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Ms Blue Jay

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Posts posted by Ms Blue Jay

  1. Zoe as a young, Millennial hippie- it's totally believable.  I love that they went with her for the role.  

    Aleksander is 40.  He skews really young I guess.  Nicole is 49.  It's not what I expected.  Sure I love an older woman-younger man couple, but for THIS pairing?!  Aleksander has the power in this relationship so yeah, not expected.

    I also feel that Adam skews younger than Reese, and yet, he's older!  He's just so boyish.

    Unfortunately, I tried some of Liane Moriarty's other books.  This is by far my favourite.  I'd rate Big Little Lies a 5 out of 5 personally.  Here's my others if you're interested.

    Truly Madly Guilty - 2.  Ugh. I hated this one.  I've seen some good reviews, but for me this was such a bore.
    What Alice Forgot - 4.  I liked this one.  Interesting and creative.
    The Husband's Secret - 3.  Depressing as hell.  Dealt with themes I really don't enjoy reading.  Tough for me.

    • Love 3
  2. I wasn't implying that people who see Ken through 'rose coloured glasses' want to "Fuck" him.  I was implying that attractive people, male, female, no matter what your sexuality, are often seen in a positive light.  Hollywood movies are filled with good-looking people; studios have this idea it makes the movie-going experience more pleasant. Good-looking people are used to sell products.  Advertisers have this idea they make you want to buy things.

    Equating people's dislike (dislike? I wouldn't even go that far. Some people think he's pompous) with some people's (irrational IMO) fear of Michaela is also not something I'll cosign.  I think they're both judged by some by their looks - but in polar opposite ways.

    Anyone can like Ken and I'm not judging anyone for it.  I like Ken, he's all right.  Maybe some people would totally like Ken just as much if he was a troll!  Who knows..........

    • Love 2
  3. I think that we, including myself, TOTALLY see Ken through rose-coloured glasses because of his looks.  If someone else had Ken's personality but not as blindingly handsome looks there's no way he'd get all of the love that Ken gets here.  Just my opinion.  People are very poetic when it comes to their love for Ken.  I admit it. I think he looks like a God. He's gorgeous.  I didn't fall "in love" with him, like I did Ozzy in Cook, but I mean, he's gorgeous.  

    There's studies that show that people who are viewed as attractive are treated differently than "non" or "lesser" attractive people, so I don't think that the idea should be such a surprise.

    Meanwhile, I see nothing OFFENSIVE about Ken.  Personally, we weren't shown it.  There's obviously some people here, in the audience, and on the island that find him pompous, pretentious, blah blah.  Nah.  I really don't.  I might have found him really boring or not 'my type of person I could converse with' on the island, (I honestly am not sure either way, based on the editing), but none of that offends me in the least.  I wouldn't go so far as to call him pompous.  His deep voice carries a gravitas that I don't think he necessarily feels when speaking.  I think he just has a very strong, unique demeanor that people aren't used to, which some read as pretentious or pompous.  Ken is singularly himself -- and from afar I find it kind of interesting.  I have no idea what I'd think on the island.  Honestly, we're the same age, but Ken and I couldn't seem more different.  So I'd probably find him interesting.  People always think I'm younger than I am, and I proudly call myself a Millennial (I don't want to be old. I never wanted to be older. I'm a young soul.).  To me, he's "weird" (not in a bad way).

    The scene where Will is so frustrated with him?  It's funny to me.  Will I find kind of annoying personally.  I'd like to see MORE scenes like that, to get better grips on BOTH's personalities.  I find that stuff interesting.  We didn't get to see enough of Ken to see why Will would find him THAT frustrating, and we didn't see enough of Will to see why he thinks he's NOT frustrating (IMO).  So the scene is funny.  They could equally be very annoying.  I wouldn't know.  Ken doesn't fill up space with his voice.  He waits for his moments and then reflects.  I don't find that annoying.  It's hard to find quiet, thoughtful people annoying.

    • Love 6
  4. I thought it was a well done finale. I personally loved the rose-lace shirt and skirt combo that Kelsey was wearing, and the checkered dress that Liza was wearing when she tried to go to Josh's house.  Very preppy.

    I haven't cared about Josh for A WHILE, but I had a different reaction to most here. I really liked him in this final episode.  He was so vulnerable, and passionate.  And I know that Sutton is the Broadway actor, but funnily enough in their breakup scene I so strongly believed Nico's acting over hers.

    I think Liza answered the phone call because she likes this guru so much and wanted to be 'awakened' by her.  This was just the roundabout, passive aggressive way to accomplish that goal.

    However, with the way that Liza acts, I didn't believe her realization that she loves Josh (heh, how Clueless).  Are you kidding me?  Sutton acts extremely pained through her whole Josh relationship as if being with him is physically painful all of the time.  Meanwhile, Josh really and truly seems in love.  I loved his scene with Maggie!  I was blown away by the proposal.  I'm not saying Liza should say yes - she was fucking emotionally cheating for god's sake - I'm saying I liked Josh's show of passion.  He doesn't want to lose her.

    I 'get' that Peter Hermann is traditionally attractive but I don't find Charles attractive.  

    Dammit, there was another plot point not yet mentioned here that was totally reminiscent of another show, but I've completely forgotten it.

    That Berlin song is amazing.  I never could get through Top Gun but that song is just great.

    • Love 8
  5. David was so likeable and he gained everyone's support through his journey from 'anxious TV writer' to Survivor.

    Whether they secretly disliked him or not, David had everyone's respect, except for Brett and Zeke that time.

    David cultivated relationships and people like Hannah and Ken (Jessica?) stuck themselves to him and trusted him so much that they were willing to go with whatever vote would keep him there (until the very end of course).  That is something Adam didn't have (and I really like Adam too).  Adam played on his own, and nobody fought to keep him there.  Adam did a good job not being in people's minds as any threat whatsoever, played in the 'shadows', and strategically waited around until he could eliminate people he felt were too strong to work with at the end.

    You have to be trustworthy enough to keep around, but not so much of a threat that people need to eliminate you, like how Jay targeted Michaela.  (My memory on specifics is horrible.  I guess Will and Adam worked to eliminate Zeke - not David.)

    • Love 8
  6. I don't know if everyone's issue with Adam is the exploitation thing. For me personally, it's the not waiting a year and just doing it next season thing.  That's the part that's "harder" for me.  

    I don't care about the exploitation thing because I'm like you.  But the not being there in his mother's final month or so, that is the tougher thing. I won't make a harsh judgement either way......  I can't get worked up over his life choices.  I'm just thinking out loud. (And yes, I've heard how his mother wanted him to do it THIS year.  I get it.)

    It's funny, I thought I was the biggest TV fanatic, and I really love this show, but man this family takes it to a whole 'nother level.  It's hard to even wrap my mind around - but I guess everyone has a different dream.

    • Love 7
  7. 13 minutes ago, Daisy said:

    And we have to wait until March 8th? Bad form, CBS!

    Bad form?  That's less than 3 months away.  For an entirely new season.  LOL.   Big Network shows, the traditional model, take six months.  You know some shows take 1 entire year between new seasons, right, like on Netflix? Try being a Curb Your Enthusiasm fan and wait 5 years.  Survivor fans are spoiled.

    And how could they possibly have filmed it faster than this?  Zeke and Michaela just ended their season today.....

    • Love 3
  8. Hannah interrupted every question that was not asked of her to defend herself.  I'm not blaming her - this was her strategy to win - but Ken and Adam seemed completely gobsmacked and unprepared to respond.  Ken was just silent - again, not blaming him - and Adam was terrible at defending himself from these very prepared attacks by Hannah.

    For me, Adam's game was Identifying Threats.  Hannah was so convincing in FTC and it made me think that basically I fall under the spell of editing every season and I have my favourites accordingly.  Adam identified David and Jay as his threats the entire game and was constantly trying to take them out.  Jay did NOT view Adam like this and David only tried to do this back to Adam at the end.  When David brought this up with Ken and Hannah, I'm sorry but they looked like the idea had never even crossed their minds before that Adam was a threat over them to win.  Adam was a great 'hider' though I have no idea if this is on purpose.  Even though I really liked Adam (truly) I never remembered his existence in the game unless he was on screen.  It was such a weird affect.  I don't remember having another favourite player like that.  I remembered Michaela, Zeke, and David whether they were on screen or not.

    Adam describing Hannah as "Going rogue" is the wrong way of putting it.  Adam was good at Identifying Threats, less good at taking them out.  Yes, Hannah decided many votes, or according to her, all of them.  But why are you getting rid of Brett and Sunday?  For you to win, Hannah, you should be keeping Brett and Sunday, and working to eliminate Adam and David.  But obviously she and I see the game very differently.  If your moves were so great, then you would be winning - no?  You'd be at the end with the right people who could not win against you.

    Adam, the editors, some typical viewers of Survivor, including myself, see the game One Way.  They see that people like Zeke, Adam, Jay, and David look like people who make great moves to keep themselves in the game and take out what look to be like equal and opposite threats.  Hannah sees the game a different way.  I don't really get what she was doing.  Maybe if the editing was a bit clearer, I could be blown away by her gameplay.

    Adam ID'd who he thought would beat him at the game and who the jury would vote for, and he played it very accurately.  Hannah didn't.  I won't agree that he played the Card because I personally hate that phrase...... He did what his strategy was to win.  I think/wonder without that, he still would have won.  Maybe not unanimously, but I think he would have won.  But man, Hannah's lambasting at FTC made me very worried about it.

    • Love 13
  9. So I guess Jessica was freaking out because she never knew what the Legacy Advantage was until Ken read it out?

    And Ken could ONLY USE IT on Day 36 and no other day?  LOL.  Just want to be clear on both points.

  10. Agreed, the fake idol move on David's part was fucking awesome and made Jay complacent.  I don't even know why he was trying so hard to win Immunity.  LOL?  He really sincerely believed in that idol.  At the IC I thought he had doubts.  I guess he just really wanted that reward.  It could have also made Jay stop campaigning to stay in the game.  I think he did still really campaign very hard, which was all so confusing to me.

    Personally, I've been wanting to see Tony back since his season.  One of my favourite winners of one of my top 5 favourite seasons.  We've already had freaking Spencer back, why not a player who is far superior to him?  Also Woo, who people don't even like, and Tasha.... and Kass... Almost everyone from that fucking season has played twice LOL.  

    • Love 14
  11. 13 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I do too! Mainly because there are always a few people I have no recollection of whatsoever and it amuses the hell out of me.

    Ah, dear sweet Woo. The epitome of dumb but pretty.

    No way! He was born in 83 I think? He's one of us old folk.

    Just go read the Wikipedia definition.  1981 is usually the cutoff point.  Some even say 1980!  Whether you consider us old or not, I'm putting us in the Millennial camp and I won't be talked out of it.  (1982 + 18 = you graduate in the year 2000 or later, for example, that was one of the cutoff reasons.)


    • Love 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, Paws said:

    I will laugh my ass off when Sandra wins again.

    This has become a job that she's really good at.  It's like not even fair to have her there, LOL, but at least she's surrounded by some lesser one-time winners to play against.

    Sandra, playing against Caleb, Michaela, Zeke?  Oh boy.  I'm very, very, very excited though.  The cast couldn't get much more perfect for my tastes.  I can't have everything, so this is close.

    • Love 5
  13. It was annoying when (Jeff?) talked about Ken being the only loyal person in the game because loyalty is extinct in this game.  Oh wait it was David.  LOL what about Woo the most loyal person in the game of all time!  (I'm a Woo fan, but I know he's not liked around these parts.)  Anyway.  Woo outloyals Ken any day!

    • Love 12
  14. What a great season. I might have to put it into my Top 10 seasons.  I loved the season with Tai, Cydney, and Aubrey but boy I did not like the winner.  So at least this season has a winner I'm good with.  I loved Michaela, Zeke, David, Jay even towards the end, unexpectedly, and Adam. A season full of players I really liked.  Beautiful Ken is technically a Millennial by the way. I know he doesn't act like it, but I'm going to argue that like Chris the Trial Lawyer.

    Adam reallllllllllllly looks like a celebrity when he fills out.  I don't think it's Alan Cumming but I'm trying so hard to figure out who it is.  Anyway.  So excited for next season, with Tony, Ozzy, etc. it is basically my dream season.

    • Love 13
  15. The funniest part 

    When Jay steals David's reward, then gives it back to David, and includes Adam.

    David starts to applaud.
    David:  I don't know why I'm clapping.  (stops clapping)

    • Love 15
  16. Exactly, vulnerable, I agree.  And it's not like being Italian is some super-exotic thing, but I do find that Mark looks different from what we're used to seeing in the so-called Hollywood hunks that preceded him.  He's a talented actor, and he's not conventional-looking, at least not to me I guess.  He's a bit odd-looking, kind of crooked.  (Looking it up now, alongside being Italian he has some French Canadian in him.)

    • Love 3
  17. Either the writers are misjudging Toby as a romantic and attractive character, because it seems on this board about 50% highly disagree that he is such, or the writers are intentionally making Toby a fucked up and controversial character, to show that Kate has some issues to work through.....  I think it's the latter?  But I'm part of the group who thinks Toby is fucked up and I would stay away.  I've been around people who wouldn't respect the boundaries I set before and I could never go back to being around that.

    • Love 6
  18. My parents are of two different races and religions.  I grew up in the 80s.  My parents never talked to me about my race(s) or religion really; I was a very argumentative kid (their word) that constantly brought up this stuff to them - asking questions, demanding to learn more, etc.  I am now in my 30s where only now my mother is talking about some of this stuff from me - every thing she says these days is like a truth bomb. I can't believe how much we never talked about. She was so closed off when we were growing up.  I did a lot of 'learning' on my own and to be honest I think my parents learned some things from myself and my siblings.   (They are very good to me and I give them a lot of credit for it.  But on some of these issues...... hmmm.)

    I personally really like This is Us and can relate to it so incredibly strongly, we have a "Randall" situation in our family as well.  And same gender breakdown and amount of kids, etc.

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