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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. But he's lived here for more than just the term of his contract with/the run of the Broadway show he was in. As I said, he & his family moved here from the UK in, like, January. No that's not the same amount of time Craig Ferguson &/or John Oliver lived here before starting their shows, but you'd think he could've maybe made it to a local grocery, neighborhood strip mall, or major local shopping mall, for "people watching" or whatever--even for an hour or so--since January.
  2. Her character is considered as "recurring". Jorge Garcia's Jerry is a full-fledged "regular" (like Masi Oka's Max), even though he doesn't appear each week (& neither does Masi/Max for that matter). So that may account (at least in some ways) for why Dr. Mindy Shaw's written so "poorly" & not quite as "integrated" into the cast. Unless I'm mistaken, when the next ep (Ep 520) airs on April 3rd Dr. Shaw will be in it. I think she & Danny are supposed to get stuck in an elevator with a body that needs processing.
  3. Here's a link to some of Allison's husband's background: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_%22tWitch%22_Boss#Stephen_.22tWitch.22_Boss He's also made more appearances as the Guest DJ on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show than the linked info mentions. He's on there pretty frequently now. He's not the permanent, sole DJ... yet... But he's on pretty frequently lately.
  4. He & his family have actually moved here to the States. I think I read they moved here in January. And he was also, before this, in the cast of a Tony-winning musical (I think... Might've been a straight play) from the last Broadway season or the season before; so he's at least been working in the States for awhile, if not living here before this year as well. But I still see your point about being able to easily commute to/from the UK as needed/desired.
  5. I think I found the right 1--the 1 with the song by CeCe Peniston. But it doesn't name any of the actors in it. Thanks for trying to help.
  6. Awhile back Jen Tweeted the next batch of eps would air this Spring, but she didn't have a start date yet. Spring just started, what, Friday? And it's Spring until the end of May. So presumably we'll see the show again sometime before the end of May.
  7. Based on the Judge's Scores last week, even with the Viewer Vote added in, I thought it was totally logical Redfoo might have gone this week--unless there was some Producer manipulation involved. Either he or Charlotte should've gone because they were tied for last place last week. When Charlotte was saved, I wasn't surprised it was Redfoo. From what I understand, Kym is 38; Robert is 46 (I think). With all due respect, I wouldn't necessarily call that a "Senior Citizen" showmance--at least not quite yet. If there really is anything going on between them that doesn't involve rehearsing/doing the actual show, or doing publicity for it. As was stated, You Make Me Feel So Young is a Sinatra song (maybe even done by others before he recorded it--Sinatra's may be the best known version of the song, but that doesn't mean it was the first recorded version). Among others, it's also a Barry Manilow song (just saying). And it's a Michael Bublé song too--anyone who wants to record it can record it, pretty much. From what I understand, Robert is Canadian. So is Michael Bublé. Since Michael also sent Robert a "Good Luck" message for this week's performance (which was read afterwards), it sounds like they might also actually know each other (unless I'm misunderstanding things). That's perhaps why they chose the Bublé version to perform to.
  8. I tried Googling, & either I'm using the wrong search terms or I'm doing something else wrong, 'cause I came up with nothing. So I'll ask here. In the new Tena pad ad(s), with the Scottish-accented female as the voice over spokesperson, is the spokesperson Sheena Easton (yes, she's mainly known as a singer rather than actress, but she's done some acting... She was Don Johnson's ill-fated pop star wife in a few eps of Miami Vice back in the day, & she's done some other acting roles so this fits here)? I think it sounds at least something like Sheena, but can't get anything to come up when I Google it. Considering how well (NOT!) her singing career has been going lately, I kinda wouldn't be surprised if it were her. After all, she's got 2 kids (OK they're grown/almost grown, but...) to provide for, perhaps some of her ex-husbands as well.
  9. Well, I'm kinda cheesed at Burger King. They brought back Chicken Fries, which I remember liking from the last time they had them. So I'm good with that, I guess. But... They appear to have gotten rid of the Cinnabon Minibon Rolls (which I *totally* loved, & can't get locally as we have no Cinnabons at our airport [we're lucky we finally got a Seattle's Best Coffee & a Samuel Adams Brewhouse restaurant in our airport... our 1st "national brand" concessions in our very teeny airport], or in our local shopping centers [closest we ever had was a Cinnamonster store years ago], or anywhere else in town). According to the menu on their website, which I looked at earlier today, BK's now serving Otis Spunkmeyer cinnamon rolls instead. At least, for now, I can sort of get my "fix" at Taco Bell. They still appear to have the Cinnabon Delights snack/dessert available (kind of "inside out" Cinnabon balls, with the cream cheese frosting/icing on the inside, rolled in the Makara cinnamon they use in the Cinnabons & Minibons on the outside).
  10. Frank Underwood (fictional POTUS played by Kevin Spacey in Netflix's House of Cards) & Josiah Bartlet more popular (Presidents) than Obama. http://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/tv/frank-underwood-josiah-bartlet-are-more-popular-obama-reuters-ipsos-n328421
  11. As far as I know, we weren't talking about actually *filming in New Jersey*. Just about wanting to see an ep *set in New Jersey*, like part of the ep In a Time Past (I forget the Hawaiian title) was. That was the ep where part of the storyline was a flashback to events that Danny & his Newark PD partner--who became the inspiration for Grace Williams' name--were involved in, it turns out, on 9/11, & the other part was Danny being trapped by a motion-sensor bomb & telling Steve the story of his life on 9/11 while the bomb disposal techs worked to try & deactivate the bomb. The original poster & I were talking about wanting to see an ep *set* in New Jersey, where Steve & Danny would have to both go there, for some reason, & Steve would be on Danny's home turf for once since Danny's been on Steve's home turf for almost 5 full seasons now. We weren't talking about actually going to New York City/New Jersey to film. It already costs enough to do location filming in Honolulu, & besides, Blue Bloods already films on location in New York City.
  12. They've also never done an ep where Steve could go undercover & use Alex's native Aussie accent for his undercover character (even if, by now, Alex had to "put on" his accent somewhat 'cause maybe it's faded over the time he's been in the States & played mostly American-born characters). I probably would've used that plot by now if I were a writer &/or showrunner. And, yeah, it would be fun seeing Steve on Danny's native turf sometime. Especially dealing with people who speak like the New Jersey equivalent of Kamekona or Kawika around him--like when Danny & Steve met Kamekona & Kawika, & they used so much Pidgin dialect in their speech that Danny couldn't figure out what they were saying but Steve knew since he grew up on Oahu. Only this time the Jersey accents would be so thick Danny could understand them, having grown up there, but Steve couldn't.
  13. I think he has a sibling who is/was in a Disney Channel non-animated show --people keep saying that anyway. He was also in Glee at some point. And he & his brothers (& I think a friend) are in a band called R5--I think 'cause they all have names starting with R & there are 5 in the band. Before he was on DWTS very few, if any, of us had ever heard of R5 before. Also, he's second cousins with Derek, Julianne & the Hough family.
  14. Not a Detroiter (but close--half-hour plane flight, or probably 4-ish hours by car, I think, away from Detroit). But I also know from Faygo. And will drink certain flavors. I'll also drink certain flavors of Crush. And I've been pissed that both Welch's & Sunkist soda brands apparently are no more.
  15. Yep. Logan was Lennie's partner in the 1st part, when they couldn't pin the murder on the husband--who was a real SOB but had the balls to at least admit it by the 2nd half of the arc. As it was, apparently the husband didn't do it himself (either time, as I remember) but he hired someone to do it for him (which will still get you jailed for "contract murder", I think it is). Then Curtis was Lennie's partner by the time the concluding half of the arc came along. Lennie & Van Buren filled him in on the backstory & by the time it was over, I think Curtis hated the guy as much as everybody else did, including in the DAs office. At least they got him this time, & with the death penalty to boot (Jack called him a "slow motion serial killer", to justify the death penalty in the case). The 1st part of the "Heidi Ellison Murder Trilogy" is on WE right now. I mostly like the arc, until Neil Gordon rears his ugly head (as part of the defense team) & starts threatening Jamie with another custody suit regarding their daughter Katie in the middle of it--mostly to try to throw the prosecution off their game. Except it's weird for me to watch the arc 'cause I lived next door to, & babysat for, a Heidi Ellison for a good chunk of the last almost 40 years, while we were growing up.
  16. Yep. The case likely used for inspiration was the Karla Homolka case. Her crimes took place somewhere in Canada awhile back. I get what you mean about Ellen Pompeo. The scene that got me was the 1 where, I think, a whole bunch of "our heroes" are watching a video of her profiling interview with Skoda (or they're watching/listening to it from an adjoining room as it's happening) & at 1 point she asks if anyone found a pair of garnet earrings she's apparently lost. She says they match her bracelet & she wants to get them back. And getting them back was her biggest concern then, or it seemed to be. Oddly enough, Ellen also played another "family murderer" character in the show. She played a young woman named Jenna, who had her mother & younger brother murdered by her boyfriend/a guy she knew, under the guise of a home robbery involving a jewel theft. She hated her mother & wanted her dead; I think the brother was "collateral damage"--he tried to get away, or there was some other reason the boyfriend felt he had no choice but to kill him too. Then she tried to pin the murders on her alcoholic father, who was out drinking at the time they happened. A couple other eps that get me are the ones where the guy kills his wives/has them killed so he doesn't have to divorce them (& potentially lose custody of/access to his kids by wife #1). In the 1st ep the guy owned a comedy club &, though they were positive he was involved, they couldn't get enough of a connection between him & the death of wife #1 to get him to trial or keep him in jail long enough to get a solid connection. In the 2nd ep he'd sold the comedy club & bought/started a restaurant with dead wife #2. Prospective wife #3 was the restaurant manager. And this time they got him... on death row & everything.
  17. Matthew talks with Yahoo! TV about his guest appearance on Archer, & Clark & Martha: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/matthew-rhys-archer-the-americans-114056112355.html It's 1 of those pages where you have to click something like a "See More" link to finish reading the interview. My advice is to click closer to the small downward arrow, on the right, than the wording in the link. And click/press sort of firmly. It was a little tough to get the rest of it to "drop" when I was reading it on my iPhone; I had to be a little firmer than usual on my touchscreen to get to the part attached to the link. I thought it was worth the effort to read it though.
  18. Maggie Lawson has joined the cast of the CBS comedy Pilot Angel From Hell. Her co-star in this 1 is Glee's Jane Lynch who, pretty memorably, played the very competitive, Coast Guard member sister of Kirsten Nelson's Chief Vick, who helped the team with/fought the team over jurisdiction of a case in a Psych ep (the name of which I can't remember). In the Pilot, Jane's character, Amy, purports to be Maggie's character's guardian angel. Maggie's character just thinks Jane's character's a wacko--until things she tells Maggie's character start to come true. http://tvline.com/2015/03/21/maggie-lawson-cast-cbs-pilot-angel-from-hell/
  19. That was them. The name "Royals" was in my head for them as I typed the previous post, & I thought it was right but I hesitated to use it in case it wasn't. As I remember, Royals were pretty good.
  20. I'd probably eat the cherry ones, if I found them somewhere, but never the red velvet (another flavor of cake I don't really like). And I did like the mint things that were like M&Ms but sold under a different product name originally (I think the same thing/something similar is now sold as Mint M&Ms).
  21. Thanks! The clarification's much appreciated. So Connie got to the DAs office before Mike did.
  22. There oughta be a law against carrot cake M&Ms & any similar flavors. Just say no. I don't eat carrots, except sometimes I'll eat the really, really teeny cubed ones in certain brands of chicken pot pies (but if they have bigger carrot "coins", forget it). And I definitely won't eat carrot cake.
  23. An article link from EW.com, Entertainment Weekly magazine's website, about how Matthew pretty much created the Archer episode he guest starred in last night/this week: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/20/archer-episode-matthew-rhys-inspiration-the-americans?hootPostID=4c7f86b63a980b9693a3d70916672c2b
  24. As a Southerner by birth & for the 1st 3 years of my life, I honestly always thought peanuts in Coke was a strictly Southern thing. If I'd been aware it was a Hudson Valley in NY State thing too, I'd have shared the credit. My maternal Grandma & pretty much everybody in the "Southern" side of my heritage (I'm Filipina on my paternal side), including the family who lived next door to my Grandparents, all called Coca-Cola/Coke "Co-Cola" too. Good times! As for me, I'll drink Coke, Pepsi, Cherry Coke, Lime Coke (if they'd revive it anyway--I was *so* mad when it got discontinued), 7-Up, Sprite, Root Beer (multiple brands), Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, & any orange &/or grape soda. If it were still around, I'd also drink the lemon-flavored Pepsi--I think it used to be called Pepsi Twist, possibly among other names. As I said, I'm a Southerner by birth/for 3 years of my life so I'm a "Coke" girl by heritage. However, I've lived in the North (Indiana) for the other almost 49 years of my life; so I've learned to drink Pepsi, when I had to, as well. I *absolutely won't* drink Vanilla Coke (the 1 time I tried, I thought it tasted like someone mixed Coke with the powder out of someone's compact. UGH!) I also won't drink 99.9% of the diet sodas out there, including plain Coke Zero. I can't get past the "diet" aftertaste in them. The 1 & only diet soda I *will* drink is Cherry Coke Zero. For some reason, I don't get a "diet" aftertaste from it (I don't know if it has to do with the added cherry flavoring, or not). It tastes just like regular Cherry Coke to me.
  25. I had the honor of being the March of Dimes' National Poster Girl when I was 8 years old (1972). At the time, Arnold Palmer was their Honorary National Chairman & I got to go to his Bay Hill (Golf) Club & Lodge in Orlando to do all sorts of--mostly video & photographic--fundraising-related materials for "my" year (fundraising films & a short film where he "introduced" me as the National Poster Child, video for Public Service Announcements, & photos for print materials used in fundraising & publicity, among other things). The thing about him is, he's a *very* nice guy; all the positive stuff you might've ever heard about him *is true*. But it tends to take him awhile (& a number of takes) to get through filming stuff like we did together & stuff like commercials for whatever he's endorsing at the time. Even with cue cards. Maybe I shouldn't have told that on him, but there you go. And I needed to mention it to explain why I thought they used a take of the ad with obvious mispronunciations of the product name. I can't speak to whether or not Kevin Nealon & Brian Vickers have the same issues with projects like this as Arnold Palmer does/did when I worked with him. I've never met, or worked with, them. But if they were going into overtime trying to get a usable take of the commercial, they might have just decided that was the best 1 they had & gone with it, or they might've needed to go with it 'cause of when the ad campaign was supposed to start airing, mispronunciations of the product name be damned. Which at least used to not "fly", as it were, you used to have to get the product name correct, above all else (unless mispronouncing it is, somehow, the point of the ad campaign), but whatever. They might've also only been able to get the 3 men together, in the same place at the same time, within a certain timeframe (& I'm assuming they were filmed together & no editing trickery was used later so it looked like they were together when they weren't) due to their individual schedules. So they, again, might've been "stuck" with the take they used as the best available by the time they needed it, mispronunciations & all. It's entirely possible--& obvious--nobody caught the mispronunciations at the time of filming &, by the time they were caught, they couldn't do a "reshoot" or get the men into an audio studio for an ADR/"looping" session where the men could just correct that single word, because of their schedules &/or a deadline by when the ad had to start airing.
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