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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. I agree. It would be consistent with Danny's character for him to raise Grace & Charlie together, at least because they're (at least) half-siblings, even though he's been raising Gracie mostly by himself (since she's been living with him in Honolulu) for the last year or so & Rachel, Stan & Charlie have been supposedly living their own family life in Vegas because of Stan's work. But, if something happened to Rachel & Stan, there could be a possible monkey wrench in that plan to raise Grace & Charlie together as the (half-?) siblings they are... in the form of anyone in Stan's family who may still be alive & capable of raising Charlie objecting to Danny getting custody because he has no blood or legal relationship tie to Charlie. His daughter does, but she's not old enough to petition for custody herself. You'd have to hope Rachel & Stan's wills would be very specific about who should raise Charlie &, if it's Danny, they'd agree on that (sometimes the relationship between Stan & Danny seems rather frosty).
  2. As I've said in a few other posts, I'm also 99.9% sure the show's coming back at least for an S6. The Honolulu newspaper said, a week or so ago (just after S5 wrapped), everybody involved with the show--at least behind the scenes--has continued to behave as if it is, by doing stuff like planning S6 budgets for the different departments involved with show production, keeping equipment needed for filming where it is, maintaining leases on rental homes (for those who need them during production), etc. Also, CBS & NBC apparently talked about how/set things up so Masi Oka could do both H50 & Heroes Reborn if the shooting schedules for both shows clashed; if H50 was being cancelled this season, they shouldn't have had to do that & he could do Heroes Reborn free & clear. Also... There's a set visit & lunch with Peter Lenkov in Honolulu up right now for 1 of those charity "celebrity experience" auctions. The only caveat I could find on that was the lunch with Lenkov could be in LA if scheduling that worked out better. I saw nothing about what happens if the show gets cancelled before the set visit's fulfilled. I suppose the lunch would still happen, in LA, but it seems like they would need something else for the package if there was no set to visit anymore. So I think that they're pretty sure the show will be back or else they wouldn't consider auctioning a set visit for charity. As for Cath's return, if they have to I hope they wrap up the McRollins storyline in the Finale; at least if they don't foresee her returning again, for a long time or forever. But I'm totally on the opposite side of the rest of it--I thought she fit in, at least as Steve's girlfriend, & I've never personally seen or experienced any of Michelle's "divisiveness" (& I follow[ed] her on Twitter & Facebook)--so that's all I'm saying about that.
  3. Right, since her parents--at least Elizabeth--don't seem to be getting through to her. I figured it would probably happen, but I still couldn't believe when Paige called Pastor Tim almost as soon as she got home, & actually at least told him her parents are Russians. Anyway... If they wanted & could get Langella back for S4 they probably snagged him as soon as they could, to make sure they had a "lock" on him so they didn't have to create another new "handler" character for S4. Especially since Margo Martindale's in a Pilot for the 2015-2016 season which hasn't been picked up, or passed on, yet, & her availability to play Claudia again may be limited to 1 or more guest shots, like in S3, if her Pilot's picked up (even for midseason, since I'm guessing that's about when S4 will either be in production or actually airing).
  4. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=42323
  5. I'm reasonably sure Grace is still Danny's daughter. Teilor Grubbs, who plays Grace, isn't in the episode; Rachel & Charles (Charlie) are. So if someone's parentage is gonna change as a result of Rachel disclosing this secret, I'm reasonably sure it won't be Grace's. You'd think if Grace was gonna turn out to not be Danny's they'd have her in the episode. The other reason I think Charlie's parentage has something to do with the secret is, in Ep 110 (the ep where McDanno has to do a stakeout at Rachel, Stan, & Grace's house/mansion & we meet Rachel), Rachel & Steve are talking after Danny went to the house they were watching, while the occupants were gone, to look for evidence against them. Rachel tells Steve, at 1 point, she tends to let her emotions get the better of her. And I think she did that with Danny--probably both during & after the marriage. I think she got royally pissed when Danny stayed behind in Hawaii to get Steve outta the Governor Jameson murder jam he'd gotten himself into, instead of getting on the plane to New Jersey with Rachel & Gracie like he promised he would. He kept saying he was coming, then he didn't, & before she & Grace got on the plane she accused Danny of changing his mind about going (not sure those are the actual words, but they're close). And when she & Gracie got to New Jersey she told Danny that her due date wasn't when she originally thought & the baby was Stan's after all, & she told him that out of spite... But the baby was actually Danny's & always had been. And it was "early"--for being Stan's--when it arrived; but I think it was probably "on time" if it was Danny's. I think especially if they started their affair fairly close to when Danny's brother Matt took a hike. I swear there was a way I had it figured out how it could be Danny's baby based on the fact they'd probably been together, offscreen, before we knew they were having an affair in Ep 124 (aired May, 2011) & the baby was born in Ep 214 (aired February, 2012)--although May-February just about works right too, in my opinion. I always thought the baby was Danny's. The way the birth story in Ep 214 played out did nothing to dissuade me, with everybody at the hospital mistaking them both as the parents, & the fact they already had a daughter who eventually joined them at the hospital, the "he has your nose" from the guy at the nursery, & the baby being loud (a Danny characteristic) at birth, etc.
  6. Yep, they apparently have been. Since at least the beginning of April, 2014 (last year), as near as I can find. From what I could also find (I Googled), Keri & her now ex-husband apparently split up, after almost 7 years of marriage & 2 kids, during the Summer of 2013. But the separation wasn't announced until early December, 2013, when it was also in the news that Keri had been awakened in the middle of the night by a burglary in progress at her house (all the stuff was recovered; nobody was hurt). I don't know if her kids were home with her, at the time, or not. But the news items about the burglary also (belatedly) confirmed the marital separation. Then, after Christmas, 2013, a local NY paper gossip item wondered if they were dating. In early 2014, magazines like People started publishing pics & articles of them doing things--like shopping & going to a play--together around NYC, & apparently looking very cozy & "couple-y" while doing them. Around April, People published an article outright calling them a couple. But nobody really confirmed it--there was a quote from Matthew calling it a rumor. I haven't really seen any updates since around the end of 2014, when I think they were both at a party FX Networks held, in LA, as part of the Television Critics Association's Winter Meeting (an annual thing in the TV industry), so I'm honestly not sure if they're still together offscreen, or not.
  7. Today seems to be the 1st day they've spoken about it--at least publicly/on the show. I was kind of surprised myself. But, to be fair, Daphne's daughter's 13 months old already; so it's not exactly like Daphne got pregnant again as soon as they could start trying, once she was medically cleared after her recovery from the 1st pregnancy/birth. Here's the link to the announcement People magazine posted about it earlier today: http://celebritybabies.people.com/2015/04/23/daphne-oz-pregnant-expecting-second-child/ Daphne's daughter should be almost/a little over 2 (depending on how far into this pregnancy it was announced) by the time her baby brother or sister arrives (they haven't announced the gender, if they know it yet)--the linked article said she's 13 months old now. I think that's (2 years) a fairly reasonable space between siblings, speaking just for myself.
  8. The Honolulu Pulse section of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser has a really nice article today about Malia Jones--surfer/model, wife to H50's Alex O'Loughlin & mother/stepmother to a blended family of 3 sons: his son, Saxon, her son, Spike, & her & Alex's son together, Lion; & now she's a swimwear designer with her own "Malia Jones" line, some pieces of which are seen in the article. Alex is also mentioned in the article. Here's the link: http://www.honolulupulse.com/2015/04/fashion-tribe-malia-jones/
  9. Don't worry... As far as I know, Scott's *not* leaving the show (But I'm just a fan, so what do I really know?). The stuff I moved out of my previous post doesn't involve that. The stuff I moved from this thread to Danny's thread has to do with a couple of public appearance/professional type things Scott will be doing in LA during the summer hiatus, for anybody who's already in LA, or going to be in LA--or wants to go to LA--at the same time he's doing these things. Just in case anyone here might like to try to go to either or both of the things I posted about. But yeah, I'm still betting the secret Rachel has to disclose to Danny is that Charlie is his son/child, just like Rachel said in Ep 124 when she told him she was pregnant in the 1st place (which she had to since they were having an affair behind her current husband's back at the time--so it could've really been either man's child, theoretically speaking). But the question is, why tell Danny now? The kid's at least 3, unless they aged him up for this ep (& I hope not too much, if so). She could've gone along much longer letting Stan & Danny think Charlie was Stan's son. Unless Rachel's dying & wants to come clean--after thinking of everyone else who could be dying, making disclosing this at least sort of necessary, it finally just occurred to me maybe it's Rachel who might be dying. But wouldn't that be more cruel to take Charlie from the only father he's known (Stan) to possibly live with his biological dad (Danny), & his sister Gracie, if that's part of this, just so Rachel can right the wrong she created?
  10. If you're in/going to be in Los Angeles on Sunday, May 3rd; specifically from 12 Noon-1PM, Pacific Time, a group/organization/whatever called Photo Independent Art Fair will be presenting A Conversation with Actor/Photographer Scott Caan and Debra Weiss. The program will be held at Raleigh Studios' Chaplin Building Screening Rooms. Debra Weiss appears to be the Moderator, or something similar. The event (& all events involved with Photo Independent Art Fair) are open to photographers & the general public. Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. If you're interested in going, the address for the program is: Raleigh Studios Hollywood 5300 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038 Again, it's in the Chaplin Building Screening Rooms This is the link to the page which seems to have the entire schedule of events for the Photo Independent Art Fair; just scroll down until you get to Scott's event on May 3rd--I think it's the 1st, or only, event that day. Also, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page there appear to be other links which could be helpful as far as other information you might need if you're in the area & interested in attending Scott's program (or any other). http://photoindependent.com/program/ *** Also, if you're in/going to be in Los Angeles between June 4 & July 12, Scott will be starring in The Trouble We Come From, a new World Premiere play he's also written, at The Falcon Theatre. This is the same theatre, owned by actor/producer/director Garry Marshall (also brother of actress/director Penny Marshall), where another play by Scott--No Way Around But Through, which co-starred Melanie Griffith as Scott's character's Mom & likely got her the part in H50 S4 as Danny's Mom, Clara Williams--was produced/World Premiered during the summer hiatus between S2 & S3, if I remember correctly. Tickets for Scott's new play The Trouble We Come From go on sale May 2nd. More information can be found here, at the Falcon Theatre website. And not for nothing, but I'd bet the closing date is probably sometime around when H50 S6 would be going into production--I remember the closing date of Scott's last play at the Falcon was within a day or 2 of when S3 (I think it was) was supposed to begin production. http://www.falcontheatre.com/ And here's the link to the page specific to the play: http://www.falcontheatre.com/troublewecomefrom.html
  11. Sorry...Posted to the wrong thread & then moved to the correct, Danny Williams, thread (since it involves Scott).
  12. Even though CBS hasn't yet said so, it's beginning to look more & more like we'll probably get our Season 6--even if it might be a "shortened" season or not begin airing until midseason. My Twitter got a Tweet on Tuesday/Tuesday night, which was a kind of "roundup" of the most current cancellation predictions (made in the last couple of days or so), from all the "cancellation prediction" sites, of the networks' "bubble" shows--which include both H50 & Blue Bloods for CBS this Fall (2015). I forget how many sites were mentioned, something like 10 or less, but I think all but 2 or 3 now said renewal for S6 seemed pretty certain--although most of the 2 or 3 who begged to differ, & maybe another 1 or so, I think, predicted the show *will* be renewed for S6 but will get an order for fewer episodes than a normal full season, &/or not air until midseason/something new/else fails, & then call it quits. Guess we'll see. Whenever someone's Tweeted Peter Lenkov about it, he's been saying not to worry about the renewal... & not even bringing up the idea of a shortened season or a midseason premiere. He's acting as if everything's "status quo" & we'll get S6, with at least the "normal" amount of eps--which, on a drama, can normally be anywhere from 22 (which we had in S4) to 24 (S1 & S3) or 25 (S5); we had 23 eps in S2, & would've had 24 except they apparently cancelled 1 S2 ep after Alex had to take his unexpected, but necessary, medical leave towards the end of S2--& with the season premiere in the Fall like it's always been. In fact Peter Lenkov's so sure of an S6/may already know we're getting 1, a Set Visit & lunch with him, presumably for sometime during S6, went up for bids on 1 of those charity auction sites, which normally deal in "celebrity/athlete" type experiences to benefit charities, or whatever, in the last day or 2. It would be pretty embarrassing if they couldn't fulfill that 'cause the show got cancelled before they could. Not to mention, about a week or so ago Masi Oka (Dr. Max Bergman) announced he'd be appearing as Hiro (the role he was known for before Max on H50) in the Heroes Reborn reboot of Heroes. And he thanked his bosses at *both* H50/CBS & Heroes Reborn/NBC for working things out so he could do *both* shows at the same time (assuming they're both shooting simultaneously, at some point... & I know H50 was still finishing the S5 Finale, which I think includes Masi/Max, while Heroes Reborn was beginning stuff like taking cast promotional pics [which Masi couldn't be in since he was still in Hawaii], if not actual filming, during the same week recently). If I can find that link to all the "cancellation predictor" sites again I'll post it. Not sure I can though, 'cause I don't remember which Twitter account posted it.
  13. Katherine Jenkins announced on her Twitter (I think it's @RealKathJenkins) April 13th she was pregnant with her 1st child. I don't know if she's far enough along to be showing yet (though she was far enough to know it's going to be a girl, according to her Tweeted pregnancy announcement which I got on my Twitter as a Re-Tweet from an account I follow who follows her or also got the RT--either Tom Bergeron's or Cheryl Burke's account, as those are the only 2 DWTS-related Twitters I follow). I guess what I'm getting at is, none of the females on the show have been visibly (or not, I don't think) pregnant while doing the show. If Katherine's showing now, I hope they gave her an "easy" dance, relatively speaking. She also Tweeted a pic of herself with Maria Menounos (who I think was on the same season as Katherine, as I remember), which was taken in the last 2-3 days, it looks like at the rehearsal hall they use for the show 'cause I can see the dark blue paint on the wall behind them, if not the DWTS-related names they have painted on the wall in white; unfortunately, they're both in black rehearsal-type clothes, as they're presumably rehearsing for the anniversary special, so you can't tell how far along Katherine is or isn't right now.
  14. http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=42463 Looks like they may be going--in Episode 524, the 1st ep of the 2-ep Season Finale, airing on May 8th--where I've been wondering if they were going during the whole "Rachel's Unexpected Pregnancy" arc in Eps 124 (she tells Danny she's pregnant, while they're having an affair, & the baby's his); 201 (after Danny leaves Rachel & Gracie hanging at the airport--when they're supposed to return to New Jersey & start their lives over as a united family with the new baby--so Danny can save Steve from Governor Jameson's murder frame up by Wo Fat & save Five-0 from dissolution, Rachel tells Danny her due date was misfigured & the baby's actually Stan's); & 214 (When Rachel "unexpectedly" goes into labor while Stan's on a business trip to Beijing, the "only" person she can call on to "Coach"/assist her in the birth of the new baby is Danny... Who may still, possibly, be the baby's father after all; especially seeing as he was named the father first & "conveniently" the only person who could help her in the birth--having him there under supposed false pretenses at least allows him to be at his child's birth & Rachel wouldn't have to admit the baby really was Danny's after all, at that point). The plot description for Ep 524 includes the statement that "Danny's ex-wife reveals a shocking secret to him that will change his life forever", & they actually have both Rachel (Claire van der Boom) & a young actor, Zach Sulzbach, cast as young Charlie Edwards (the name given the baby in Ep 214 was Charles William--for Danny/the Williams family, to whom he's REALLY related?--Edwards) in the ep. We haven't seen Charles since the birth episode, when he was actually delivered from Rachel in the person of the then 2-week-old *daughter* of Jeff Cadiente, the show's Stunt Coordinator & sometime episode Director (He Tweeted once, awhile back, Rachel's baby boy actually was played by his baby girl in the birth ep, & she was 2 weeks old at the time). Charles was being pushed in a baby carriage by Rachel in Ep 215, when Gracie was kidnapped, but I don't think we actually physically saw the baby in the ep--either at the tennis club Gracie was kidnapped from, or at HPD where Danny ordered Rachel & the baby to go for safety as soon as he knew he, they, Gracie, & Stan, had a problem. I honestly can't think of any other "shocking secret" that would change Danny's life forever which would also involve the audience seeing Rachel's son as he supposedly looks now (& he'd be almost, if not actually at least 3 in the show's timeline by now, I think), other than Rachel admits/has a reason she needs to admit her son is actually Danny's, & Gracie's full-brother instead of just half-brother. The only doctor character listed in the ep is Masi Oka's Max Bergman; since he's a Medical Examiner I wouldn't necessarily think Rachel's possible disclosure involves anything medical going on with the boy--unless he's already been diagnosed with something & Rachel wants to give them a chance to get to know each other before he dies (sigh...). And Teilor Grubbs/Gracie isn't in the ep either. So at least it doesn't look like Gracie's parentage is in question (like Danny finds out Charlie's his, but Gracie isn't). Also... Danny's new girlfriend is in the ep. They've (finally?) changed her character name from the "Amber Vitale" she was using when she met Danny to the "Melissa Armstrong" Five-0 discovered was her real name when her abusive ex stalked her a few eps ago & stabbed Danny while trying to either kill her or make her go back home with him.
  15. Daniel Dae Kim is pictured with Olympic (& former Dancing with the Stars) Champion Kristi Yamaguchi, at the afterparty for the taping of Dancing with the Stars' 10th Anniversary Special; the party was held at Greystone Manor in Hollywood/Los Angeles, California, last night (Tuesday). The Anniversary Special, for those interested, will air in the coming weeks on ABC. Though DWTS is currently airing its 20th "season"/"cycle", it's only the show's 10th Anniversary because they air a new edition/competition twice in each TV season (Fall & Spring) & they began airing the show 10 calendar years ago--2005. Anyway, here's the link to the pic. It's the 10th 1 from the top of the page (or it should be; I think I counted right); it's above a pic of current celeb contestant, double amputee war hero Noah Galloway. If that doesn't help, just keep going down the page until you see Kristi & DDK sitting together; he's wearing his glasses in the pic. You also might be able to see the photo captions (at the bottom of the photos) if you click on the bottom area of the photos themselves; the caption for DDK & Kristi's pic identifies them as being in the pic. http://www.people.com/article/dancing-with-the-stars-people-anniversary-party?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  16. I can't copy & paste the description of the Ghost Pepper Fries directly from the Wendy's site, 'cause the page is white print on a red background. But it's basically what I already said: their natural-cut fries with diced jalapeños, ghost pepper sauce & warm cheddar cheese sauce.
  17. The Ghost Pepper French Fries at Wendy's appear to be what will end up as 1 of those Limited Time Only menu items. At least I think so. And, yes, you can still get plain or cheese only fries. They also have a Ghost Pepper Sandwich (I think it just comes in a chicken option, not chicken or a burger). I think I read both the sandwich & fries have, among other things, jalapeños & a ghost pepper sauce on them. I think along with melted cheese/a cheese sauce of some type.
  18. Former (according to the linked obit) actor Ben Powers, age 64. He was best-known for portraying Keith Anderson in the 6th (& Final) Season of Good Times. Keith was a rookie NFL player who married Thelma Evans (daughter of the late James Evans & Florida Evans; sister of JJ & Michael Evans), then suffered what appeared to be a career-ending leg/knee injury--involving an accidental trip & fall, & possibly Thelma's brother, JJ--on the way back up the aisle after the couple was pronounced married (& apparently before his rookie NFL regular season even started). Even though the character was written as being a signed NFL rookie (so he, theoretically, should've had at least some of his NFL salary coming in, every once in awhile, right?), after the injury he was portrayed as having the same financial problems as his new in-laws for most of the remainder of the season, until they aired the 6th Season/Series Finale when the lives of all of the core characters from that season took a decided upswing. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ben-powers-dead-good-times-789946?utm_source=twitter
  19. And it's not just pills. It's suppositories, injections, creams, lotions, patches, & maybe some other stuff I'm forgetting. I was gonna say supplements, vitamins & minerals too, but I suppose those--at least most of them--count under all the pills she takes. Basically, if she can stick it in her/swallow it, shoot it up, rub it into her skin, stick it on her skin, etc., & she thinks it'll benefit her physical health & her quest to stay as young as possible at age 68, & it'll also keep her breast cancer from returning--there, or at another site in her body--she's probably at least open to trying whatever, though she may not actually continue whatever. I remember this Oprah interview too; besides all the other "methods of delivery" I remembered from her health regimen that she mentioned, I remembered her saying she takes some of those injectable things internally (leaving that to your imagination) & those really aren't comfortable.
  20. Count me in on actually wanting to see the missed payoff--good or bad--on the hand-carried Chicago Deep-Dish, Chicago-Style, pizzas. But you'd have to think Grover wouldn't have been so stupid as/been *written* so stupidly as to have actually not at least packed them in a separate carry-on, brought specifically for this purpose & equipped with enough of those "blue ice" packs (only self-contained heat packs, in this case) to stay reasonably warm enough & minimize the food poisoning possibility across the Pacific. Of course, nobody could foresee Five-0 being slammed by this case immediately on Lou's landing either. I know we didn't see it, but was there ever any scene long enough for Lou to have "passed them off", onto someone who could conceivably have taken them to Lou's house or arranged for Mrs. Grover to come get them at HPD or the Five-0 offices? I'm thinking of, like, the first time Mary went to visit Steve, & that Convict escaped Hālawa Prison to get back his half of the loot he split with another con who faked his ID & apparently served little-to-no prison time; Steve pointed out his truck to a young uniformed officer, tossed him the keys, saying that was his sister in the truck, he was supposed to get her food somewhere, take her back to his office & not let her outta his sight until Steve got back later. At which point Steve returned with Kamekona to take over "babysitting" Mary. By the way, it's really less than 10 hours, nonstop, between Chicago (O'Hare) & Honolulu. My family did it once. I think it was around 8 1/2 hours. It's 10 hours on the Hawaiian Air nonstop between JFK in NY & Honolulu. Perhaps someone from Lou Malnati's did vet the script, & that's why that plot line was left hanging? I know they say the governmental/military agencies with a big presence in Hawaii vet the scripts, so... I'm pretty sure Grover is a native Chicagoan, & would know Lou Malnati's ships; I'm less sure Chi's a native Chicagoan, but I'm pretty sure he's lived there long enough to know they ship. But I think Lou wanted the "instant gratification" of being able to eat at least 1 of the pizzas as soon as he got home & could reheat it. For him, that was the best way of getting them there, other than trying to figure out when to ship the pizzas so they'd get to Honolulu the same day as he did (of course barring any airport/airline weather delays--probably for snow storms--that would ruin his whole plan). If you ask me, this subplot sounds like the Adam's Ribs episode of M*A*S*H. That's the 1 where Hawkeye gets this craving for what he claims are the best ribs just about anywhere; so he calls this old girlfriend/1-night stand & arranges for her to pick up a huge-ass amount of ribs, sides, & sauce he's ordered (after his memory's been refreshed on where the restaurant is) & put them on a MATS flight to South Korea for him (&, naturally, every person he has to go through after he places the order, to get it to him in South Korea, takes their cut of the ribs, sides, & sauce--except for 1 person who, inexplicably, dislikes rib dinners; so the final outcome is a lot less ribs, sides, & sauce arrive in Korea than were originally ordered to be sent to Korea. And Hawkeye seems to be the only 1 who loves the ribs, when they finally get to eat them; as soon as the ribs arrive, Hawkeye, Trapper & the gang are called into another long surgical session & can't have their "feast" right away. Everyone else (Trapper John & the others)--when they finally get to eat--just thinks the ribs are OK, but not necessarily worth all the trouble Hawkeye went through to get them there. Raja: I get you were going by normal season ep numbers, at 22. But we've only had 1 22 ep season since the show started (last season, S4)--the majority have been 24 eps (24, 23--but planned for 24; an ep got cut when Alex went to rehab in S2--24, 22, 25). And, as we all know, this season has 25 eps "in the can" (the longest season, so far), with, like, 21 of the eps having already aired.
  21. Deleted because I hit "Send" too fast & didn't catch it. Sorry! You can find my complete answer in the post below (I hope).
  22. Responding to the bolded comments of your post. They probably hope the preferred 18-49, then 25-54 age demographics groups are watching. Beyond that, I'm not sure who they care about as viewers. Disney is 1 of the corporate owners of ABC (but I can't remember if the combined corporate name is Disney-ABC or ABC-Disney); it has been for a number of years now. I would guess that's how the Disney theme night came about on DWTS, as opposed to pandering to families watching the shows about taking Disney trips when they may not realize there's a Disney/ABC connection; but it came about rather belatedly compared to other DWTS theme nights.
  23. --This part was a little more ambiguous, but the impression I got from their discussion was that Elizabeth's sex with the hotel guy The character of the handler from Moscow/Elsewhere in Russia, as played by Margo Martindale, is/was "Claudia", yes. She was their handler after Gabriel retired (I think Gabriel had retired by the time the show started, because we never physically saw Gabriel until Frank Langella began playing the character this season, we just heard references to him) but, as I remember, there was a certain time frame--between Gabriel's retirement & Claudia being assigned as their handler, & we started seeing Margo as Claudia--when it seemed Philip & Elizabeth apparently weren't working with a specific handler. Unlike after Margo Martindale got the role in The Millers & they had to make allowances for her unavailability due to her role in The Millers, they never cast a "temporary" handler. We never saw anyone else talking to them about their missions, either beforehand or in a "debriefing" type way afterwards. Philip & Elizabeth also never referred to an unseen handler before Claudia came on the scene, like they did with the then-retired Gabriel.When Margo Martindale got the part in The Millers, they briefly cast a younger actress (younger than Margo, anyway) to play a character named Kate who seemed to function as a "temporary" handler whenever they supposedly needed 1 & Claudia/Margo wasn't available (& the showrunners hadn't come up with the plan to bring Gabriel out of retirement to work with Philip & Elizabeth again). "Granny" (or "Grannie"-I've seen it both ways), as I remember, is a nickname for Claudia that Philip, Elizabeth, or both came up with & use for her. I think it has to do with the fact that Margo/Claudia looks as if she could be someone's Grandmother, even if Gabriel/Frank perhaps doesn't yet)
  24. If you're into the "Cookie Butter" ice cream, but don't have a Whole Foods in your area, Ben & Jerry's has recently added a flavor that should be really similar to their "Cookie Core" line. It's called "Spectacular Speculoos". It's vanilla & (I think) cookie butter ice cream with a Speculoos cookie center (or "core")--or it might be vanilla & Speculoos cookies around a cookie butter center (or "core"); I forget which way they describe it. Unbelievably, I live in the 2nd largest city in Indiana but we have no Whole Foods here (yet), & despite our stores carrying Ben & Jerry's ice cream products my Mom has yet to find the Spectacular Speculoos flavor at any of our Meijers, WalMarts, or Krogers (where she usually shops). It's still sort of new, so maybe they can't get it in stock or keep it in stock when they manage to get it. If some of you still aren't familiar with this flavor, if you fly on many of the major US airlines, but most definitely Delta, & you're ever served/you ever have been served a red & white package of 2 rectangular cookies with gold lettering on it saying "Biscoff", that taste sort of like a milder gingerbread or a cinnamon/brown sugar flavor, with your beverage service those cookies are at least quite similar to, if not exactly the same as, Speculoos cookies. You can also get the Biscoff cookies & Biscoff cookie butter, which looks like peanut butter but is made with the cookies--& so has the same "mild gingerbread" &/or cinnamon/brown sugar flavor as the cookies--at your local Kroger (& perhaps other local, regional, or national chains with stores where you live).
  25. TV Director Richard L. Bare died on March 27th (I think it was, or maybe the 28th), at age 101. He directed a bunch of episodic TV, primarily in the 1960s-early/mid 1970s. He's best-known for directing most eps of Green Acres & a Twilight Zone ep, the title of which has variously been given as To Serve Man & To Serve Mankind (so I'm now confused as to which is the correct title). Here's a link to his obit from Variety: http://variety.com/2015/tv/obituaries-people-news/richard-l-bare-green-acres-director-dies-dead-1201470533/
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