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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Tina Turner underwent a kidney transplant in 2017, necessitated by other major health issues. The donor was her current husband. Since the surgery she has been having problems with her body attempting to reject the kidney.
  2. From Variety: Grace and Frankie Renewed for Season 6 Scheduled to air in 2020.
  3. Ricki Lake’s second husband, a jewelry designer, to whom she was married from 2012 through 2015, had bipolar disorder & committed suicide in February of 2017.
  4. My mom & I have lived in a retirement community/assisted living center since my dad died almost 2 years ago, because we both have health issues, & they don’t have HBO on their cable. So unless I can stream it somehow without needing 1 of those ID’s set up with your cable account that some streaming sites ask for, I’ll have to wait until it goes on free streaming sites or on DVD, I guess. I like Matthew Rhys too; I’ve liked him since he was in Brothers & Sisters. It would be cool if Keri Russell had a role in this, like maybe as his ex, if we see her, unless they’re tired of working together & being a couple simultaneously right now.
  5. Personally, I don’t see any problem with the HBO/Matthew Rhys Perry Mason origin limited series. Mostly because it clearly is being described as this Perry exists in 1932, is a down on his luck private investigator & not a lawyer, & has other characteristics not ascribed to Raymond Burr’s version (a broken marriage; trouble dealing with his wartime experiences in France—I guess a forerunner to PTSD). I’m choosing to look at it as this is Perry before he became the version played by Raymond Burr, & there is a difference between them, to my mind.
  6. Hallmark Movies and Mysteries (you had the M’s reversed) was the last cable channel I know of that aired the Perry Mason revival TV movies, but I don’t think they’re on the current schedule; definitely not airing this week (they barely even air Columbo anymore). The channel didn’t even stop airing Christmas-themed movies until January 8th (I’ve been waiting for them to get back to the late-night mystery series reruns, like Hart to Hart; I wish they aired Ironside).
  7. From Deadline: Matthew Rhys to Star in Perry Mason Origin Limited Series on HBO Matthew won’t be playing Perry Mason from the era when the Raymond Burr TV series or revival TV movies were set (1957-1966 for the series; 1985-1995 for the TV movies, though Burr died in 1993 & other actors, such as Hal Holbrook & Paul Sorvino, played other lawyers who replaced Mason & worked with his staff to solve cases during the last 2 years of the TV movies—it would seem the deal was probably made for the final 2 years of TV movies prior to Raymond Burr’s death or prior to his final illness precluding his participation in the TV movies). Matthew’s version of Perry Mason is set in 1932 LA; this Perry is a low-rent PI living check-to-check, haunted by his wartime (WW I?) experiences in France, & suffering the effects of a broken marriage, according to the linked article.
  8. I’m glad Keidrich Sellati (Henry) was at the awards. You know how they joke about Henry being invisible? I meant to post this before & forgot. Keidrich didn’t even get thanked when the show won at the Golden Globes, but all the other important cast members (portrayers of Jennings family members, including Paige/Holly, & Stan) did (if you wanna doublecheck, the Globes were on Hulu & I hope are still there since I have to finish watching them).
  9. Coffee mugs & shirts with various famous quotes from TWW are available here, but only until tomorrow, January 15th.
  10. I remember reading that they filmed the “Cocoon” update (Season Premiere episode) out of sequence too. I’m not sure why though. I was gonna say maybe eps 10 & 11 were filmed outta sequence due to Teilor’s availability—she lives in LA now & probably goes to either a regular high school or a professional children’s type school & both (especially with having to be at school for mandatory tests/finals, etc.), plus trying to pursue other acting/maybe modeling jobs may not mean she’s available, or it’s harder for her to be available, whenever they want her back in Hawaii to film—then I remembered this was ep 12 (I’m pretty sure), & probably not affected by a switch in production order of the episodes.
  11. The pics were a mix of CBS PR pics (I think), behind the scenes pics of them as their real selves & not in character, & screencaps from various eps. I recognized those. And at least some of those, including the 1 at/towards the end of the slideshow, where Scott, Teilor & Alex were making screwed up facial expressions, were on show-related social media accounts or on Teilor’s social media accounts—I saw the weird faces pic there. I was following along on Twitter last night as I watched; especially since they plugged the episode as an event that was happening in its timeslot (besides, I have the CBS app on my phone & I can watch an ep whenever I want if I get distracted). Some of the fans/viewers were wondering if any of the “younger Grace” pics that didn’t obviously look like Teilor were of Scott’s real life daughter, Josie, when she was younger (either with or without Scott in the pic—they could’ve also photoshopped other people in, like Alex & Claire/Rachel); Josie’s 4 now, I think. Kind of like some pics of Alex’s eldest son, Saxon, when he was much younger, were used as some of the pics of “young Steve” in the ep where the Savannah talk show got the Governor’s permission to follow the team around & try to interview them. The fans/viewers probably wondered if some pics might’ve been of Josie since her mom/Scott’s partner, Kacy, has dark hair & I don’t think too many people know what Josie looks like—like if her hair color’s more like Scott’s or Kacy’s.
  12. Regarding the bolded & italicized: Teilor Grubbs is in the cast list for next week’s episode, per the press release CBS issued for it that was linked, by me, in the thread for that ep a couple of days ago. So, unless it was a mistake, we’ll be seeing her again this season. And don’t forget, the verdict’s not in yet on whether or not we’ll get an S10. If we get 1, we’ll probably see her then too.
  13. I don’t think Stan going to Las Vegas was part of his marriage counseling in his marriage to Rachel. Also, I’m pretty sure Stan, especially being so wealthy (wealthy enough to live in a mansion & give Rachel, Grace & Charlie anything they wanted, anyway) in his own right, was self-employed/the owner of his own land development company. He didn’t get a transfer/promotion to Vegas; he/his company apparently simply signed a deal with whomever you do that to build a new resort there—which is taking a really long time, unless he’s building more than 1, since he started building it at the end of S2 or the beginning of S3 (as I remember). As for moving there like Rachel mentioned this week, either he still has construction in progress on something or he just likes the place. I’ve always thought Stan was supposedly modeled after the wealthy real estate developer version of Donald Trump—only nicer & not as shady & potentially corrupt in that line of work. At least not shady & corrupt by the time he allowed Danny to shoot him to hopefully save Grace’s life after she was kidnapped by Danny’s old partner from the Newark PD who came to Hawaii because he was out for revenge against Danny as the partner was a dirty cop & Danny’s testimony at his trial, once he was caught, was a key part of the ex-partner being sent to prison for 10 years—he was now paroled/released—& his wife divorcing him & his kid refusing to talk to him after that.
  14. Rachel & Stan wanted to move to Las Vegas at the end of S2, I think. He was supposedly building a new resort & wanted Rachel & the kids to come with him. Danny told Rachel she couldn’t just move Gracie every time she wanted, just because she had primary custody; especially not once Gracie put down roots, made friends, & forged a life somewhere. Danny also said he thought that was already happening with Gracie & he countersued Rachel for his own custody modification regarding her: she would get to live with him half the time & Rachel had to get his permission to take her off the island/out of Hawaii. Danny actually got that modification during S4. Then in S5, Charlie got sick & Danny found out he really was Charlie’s father, after he was the best match of his immediate family as a bone marrow donor. That was when the divorce (Rachel & Stan’s) happened.
  15. I remember some people saying during, & especially after, S1 that Alex’s performance was the way it was in S1–“wooden”, if you will—to show how emotionally restrained, & sort of uptight, Steve’s growing up & long years of service in the Navy had made him, & to give Alex somewhere to go with the character if the show lasted past S1. Remember, Steve was all nitpicky about Danny wearing a tie to work; & he was uptight in general—so much so he didn’t seem to be very human; & he made Danny eat malasadas with a napkin & wouldn’t eat any himself without probably needing bypass surgery after, he said; & we used to see him be diligent about exercising—either running or swimming, & having & using a home security system, & a whole bunch of other stuff? Now he’s more “normal” as a person; he eats pretty much everything; doesn’t exercise, at least not onscreen; & doesn’t seem to be as diligent about using his security system, & there are probably other ways the character has loosened up & become less “wooden” over the years.
  16. From TV by the Numbers: Criminal Minds Set to End After 15 Seasons on CBS The series has been renewed for an abbreviated, 10-episode final season which will start filming “in the immediate pursuit of season 14”, according to the linked article (I guess that means they’ll film the final season as soon as they finish the current season?).
  17. Edited to provide accurate information! AntennaTV has moved the show to 12:30AM Eastern Time late Monday night/early Tuesday morning-late Friday night/early Saturday morning. The Sunday afternoon airing is now a double episode airing on late Sunday night/early Monday morning from 2-3AM Eastern. Information from AntennaTV online program schedule & an announcer voiceover about the new programming block the show is part of (something about shows with “grumpy” characters—& I’m not necessarily fond of Murphy being characterized that way) at the end of other shows I watched on AntennaTV recently.
  18. From NBC News: Daniel Dae Kim to Play Recurring Role in The Good Doctor Season 2 For those who haven’t been watching already, the season currently airing is Seasom 2. The linked article says DDK’s guest role story arc starts in episode 15, which should air in February, & the episode will be directed by series star Freddie Highmore. Also, Will Yun Lee is another cast member of The Good Doctor, as a doctor at the hospital in the show, & has been since late last season. Now we know what happened to Sang Min; why he hasn’t been on H50 lately (& I wonder what he’d have to say about Tani if he met her): He left Honolulu with Chin Ho, Abby & Sara (teasing here).
  19. From Deadline.com: Richard Schiff Confirms Talks of Long-Rumored ‘The West Wing’ Reboot
  20. If anyone missed the Golden Globes & you have Hulu, you can now watch the entire show there. Or you can rewatch it if you already saw it live on Sunday or via recording afterwards.
  21. From Facebook: Toni Tennille Posted This in Regards to the Recent Passing of “The Captain”, Her Ex-Husband and Bandmate, Daryl Dragon
  22. From SpoilerTV.com: Modern Family Renewed for 11th and Final Season by ABC A press release with more details is to come later.
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