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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. 53 minutes ago, lids said:

    I'm really wondering if Nick has a speech impediment. When he took Vanessa to the roof top dinner, it sounded like he said it was the highest point in Atlanta. In my head, I was thinking, but they're not in Atlanta. Could his speech be so marbled that LA comes out Atlanta? Someone else watch the scene and tell me what you hear.

    I had the exact same experience!

    • Love 5
  2. I'm so glad that people seem to like Vanessa, and don't really mention Danielle L.  Danielle seems to be a hit with some people on my social media.  I agreed with C O R I N N E of all people, that there's nothing going on in Danielle's head.  Can't form a sentence without throwing 1-3 "likes" in there.  It is so aggravating.

    I'm not even a Vanessa fan, but just hearing her SPEAK is a breath of fresh air (LOL at the irony after her date.)  

    Rachel is so gorgeous.  I didn't really "get" her in the first episode, but now I'm just wowed by that smile.  She was too thirsty for the ring though.  Haha!

    @clubsauce I am so you.  

    The blond Danielle is so naturally, effortlessly good-looking.  Reminds me of someone famous but can't put my finger on it, or maybe she's just that confident I'm getting confused.

    Astrid's breasts are terrifyingly large (NOT judging; just trying to make 'light' of the elephant in the room).  Noticing Raven's body now which is insane.  A lot of these women have great bodies.

    • Love 8
  3. If anyone besides me cares, it looks like Bautista is returning to Toronto.  No jokes about how Baltimore doesn't want him, we have heard them all before from Baltimore front office, LOL.

    • Love 2
  4. It was incredibly awkward that racism was never brought up in the Susan B. Anthony sketch.  I just kept waiting and waiting for it.  Never happened.  It was cute when Kate McKinnon wanted to know what a cellphone was, but what the hell was the point of that?

    Susan B. Anthony has allowed white feminism, spoiled white women to not care about their history and their privilege?  LOL.  Was it going that deep?

    Was there any evidence before Felicity was announced as host that she had any comic aptitude?  Honestly, she was better than I expected, because I expected the worst.

    I liked the monologue, though Felicity stared straight ahead the entire time without making eye contact with anyone, and I liked the Bachelor sketch.  Other than that it was almost like an experiment of an SNL making points without the laughs.

    The 15 lbs thing was smart, I thought.  But yeah not something I could bring myself to laugh at.  It is so extremely real.

    I don't care about or for the Trump impersonation either.  It was funny when Trump would get pissed off about it the next day, but to me it's not actually funny.  It's more like a public service.

    I kind of thought they'd say more about Carrie Fisher, considering Tina Fey wrote a 30 Rock episode specifically for her, and Felicity is the star of Rogue One.  At the end, when she spoke so effusively about the cast and crew, that's where I thought it was going.  

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Wait a sec, what exactly is wrong with Mr. Miyagi?

    I'm too adorably young to have seen The Karate Kid (LOL - I'm kidding....).  But maybe an Asian kid in the 80s would want someone cool to look up to, and not some old guy who helps the hero in the movie find his way?  I am just guessing?

    Anyways, I Googled it, and Asian people definitely have some conflicting feelings about this character.  It's pretty nuanced.  Go ahead and do the research if you care to learn.

    A big thing is that Asian characters in Hollywood are just so rare in general that perhaps white Americans stereotyped Asians based on that one portrayal.  I'm just spitballing here, based on logic.

    For example, I had Cassandra in Wayne's World, and she was pretty awesome.  But examples were few and far between.  I loved Ling Woo too, but a lot of people thought she was too 'stereotypical'.

    • Love 2
  6. Chidi hesitantly waving goodbye to Fake Eleanor at the end kind of broke me!  So cute.  Also, in the scenes in the beginning of the episode with Real Eleanor I was thinking he has such a beautiful smile.  We didn't see it much early on in the show.

    Just like Andy Bernard made me fall in love with The Office (it was very hard for me to like the show after the UK version), Jason made me fall in love with this show.

    • Love 6
  7. 8 hours ago, maraleia said:

    Also, HTGAWM is the most adult show of the bunch hence the later start time.

    This is not on topic but I find HTGAWM the most childish and easiest for me to watch; it is college students after all :)
    I can't handle the medical goriness of Grey's and then there's obviously the torture on Scandal - assassinations, people getting their teeth pulled, for goodness sake!  Compared to those HTGAWM is a breeze for me to watch.  Child's play!

  8. On 1/11/2017 at 0:32 AM, jhlipton said:

    Moving to something else, I just noticed tonight when they were standing in order, the stars of ABC's Thursday Night Shondaland line-up get progressively darker as the night goes on: Ellen Pompeo of Grey's Anatomy, Kerry Washington of Scandal and Viola Davis of HTGAWM.  I don't think there's any great significance to this, just thought it interesting.

    Interesting but I think it's more about the chronological order of when those shows STARTED.

    Grey's is the oldest show, established at 8 PM, and then so on.

    Maybe Shonda felt comfortable using a white person as her show's star to become established - that was back in 2005.  Now Shonda is more powerful and then started a show starring Kerry.  Then her protege made a show starring Viola.

    • Love 2
  9. On 1/11/2017 at 8:42 AM, Haleth said:

    I too knew immediately the "money pit" was going to be their house.  But I didn't get why Jack felt he couldn't give his father the real reason for wanting the money.  It was better for his father to think he was a failure, groveling for the cash, rather than needing it for his family?  I know he didn't want his awful father in their lives but that was a big risk.  His father could have slammed the door in his face if the money was to pay gambling debts.  It's more likely (with strings, I get it) if he knew the real reason.

    There are some bad parents out there.  There are some abusive people who want to see you fail, and resent you when you succeed.  I believe this is how Jack sees his father.   Also I think some parents really want to be needed.  Also I agree, when you know your parent is that much of an asshole you don't want your kids around him/her or hear their potential criticisms/judgment.  Could be so many reasons.  

    Maybe Jack's father enjoys being stuck in a certain dynamic with him.  "You're a screw up, like your mother, then I have to save your stupid ass."  I don't know.

    • Love 7
  10. 19 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    My ex and I were in the buying market during that time period, and what amused me then was the realtor assumed I was the soft sell (the little woman wants a house) but I was actually the one he needed to convince.

    I'm sorry to join in but I LOVE stories like this.  My mother is from a different country and she taught my father how to be fluent in her language (he's Canadian).

    When my parents were negotiating the price of a car with a dealership, my mom kept aggressively driving the price down (she's the hard sell, the TOUGHEST negotiator) and my father was so embarrassed.  He'd take any price; he's way too nice.  So the two of them kept arguing in my mom's language again and again and my father angrily kept telling her "No, no, no."

    The dealership took this to mean that he was angry at the PRICE and kept lowering the price to please HIM.

    Funnily enough, there was also an episode on Fresh off the Boat kind of like this.  

    • Love 10
  11. On 1/10/2017 at 11:24 PM, Amethyst said:

    Glad Toby lived, and I actually thought Kate was being too hard on him.  It's different when you're the one in the bed going under the knife.  It's not easy to just say ok to something like that.  

    It was just bad storytelling and conflict resolution.  Two people can be right in that situation.  Why did it have to be solved in like 4 minutes.  It's so complex.  You DON'T listen to another person when you're making a decision like that -- you need time to breathe and think.  Toby is all about not thinking anything through.

    I hate when people use slurs against women but god Rebecca's mom is such a ****.  Smoke around my baby, haha fuck you.  And then ask me to live in your house in which you probably smoke.  I know it was the 70s but whatever.  What a horrible person.

    • Love 1
  12. 13 hours ago, pennben said:

    Okay, I decided new year, new attitude about Toby prior to the episode in case he lived.  That was the quickest I've ever broken a new year's resolution.... Ever!! From the first word out of his mouth I remembered why I didn't like him, just everything he was saying in that first scene or so annoyed the bejezus out of me.  I then spent the episode thinking, okay....they are twisting us to make us believe he's gonna be fine and then he'll die because of the second surgery.  Oh, no, I don't get that, I getting a freaking "I'd marry you in a minute" moment.  I swear, I thought I was going to have a heart episode of my own if they had brought a preacher in to marry them at the hospital.

    He never fucking shuts up.  He never fucking stops talking.  He never gives anyone to breathe, think, or speak.  Man, I thought I talked a lot.  I can't with him.  Men like Toby make me realize how incredibly sexually attracted I am to men who can sometimes just be quiet.  LOL.  

    I am no Sloane fan.  I was going to say, I can't stand any of the love interests on this show, but it's not only Beth that is cool - Jesse is cool too.  Denis O'Hare?  Judge from The Good Wife, right?  Too funny.  I think a lot of us are predisposed to like this actor anyway.

    • Love 9
  13. I figured that Caila was half Asian last year and then I started to Google it and of course I got spoiled for the season so I'm not doing it again.  I think Christen is half Asian, but I've been wrong before.  (Like with Jason Lee and Ed Westwick.)  She is really cute regardless, but I started to get tired of her antics by the end of the episode.  Also, she looks like 10 years old!

    That girl.  I don't even know her name.  The psychology major.  To me she tries to act like Caila but she ain't cute and doesn't have the charm.

    Man, The Real Nick is coming out I guess.  No wonder everyone talks about what a sex freak he is. He certainly seems like it.

    My jaw dropped.  This episode was so scandalous, from Corinne to the Liz reveals.  My favourite part was BOTH times that the cameraperson focused on Jasmine barely able to get a drink down because she was so scandalized. Meme-worthy.  LOL

    Liz is really not my type and was getting really Fatal Attractiony.  (Yes, even with Corinne there.) I don't get her game at all.  Issues.

    There's so much fodder still here, but meh, whatever.  I'm entertained.  Nick is really hot, but his speech is a hangup for me and I think he's hornier than even these women minus Corinne.

    • Love 2
  14. I honestly don't get how Fences and Arrival got so shut out of the Best Picture categories.  I love Arrival, but the acting is what I love least about it.


    And right now, it feels like Silence is barely making any kind of dent.  I wonder what is causing that?

    Maybe people are tired of the White Savior movies.  I don't know, I never see any promotion or hype for this movie.  It was all very...... quiet.  *Wink*

    These results are not good for Natalie Portman, and certainly Jackie as a whole.

    • Love 1
  15. On 1/6/2017 at 5:01 PM, vibeology said:

    I really hope Villeneuve gets a spot. I love the way Arrival looks and he created this tension in the first forty minutes or so of the movie that is Hitchcock-ian. And that is hard to do. 

    Ughhhhh.  I hope so too.

  16. On 12/28/2016 at 10:22 AM, Ohwell said:

    I saw this yesterday and I thought it was just ok.  I agree with others that it felt more like a play.  

    I didn't like the "you don't like me scene" that's shown in the movie previews.  While I understand what Denzel was saying about not expecting everyone else to like you, I don't think it's unreasonable for a child to want and expect his parent to like him.  I thought Denzel's acting in that scene was overwrought.

    I'm happy for you that you don't know how realistic and relatable it is to have your parent not like you.

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