenge beast yet he's still there.  He's been able to move pretty seamlessly from side to side but he's still there.  His name never comes up.  People seem to like him and listen to what he says.  Sunday wants to adopt him.  Will idolizes him.  (No pun intended.)  Adam will be eternally grateful to him.  He has friends on the jury.  

    You gave me goosebumps by the time you got to Adam.  You tell quite a tale.  And it's true.  It's really damn true!

    Jay's major move goes back to getting rid of Michaela.  He lost Taylor but it didn't really seem to matter.  In fact, as you say, he gained a solid jury vote.  He gained probably two when you think of Michelle.

    I guess a lot of people out there hate displays of emotion.  What else can be said?  Some of us get it and some of us don't.   If you can't understand a guy crying about his mother back home dying of cancer then I think it's just true that some people hate displays of emotion under any circumstance.

    • Love 7
  17. David


    all voted together to vote against Zeke, correct?  And Zeke has himself, Sunday, Brett, and wow, I forgot about Jay there.  And he DID have Will but Will flipped.  Is this all correct.  If so, when did Adam splinter apart from Zeke?  Is it really because of Will's grand master plan today?  And how did Jay find himself in league with Zeke's crew?  Didn't he hate Adam and thereby Zeke?  This stuff is the hardest for me, trying to keep this shit straight.

    • Love 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

    I always hate the loved ones episodes.  They've only been gone a freaking month.

    Being isolated from your family for a month cannot be easy on everyone.  If I go on a trip, I can still message or video chat with my mother all the time.  If you go on this show there's absolutely zero interaction with your family. You can't even look at pictures of your family to see their faces.  Also you are surrounded by people that you potentially hate.

    • Love 19
  19. 11 minutes ago, azshadowwalker said:

    Ken is a non-entity. I don't find him especially attractive, and his personality is non-existent. To me, he is all the things people accused Michelle of being. Apparently, not being a young, attractive woman has its perks... 

    The editing shows Ken a lot, so I don't really agree with the analogy.  The editing barely showed me Michelle, except until the end.  She may have a great personality, a winning one, or a horrible one. I wouldn't know.  I wasn't shown it.  I wasn't shown any nuances of her character, or I've forgotten them.  I've seen Ken's character, I've gotten my glimpses of it and I personally enjoy it.  Everyone has a personality, even quiet or 'boring' or stoic type people.  Even Will has one even though I hate it.  I personally enjoy Ken just fine.  

    The analogy to the editing that Michelle got would be like Sunday.  Or Will, before he revealed himself to be so idiotic.  I don't remember people accusing Michelle of being unattractive, I remember people accusing her of not doing much game-wise.  So yeah, that analogy I get.  If Ken wins the game, I think the same pitchforks will arise.  But now, people are enjoying what they get, which is what I think people did with Michelle until she won.

    Seeing my father and mother on the island would make me the most emotional, but I'd pick my brother because he'd help me win.  My father's never watched the show and I think my mom would be fangirling over Jeff or something.  For sure she'd try and hug him.  

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