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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Do you have Bravo in your Cable/Satellite TV channel package? That's the channel which airs Top Chef. The most recent Season was Season 12 which, I think, ended in, like, February this year--earlier this year, anyway. It's been renewed for Season 13, but I'm not sure when that starts airing, nor am I sure if Bravo is currently airing repeats of Season 12 or earlier seasons. To be honest, pretty much the only thing I ever watched Bravo for was repeats of The West Wing, which they stopped airing a few years ago. Now on to other stuff... I have to say, I was also bummed when Madison was chopped in his competition. But I appreciate both that he realized, during cooking, that things went south on him badly enough that he probably would get chopped & he took it very graciously, & I also appreciate the equally gracious (& rather disappointed, since they knew Madison was much better than that dish showed) way in which he was dismissed by the Judges & Ted. I saw the finale episode from the 2012 All-Stars competition a couple of hours ago now, I think. That's the ep where that twit, Penny Davidi, from Food Network Star... 1. Ungraciously gloated about surviving the Appetizer round over Iron Chef Michael Symon after he inadvertently left a basket ingredient out of his Appetizer, & 2. When she was subsequently chopped, for being heavy-handed with saffron in her dish, she dared to ask in her "Walk of Shame", post-chopping, Talking Head who knew more about saffron--her, supposedly because she's of Middle Eastern descent & it's a spice used a great deal in that cuisine, or non-Middle Eastern, longtime professional chef Amanda Freitag, who *dared* to be most critical of her saffron usage? I get that Penny *now* apparently is a "big deal" chef at a new restaurant/club owned by 1 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but *back 3 years ago* I think she was still just a "wannabe" in the culinary world & I don't think she had *any* business questioning whether she, or her "professional elders", if you will, knew how best to use a spice/herb/ seasoning in a dish. Her attitude in that damn Talking Head burns me up every time I see it! Bella: Valerie Bertinelli was only on the Kids' Baking Championship, which aired last Summer/Fall; she wasn't on the Holiday Baking Championship, which aired over the Winter, & isn't on the Spring Baking Championship, which is currently airing. Duff (Goldman), her Co-Host on the Kids' show, was/is a Judge on the Holiday & Spring Championships though. During the Kids' Championship, I remember them plugging a new show with her in it, which hasn't started airing yet but I think is supposed to start sometime this Summer, if I remember right. I don't remember Valerie being on any other Food Network shows recently, unless it was as a Judge, like maybe on Duff 'til Dawn--which she might've done since they did the kids' baking thing together. But if she was on any other Food Network shows since her show was announced (or before), I'm not sure I see anything wrong with it.
  2. I didn't watch it either, but yes there was. In the last few seasons of the show, Angus T. Jones (the "Half" man in the show's title, since he was only 9 years old when it started) became a Seventh Day Adventist & made a video "testimony", sometime in 2012, for a group thought to be part of that denomination (it turns out they weren't) where, among other things, he called his show "filth" & (I think) discouraged watching TV, in general. Supposedly he wasn't kicked off & he left the show of his own accord. In Season 9, his character graduated High School & joined the Army--apparently after also becoming a heavy pot smoker & having sex with a lot of women. He didn't appear in the last few eps of Season 10; was dropped to "recurring" status for Season 11 & then didn't appear at all in Seasons 11 & 12 (at which point he announced he'd left the show), but he did appear in a cameo in the series finale which aired in February of this year (2015). Here's links to a USAToday article about the original incident, as well as his Wikipedia page which outlines his "status" on the show once he made the "filth" statement about it: http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2012/11/26/angus-jones-criticizes-two-and-a-half-men/1727567/ http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_T._Jones
  3. Red Nose Day is a fundraiser which was originated by the UK version of the Comic Relief charity (Remember all those multi-hour comedy specials, years ago, on HBO hosted by Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, & the late Robin Williams? Those were all benefits put on by the original US version of Comic Relief for various causes, like homelessness & Hurricane Katrina relief.). Here are links to 4 Wikipedia pages which might help you understand the fundraiser better, if you care to read them: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Nose_Day#The_Red_Nose (UK Comic Relief) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_Relief,_Inc. (Current US Comic Relief--NOT the same as Billy, Whoopi & Robin were involved with, apparently) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Nose_Day_2015 (UK Event) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Nose_Day_2015_(U.S.) (US Event)
  4. Michael Sam finally made more than the practice squad of a football team; but it's not an NFL team. He's joined the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League (CFL). https://twitter.com/michaelsamnfl/status/601776533347274753
  5. Here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2CVmU3vnd9Y
  6. Bill Tweeted this pic. Will lost his first "baby" tooth yesterday--right smack front & center in his bottom teeth. He's still cute, even without it. https://mobile.twitter.com/ReallyBillKlein/status/601606405200588801?p=v In conjunction with that "Red Nose Day" fundraiser, fighting childhood hunger, homelessness & poverty, on NBC last night, you could apparently download an app which would put a red nose on any pic you wanted. Jen downloaded it & put a red nose on a pic of Will & a pic of Zoey, & Tweeted the results: https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/601547057573146624/photo/1(Zoey) https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/601548242518573056/photo/1(Will, after losing his tooth too)
  7. A short (3 minutes long, at most) video has been posted by the Falcon Theatre about The Trouble We Come From, the new play Scott's written which is being produced at the theatre June 4th-July 12th. In the video, the cast & the director talk about the play. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CCy2R-nhBY0 Both Scott & Claire van der Boom (H50's Rachel, who's also co-starring in the play) are in the video (for any Scott/Danny, Claire/Rachel, or "Danchel" fans here); but everybody's comments, including theirs, were filmed individually. It's fun seeing Claire in it ('cause I haven't really seen her in anything outside of H50) although it's also weird 'cause she's (obviously) using her natural Aussie accent in it, since it's a BTS type video (I assume her play character's probably American, or at least not Aussie)--but her real Aussie accent honestly didn't sound that different, to me, than the supposedly British accent she uses in H50 as Rachel. And, yeah, I know Aussie & British accents aren't that different sounding anyway. It was also cool seeing Claire talk about working with Scott as a playwright, as opposed to talking about working with him as "just" a fellow actor in something like an H50 DVD "extra" featurette (if she ever did 1). I know her H50 character's only a recurring 1, but I wish they would do a DVD "extra" with Claire sometime, talking about the whole Rachel/Danny "dynamic"--especially now that she's told Danny Charlie's actually his son, like she said when she announced the pregnancy, & not Stan's--& why she thinks (other than the writers write her that way, of course) Rachel tends to treat Danny so crappily when it comes to access to their (now 2) kid(s) after something involving his work scares her.
  8. This is CBS' scheduled repeat for tonight, May 22nd, 2015. Just in case anyone else's gonna watch it & might wanna talk about it (again).
  9. As someone who's had the Chicken Pox (& I didn't get 'em until I was a Sophomore in High School, if you can believe that; I got 'em from my brother, who was in 8th Grade when *he* got 'em from a classmate. Do you know how embarrassing it feels to get them in High School? I thought most of my teachers would either not believe my Excused Absence slip or laugh at it/me, when I went back to school), the "If you've had the Chicken Pox, the Shingles virus is already inside you." commercials drive me BATTY! Mostly because, so far, I've had the great fortune *not* to have the Shingles yet, *I don't want to get them* (from everything I've heard about them), & I really just love (NOT!) essentially having a "ticking time bomb" in my body that could still go off anytime.
  10. Justin also did a commercial for Miracle-Gro, during the period when everyone was wondering where the heck his show was. I saw it; I may have actually seen it multiple times. He was identified in the commercial as "Justin Warner, Food Network's Culinary Rebel". What appears to be a longer version of the commercial (it runs 2 minutes, 13 seconds, so I'm pretty sure that's not what ran on TV) can be found here, in case you never saw it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d0AvcHarl0E Edited to Add: From Alton's local (or nearby) newspaper: Alton Brown Finalizes Divorce http://radiotvtalk.blog.ajc.com/2015/05/20/report-alton-brown-finalizes-divorce/
  11. And then she never became the movie superstar I think she thought she would be--I think most/all her films have been major box office duds--nor has her country singer husband become that famous, I don't believe, in his line of work. They have 2 adopted daughters & who knows how many dogs to support. It's no wonder she probably had to do State of Affairs; her family may have needed the money.
  12. I'm guessing you saw the *cute* pics Jen posted to her Twitter & Instagram of Zoey's (& it sounds like Will's too--she captioned a pic or 2 like he's also taking it, which I think is cool; especially if he wanted to do it 'cause Zoey was & Jen didn't make him/just arbitrarily sign them both up for it) ballet recital over the weekend? In case someone missed them & wants to see them, here are the links to the Tweets containing the pic links: https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/599620114468704256?p=v https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/599621222150766592?p=v https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/599911794681978880?p=v https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/599912274967535617?p=v https://mobile.twitter.com/JenArnoldMD/status/599912745908178944?p=v
  13. I agree. I've honestly thought she was a bitch since she gave her acceptance speech the year she actually won the Emmy for GA.
  14. From People magazine: Maks says he's *never* returning to DWTS. http://www.people.com/article/maksim-chmerkovskiy-not-returning-dancing-stars-peta-murgatroyd
  15. Early spoilers from TVLine & Lenkov for Ep 601 are in the Spoilers and Speculation thread. If you wanted to see Kono & Adam's actual wedding (or more of it than what we ended up seeing of Chin & Malia's wedding, anyway), &/or you aren't fond of Catherine &/or Michelle Borth, you'll probably be disappointed by what's posted. Just fair warning.
  16. Spoilers for Ep 601 (apparently)... http://tvline.com/2015/05/19/greys-anatomy-season-12-spoilers-arizona-callie-new-loves/
  17. OK... This *isn't* where I read/heard about it, but I Googled & found a link, from the Entertainment section of a mainstream publication (as opposed to a perhaps less-credible "Celebrity/Gossip"-oriented publication/site), that speaks to what I posted upthread about Ellen Pompeo finding out Patrick Dempsey was having an affair with a Grey's Anatomy crew member (production assistant) & telling his now-estranged wife, who's supposedly 1 of Ellen's close friends, which resulted in Patrick's now-estranged wife filing for divorce. The alleged feud that supposedly caused between Ellen & Patrick isn't mentioned. But I think Shonda Rhimes also finding out about the affair & then apparently/allegedly writing Patrick & his character, Dr. Derek ("Dr. McDreamy") Shepherd, out of the show with a year/season left on his contract because of it *is* in the linked article (I read it kinda fast, once I found a version from a reasonably credible, more mainstream, source, & I only remember it speaks to at least part of the alleged problem between Ellen & Patrick before he was abruptly written out & killed off of the show). http://m.ibtimes.co.in/cheating-scandal-did-ellen-pompeo-get-patrick-dempsey-fired-greys-anatomy-being-unfaithful-632398
  18. I wish I could remember where I saw it (it was pretty recently) but, supposedly, before he was written out of Grey's Anatomy, Patrick Dempsey & Ellen Pompeo--who had apparently gotten along until recently--had a falling out. If you remember/pay attention to celebrity news/gossip, earlier this year Patrick's wife filed for divorce (it would seem out of the blue). Supposedly it had to do with an affair Patrick was allegedly having with a production intern working on the show. Supposedly Ellen knew about the affair (not sure how) & she told Patrick's wife... Thereby apparently, allegedly, causing a falling out between Ellen & Patrick, in addition to the divorce between Patrick & his wife. I've also heard there was some kind of tension between Patrick & Shonda Rhimes, which may or may not be connected (at least some say it is) to his abrupt exit from GA (he still had a year/season--the now upcoming S12--on his contract when he was written out & "Dr. McDreamy" was killed off).
  19. According to this Tweet from People magazine, Erin was wearing over $2 Million in diamonds on the show, including a 55-carat necklace. https://twitter.com/people/status/600464733276381186
  20. Have you tried checking their website? You could try that, to see if they list their products on it & if what you're looking for is on it. They might even have an online store from which you can order them, if they're still a current product. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
  21. The title after Valerie's Family was actually The Hogan Family. It started as, simply, Valerie. At some point, as I remember (& I did watch the show in all its incarnations), Sandy Duncan joined the cast as the new "maternal" figure/the sister of Josh Taylor's character, the Dad on the show. I think it was Josh Taylor, anyway--the same actor is also known for playing Chris Kositchek & Roman Brady on Days of Our Lives. Not for nothing, but I've heard Rob Lowe & Bradley Whitford didn't like each other offscreen during The West Wing, though their characters Sam Seaborn & Josh Lyman had what most people thought was great chemistry onscreen.
  22. I could be wrong, but I thought it was at least implied--I think by 1 of the Five-0's other than Danny or Lori (who was on the team at the time but only peripherally involved in the case), but maybe by Rick Peterson, to piss off Danny--in the ep where Grace was kidnapped by Danny's ex-partner Rick Peterson that Stan took Rachel away from Danny (i.e. they were seeing each other while Rachel was still married). I swear I remember that line (Stan took Rachel away from Danny) coming up in an ep, definitely somewhere other than fanfic, & I'm pretty positive it was in Grace's kidnapping ep, but I can't remember who said it. Don't forget... Danny's not only resentful that Stan gets to play "Father" to Gracie since he actually lives with her more than Danny does (at least in the early seasons, until the custody agreement was redone to allow Gracie to stay in Hawaii with Danny instead of moving to Vegas with Rachel, Stan, & Charlie), but he's also pretty resentful Rachel "married up"--Stan has enough money to give Gracie (& Rachel... & Charlie, now that he's been discovered to be Danny's son) pretty much anything & everything she wants, like when he bought her a cellphone somewhere before we saw Gracie with it in Ep 123 (where Danny was poisoned by the Sarin); although you could also say Stan's doing that stuff to "buy" Gracie's love (& perhaps loyalty, if a situation ever were to arise in which he'd need that), since he's only her "bonus" father by marriage. Danny, I think deeply, resents that he can't give his daughter (& now son, I'm sure) anything & everything she wants, & he resents that he should be the 1 giving her these things, instead of Stan, but he can't because of his cop's salary, which in no way compares to Stan's (even though he's now part of Hawaii's elite Five-0 Task Force).
  23. I also don't remember any of Rey & Debra's girls being physically in the scene. Rey & Van Buren talked about them, & how did they like living in California (it appears, to me at least, Rey was supposed to have eventually taken the job Lauren Graham's character offered him with the movie studio she worked for in the Hollywood/NYC Murder Trilogy eps), at the cemetery but I don't remember actually seeing the girls in that scene/the ep.
  24. In my defense, I didn't remember who it was (Plus, honestly, I'm not "into" Adam Scott. Sorry! I couldn't even get into Parks and Recreation when he was on it despite the fact I like Rob Lowe *a lot* & he was in it at the same time, for 4 seasons). And yes, he banged Ashley Judd's sister in the movie (Amanda Peet)--or she banged him; I forget who it was said initiated it, after Ashley found out, got pissed, & accused Amanda of being unable to take anything seriously (Amanda's character was more irresponsible about things than Ashley's character--though she came through when Ashley needed comforting after her miscarriage). Amanda also stayed behind with Adam's character when Ashley & Jim went back to Northern California. Another thing that bugged: That hairstyle at least some of the military guys had in the movie, I think including Adam's character, where the sides are buzzed really short but the tops are "normal" & look untouched.
  25. Was he really calling her that?? I never heard it that way/thought so. I thought he was just putting the accent in the wrong place in "Honoria"--saying it as "Honor-EE-ah".
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