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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. I really like the show.  I really, really like it.  I wish other people liked it too.  I really liked Jughead this episode.  It's too bad that the one Asian character has to be the total asshole.  I've been noticing this on other shows lately too.  Yeah, LOL, jocks don't kill people.  Right.  Like O.J.

    Grundy is a liar, and a bad one at that.  You can't trust that ho!

    I noticed that z-e-r-o of the main high school kids are black but the gym teacher (who is so incredibly hot) and Josie and the Pussycats are black.  It's just kind of a strange way to treat race, but I guess the show is trying.  Were any characters from the Archie comic black?  Or non-white?  Are non-white races even alluded to?

    • Love 4
  2. Molly's was a joke to me. What time period was that supposed to be referencing. The taste was just bad.  Tablecloth couture? Shiny bellbottoms? I guess that's 1970s, and then the lace was like, Mormon or something not sure.  A lace cape?  Bottom half David Bowie mixed with John Travolta, top half..... big question mark.  Milan Fashion week?  Really?  Which designer... 

    Chris's was fantastic, but Chelsea was more innovative, I thought.  I'm happy with those placed at the top.

    I was so ready to be done with Cartier. It's not her fault, she's so young, they all are. She just sees fashion through an "Everything should be pretty" lens. I used to think that way too! It wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I had a rude awakening where I finally questioned those thoughts.  She's having those thoughts challenged now (well, I hope, if she lets her mind open to it) and it's a fantastic education for her.  

    • Love 1
  3. Yet another Evil Asian Character in the beginning of the episode with the annoying selfie girl.  I was actually really surprised that she said "I have enough segments as it is" to the producers to hopefully guide them to letting MJ have one or two of her own.

    You mean Lisa Vidal I guess?  I actually love her, I just think she's so gorgeous so I guess I have a girlcrush on her myself.

  4. 17 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

    I wonder if the producers get that no one is enjoying the Corrine show any longer. Not even her parents or Raquel!

    I want Rachel to be the next lead so we can meet her dad! She'd really make an awesome lead. 

    I almost thought you were typing you wanted to Raquel to be the lead.  Poor Raquel.  Her life probably isn't that great.  She should be the Bachelorette ;)

    • Love 8
  5. Taylor became so unattractive this episode.  Physically , emotionally, whatever.  And she's only 24 years old.  I THINK you guys told me both Corinne and Taylor are 24 years old.  They are idiots in different ways (For the record I think there are a lot of smart young people out there - just not these 2.)  Taylor was dressed like a kid today and then pouted like a kid the entire time.  It was not good. I can see why Nick got rid of her.  Corinne knows how to play the game.  Either Nick is stupid or producer manipulation or both but I've seen men fall for schtick like this many times.  Smile and bat your eyes and act like Nick makes you happy, stay.  Pout and be upset and act like Nick is causing you pain or drama, you're gone.

    Danielle M. is so, so pretty.  Danielle L. I assumed she was maybe Latina?  Or Persian?

    Nick playing with Alexis at the end of every episode is very cute.  Nick's hot, I just have to admit it.  He's hot.

    • Love 7
  6. I'm so fucking happy about Denzel winning that award!  I was happy with a lot of the wins last night, but the TV wins were really confusing.  Bryan Cranston instead of Riz, Courtney, or Sterling?  For goodness sake.

    Fences was great, so moving.  Denzel did a great job, but he's obviously one of the best actors there is.  I'm just so happy he actually got that award and did such a great performance for it.  

    Emma Stone was my fourth favourite performance in that category and of course she wins....

    • Love 5
  7. I didn't love it, but I've watched every single movie of the 5 nominees for SAG award for Best Actress in a movie - with the exception of Florence Foster Jenkins.  I started it, but goodness.  I couldn't finish it.  

    The nominees

    Amy Adams, Arrival
    Emma Stone, La La Land
    Emily Blunt, The Girl on the Train
    Natalie Portman, Jackie
    Meryl Streep, Florence Foster Jenkins

    Now, even though this idea gets much mockery on social media, my personal favourite for this award is Emily Blunt's performance.  But I do think that technically Natalie did do the best job.  My third pick would be Amy Adams.  Also a lot of people seemed to really love her performance and were upset at her being shut out at the Globes.  My FOURTH pick would be Emma.  And I love love love Meryl but I just couldn't get into that movie.  I think I may give it another chance someday.

    Of course Emma wins..... for goodness sake.  I wonder if the voters just didn't watch Jackie.

  8. 13 hours ago, Sesquipedalia said:

    WTF with this challenge? Couldn't they find any female firefighters in all of New York to dress? Dressing the wives of firefighters, with the guys standing by to give their opinions, seemed very retro and not in a good way. 

    Wow, I love how your brain works. I didn't even think of that.

    • Love 3
  9. I thought it looked great.  I think if you picture it in black it's very hard to dislike.  The arm detail was so sexy.

    Also, I thought Cartier's ORIGINAL dress looked really great, too.  But it was very my taste.  I'm surprised Tim didn't like it.  His suggestions were very aggressive this week and seemed to work out.

    • Love 1
  10. I'd like to sneak in here because I fall asleep to the show "Will and Grace" every night, and I've been doing so for years.  Miguel Ferrer had a great part on a Season 1 episode.  It's called "Saving Grace", and Miguel's character goes on a few dates with Will and is insufferable and pretentious.  It's really funny.  It's hard/sad to watch the show now that he and Debbie Reynolds are gone!

    • Love 4
  11. I thought Chelsea should have/would have won.  She was the actual artist of the group, and didn't have Tim spell out directly and explicitly how to win.  Chelsea approached the project like art ("Tell me about yourself") and the model ended up loving the finished product.  It was a true collaboration.

    Cartier and Tieler basically made the same dress.  Ho hum.  The dresses looked great though.

    I have huge curves (not in the good way) so no I DON'T think Rosemary could have pulled off everything.  It is very hard to dress with that shape, and it is very easy to get wrong. Try wearing 1 pair of work pants looking like that.  Work pants are made for men's bodies and look like hell on a curvaceous woman.  Just one example.  Try wearing a crop top, or anything that doesn't account for breasts, try wearing a button down shirt, try wearing a deep V.  Try wearing a short skirt. Rosemary looks incredibly banging but the dress did fit her well.  It WAS perfect for her shape, but that's a very hard thing to pull off (Why do you think no runway model looks like Rosemary?  They are built like hangers on purpose).  But I just thought Chelsea had a more interesting and fashion forward idea.  I have to admit that one of the big reasons Rosemary looked so good on that runway, was the dress.

    • Love 6
  12. I really liked it.  I stan Veronica already.  By the end of the episode I was really won over.  Veronica is perfect, mentioning television and movies randomly for no reason?  It's so me.  I loved that shot of her amazing body in the previews.  LOL. She's not stick thin; she's very curvy.  I love how the way she looks and they way they do her makeup makes her look like an actual cartoon drawing.

    Archie is the weirdest.  The actor who plays Betty seems great so far.  Like a more talented version of the blonde on Quantico.

    Yeah, why no Reggie?  Interesting.

    • Love 1
  13. 9 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    I'm skeptical that parents would be so meh about a Madonna party. 

    I was born in '82 and my mother was so into True Blue.  She got me hooked on Madonna then and we never looked back since.  I'm so glad, too.  In some ways, my mom can be so conservative and she has some backward thinking on women (in my opinion) but she's always admired this feminist icon and got me to admire her too.

    • Love 3
  14. 14 hours ago, Crs97 said:

    With absolutely no evidence to support this belief, in my head Toby is a decently successful small business owner, maybe a technical consultant of done type, that he can work from anywhere and create his own hours and has 1-2 employees to take the slack after his heart attack.  Again, nothing beyond my own imagination to support this, but it works for me.

    Why did I think that Toby is an actor?  My imagination, based on his narcissistic personality? 

    In the Hugh Grant ouevre for me it's Two Weeks Notice.  A perfect movie I've watched at least a dozen times.   Sense and Sensibility was good too.  To me, Notting Hill is depressing.

    • Love 4
  15. How does Arrival not get a nomination for Visual Effects?  Can somebody smarter than me explain this?

    Arrival was my favourite this year, but Amy Adams' performance didn't do much for me.  I nominate the film's Visual Effects for Best Actor.

    My question mark is Viggo Mortensen and now I want to see that movie.

    Tom Hanks for Sully, Amy Adams for Arrival, and I think one other error was reported on ABC's website originally instead of the correct nominations.  Can somebody explain how that could have happened, because I found that extremely weird that it possibly could.

    Social media was so worried that Emily Blunt would knock out Amy Adams but meh.  I still prefer Emily's performance, personally.  

    I'm extremely happy with most of the nominations.  But to try to see the angle that La La Land is an event on par with Titanic is so so funny to me.

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    That's definitely an interesting question to ask, for sure, because I thought Horse Whisperer was the worst. Even if I pictured him as a Kevin or a Randall, I do think that I'd still be bothered by him. I think it was his first scene that bothered me personally, the way he seemed oddly possessive of a woman he never even talked to before. His first line about who she was talking to bothered me, but not as much as his "We'll see" to her saying that she was engaged.

    I totally get it, but that stuff just made me laugh.  I guess because I've heard men flirt like that and I take it as a joke.  [Meanwhile, I spent 4 years studying sexual assault (criminology) and I worship "The Gift of Fear" as a bible so I totally get why he creeped some women out.]


    The writers are *really* pushing it with the men who take one look at Kate and instantly fall in lust/love.

    I've been trying to avoid this angle, because I think all of my thoughts on this will just start to vomit out.  But yes. I think the writers are DEEPLY overcompensating for Kate being an overweight person and their reaction is to make you think that "Hey it doesn't matter that Kate is fat. Look at how psychotic men are over her."  It's insulting to my intelligence.  Men of all walks of life, ages, races, stared at me when I was in shape, and now that I'm overweight, THEY DON'T LOOK.  That's "reality" as I see it.  I've also been called "fat" by male strangers on the street.  (I'm like a size 14.) That would be more realistic to me than Toby and Horse Whisperer, but whatever, maybe it is a realistic depiction for some.


    An egg cream is a New York City soda. Milk, chocolate syrup, and carbonated water. No egg, no cream.

    I think I only heard about this growing up because of The Babysitters Club books.  Stacey was the cosmopolitan teenager from NYC who would drink egg creams all the time.

    • Love 18
  17. 16 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    Biggest university library in Toronto (assuming it's Robarts), did it look like errr....a turkey?

    Yeah Robarts and I always thought it was intended to be a peacock.  


    • Love 2
  18. 3 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

    I find this very annoying.  There are plenty of shows that aren't filmed where they take place and it still feels like they are wherever.  I'm watching another show right now that takes place in Seattle, but TPTB have made absolutely no effort whatsoever to hide the fact it is filmed in Vancouver, BC--even going so far as showing very well-known Vancouver landmarks.  My husband, who grew up in the Seattle area, finds this hilarious.

    "The Mindy Project" showed a location change to SAN FRANCISCO by, what else?  Showing Toronto streetcars with the Toronto Transit Commission logo on them.  Obviously.  I find it so funny and honestly I don't care.  I guess because I'm in Toronto and we take what glory we can get.  On "Friends", an "NYC hospital" was what I assume to be the biggest university library in Toronto, and on "Rules of Engagement" they use a landmark Toronto hotel as Patrick Warburton's workplace.  I also saw some dumb Kiefer Sutherland movie where the attack on a US President happened at Toronto City Hall... I think Resident Evil used it too.  You can tell I love this shit.

    • Love 4
  19. A lot of people were bothered by Horse Whisperer (TM @Tikichick I think, which was hilarious.)  It's funny because it made me think.  Why am I so bothered by Toby, but not at all bothered by Horse Whisperer; instead I was laughing at his antics?

    I assume he works the stable, there?  I honestly didn't know that for certain.  I thought he was another 'patient'/campgoer like Kate.  If you guys are correct and he works for the camp then yes it is harassment of a vulnerable camp-goer isn't it.  My conclusion was, maybe Horse Whisperer doesn't bother me because he's just talking shit that you can laugh off or walk away from, (and it was hilarious and ridiculous to me), whereas Toby officially crosses boundaries that are set and he makes me uncomfortable, and also aside from that, I find him super annoying.

    To each his/her own but I found it very interesting to analyze.  (Once, a close friend and I went speed-dating together, and I found it HYSTERICAL that I was creeped out by the guys that she was attracted to, and exactly vice versa.  It spelled out a lot about what I'm attracted to versus what puts up my 'red flags'.)

    I did really like one poster's observation that if Horse Whisperer looked like Kevin, some women would probably be swooning at his actions rather than find him creepy.  That's interesting too.  Makes one think.  Anyway!

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