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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Vanessa is still as humourless as ever.  And her mother is just as serious if not moreso. I'm sorry but Vanessa just reads like a lifetime of seriousness and overwrought drama.

    Is that really how Andi looks or is it plastic surgery?  She looked weird

    Corinne was actually relatable and seemed to be telling the truth when she spoke to her father about Nick, how Nick treats her, and how she feels about him.  (Make no mistake, I didn't mean that the shopping trip was relatable, LOL.)

    I *loved* the stuff with Rachel and her family.  I had a big smile on my face the entire time.   I think Raven is perfectly fine but boy do I not get how to picture her with Nick at all.  Only for literal rolls in the hay.  

    I assume he ends up with Vanessa but man.... she is a huge buzzkill

    • Love 16
  2. On 1/14/2015 at 6:45 PM, amensisterfriend said:

    What are your 5-10 very favorite shows, the ones that you'd take with you to that hypothetical desert island---and why? Just to be clear, these aren't necessarily the shows you think are of the highest quality, just the ones to which you happen to be most attached. If you want to make this even more of a challenge, try putting them in order of preference :) 

    I keep track of this stuff regarding actors, TV shows, and movies using the LIST function on IMDb.  Makes sorting things visually a lot easier.  I hope they don't do away with this function like they did the forums.  I'll do a top 11.

    In order

    Will & Grace
    Sex and the City
    Project Runway
    Curb Your Enthusiasm
    The New Adventures of Old Christine
    The Office (US)

    The only non-sitcoms are LOST (drama), Sex and the City (dramedy, but also a sitcom I guess), and the 2 reality shows Survivor and Project Runway.  This list includes 5 traditional sitcoms (multicam, studio audience) and 3 non-traditional sitcoms (single cam, no laugh track, and/or mockumentary style.)  So yes, I am a big humour person!

  3. I don't understand the idea that past Oscars should negate someone's deserving of an Oscar in future.  I thought Natalie did a better job than Emma but it seems like nobody really cares about that performance anymore.  For those that have seen Ruth Negga in Loving I am curious how it stacks up against Amy Adams in Arrival, for instance.  

    • Love 1
  4. Okay, I didn't even know there was a second episode until this thread.  I will watch it now.

    I had no interest in the pilot. I found it so boring!

    Just here to tell people in Canada that they can watch it on Global and the W Network.  However, I don't know if this will keep up the whole season?  

    • Love 1
  5. I have never had a kid but I loved the book.  I really liked it, but it may be me anticipating what's to come.  I thought the music - the opening song - was sensational.  

    Adam Scott is so welcome on my TV screen.  I agree, the humour of Madeleine was somewhat lost, but I think it's really hard to strike the tone of the book which had goofy humour but also dark themes.  

    I love how the first episode unfolds just as the beginning of the book does.  I'm really impressed.

    The detective's obsession with the lighter, I thought, was so silly.  

    To me, the Greek chorus is stupid.  Not necessary, and annoying.  And, mostly because


    Nothing of what is said by them in this first episode so far actually ends up being remotely relevant to the murder.

    • Love 2
  6. 39 minutes ago, hula-la said:

    Did it air in Canada last night? I was all excited to watch the recording on my pvr tonight, but instead, they showed an episode of Relic Hunter. Then again, knowing that Tieler is gone, maybe I didn't miss much. 

    Bravo screwed up ROYALLY.  I'm PISSED.

    They said because it was 1.5 hours , they had to air it at 11 pm.  (With no warning!!!!) So of course, all of us who set our DVRs -- and my DVR clearly said PR Junior was airing at 9 !!!!!!!!  --- missed out. 

    I called my TV provider, because I pay $10 a month to watch Bravo, and they blamed Bravo.... for F*** sakes...

    So Canadians, please watch for this issue next week!

    • Love 1
  7. 19 hours ago, loki567 said:

    Speaking of Veronica, she's basically the reincarnation of Blair Waldorf at this point.

    I am a BIG... B I G Blair Waldorf fan.  But in watching Gossip Girl I constantly thought that A) Leighton Meester's mannerisms so closely resembled Alicia Silverstone's in Clueless and that B) Blair's costuming and character so closely resembled Karen Walker's on Will and Grace.  I can't be the only one.  There are so many clips where Blair wears the exact same sunglasses, hairstyle as Megan Mullally and they really do look related.  My point is, so much of pop culture is borrowed from one another....

    a Fab Trio: Cher, Karen, Blair


    • Love 2
  8. Point 1:  Skeet Ulrich was on the short-lived Law and Order: LA  (which I mourn) and he was soooooooooooooo fine.  Even prettier than he is here.  I fell in LOVE.

    Point 2:  LOL at the poster freaking out over Grundy's age.... aka... my age.

    Thank you to the posters who pointed out that we still REFUSE to EVER sympathize with Statutory Rapist Grundy!

    I become more and more obsessed with Jughead every episode.  I am creeping out myself by being in love with Cole Sprouse but here I am.  (He's legal folks)

    Like others ( @tennisgurl ) I thought it was really cool for Kevin to finally have a home life and a storyline.

    • Love 6
  9. My body and mind were shaken up by Arrival.  After it was finished, I just sat there, stunned.  It was one of the most powerful movie experiences I've ever had.  I told everyone to go see it.  

    La La Land was cute, fun, I agree, "enjoyable".  But it didn't change my life or anything (I'm enough of a geek that I think some movies did) and nothing has really stayed with me since, not even the uber-catchy music.  I only told my brother to see it because he's a musician and I thought maybe he'd relate to Ryan.

    But hey, to each their own.  Everyone has a different favourite, a different horse in the race.  I preferred Fences over La La Land!

    • Love 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

    Did Tyler Hoechlin's character appear at all in this one? I don't want to waste a buck renting it from Redbox in a few months if I don't have any reason to stop the fast-forwarding and turn the audio on.

    No, it appears he was cut out.  He is scheduled on IMDB for Fifty Shades Freed which comes out February 14, 2018.

  11. It's REALLY funny that Rita Ora was like "act really happy when you see Paparazzi, make it your moment!"  LOL!!!!!!  Real celebrities hate being harassed by the paps because they're horrible and will stop at nothing, and verbally assault their kids, etc.  I mean, the whole thing is just. so. funny and ridiculous.  I didn't even want to go here because I hate Tyra an extreeeeeeeme amount and she made me quit the show, and now I'm finally back and I'm enjoying myself.  I don't mind Rita.

    The Twins, OMG!  It actually kind of reminds me of my younger brother and I.  There was an idyllic long period in my life where I assumed my brother and I were the best of friends and got along splendidly.  Then a life-changing conflict happened where I found a lot more about each of us.  I'm more realistic now.  Tash thinks everything is wonderful between the two and hunky-dory and Cody actually acts like she HATES Tash.  And she's obsessed with her own identity with respect to Tash.  it's so unhealthy - "No, You're the mean one, I'm the nice one!" or whatever the fuck.  Cody and Tash are so immature for 27 -- especially Tash -- I never bring up these sibling conflicts in front of our mutual friends or anything.  

    Tatiana.  I agree there's something to her, but I'd see her as like an instagram personality or something.  Someone who might have her own YouTube channel or something.  Model?  Um, I don't know.

    The critiques MADE NO SENSE today.  Coryanne's photo?  What the hell was that?  Tatiana's photo?  What the hell was that?  Even India's photo wasn't great.  Courtney and Cody ended up with the best photos.  I swear, Coryanne does ANYTHING and they throw a fucking party.  By which I mean she does NOTHING and they throw a fucking party.

    • Love 5
  12. Just now, marceline said:

    Can I just say that one of the things that amazes me about this show is how easily people just drop in on Randall while he's at work? People just come traipsing in to his office. It's even more amazing to me that Kevin can show up there after hours and run down the hall and nobody stops him or follows him asking what's wrong.

    I don't even like when my own coworkers constantly bug me at work.....  It is a bit ridiculous.

    • Love 8
  13. 52 minutes ago, Arcadiasw said:

    It's possible Kevin would still have his phone on. A while back, I saw a deleted scene of Rush Hour. While they filmed a scene Chris Tucker's phone rang. You would actors would turn their phone off while filming but sometimes common sense isn't common. 

    Haha.  Big Sean was just on Jimmy Fallon and seemed very happy and excited to be there.  Then his phone went off.  He didn't answer it, but yes, it happens.  

    • Love 1
  14. I'm not good at noticing makeup jobs but Present Day Miguel's main superficial issue is the eyebrows.  I think. They're so comically grey on a face that it doesn't seem to match up with?  

    I'm sorry but he looks like this.  (This is not meant to be a comment on the actor's skin colour.  He looks totally fine in the scenes where he's younger).  But as I have said before his present day version looks like bad Photoshop.  


    • Love 8
  15. 15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't get the Miguel hate.  I really don't.  He married Rebecca after Jack died.  What's wrong with that.

    This question keeps getting asked.  Every episode.  Answer is people can hate any fictional character they want.

    Aren't there understudies for plays?  At least I thought Kevin would have told the understudy, who I'm sure would be ecstatic.

    I still think Jack is perfect


    I liked Sanjay.  I thought his stepping in was more helping Randall than trying to look good.

    I quite agree!

    Either Sloan was purposely sabotaging Kevin or should have known better.  The scene was kind of dumb because it wasn't clear either way.  Wasn't Sloan nervous herself?  Wasn't she not even an actor before this point?  I've never "gotten" her.


    More thoughts in the morning but find for now it's simply: if Sterling does not submit this for the Emmys, he's insane.

    So hard for me to believe there could be a better actor than Sterling on TV.  So hard for me to believe when someone else wins an acting award that he's nominated for?  Milo had a good episode too.

    • Love 6
  16. It makes me so mad.  I can't. It makes me so mad.  This is going to make me so mad for so long, LOL.

    How can Niecy's grandparents just sit there, read the paper, be calm while their grandchild who lives in their house squandered 150K?

    I get that her father was upset, but my god, oh my god.  I get that it wasn't anyone else's responsibility but Niecy's, but how could they let this happen.  

    It would have been such a good idea to invest in some real estate, put some money away, blah blah. She could have lived off of that for so long.  I feel so privileged to have sensible parents. 

    There is a lot of sense to MJ's idea of wanting to detach herself.  Good for her.  But damn, this was the wrong moment.

    I guess this is all just to be a big teachable moment for Niecy and I guess it's deserved.  But you need to be educated, be taught responsibility... sigh. I forget how young or old she is.  Sorry.  I'm just so upset

    Niecy's pride got the best of her at that club.  She couldn't prevent herself from showing another person up. 

    • Love 2
  17. 4 hours ago, huahaha said:

    I actually wish the show would air some of her fights with "DLo" and Rachel, just to give her some interest. It would be more fun to root against a villain than to keep hearing how perfect Vanessa is, despite evidence. They picked the wrong edit, imo.

    Helllllllllllll yes to this.... don't judge me

    • Love 3
  18. There are also no "cocktail parties".  Nick always "cancels" it.  It's like a sitcom trope at this point.  Why do they even pretend like they were ever going to happen?  Why even announce that "they" are being "cancelled"?

    I'm surprised with blonde Danielle's downfall on this show.  I thought she would win.  Shows what I know.  I think the only two women Nick ever seemed really interested in were Danielle and Corinne, LOL.  Danielle seemed so sweet but then all of a sudden it's like nothing happened and then she was speaking so dramatically and slowly -- it was like a telenova - then when Nick released her it got very dark - like Children of the Corn.  But I don't mean to make fun of her, she seems so nice.  

    I get that Vanessa is the "frontrunner" but god she's so boring and insufferable!  Nick and her seem completely different to me.  Can't put my finger on it.  It doesn't work in my head.  

    Maybe you guys are right, Nick can't end up with any of these people.  I can see why Kristina had to go.  I get that she's very goodlooking and interesting but I don't think she makes sense with Nick either, personally.  He's all about not leading someone on if he's not serious and I appreciate that.

    @truthaboutluv, do you mind elaborating on why Kate hates Nick?  And the other stuff you said about the producer manipulation?

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