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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Has anybody else tried the new Sweetos Cinnamon Sugar Puffs, that are technically part of the Cheetos line & a Limited Edition product? If you haven't/don't know what I'm talking about, there's NO cheese or "cheese dust" anywhere in the recipe. So it's not a mix of cheese, cinnamon & sugar. It's just a plain, oddly shaped "puff" of some kind (I don't think it's corn), covered in cinnamon & sugar. It tastes like cinnamon & sugar, & I thought it also tasted kind of buttery; so did my Mom, who ate 2 or 3. They come in a purple & light blue bag. I'm kind of embarrassed to say my bag was bought Saturday morning & finished by last night. They were that good, in my opinion, & my Mom only ate 2 or 3. I really hope Frito-Lay/Cheetos makes them a year-round product & not just a Limited Edition.
  2. You guys know Crispy M&Ms are back, right? Only now they're in a light/medium greenish bag 'cause Pretzel took over the blue bag & they're still making the Pretzel ones. Also, a few years ago they had a Dulce de Leche flavor, which was a limited time thing, & mostly available out West, I think. I never tried them/couldn't get any, but I sure wanted to. As for my favorite types: 1) Plain/Milk Chocolate, 2) Crispy, 3) Pretzel.
  3. Responding to the bolded. Yeah, I could see Doris being "all business" too; especially when it comes to an op--or at least most of them; especially the ones she went on for the CIA. But let's not forget, Steve said she was a PTA Mom (I think); she taught him how to paddle a canoe, catamaran, or an outrigger--some sort of mainly Hawaiian watercraft they were paddling in the post-titles opening of an ep, anyway; she also taught him magic tricks--which she used/tried to use to cut the tension between them during that op including her & Steve, plus Mick, her new boyfriend & Steve's ex-SEAL/Private Eye friend, & Commander Wade Gutches, Steve & Joe's friend/colleague & the leader of the SEAL team which helped Joe, Five-0, & Frank Bama extract Steve from North Korea when Wo Fat was torturing him over Shelburne in S2 (in return for Five-0 saving a member of their team after other members had been killed by a drug cartel with a vendetta). The op was to retrieve the microfiche Doris supposedly secretly kept with details about her CIA ops--which she claimed would keep her family safe from retribution by her enemies just by its existence--after it was stolen by another former CIA operative who'd apparently become an enemy of Doris's & was up for a high-ranking US Government post... Which he apparently was afraid he wouldn't get if someone saw Doris's microfiche. I think the PTA Mom thing, the Hawaiian watercraft paddling thing, & the magic tricks thing showed that, while she was probably "all-business" on a CIA op, & probably in her school classroom, I'd suspect, she also maybe had a side that was less rigid. By the way, you referred to Steve as a "seal" & not a "SEAL" above. And I think "navy" needs a capital N. Just FYI.
  4. http://websta.me/p/931455311692377666_1220301226 Photo taken on the set of Chi McBride with actor Jaleel White (yes, Urkel from Family Matters; Jaleel also had a strong showing in a fairly recent Dancing with the Stars season), who's apparently doing a guest shot on the show, but I don't know if (& honestly kinda doubt that) it's Ep 522, the apparently currently shooting ep in which Pauly Shore guests, or if it's another ep. I know they've announced a (different) guest star & plot synopsis for an S5 ep delving into more of Grover's Chicago backstory. Maybe he's in that ep. I started to wonder if Jaleel had been cast as Grover's son, then realized he's much too old for that part, given that we think Grover's son is younger than Grover's daughter, Samantha is, based on a Grover family pic that's been seen in the show. Guess we'll see who's guesting in what ep(s) as CBS issues the press releases for them.
  5. You mean Lupita? No, she said, "And the Actor (the award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards) goes to...", instead of "And the Oscar goes to...". Sorry this comment's a week late; it took me awhile to figure out where the thread was.
  6. Responding to the bolded comment. I'm positive FX ran S1 before S2 started, & S2 before S3 started. I *know* I saw listings for S2 eps between S2 & S3. I saw 'em in the last few weeks before S3 started. But, I couldn't watch them 'cause I was away from my usual cable provider between the end of August & 10 days before Christmas, through no fault of my own, FX wasn't in the channel packages where I was, & some or all of that timeframe was when they were repeating S2. However... They pretty much only ran the eps for both seasons in the post-midnight to pre-dawn hours (1 of the last things aired before "Paid Programming" started), rather than in or close to Primetime. Perhaps that's why mostly everybody missed them. You had to be a "night owl"/insomniac or know when to set your DVR for to catch them.
  7. Commenting on the bolded. If you don't see, or it takes awhile to see, Suzanne & Tony's rehearsals, they're supposedly rehearsing in Las Vegas (at least according to Robin Leach [yes, the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous guy, for those old enough to remember it], who writes a "celebrity news" column for the Las Vegas Sun newspaper). Besides doing DWTS, Suzanne is in pre-production/rehearsals for her own "resident headliner" show at the Westgate resort in Las Vegas (which used to be The International, The Las Vegas Hilton--both of which are prominent in Elvis history--&, most recently. The LVH). Her show is supposed to open there in May, apparently. So, honestly, I was really surprised when I heard she'd joined DWTS for this cycle/season--it seems like a bit much to have on her proverbial plate at the same time, you know? Having said that, she seems like a fairly energetic, driven woman (for 68, or whatever age she actually may be); so I'm pretty sure she'll be able to do it all fairly well, & she wouldn't have chosen to do this DWTS season if she didn't think it was possible to do it & get her Las Vegas show off the ground at the same time.
  8. I loved the ep too. Everyone above me has pretty much already explained why, so I won't repeat myself. I will, however, add a possibly interesting note... Lorenzo Manetti, credited as Co-Writer on this ep with David Wolkove, a veteran of the show's Writing & Producing staffs, is apparently the son (& only child) of actor Larry Manetti & his wife. Granted, with an uncommon last name like Manetti, you probably had to figure... Right? (I was actually thinking Larry himself had possibly "Italianized" his first name, if you will, & co-wrote the ep under a partial pseudonym). Larry Manetti, of course, is best-known to the world as "Rick", the Club Owner sidekick to Tom Selleck's "Magnum" on Magnum P.I.--but he's currently best-known to us for his H50 recurring role as a McGarrett Family Friend, Lounge Owner/Singer Nicky "The Kid" DeMarco (who most recently officiated at the wedding of Steve & Mary's Aunt Deb). This ep was Lorenzo's first produced writing credit in the business. He's apparently been a Writer's Assistant (or something like that) on the H50 Writing staff since sometime last season (S4). On another note, production on S5 *may* be wrapping up within the next month, at most. They're apparently currently shooting Ep 522. There are 25 eps scheduled this season, so the S5 Finale should be Ep 525. So, 3 more eps to shoot (& approximately 24 more shooting days, based on their normal 8 day shooting schedule... Though DDK said in interviews he got this ep filmed in 7 days) before they wrap... Hopefully just until S6 starts, probably sometime in July, & not wrapping forever (SpoilerTV still says the show "looks good" for renewal; TVLine & most other sites are still saying renewal "could go either way" [in 1 phrase or another]). Actor/Comedian Pauly Shore is apparently the guest star (or at least 1 of them) in Ep 522. About 4 days ago, he Tweeted a pic of an H50 script cover, for Ep 522, which I saw because I follow Peter Lenkov's Twitter & he Re-Tweeted it. https://twitter.com/paulyshore/status/570303772473348096 Before that Pauly also Tweeted (& Lenkov Re-Tweeted) a pic of an airplane tray table, which held a napkin & a glass with the Hawaiian Airlines logo on it & (what appeared to be) their signature POG (Pineapple-Orange-Guava) Juice blend in it. https://twitter.com/paulyshore/status/570026911088250881 Since he's been on the set, Pauly Tweeted this pic of him with Taylor Wily (Kamekona) yesterday: https://twitter.com/paulyshore/status/571219261420498944 This is the only selfie Pauly's posted with any of the show's cast members. He's apparently still in Hawaii/still filming. He Tweeted something today (Saturday) about Pineapple Juice, for which Lenkov kinda seemed to give him 1 of those fake, teasing, "hard times" that people who know each other well tend to do to each other about stuff (I think he & Lenkov worked together on some movies in previous years--before Lenkov did H50 if not CSI: NY as well--& have been friends for a pretty long time).
  9. I wouldn't say "none" of Geoff Stults' shows have lasted. He was in the cast of 7th Heaven (I think as Beverley Mitchell's character's husband, who was a cop... I think) & the show didn't end the same season he joined it. It was on long enough, after he joined it, for the couple he was part of to marry, have 1 baby, then (I think) have a miscarriage & then get pregnant again. At least as I remember.
  10. Yeah, as far as I know she'll still be on this season--but apparently just for an episode, not the remainder of the season. That was announced before her joining the cast of this Pilot was. If this Pilot takes, & her part isn't recast with another actress or eliminated altogether, the series resulting from the Pilot would start in the fall of this year (September 2015, or later). So if The Americans gets to S4, Margo likely would still only be available for limited guest shots in S4 (depending on the shooting schedules of both shows & whatever can be worked out among the showrunners & whoever else needs to be involved in the decision), unless her other show tanks fast (faster than The Millers, anyway).
  11. Responding to the bolded section, specifically about Elizabeth (who was then Nadezhda, still; I don't think they became "Elizabeth Jennings" & "Philip Jennings" until the meeting where they first met before being sent to the US, where they were told they could no longer speak--or be--Russian at all, & that they could only speak English & think of themselves as Philip & Elizabeth Jennings, (eventual travel agency owners) from the good old red, white, & blue USA! Anyway... Among other things (as I'm fairly sure has been said upthread), Elizabeth was raped during training, & pretty brutally too as I remember, by an Instructor I think she greatly respected (which made it all the worse). The attacker figured fairly prominently in the Pilot. We also eventually saw the attack in an ep, in flashback, but I can't remember if it was in the Pilot, later in S1, or in S2. If I remember things correctly (not having a copy of the Pilot to go by), the first mission we saw them on had to do--at least in part--with getting the attacker to some rendezvous point so he could either get back to the USSR or defect here. That got botched; Philip & Elizabeth's fellow "fake American" operative on the mission ended up stabbed & in a hospital, where he later died; Elizabeth eventually told Philip the guy raped her (he may have already known the guy was 1 of her Instructors; I forget), & the rapist ended up dead. I think Philip killed him, at least partially in retaliation for attacking young Elizabeth, but I'm not sure I'm remembering that right. And the rapist ended up stuffed in the Jennings' car trunk for a couple of days at some point, while he was still alive. I also seem to remember Elizabeth yelling at him, & maybe yanking him from the trunk & kicking the shit out of him, while he was trapped in their garage (since the mission to get rid of him was botched, they were stuck with nowhere else to put him while they were waiting for an alternate plan), over what he did to her. But I might be wrong about that too. About the time I think I remember Elizabeth's attacker disappearing, that's when Stan came home from the White Supremacists & started nosing around the Jennings' garage, because his FBI office got a report about either the dead fellow "fake American" or Elizabeth's missing/dead Instructor/rapist, & that report tied a car like the Jennings' (where the bad guy was still stuck) to whatever got reported. But Philip was able, eventually, to draw Stan' s suspicions away from their car & to begin befriending him. That's what happened to Elizabeth in training (& what happened to her, & others, resulting from it), that we know about so far. (Well, you did ask, & I can't remember if you said you saw S1 or not; sorry if I was repetitive)
  12. There's *no* information on DVD extras or a release date, but TVShowsonDVD.com says amazon.com is now taking orders for DVDs from this season (S3)--I think it only mentioned DVDs, no Blu-Rays. There *is* a pic of the probable cover; it's the images of Matthew & Keri from the neck up, with their faces painted with a mixture of American & Soviet/Russian-related images on a white background (I think this was in some of the preseason promos as well); the images are on a black background. Here's the link to TVShowsonDVD's page about it: http://tvshowsondvd.com/n/20812
  13. I'll be 52 this July, for what it's worth. I also made a small math error in my scholastic history. I actually started Kindergarten in 1968, not 1969. My college graduation year of 1985 is still accurate though. If anything, my Mom may have had to do "duck & cover" drills in school (but I'm not sure, since she actually lived in a pretty rural part of Alabama, between Huntsville & Birmingham). My Dad may not have had to do anything. He was born/grew up in the Philippines. My parents are both about 27-28 years older than me, if the age difference between us has an effect on the whole "duck & cover" drill thing.
  14. I think Slate magazine posts them. You might be able to get it on their website too. Otherwise, iTunes is the only place I know of to subscribe to podcasts or download podcasts from.
  15. I think we figured, in S1, Elizabeth was around 40 or 41 (in S1). This is because (as I remember), when Elizabeth tells Philip her Russian name is Nadezhda (S1, in or somewhere close to the Pilot), she also gives him other small details about her Russian life (which they were expressly told they were not to talk about at the meeting where they were "paired" & met before being sent to the US; they were told they were only to talk to each other In English, about Elizabeth's & Philip's lives, as if they'd always been American & always been Philip & Elizabeth Jennings). Besides her Russian name, she tells Philip her father died when she was 2, in a battle in a place whose name at least then ended in "grad" (at least some Russian cities changed their names after the fall of Communism); I wanna say Elizabeth said it was the Battle of Stalingrad, which sounds right to me, but I'm no longer positive it's right & have no videos/DVDs to check with. If it wasn't Stalingrad, it might've been Leningrad. Based on the year the battle involved happened in real life, & Elizabeth (then Nadezhda) being 2 when it happened, it was somehow determined she was around 40 or 41 in S1 of the series. Umbelina--I was in school (Start of Kindergarten through College Graduation) from Fall 1968-Spring 1985. I live in an Indiana city that is still home to an Air National Guard Tactical Wing Fighter Base & was, when I was in school, but maybe not so much currently, home to a number of national businesses & industries--including many defense contractors. At any rate, at the time I remembered it being said, or having read somewhere that, because of this, my hometown was likely to be hit in a Soviet/US nuclear war (though probably after the bigger, more likely, target cities... NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.). Despite this, we only had the standard fire drills & tornado drills; no "duck & cover" drills for nuclear attack, ever, all the way from Kindergarten-College.
  16. Series star Daniel Dae Kim makes his directorial debut. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41887
  17. DDK interview with Honolulu Star-Advertiser writer Mike Gordon, about DDK's directorial debut on tomorrow night's episode. With some comments by Peter Lenkov as well. For those with access to the print version, it's in today's edition. http://www.staradvertiser.com/features/20150226_Kim_calls__the_shots.html?id=294155651&mobile=true This link is supposed to get you to the article without having to go through the paper's paywall to read it. And I thought it was a good article. Another interview with DDK about his directorial debut. This time from ABC News' website (which, yes, is odd since the show's on CBS, but the article was done by a wire service reporter so it can be published wherever). This article touches on different things than the Honolulu 1, including Daniel being in the cast of the upcoming Insurgent movie, the formation of his own production company, & minorities in TV & the movies. It's also a good read. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/daniel-dae-kim-takes-control-hawaii-29250389#.VO97C5z_Y8A.twitter
  18. Matthew Rhys & showrunners Joel Fields & Joe Weisberg discuss this episode in this week's podcast. Click this Tweet link to get to the podcast link (which is in the linked Tweet): https://twitter.com/theamericansfx/status/571023701921046529
  19. I'm a currently non-practicing member of a Christian faith (but I still believe in God/a higher power), but I was baptized when I was a baby (before we stopped going to church regularly). I was baptized in a gown (or whatever) that at least looked to be some shade of white (or perhaps cream) in the few pics I've seen from the ceremony. So I think you're probably supposed to wear white, or at least cream. The kids in the family on TLC's The Little Couple TV show (the preschool-age son & daughter of the titular little couple, plus their baby cousin) were all in what was at least mostly white/cream for their joint Catholic baptism which aired in a recent episode of the series. The son had on a white shirt & pants, with a gray vest over the shirt; his sister had on a white dress; their baby cousin had on a white bonnet & white baptismal/christening gown. And Britain's youngest heir to the throne, the then-baby (now toddler) Prince George of Cambridge, was in a white or cream gown when christened/baptized, as well (I think it was a replica of a royal family christening gown--maybe the 1 his father, &/or Uncle Prince Harry, wore for their christenings as well). Those are recent baptisms/christenings I have to go by. Having said that... Soviets/Communists were/were supposed to be Atheists, (or generally non-practicing/disbelieving in religion during Communist rule) right? Perhaps that's why Philip made the (obviously inappropriate) suggestions of the non-white/non-cream dresses for Paige. He didn't grow up in/around a church/religious setting, & wasn't currently attending church with Paige (like Elizabeth was at least trying to), so he didn't know you really aren't supposed to wear anything other than white (or apparently cream, in Paige's case) for a baptism/christening. Even though Elizabeth is at least trying to attend church with Paige/feign support for her religious interest, I'm not sure she wouldn't also have made inappropriate dress suggestions if she'd taken Paige shopping instead (just 'cause she's going to church doesn't mean what she's supposed to be "learning" there isn't going in 1 ear & out the other as soon as she hears it, you know?).
  20. Sorry... I somehow missed this when it was posted originally. TVLine says Margo Martindale (Claudia) has joined the cast of a drama (I'm pretty sure it is 1) pilot aimed at the Fall 2015 schedule. Details are here: http://tvline.com/2015/02/24/sneaky-pete-cbs-drama-cast-margo-martindale-pilot/
  21. That's Simon Majumdar. And, despite the last name, I think he's actually British. He's also Caucasian, not Indian
  22. I watched both Three's Company (with & without Suzanne's character) & Step by Step (that was as much, or more, for Patrick Duffy as for Suzanne though). Yes, I'm that old. They were on between my Jr. High & College years (or maybe later, for Step by Step). Arguably, Three's Company (&/or leaving it so acrimoniously) is probably Suzanne's best-known acting credit (even over her sexy "Blonde in the Thunderbird" cameo in American Graffiti, which gets a lot of mention in her press stuff too). But I have to say I'm surprised a play on Step by Step wasn't used in her thread title, since dance movements are usually called "steps". As for Noah's dancing ability on a prosthetic leg (at least), am I the only 1 who remembers when Heather Mills (who was Sir Paul McCartney's second wife) was on the show? She wore a prosthetic which started around her knee, I think (she lost part of a leg after being hit by a taxi). While she didn't win her season, she acquitted herself fairly well & probably got farther than anyone expected. And, of course, there's also Amy Purdy. Yes, those are female examples, & Noah's (obviously) a guy, but I think at least some of the "mechanics" involved are similar--although Sharna will also have to deal with his missing arm too. I wonder if it'll be easier or harder to choreograph, compensate, or whatever you wanna call it, with both missing limbs on the same side of the body than if they were on each side, like with Amy (who had both legs missing). Victura--Suzanne has sung & danced in (among other things) concerts--both charitable benefits (many with her close friend, superstar Barry Manilow) & not; a short-lived Broadway show based on her life, titled The Blonde in the Thunderbird (after the credit for her cameo appearance in American Graffiti); & as a Las Vegas headliner, in the 1980's production show Moulin Rouge at the former Las Vegas Hilton (now the Westgate resort). She & the show were nominated for, & won many awards in the Las Vegas area, in fact. I think she also appeared in some Bob Hope specials (& on his USO tours), back in the day. I also seem to remember she headlined a TV special or so in her own name. She sang & danced in both Bob's specials & her own. She's also apparently in pre-production/rehearsals for her new resident headliner gig at the Westgate resort in Las Vegas, which is supposed to start in May, if I have my information correct. So, yeah, I'd say she has singing--& at least some dancing--"chops", as it were. I'm not from Las Vegas (1 of my best friends is), but I do read their papers online; celebrity columnist Robin Leach said in today's (Tuesday's) Las Vegas Sun that Suzanne & Tony have already been rehearsing there, in Las Vegas.
  23. Spoiler for Kono (but NOT the couple of Kono & Adam) from TVLine. It's the 8th question down. Here's the link: http://tvline.com/2015/02/24/arrow-nanda-parbat-spoilers-oliver-thea-malcolm-ras/
  24. She actually has a recurring role on Hawaii Five-0, & has had it for at least 2 seasons now. She plays Sabrina, a bank teller who's the girlfriend of Max Bergman, the Medical Examiner character on the show. By the way, her first name ends in ER, not OR. As I remember, she was named for a famous author.
  25. I guess Martha thinks "Clark" just kept his apartment/house he was living in before they "married". And that he did it so their relationship doesn't get them into trouble at the FBI, where they both supposedly work (Martha actually does; "Clark" actually doesn't). She already thinks his request not to tell anyone at work they're "married" is logical & believable, so this works, for me. It's a good thing they haven't written Martha as so curious about where "Clark" goes when he leaves her that she follows him home or to the travel agency. They did that with Stan's partner in S1, whose name I've forgotten, who was supposed to be having a thing with Martha. He found out about "Clark", went to Martha's early 1 morning & caught "Clark" leaving; he tried to question "Clark" about what he was doing with Martha & ended up dead for doing it. They had a real ceremony, but "Clark" told Martha afterwards that he'd file the license & the other paperwork which would make it legal (& Philip a bigamist) if actually filed (he was supposed to have mailed it, I think) & then he never actually filed it. So, real ceremony or not, I don't think they're actually married. He asked her to keep it under wraps, among other reasons, 'cause they're both supposed to be working for the FBI & (if I remember right) "Clark" said they had to keep it secret at work so neither of them would get fired ("no fraternization among employees", & all that), which she actually saw as logical. He also didn't want her telling her family, I guess so if she eventually disappears under "mysterious" circumstances, her family won't be able to put the finger on him for it. But she surprised him by having her family conveniently visiting at her apartment when he came over for breakfast, before they were "married", so they know "Clark" now & that apparently didn't work so well for Philip.
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