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Everything posted by Irlandesa

  1. I don't love this show enough to listen to BTS podcasts but I do appreciate that there are a few players willing to put out more details--even if it's frustrating because many times the players are playing smarter than the edits and I prefer watching smart play. So thanks to everyone who brings over those BTS tidbits.
  2. The same production company is behind the US and UK versions of The Traitors and films them back-to-back. I don't know about the second seasons of both shows but I do know that the US version of S1 filmed before the UK version even though the UK version aired first. And I don't think there are any "rules" about whether or not a recruitment follows a traitor banishment. It's whatever production decides I suspect, had Peter taken the traitors up on their offer, there might not have been a Kate recruitment. I think they want to change the rules to add some unpredictability about how many traitors there is likely to be to shake things up for each season. And this season began with 2 more people than last season.
  3. And Sprung which is an underrated comedy. Bosch also moved over to Freevee. Many of those free versions offer old shows that you can't find elsewhere so I do watch those free services from time to time.
  4. Yep. They mention it in the article linked above. They probably essentially shoot an episode a day.
  5. I laughed out loud at the "pee in the condom" bit. That therapist was truly the worst. She should be sued. Do we think it's Jerry Seinfeld who called him an asshole?
  6. Peacock has the first seasons of the UK and Australian versions. The second season of the UK version is coming March 8. The second Australian season comes on March 28th. The first NZ season is coming March 28th. I don't think the problem was the decision to cast regulars rather than it was that they decided to mix the two groups. You had people who regularly did TV (most of the celebs' case were on multi-year TV shows or who had done repeat stints on a variety of competition shows) up against people who were new to TV and trying to get used to the cameras. It was a weird mix. I think it wouldn't have been so odd if everyone were on the same stage related to being on TV. Since it only takes 2 weeks to film, I'd rather they just do two cycles a year--one with "celebs" and another with regular people. I'm also a little irritated that they're attributing the big rise in popularity to the celebs they selected. The UK Season 2 also had a big spike in popularity and they didn't switch to celebs. That cast was regular people again.
  7. I did see that in another review--that one of the other Austen books, like Emma, might have been a better choice for the time constraints Hallmark movies operate under. I think they can be proud even if the adaptation left a bit of something to be desired in comparison to other adaptations that had a bigger budget or were longer. For Hallmark, it's quite a feat if its worst crime is some lack of chemistry that puts it on par with other Hallmark movies. But if this is someone's first experience with S&S and they liked it, I'd recommend checking out some other adaptations, especially the Thompson/Winslett/H. Grant and Rickman version.
  8. It already aired in the UK. It's coming to Netflix on the 29th.
  9. I believe Brittany said that this was the first time they spoke of breaking up and that, at least, was a real time convo the cameras captured. However, she also has defended him so I'm not sure how much the phone was truly a factor. It was just an easy story for the show to tell to explain people drifing apart. I do think this happens every season. People who seem amazing in the pods, or even on vacation, suddenly reveal themselves to be jerks in person.
  10. And it's so ridiculous because usually people who don't get engaged get barlely any screen time. The only reason she did is because she was in a "love triangle."
  11. The tapes probably weren't available to the public. Usually you have to make a request to review evidence from a murder case and cops tend to claim "ongoing case" to prevent people from seeing them. And since they hadn't, in their minds, caught the "third guy" whose DNA was left at the scene, they could make this claim. However, the confession would have been part of discovery so Chris's lawyer would have had it. I suspect one of his lawyer's gave her the tapes to watch since she was curious.
  12. I liked this better than the first two Feb Austen movies but nowhere near as much as last week's movie. The acting of the leads left much to be desired but I liked a lot of the deep supporting characters. At least it had a solid story to go off of. I'd be curious to see how it does in the ratings and if it draws people outside of the normal Hallmark viewers.
  13. I forgot to tape and it sounds like I didn't miss much but I did like this.
  14. I liked CrimeTime quite a bit. I thought it was a lot of fun and I liked the two leads. In fact, I liked the cast altogether. I did figure out the killer right away, though. He's recognizable in the sense that he's in a lot of Hallmark movies and I figured he'd have a bigger role to play than just security guy--unless they decided to make him a recurring character. The victim owned a consulting firm that would help struggling businesses improve efficiency. That often included recommending that they reduce the workforce by firing people. The security guy who showed up was someone he had recommended be fired.
  15. Yep. And then we get confirmation bias. None of the cops expressed regret in their interviews about the conviction. They doubled down even when it seems like it was one bad detective feeding all the information to a kid. I have to wonder whether or not the lawyer could play the confession and show how he was fed information. Such a tragic ending...and it looks like we'll get another update once his murder is hopefully solved.
  16. Yes he could have done that. The problem is the "faithfuls" were desperate for a win and Dan knew that. If he got them to vote for a faithful, they'd just come back to him the next week. I think he was hoping if he could give them a traitor, one that nobody suspected (apparently), then it'd take some of the pressure off. I get his strategy but I think he would have had an easier time going after Parvati. It's important to identify the traitors but strategically, it may not be a good idea to eliminate them until close to the end of the game because you run the risk of a faithful being recruited. Late-recruited traitors are probably more difficult to suss out. There's less time for them to make a mistake.
  17. I guess we'll find out at the reunion airing on March 13th if Laura and Sarah Anne knew about his previous engagement. However, given where we left off with Jeramy, I'm not sure I'm willing to just believe his timeline.
  18. I don't understand how she stirred anything up. She had a good conversation with Kenneth. People are blaming that conversation on why Kenneth pulled away but I think it largely happened because they got out of the pods and started to drift apart. And she wasn't the active one in the Jimmy/Chelsea situation. Johnny commented on her body and Chelsea felt the need to tell her about it. And then Johnny approached her. She was also the victim of Laura's little "joke" and Jeramy bringing it up to her. I don't think she has been a factor in anything related to Johnny and Amy. So odd. I get why she might not get to see her daughter right away since I'm guessing she and her daughter's father arranged for him to have her for the full two weeks she could potentially be gone but to not even call her? Amy and Johnny have put up info on Instagram related to their birth control discussion. As with most things on the show, the discussion wasn't the full discussion. I can't link to Instagram but you can see the posts here: For those who don't want to go to reddit, she basically says that she has an understudied genetic medical condition that makes her hesitant about hormonal birth control. They had multiple conversations on and off camera for about a week to make sure they had a good reproductive plan. He never pressured her to go on birth control and they did discuss condoms but wanted more protection.
  19. I think he signed on because he wanted to. They've been trying to get this show back on the air for a decade so he probably had it in the back of his mind that he'd always come back but that he wouldn't stay forever. He's also not retiring. He's just ready to do new things. As for him leaving now, I speculated about this in the media thread but it could be because they all agreed for him to stay long enough for him to get a proper sendoff. Or maybe they wanted to change midseason so we're used to the new DA. I think the decision was probably made in conjunction with TPTB.
  20. From what I understand, VIP hosts are like regular hosts but specialize in VIPs. She'd probably identify VIP people or potential big spenders who come to the club (like football players). She'd get them in, help them reserve a table, set up bottle service...etc. She'd probably try to make them have the best experience so they'd become recurring customers. Before the conversation, I thought she was only a realtor but finding out she also did VIP hosting made me understand so much better why she was able to handle the drunken fools in the DR so smoothly. I loved Clay's mother and sister but off, when his mom started giving relationship advice, I couldn't help but think of the fact that's maybe now just finding out that her ex took her son a cheatin'. Clay certainly seems like he doesn't want to repeat the sins of his father but I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to have faith that he'd be able to pull it off--certainly not with their current lifestyle. Their work schedules mean that they'd be spending a lot of time apart at night. The camera crew doesn't follow them 24/7. They have set days they film and there are days when there aren't any cameras around. I'm guessing no cameras were around when Jeramy was at the bar. Reddit has a theory I quite like. I don't own Apple products so I don't know if this is true but apparently, when a phone and an Apple watch are separated, both devices are tracked separately. So Jeramy might have even left his phone in his car and went with Sarah Anne back to her house thinking if Laura checked his phone, it'd show him at the bar. But by checking for location, she could see that his Apple watch was on the move.
  21. In the Dominican Republic, when Johnny told Laura that Amy wasn't on the pill, I thought for sure it was because she had a bad experience with oral contraceptives, and they didn't work for her. But after this episode, I'm starting to suspect she might be a modern medicine contrarian since she admitted she has never been on the pill even though her doctor has told her they could be helpful for her anemia*. So it's not like she doesn't take them because of negative side effects but rather she'd rather be all natural. The pill can absolutely have negative side effects and I think everyone should be made aware of them so they don't suffer unnecessarily because they feel they have no choice but to take them. But not everyone has bad side effects and the pill can do wonders for things like PCOS, anemia and other conditions even beyond helping to prevent pregnancy. *And the crystals. Amy did say something like and "just protection isn't enough" so that implies to me that he would use condoms but just condoms aren't enough for him. The latest I've read is that you're encouraged to go to the altar but if you break up early, you can't quit the show without a penalty. For instance, Kenneth and Brittany can split before the altar episodes but they're still under an obligation to film whatever the show wants them to. Since there wasn't much drama involved in their courtship or even breakup, I guess we probably aren't going to see much, if any, of them again. However, if Chelsea and Jimmy were to break up, the show would 100% expect them to come to a get together where they meet Trevor/Jessica on camera. Speaking of Chelsea and Jimmy, the thing she doesn't realize is that of course his "I love yous" are going to start sounding fake. I don't care how much I love someone, the more I feel like I need to say it to satisfy them, the less meaningful they're going to come off. As for Kenneth and Brittany, I suspect we're seeing what happens with a couple that doesn't have sex or at least get really frisky once they get out of the pods. Sex helps couples take that next step to connect. Brittany wanted to wait to get married before having sex which Kenneth respected. Yet, even without sex, she needed him to be more physical and either he didn't because of her desire to wait or he's just not a physically demonstrative person. The lack of connecting on that level and the distractions of the real world pulled them apart. There were no more hours of just sitting and talking.
  22. I don't think the show would let the shield protect her, assuming they would have Phaedra recruit the next traitor directly. The shield protects Trishelle from murder but this ultimatum technically wouldn't be a murder, would it? It'd be a suicide. I love that we learned that this game is less stressful than The Bachelor (per Peter) but more stressful than Parliament (per John). I think the only person who wouldn't do that is Kevin. The rest? They'll all stab one another in the back once it's time but CJ is more strategic. Not only that but they're realizing they don't have the numbers to go up against the Bravo alliance. Everyone in that group who didn't vote for Phaedra did that to themselves (looking at you John.)
  23. The privilege does belong to the patient, but patient confidentiality survives death and often can't be waived away by survivors. In fact, the psychiatrist should have never gone to the cops with what she knew. She probably could be made to testify by the judge, but that's a legal argument Price opted not to pursue for some reason. My frustration with the episode is the lack of evidence against the killer. I would think there'd be more but they wanted to to make it all about some very vague, not very probative, testimony by the mayor's son.
  24. He seemed fine on this NBC Today Show interview. https://www.today.com/video/sam-waterston-talks-leaving-law-order-thanks-fans-for-support-204612165767 In it, he said that he always planned on leaving when he came back, he just didn't know when. I suspect he made the decision to leave during the hiatus/strike but wanted to give TPTB the opportunity to give him a good sendoff instead of just having him just disappear like Cosgrove and Anderson's character.
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