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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Someone on another board said Grover said Max *did* take Gracie to Rachel's after Danny was arrested, since he was also at Career Day & saw the whole thing (I couldn't make out what was said about where Gracie was, other than "Max took her to...", & I'd swear Steve said it instead of Grover). But her going to Rachel's doesn't make sense to me, unless we're gonna find out Rachel's separated/divorced from Stan & has moved back to Hawaii. And it, for whatever reason, makes even less sense to me if Lenkov wrote that, 'cause he started the whole "Rachel wants to move Gracie to Vegas, Danny fights for a custody modification of his own" storyline in the first place. Mostly 'cause there have been periodic references to Gracie going to visit Rachel for Christmas in Vegas (& I know she did that, 'cause they made it a plot point in 1 of the last 2 Christmas eps--they even showed Danny talking to Gracie on the phone, reassuring her they'd do "their" Christmas/Christmas with the Hawaiian ohana when she got home, & I think Steve said Danny wasn't happy 'cause Grace was in Vegas for Christmas), despite the fact Gracie's not supposed to be able to leave Oahu (but probably can, with Danny's permission). There've also been references to Rachel having to fly home after a visitation with Gracie in Honolulu (this was in the ep where the building fell on Steve & Danny, & why/how Gracie met Amber/Melissa--Gracie unexpectedly came home early 'cause Rachel had to leave visitation earlier, & she walked in on Amber/Melissa making coffee in 1 of Danny's shirts; she tried to tell Danny her plans changed, but the phone was going to voicemail 'cause Danny & Amber/Melissa were busy having sex). So... Rachel should still be living in Vegas. And I have no idea who Gracie stayed with while Danno was gone. Other than I'm pretty sure Max didn't take her back to her & Danny's house.
  2. Stan couldn't be Sandra's *wife*? (Teasing you about your typo)
  3. Instead of "condensation", did you mean "condescension"? Just asking.
  4. Well, considering she was born on Halloween, 1997 (in Canada, as well, so she's not American by birth--as I think someone said in another forum post), which makes her only 17 in real life, I should think Holly Taylor never used phones in the 80s (smile).
  5. If you ask me, Danny was perhaps partly a CIA scapegoat here because he was a bit too "mouthy" for their tastes while dealing with them in S2, when the team had to investigate the murder of that other "CIA asset" at the same time as Steve was coming back from Japan with the newly-captured Wo Fat. They seem to have long memories about stuff like that. And I'm guessing Doris isn't supposed to be that fond of him either, for whatever reason, 'cause (in my opinion) if she was able to pull enough strings to get Steve off, she probably could've found a way to keep Danny from taking the fall too. Although I'm sure part of what Doris did was play the "Steve is my son; he's also a heavily decorated Navy SEAL & you're NOT touching him for this." card.
  6. Oh God... I LOVE the Cinnabon Delights! I've been able to try 'em 'cause they're sold all day, as a "dessert/side/snack", & not just during breakfast hours. I haven't tried the rest of the breakfast menu (yet) 'cause my family won't "do" breakfast outside our house unless it's at a "non-fast food" restaurant (like, somewhere that isn't the equivalent of McDonald's). But, besides the Cinnabon Delights, I want everything that's made mainly with bacon, eggs, & cheese. At least those items, maybe others.
  7. This show must be working, on some level, with a lot of people. The (not-yet-final, non-adjusted) ratings for this episode were: 12.4 Million Viewers 3.0 in the (Coveted) 18-49 Demo 10 Share of the Audience And they were *up* from last week's ep. Figures available through multiple sources which report Nielsen ratings.
  8. I'm almost positive there was a voiceover at the beginning of the preview that actually used wording so you'd understand the scenes you were about to see would be from more upcoming episodes this season than just the episode airing next week.
  9. A link to the Podcast for this ep is within this linked Tweet. It may, or may not, be the non-iTunes link posted in the Podcast thread. https://twitter.com/theamericansfx/status/573577776906694656 Interview with Showrunners Joe & Joel, particularly about last night's ep. They say--among other things--if we're "uncomfortable" with the Kimmie/"Paul" storyline, then it's going the way they intended it to. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-americans-joe-weisberg-joel-fields-1201446540/
  10. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=41965
  11. Suzanne Tweeted yesterday (I don't follow her, I got it as a Re-Tweet from another account I do follow; I can't remember now which 1) that the name for her & Tony's "team" has been decided (I think she had her Twitter followers vote or something). "By a landslide" (her words), she & Tony are "Team Two's Company". So at least her thread title's appropriate.
  12. Misha is the name of the son Philip allegedly had, but never knew, with his Russian girlfriend (Irina?) when/after he went to do his KGB training? I thought it was already established in canon that Misha was Philip's Russian name, & we've never heard the alleged son's name. Or do we know Irina(?) named the alleged baby for him? Or is Philip just using the name when he's talking to Kimmie about the son "Paul" said he was never there for? I'm all confused, as you can tell. As for Henry... The episode where Elizabeth returned home from her stay in the KGB safe house after she was shot (a lengthy visit to a sick aunt, which Philip would be going on with her was, as I remember, the cover story Philip gave at least Stan because he had to ask if the kids could stay with the Beemans--either just for the initial few days after or the whole time she was recuperating) which, I think, was the 1st ep of S2 (I don't think it was the beginning of this season, but I might be wrong), was set on Henry's birthday. If I remember correctly, Henry was 12 (maybe only 11). So, if that was during last season, Henry should be about a year older, already, this season, since I'd assume his birthday has already passed in this season's timeline. Unless there was a big Soviet "event" of some kind, with a specific date attached to it, that happened around his birthday which we saw in the other ep & we haven't yet hit the same month in this season's timeline. Sorry if this post is somewhat disjointed--at least the part about Henry's age is. That's what I get for posting so late at night/early in the morning. I tried to make it as comprehensible as possible, & probably royally failed.
  13. If you're out West & you like Hardee's (that's how you spell it, not with a Y at the end), go to a Carl's Jr. Restaurant. That's what they call Hardee's in that half of the country. It's exactly the same as Hardee's except for the name. Like Checker's is Rally's in some areas & Hellmann's mayonnaise is Best (or Best Foods) mayonnaise in different areas of the country. As for the chains you all listed, Checker's is still around--we've had 1 in 1 of the strip malls by my neighborhood for, literally, years. Baja Fresh is also still around, as far as I know. It was the last time I was out West, anyway; they may have just closed in certain areas of the country--maybe the franchisee wanted out for some reason (mostly why my area no longer has Domino's [Pizza] or Sonic--the franchisee wanted to do something different & closed 'em all down). Boston Market & White Castle are also still around & doing fairly well, as far as I know (though, like Baja Fresh, we've never had them in my city proper); again, if they were in your area but aren't now, maybe they closed 'cause the franchisee wanted to move on. Unless corporate closed 'em for being unprofitable. I don't think White Castle is down to just a few in the Midwest, either. How many restaurants a chain has--& where they are--can usually be checked via a "Store Locator" on the website for most/all restaurant chains, especially the national chains, if you wanna check/be sure.
  14. I had the same problems as you with the microwaveable shakes. They either got too warm (&, thereby, too melty) or stayed frozen in the middle, with a pool of melted (& sometimes warmer than necessary, & not as thick as usually advertised) milkshake around a lump of still frozen ice cream/milkshake in the middle of the cup. I think you were supposed to microwave 'em to start the thawing/shake-making process, otherwise it took way to long to thaw 'em "manually".
  15. The Cinnamon Twists? Maybe kinda. But I like 'em way better, & I think they taste better too. But that's just my opinion.
  16. According to this Tweet from the show's official Twitter account, Holly Taylor has received a Satun Award nomination for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a TV Series: https://twitter.com/theamericansfx/status/572872419993505794 .
  17. OK that was my problem then... My Mom didn't shop at A&P here (it wasn't close to our house); she shopped at local grocery chains (which were close to our house). No wonder I could hardly get the Borden shakes. And now that you mention it, I remember Thick & Frosty shakes; I even had a bunch in my time. I think Birdseye made them. I remember them being Frosty; I'm not so sure about Thick. At least not as thick as a restaurant shake. I think the problem with many of them was, you usually had to "start" them by microwaving them for at least a few seconds & they mostly turned out like melted ice cream, in the end, instead of thick. They were still drinkable though. I guess that's what counts most. Don't most brothers have it coming? Especially if they're younger brothers of big sisters.
  18. I actually posted about S. Epatha Merkerson being in the Chicago Med Pilot in the "small talk" type threads, I think; or wherever I posted about JK Simmons, before he won, on Oscar weekend.
  19. harrie: Yeah. Like I said/implied, I almost never had the Borden shakes either. But that was more because our stores either couldn't get them, in general, or they couldn't keep 'em in stock when they got 'em. However, on the rare occasions when my Mom could find them, I enjoyed the heck outta them. I think I ended up getting more Strawberry & Vanilla than Chocolate though. At least that's what I remember. I think the Strawberry was in a pink can, Vanilla in blue, for whatever reason, & Chocolate in brown. Sadly, I can't remember the 2nd shake you mean, but it might've been the MicroMagic 1 if if needed to spend a few seconds/minute(s)/whatever in the microwave to start. I feel badly for your brother. Ick! Thank you for the missing Freckle-Faced Strawberry! That's 1 of the ones I drank instead of Rootin-Tootin Raspberry. And it was Freckle-Faced because of the strawberry seeds. I think I actually drank all of the Funny Faces at some point, except Rootin-Tootin Raspberry & maybe Lefty Lemonade--I'm not sure I was "into" lenonade when they were popular, & I hate raspberry. Truth be told, I don't think anything can unseat Kool-Aid. And I don't think there are anymore drink mixes targeted mostly to kids out there now except for Kool-Aid. All the others (Crystal Light, etc.) I think of as really for adults. I'm pretty sure I remember Fizzies too. They were tablets you dissolved in water to make a drink, as I remember. And they were mostly the standard flavors but--as I remember--they also had a Cola or Root Beer option. GreekGeek: Thank you, too, for Loud Mouth Lime. That was the name all right. And thanks for the Jolly in the orange flavor name. I forgot that part. And I don't think I ever heard about the cherry or orange original names. Interesting trivia. And probably a good idea they were changed, even though things weren't as touchy about being PC then as now.
  20. forumfish: I think, at 1 point, the Funny Face mixes were part of Pillsbury. I could be wrong about that though. I'm pretty sure they were intended as "competition" for Kool-Aid. As I remember, they were at least as good. As I was writing that, I also remembered Wyler drink mixes. They were similar to both Kool-Aid & Funny Face, I'm pretty sure. I think they came in a can, kind of like a coffee can--which Kool-Aid was also starting to be packaged in around then, as I remember--but I think they were also in the paper "envelopes" like Kool-Aid was originally in & like Funny Face came in. If you missed the Borden Frosted Shakes, you missed something pretty good, as I remember. They came in a can, I think with a pop-top like a soda can; I think they were only in the usual chocolate, vanilla & strawberry, & they were honestly more like flavored milk than a "thick" milkshake, as I remember. I also remember they were usually really hard to find in our stores for some reason, & you could almost never get more than 1 flavor at a time, if any. I remember being really happy whenever my Mom would come home from the store with at least 1 can of 1 flavor. I think a bunch of us are pretty close to the same age. You're the same age as my brother. I was born in 1963. forumfish & Wendy CR72: I remember MicroMagic burgers, shakes, & fries too. I think I ate a ton of them back in the '80s. I thought the burgers were kinda just OK, but at least they were edible. I thought the fries were actually some of the best microwaveable fries around. As for the shakes, they were good, but they never turned out quite right. They either wouldn't melt as much as they were supposed to or they were thinner than I expected, if they melted. And I don't think we were microwaving 'em at too high a temp or for too long. DXD526: Yep. Rootin-Tootin-Raspberry (I didn't drink that--I don't like raspberry)--the character on the front was a gunslinger, I think. There was also Lefty Lemonade (a baseball player); Choo-Choo Cherry (a train engineer); Ollie Orange (character I can't remember); Goofy Grape (another character I can't remember); & a Lime flavor, which I can't remember the name of or the character for. Maybe another flavor/character too. I'd swear there were, like, at least 7 & I only named 6, if that many.
  21. Yeah, she did. The show was Dirt. I think it aired on FX, though I could be wrong; if I'm right, it was, like, their 1st/1 of their 1st original series. I think it only lasted 2 or 3 seasons; certainly less than 5.
  22. Right. I loved those things. And I just corrected my post. I would've done it sooner, when I saw the right cake mentioned upthread, but I couldn't keep my eyes open & had to sleep awhile. Sorry! Does anyone else remember: Royal Shake-a-Pudding, Pillsbury Moo Juice Drink Mix, Borden Frosted Shakes, or Funny Face Drink Mix? Those were big things for me when I was really little.
  23. Snackin Cakes (with an apostrophe after the "n"--my iPhone is balking at spelling the word with the apostrophe after the "n" instead of a "g"). I used to love those too. OK... There were the above, but they didn't have the frosting. It was the 1st thing that popped into my head & I thought it was right. What was right was said by someone else upthread. And that was Stir 'n' Frost.
  24. I've definitely had them before. They were out, in the blue bag that Pretzel now uses, a few years ago. Then they got discontinued, for whatever reason. Which really cheesed me off, 'cause they were 1 of my (at the time) 2 favorite types. And the Pretzel type took what used to be their bag--the blue 1. Luckily, I ended up liking the pretzels too. Then, in the last few weeks or so, they announced Crispy was coming back. And now it is, only in a green bag. OK, they're just M&Ms with a bigger Rice Krispie under the chocolate & the colored shell, but they're still pretty yummy in my opinion.
  25. OK. So he is in Pauly Shore's ep. This could be interesting. Thanks for the info.
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