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BW Manilowe

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  1. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41764
  2. Thomas Schlamme, the ep Director, talks about the tooth pulling scene (& apparently equates the filming of it to the filming of a sex scene... Or something like that) in the link in the Tweet I'm linking here from the show's Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/theamericansfx/status/565934112326684672
  3. Yeah, they've been divorced since 2009, I think (somewhere around there--I know they were divorced by the time Bradley did The Good Guys, which briefly aired on Fox around 2010, I think; that was his series between Studio 60 & last season's Trophy Wife). And that was 1 Hollywood divorce nobody saw coming, really. And honestly, I kinda stopped being a fan of his ex, Jane Kaczmarek, around the time of the divorce. She did some (mostly print) interviews for various things around then, & the subject of their separation/divorce came up & she came off sounding rather bitter & sort of snotty about it, & sort of not so happy with Bradley, to me. And that made me rather sad.
  4. Yep. The actor who played Ed was in the Firefly movie, or the actual show, or something related to Firefly. He even mentioned it in a Tweet or so that I remember reading sort of recently. And Larry's the other guy. I totally agree that part of their "thing" was, although they were mostly unobtrusive, almost background players, & didn't get the "big" storylines of many of the other actors, they were--or at least were played as--a smoothly functioning partnership (or even unit). And the fact no one could tell them apart, & didn't really bother trying, was a great sort of "running joke" throughout the series. At least until Jed's "final walk" around the White House scene in the series Finale, when he went around to Charlie & various other staffers, who were lower level than Charlie, to say goodbye. During that walk, Jed had some individual time with both Ed & Larry, & he used each character's name when talking to them. So if you never knew who was Ed & who was Larry before, you did after that scene... If you paid attention to it.
  5. I still totally agree about Kono & Adam. I mean, she had to know it was "wrong"--& she obviously did, 'cause we saw her being really mysterious about it the 1st few times Adam called her at work. But she got involved with him anyway; eventually with Five-0's sort of "blessing". She's really close to Chin, & she never even confided in him about it initially (I'm presuming it's 'cause she thought he'd--rightfully--tell her what a monumentally STUPID idea it was, 'cause it could ruin her career, etc.); not until Ep 222, I think, when Adam tied her up, gagged her, & locked her in a closet or something when he went after Wo Fat--who was being escorted from Japan by Steve--for killing & dismembering his father, Hiro the Yakuza Boss. When Chin came looking for her & "rescued" her, she then admitted she knew Adam well enough to have his private cellphone number. Which apparently led Chin to understand something was going on between them. I guess Alex & Scott finally sat down 1 day & figured out just what their age difference really is, & which birthday they'd actually share (I'm guessing Scott's, since he's older, for some reason), what with the International Dateline & the resulting time difference between Canberra (or wherever Alex was born--which isn't coming to me right now, if it's not Canberra) & LA, & whatever else figures into it. I thought I heard it was actually 6 hours difference between their birth times, but whatever. It's just the pesky International Dateline that makes their birthdays a technical day apart. I totally believe if that wasn't involved they'd have the same birthday, whether it's the 23rd or 24th. Yeah, I love that the team treats Kono like an equal, without real regard to her gender vs. theirs, too. The only thing they do (or did, early on) to distinguish her from them is call her something like "Kid" or "Rookie", to note her junior professional status among her peers & cousin. I loved that ep in S1, I think it was the 1 where the ex-SEAL with PTSD took the USS Missouri tour group hostage, after being suspected of his wife's murder, when Kono said--without prompting--that she was gonna go interview/hang out with the SEAL's kid at the Children's Home, or wherever she was staying, during the hostage crisis & that she was gonna do it 'cause it's "a woman's job" & she figured they'd order her to do it for that reason. Then Danny said no, they weren't gonna order her to do that (presumably if she hadn't already volunteered) 'cause it's "a woman's job"; they were gonna order her to do it 'cause she was the Rookie of the team.
  6. Ed's the slightly heavier 1, played by Peter James Smith (who Tweeted the pic of Martin in Dame Edna drag); Larry's the thinner 1, played by William Duffy.
  7. I'm with you. I'd like (or I wish we'd gotten) some idea of how Adam & Kono got together to start with. I mean, no matter how "hot" he is, Adam was clearly introduced as Hiro Noshimuri's son &, therefore, likely involved with the Yakuza--played as 1 of Five-0's, or at least McGarrett's, enemies on the show. So it was a bit jarring to, out of the blue, have an S2 ep (I think the 1 when Steve returned from his search for Shelburne in Japan/Alex returned from rehab) opening with Kono in a bathrobe, in a suite at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, remembering her (apparently not the 1st) sexual encounter(s?) with Adam from the night before. I always figured, the way things were being written, Kono would end up with Charlie Fong, the lab tech; but I guess that was *too* obvious. As for McDanno, the thing about that is it's not necessarily as much up to the writers how many scenes they do/don't have together anymore, as it is up to Scott &/or Alex how many eps each wants to actually appear in per season now. The writers can only write for the actors who are actually available for the ep involved. And yeah, I miss the McDanno too. I don't know if Scott, primarily, just got bored with the show & took on more outside commitments he knew they'd have to/they'd be likely to let him outta filming for, or what? And, of course, there's the fact he's now got a 7 month old daughter with his girlfriend who requires at least some of his attention & who may be living (at least mostly) in LA. The odd thing is, it feels like Scott's missed a ton of episodes but, I think, the last time I looked at the cast's IMDb pages I think they said Scott's actually (somehow) done more eps than Alex has. At the time I looked, it was something like 98 eps for Scott & 93 for Alex. Which I'd swear is wrong, 'cause I'm positive Alex only missed 3 eps when he was out with his medical thing in S2 (220, 221 & the NCIS LA half of our 221; he was back in 222) & I can't remember 2 other eps he's missed since then. Anyway... I like that they, mostly at least, let Kono be a strong woman who can take care of herself instead of being the team's "damsel in distress" who regularly needs rescuing by her Cousin Chin, Steve, Danny, & now Lou. And I'm glad they basically established that aspect of her from the Pilot, when we met the character & she decked the guy who dropped in on her wave & caused her to wipeout in her opening scene. Although there have also been times I've thought Kono could've been stronger than she was in certain circumstances. About the song in the closing scene... You wouldn't believe how many commercials I've seen since last Friday night which use the same song. It's a good thing I like the song too, or I'd probably be sick of it by now. It's also used in National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation & tons of other shows, movies, & commercials.
  8. Not for nothing but this was also the 2nd ep for Greg Grunberg's character. Agent Morrison (he's from ICE or some other Federal department I can't remember now). He was also in Lapaʻau (Healing) in S2. That was the ep where an agent who'd worked under him was murdered via blowfish poison & a private plane crash into the waters off Oahu, which turned into Five-0's case of the week. It also involved him having worked a previous case with Lori Weston before she was part of Five-0; a cute scene where his character & Masi Oka's Max Bergman debated whether or not they'd met before being in Max's morgue together (Masi & Greg were both in Heroes, before H50, which was the genesis of this scene); a bunch of stuff about animal trafficking for stuff like bear bile & things used in other health supplements; stuff about a possible suspect, who was dying of cancer trying to kill his Dr. with chemotherapy, & Danny taking the victim of the week's dog & giving it to Gracie instead of taking it to the local animal shelter like Steve expected him to. Also Five-0 was given, by Agent Morrison, a commendation awarded to the dead agent, instead of her family or someone more expected.
  9. I don't know. The last thing I saw him on, before H50, was a celebrity cooking competition on Chopped, I think (it may have been another show), on Food Network a few months ago. He either won or came really close. He apparently follows Buddhism (at least now, I'm not sure about back in the Sopranos days) &--if I remember right--he played to win money to fund the building of schools somewhere (a really disadvantaged area of the world) by the sect (or whatever) of Buddhism he follows. I'm not knocking the Food Network gig--helping build schools for disadvantaged kids is noble--but I think the H50 gig is probably a step up. Especially if it turns into a recurring role, like it was said (at least where I read) it might.
  10. Thanks. I happily stand corrected. I'm pretty sure I knew enough about Barry Humphries to know he's an Aussie (I've been something of a Dame Edna Everage fan for a number of years now), so I'm not sure where him being English came from either. At least they're both countries where Queen Elizabeth II is the titular head of government, so I wasn't that far off. Maybe I thought he was a Brit because he did his own programs for British TV? But he's also done some of his own shows/guest starred on other TV shows here in the States (most recently, the daytime show The Talk which airs on CBS network here; he was on it, as Dame Edna--of course--within the last week or so, I think) & that doesn't make him an American (shrugs). You're welcome for the TwitPic of Martin in drag. But I can't take all the credit for it. That goes to Peter James Smith (aka Ed on TWW) who posted it & presumably also took the pic (assuming he & Martin went to the same performance--though not necessarily together, of course--& were backstage at the same time) &/or it goes to whomever else may have taken the pic & passed it along to him. I just thought it was worth sharing 'cause I suppose we always think of Martin as being so "dignified" & whatever; probably thanks to his playing Jed Bartlet for 7 seasons/years (though, yeah, I know he's not entirely like that in real life, nor in other roles--like when he played the father of his real son Charlie's character on Two and a Half Men & that character was off his rocker, mentally) & it's kind of unexpected when we see him do something like dress in drag (I don't even remember him ever playing a role where his character dressed in drag... just saying). I loved how, despite the fact Martin & Barry Humphries look nothing alike, when they were in drag (in my opinion) they were fairly close to identical twins.
  11. I follow at least most of the cast--the ones who are there, anyway (& it's at least most of them, with Janel Moloney being the newest Tweeter that I know of)--on Twitter (along with a number of people who, for whatever reason, Tweet "in character" as various people in The West Wing's universe--Josh, Donna, Sam, Jed, CJ, Danny, Elsie Snuffin, etc.). This item I'm linking was Tweeted about a week ago by Peter James Smith, the actor who played the Ed half of White House staffer duo Ed & Larry. After thinking about it for a few days, & almost forgetting it was posted, I decided it was too good/funny not to share. Peter apparently went to see the Dame Edna Everage show, which is currently playing/recently played in LA (if you didn't know, Dame Edna is a funny as hell--my opinion--character played, for many years now, by Australian actor Barry Humphries). He Tweeted this in honor of having seen the show. Anyway... I'm not sure how Peter got it, but the Tweet is a pic of Martin Sheen backstage with Humphries (I don't know if Martin & Peter went to the same performance, or what), either before or after a show. Humphries is dressed as Dame Edna... & Martin's dressed as Dame Edna's pretty much identical twin! I laughed my butt off when I saw the pic. Here's the link: https://twitter.com/pjsactor/status/561055750559391744
  12. Keri & Matthew interview from Paste magazine (which I'd never heard of before). Small, & not very many, spoilers herein--mostly for things like certain kinds of costumes worn by Phillip & Elizabeth during at least 1 upcoming mission. Certainly nothing, spoiler-wise, that (in my opinion, at least) would ruin anyone's enjoyment of future episodes if the interview were read. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/02/keri-russell-and-matthew-rhys-talk-subtlety-and-se.html
  13. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41771
  14. As of this week, the "cancellation predictor" at SpoilerTV has the show "looking safe" (or some other positive-sounding adjective) for (what would be S6) renewal (perhaps not so coincidentally, along with Blue Bloods). However the other "cancellation predictors" at TV-related sites (TVLine, TV by the Numbers' "Cancellation Bear", etc.) are still calling it as "Could Go Either Way" (or similar phraseology) regarding cancellation by May of 2015. The other day (I think more like over this past weekend), Lenkov posted a "glamor shot" of Hawaii (I think, like, a sunrise or sunset) on his Twitter with a comment like he was gonna miss that (the Hawaiian sunrises/sunsets/beauty in general) when the show ended. He got a handful of responses asking if he was announcing the cancellation & was VERY QUICK to reassure the posters/his followers, in general, that's NOT what he was saying at all (he was just musing about the future *somewhere down the road*, *not* meaning anytime in the *near* future...like May of this year or before). It's really late/early. I wanna address more of what you said but I'll come back to it if that's OK.
  15. Apologies for the late notice... Matthew Rhys is on Live with Kelly & Michael TODAY, February 3rd. It looks like he's the 2nd guest; they just introduced Glenn Close as the 1st guest & it's almost 9:30 Eastern where I live (the show airs live here, from 9-10AM Eastern). Hopefully this will still help many of you who get the show at the beginning of the day, like me, but it might help those of you who get the show later in the day more (sorry). If you miss the show, hopefully you can find the interview on their website (I think it's livekellyandmichael.com) or elsewhere online. EDITED TO ADD: He's on in about the last 20 minutes of Kelly & Michael, for up to 10 minutes (where I am, it was from about 9:40-9:50AM if the clock on my iPhone--from which I'm posting--is reasonably accurate). The Welsh accent is in full force; he's being funny & charming & showed a clip, I think from an ep/the ep we've already seen this season, where Elizabeth & Phillip talk about The Centre wanting to recruit Paige into the Jenningses *real* family business (as opposed to her working at their travel agency).
  16. You're welcome. Yeah, I know the usual 22-24 is no picnic, as it is, so 25 eps is really piling it on. I suppose the leads are getting extra days off, here & there, to compensate for the extra week/8 days of shooting they'll be doing this season 'cause of the 25th ep they don't normally do in a season. And that's nice, if so. I know Alex has been to a couple of martial arts-related things outside of Hawaii, with 1 of the guys whose family owns the studio where he, his eldest son, & Scott do their martial arts training in Hawaii; the guy also helps train all 3 of them--pics have been posted on Social Media of those--but I don't know if Alex did those things when the show had an actual shooting break involving a shutdown/time off for the entire cast & crew, or if he got time off while everyone else had to work. And I assume they gave Scott time off connected to the October publication of his new photography book, Vanity, but I have no real proof of that, either way. I think most of the LA book-related events have been on Saturdays & Scott doesn't usually film on Saturdays anyway. I suppose they could've told him (about that) his 1st commitment was supposed to be to the show, & tough that the book was coming out during filming, he couldn't go promote it, but I'm not sure they'd be that "mean". After all, they weren't that "mean" (nor could they be, I don't think) when his baby with his partner, Kacy, was due right when S5 was supposed to start filming (their daughter, Josie James, was born in LA the day after S5 started filming in Honolulu & I think Scott got something like 2 or 3 weeks off for it before having to report to the set in Hawaii; I suppose some of the cast could've gone to LA to film scenes with him then--like they went to Vancouver to film stuff with Grace P. last season when she was on her Maternity Leave--but I haven't heard they did). I feel sorrier for the main cast this season, & certainly won't begrudge them their summer hiatus; especially not if we get our S6 pickup (even though at least some of the "cancellation predictor" sites are saying we may not make S6, I'd swear at least 1 I looked at seemed like an S6 pickup *was more likely than not*, despite what other similar sites said). But I can't say I'm unhappy about having an "extra" ep to watch in S5. I was really surprised when Alex was quoted as saying that number (25 eps this season) & Peter Lenkov subsequently confirmed it (as I remember). At this point who knows, but I thought the "extra" (25th) ep was 'cause they were doing either a 2-part H50 or another crossover with another CBS show this season. Both of which I've heard since filming started. I know Peter's teased what he called a 2-part ep in his interview about teasers/spoilers for the eps to air in this half of the season (after the midseason/holiday hiatus ended)--but the ep isn't a traditional 2-parter (as in the parts run consecutively); he said the ep he's calling the 2nd part will actually run *a few weeks* after the ep he considers Part 1 of the story does. It sounds like that's a strictly H50 story & doesn't involve a crossover with another show. Early in the season I also heard talk of a crossover of H50 with the new show Scorpion, but I also think I heard they're (Scorpion) supposed to be crossing over with NCIS: Los Angeles. So right now I don't know which shows are crossing over with each other, or if any of the shows allegedly involved are still planning a crossover storyline this season. By the way, when I mentioned 516 & 518 as upcoming "big" (or supposedly "big") Danny eps, I probably should've thrown 517 (I think it is) in there too. But that may actually be more of a "big" McDanno ep, as opposed to strictly a "big" Danny ep. If I have things right, that's the ep DDK recently directed (& edited last week, according to his Social Media accounts) where Danny & McG go on a protracted stakeout where they have to share an apartment & get involved with a nosy neighbor, played by Cloris Leachman, who wants the guys to solve crimes going on in the building besides the 1 they're on the stakeout for. Anyway, it looks like at least part of February & March (if I'm counting eps right, & barring any pre-emptions we don't know about yet) are gonna be good for fans of Danny &/or Steve & Danny. I can deal with that.
  17. Maybe you had the TV on NBC when you posted & they aired a The Biggest Loser commercial? Alison Sweeney hosts that (& used to be Sami Brady on Days of Our Lives). Just a possibility.
  18. There are a couple of "Danny-heavy" or "Danny centric" eps coming up relatively soon--like by the end of February-ish & hopefully early to mid-March-ish (barring any unexpected pre-emptions--I'm pretty sure the show's on every week in February, especially since it's a "Sweeps" month, but I'm not positive of the March schedule yet). I know 518 is 1 of the major Danny eps, for sure; I think the other was 516, but I'm not positive. I didn't know Scott was on an actual book signing tour. I know he's done some signings in LA, & I recently got a Yahoo! News alert with a link to 1 of the NYC newspapers' gossip/celebrity sightings columns, which reported he was sighted at some restaurant there on the 20th (I think that's what the date was), which presumably means he was there for more signings or publicity in connection with the new book (shrugs). I mean, I doubt he was there just "playing hooky" from the show (which I'm pretty sure was filming then & not on a break for some reason). But I don't know if I'd consider just those 2 cities a "book signing tour", per se.
  19. In case anyone's interested, CBS is repeating this ep TOMORROW NIGHT, Saturday, January 31st, at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central. Check local listings for the correct time from the Mountain Time Zone Westward.
  20. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41687
  21. Yes, Gabriel is an old handler of Elizabeth & Phillip's who's handling them again. His backstory (that we know from previous seasons) is that he was their 1st handler when they came to the US. At some point, he retired (this happened offscreen) & was replaced by Claudia (aka Granny)--while introducing herself to either Phillip or Phillip & Elizabeth both, Claudia actually said something like, "Think of me as Gabriel, only prettier.", in regards to her position in their lives. But Phillip &/or Elizabeth would still speak of Gabriel periodically in S1 & S2 (I think it was mainly instances of how he would've helped them with/handled certain situations in comparison to Claudia & Kate's methodology), even while Claudia (& I think Kate) was their handler. Claudia was then replaced (at least briefly) by Kate (when Margo Martindale got a better than recurring role in The Millers on CBS & her availability for the recurring Claudia role here was lessened), & now Kate seems to have been replaced by the newly-unretired Gabriel. So Phillip & Elizabeth have come full circle, for now at least, on their handlers.
  22. Respectfully... When you said "Alison Sweeney", did you actually mean "Allison Janney"?
  23. From Entertainment Weekly's website: Video of Keri, Matthew, Noah, Annet (Nina in the show), & the 3 showrunners attempting to successfully recap the 1st 2 seasons within 30 seconds (all of them in the same video). This is in the topmost video screen at the link. And it's cute/funny. And yes, apparently some plot points are missed. Under that screen are video screens of Keri (for some reason she has 2 separate ones posted), Matthew, & Noah individually attempting to recap the 1st 2 seasons within 30 seconds. Here's the link: http://popwatch.ew.com/2015/01/27/the-americans-video-recap/?hootPostID=1503dd39c32915f7c008e68c59f355e3
  24. Steve is considered the head of Five-0 because the late Governor Jameson chose him to run it when she set it up; when his rank is used, he's called either "Lieutenant Commander" (his actual rank) or the equally acceptable shortened rank of "Commander", even though they're Naval ranks & not HPD (or probably other PD) ranks. Steve is in the Naval reserves, not Retired like Catherine, so usage of his rank is still appropriate. Danny, whose rank is Detective Sergeant (apparently in both the Newark, NJ PD & HPD), is considered the Second in Command because Steve chose him as his (usual) partner on the task force. Chin has likely been considered 3rd in command because he was the 3rd chosen for the task force of the original 4 members--chosen by Steve, who was familiar with him/his situation because Steve's Dad had once been his HPD Training Officer/Partner & because Steve broke a bunch of Chin's old High School football records when he attended Kukui High after Chin did (Jorge Garcia's character, Jerry Ortega, also attended Kukui High, we later learn, in Chin's graduating class). In S1, he was referred to as "Inspector Kelly" at least once, maybe twice, prior to his reinstatement by HPD at the rank of "Lieutenant" (it's explained in Ep 124 that if Chin hadn't quit the force over his protecting his Uncle (who is/was also an HPD cop), who stole from the HPD Asset Forfeiture Locker to finance a black market kidney transplant for his wife, he'd have likely reached the rank of an HPD Lieutenant by that point. So when HPD reinstates Chin/he accepts the reinstatement, he's at the rank of HPD Lieutenant, instead of his rank at the time he quit. Kono's last on the totem pole, at least when the original 4 on the team are concerned. She was recommended by Chin, & accepted by Steve, when the team needed someone unrecognizable as a cop to help bust Snakehead/human trafficker Sang Min. And she was recommended 2 weeks or less before her graduation from the HPD Police Academy. She's only attained the rank of "Officer" in HPD thus far. And she's probably normally partnered with Chin because they're Cousins in the show's "universe" & Steve already chose Danny as his partner before Kono joined the team. As for when Lori & Catherine were on the team, they might rank higher than Kono, because their professional ranks in the organizations they came from are higher than Kono's HPD "Officer" rank. They also might've ranked lower than Kono as those ranks weren't given to Lori & Catherine by the HPD. As for Lou, I was gonna say he probably ranks between Chin & Kono, despite being the newest team member (who should maybe be lowest on the totem pole) & given Chin & Kono's own HPD ranks. But then I realized he, having last attained the rank of Captain (whether it was with Chicago PD or HPD) might rank higher than Chin & Kono, if Captain is higher than Lieutenant (I keep forgetting how that goes).
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