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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Alex's youngest son, Lion, was born on October 25, 2012; so he's 2 years, 5 months old. That doesn't really count as "just having" him. You're probably thinking of Scott Caan, whose 1st child was born at the same time as shooting started for this season of the show. But, judging by pics of him with younger fans, Alex has a great "ease" with kids (I was trying to figure out how to write that so he wouldn't sound like a "creeper", which he's not), or perhaps he imagined the loss of 1 of his & his wife Malia's sons, so I could see him being able to easily summon the emotions McGarrett felt in that scene. Alex also has a son from a previous, non-marital, relationship, Saxon; he'll be 18 in July, if I figured right (& some pictures of him as a child were apparently used as pictures of young Steve McGarrett, when Steve's background was being given, in the H50 episode that was built around the Oprah-esque talk show, Savannah, following Five-0 around for a day). And Alex has a stepson, Spike, from his wife Malia's 1st marriage; Spike is 5, or will be sometime this year (if I figured right). So he has 3 sons--2 biological & 1 stepson. Grace Park--whose 41st birthday was yesterday, by the way--apparently has a son (who was born during S4; the pregnancy caused her to need to pre- & post-film a lot of scenes to be inserted into various eps before midseason, & she returned to the set for filming after the December holidays break in S4 filming). I think that makes her son almost 18 months old now, but I'm not positive. Daniel Dae Kim has 2 or 3 sons, all high school or maybe early college age, I think (he is the eldest of the original 4 cast members, in his mid-late 40's, so...). Scott Caan, as I said upthread, is the current H50 star with the most recent claim to parenthood. His daughter Josie James (for his father) Caan, with his partner/girlfriend, Kacy Byxbee (who used to work in the H50 wardrobe department), was born July 9, 2014. So she's just over 8 months old. And the only daughter born to 1 of the original 4 H50 cast members in this version of the series.
  2. And if anyone would know about ninjas, of any size, it would be Steve, right?
  3. I watched Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip--the full title of the show--too, & I actually liked it. Did you ever watch Go On (I'm pretty sure that was the title); it was on NBC & was Matthew's show either before or after (I forget which) Mr. Sunshine. I only watched 1 ep, 'cause it had Bradley Whitford (who was his co-star in Studio 60) in it. And I only mentioned the show 'cause you didn't.
  4. Or perhaps they felt they'd already been through a sleep apnea/CPAP machine explanation on the show with Will, so doing 1 with Zoey would be an unnecessary repetition. Or maybe Zoey's diagnosis with sleep apnea will be covered in the next batch of eps (I think Jen Tweeted they'd be on sometime this Spring).
  5. To be honest, nobody on this side of the cameras/production (that I know of) knows what's going on with Scott & his more limited screentime on the show, really since sometime in S3 if I remember right. As far as I know, he's still under contract to CBS/the show & his contract should have the same amount of time left on it as Alex's does, or fairly close to it. And I think Alex's contract has at least a season or 2 left on it, barring any unexpected nasty surprises from CBS during the current/upcoming round of renewal announcements for the 2015-2016 TV Season (earlier in the year/season CBS renewed 3 dramas that just premiered in Fall 2014--last Fall--Scorpion, Madam Secretary, & NCIS New Orleans; earlier this week they renewed 3 sitcoms--Mom, 2 Broke Girls, & Mike & Molly; & earlier this season they renewed The Big Bang Theory for *2* seasons). But, as far as I know, H50 has been winning its timeslot every week this season, or pretty close to it; so in my opinion we're hopefully good for renewal for S6. Now back to Scott... Yes, he has a bunch of outside committments in LA--he's very close to his Dad, who lives there; he also apparently teaches/co-teaches at least 1 class at Playhouse West there, & they've also put on some of the plays he's written; he's also involved with LA-based charities which put on clinics to teach kids, & some adults I think, with various kinds of health issues/disabilities how to surf (granted, he can also do these in Hawaii & he has, in the past, getting involved with a similar charity founded by Hawaiian actor/surfer Kala Alexander, who has a recurring role in H50 as Kapu leader Kawika). And now for the biggest, & most recent, thing on his proverbial "plate". If you weren't aware, Scott's longtime partner/girlfriend, Kacy (who used to work in the Wardrobe Department on the show & apparently also dislikes having to spend so much time each year in Hawaii, as Scott does), got pregnant with their 1st child sometime last fall, I think. She gave birth to the baby, a daughter named Josie James (James is apparently for Scott's Dad), on July 9th, 2014. That was the day after shooting started in Honolulu on this season's H50 eps. And Scott got, like, 2 or 3 weeks off from shooting after the birth, as I remember; presumably so he could spend some "quality time" with Kacy & their then-newborn daughter (who's now 8 months old). Kacy & the baby, as far as I know, live in LA fulltime. So I think they've reconstructed Scott's contract again, now that he has the added responsibility of fatherhood on his proverbial "plate", in a way that he can spend as much time as possible in LA with his girlfriend & their daughter (which you can't say is entirely wrong--I mean, we don't want him to be a bad father, right?), while still maintaining his role as Danny on the show (which is a really important role, especially in this version due to the obvious chemistry between Alex & Scott, & was part of the original show until the last season or 2). I recently read a new interview with Tom Selleck, who's the star of Blue Bloods. He talked about how he's got a shooting schedule on that series that allows him to maintain his role in the show (which shoots on location--not unlike H50, but in a different city than H50--in New York City) & still have a life outside of it, which is normally close to impossible for actors because of the long hours required on the set (Tom & his family live somewhere in Southern California, I forget if it's in or outside the LA area). He even detailed his schedule. He said he commutes from LA to NYC twice during a shooting season (as opposed to being on set fulltime, like usual), then spends 4 days in NYC at a time, when he's there, & shoots all his scenes for the eps that have otherwise already been produced, or are currently in production while he's on the set, in that 4-day period. I have the feeling Scott probably has the same/a similar type of shooting schedule; especially now that he's a father with a baby daughter living on the Mainland. Only he's allowed the luxury of being completely written out of some episodes, since he's only the second lead in the show, while Tom Selleck probably has to shoot scenes for every ep in the season in the times he's in NYC, 'cause his character's the NYPD Commissioner & presumably considered the first lead (the McGarrett, if you will) in his show.
  6. The guy from OPR was Walter Taffet, with 2 F's--just like the ep title; not Walter Tappet, with 2 P's. And the new FBI Agent's named Aderholt, not Anderholt or anything else.
  7. Thanks for the correction on the first puppy's name. At least I was close--& it *is* reminiscent of the dog's name in Hart to Hart (Freeway), like I said. I guess I've seen fairly little of Jennifer Coolidge's work. I avoid 2 Broke Girls like the plague--I've just never thought it was funny (at least what I consider funny), & I can't for the life of me figure out how it just got renewed, yesterday or the day before, for its upcoming fifth season (CBS can announce renewals for sitcoms I've either never watched or have watched & don't particularly find funny--Mom & Mike & Molly were the other 2, & The Big Bang Theory was previously renewed for *2* more seasons--& they can also renew Scorpion, NCIS New Orleans & Madam Secretary, but they keep those of us awaiting the fate of Hawaii Five-0's possible [hopefully probable] S6 hanging [blows raspberry at CBS Programming Department]...Just saying). And I still think the mother in the ad was rude, both for basically breaking into the house & for giving the puppies different names than their actual owners gave them.
  8. To go along with Umbelina's ep review link from Alan Sepinwall at Hitfix, there's also this link to an interview with Noah Emmerich, also by Alan Sepinwall, about being a first-time director with this week's ep: http://m.hitfix.com/whats-alan-watching/the-americans-co-star-noah-emmerich-on-directing-his-first-episode/ And, to go along with the Entertainment Weekly (EW) ep review, here's an article explaining why people should be watching The Americans, if they're not already: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/11/curtis-sittenfeld-heres-why-you-should-be-watching-americans
  9. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=42032
  10. OK I have another commercial that makes me scratch my head. The current 1 for Petsmart/their Pet Adoption program. A couple apparently adopts a couple of puppies through the program, brings them home & is enjoying them when, all of a sudden, the mother of 1 of the people in the couple shows up unexpectedly (she says she climbed in through a window--which is rude, to start with) & then arbitrarily gives the puppies names *she's* chosen for them, which is even more rude (I forget the first 1, but it's something like "Highway", I think--somehow the first name made me think of Freeway, the dog on Hart to Hart, when I heard it; & the second name is "Snake Finder"), even/especially after the man in the couple who bought the puppies tells her they've already named the dogs when she says her first name for them. But we never hear the names the man in the couple says they gave the puppies. Presumably, they're way better, more normal, dog names than "Highway" (or whatever) & "Snake Finder". "Highway" I actually don't mind for a dog's name--I watched Hart to Hart, back in the day, & am rewatching it now that it's on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel, & I always thought their dog Freeway (& his successor, Freeway Jr., aka "Junior", in the reunion TV movies) was cute. But whoever decided on "Snake Finder" for the other name is loopy--& I get the dog's names are supposed to indicate how loopy the mother is supposed to be, along with her just climbing through their open window unannounced. I don't think this commercial's as egregiously weird--nor does it press my buttons as badly--as the Kayak commercial, but I do wonder if it was created by the same ad agency as the Kayak ad, it's just loopy enough. I seriously do support finding good, loving homes for pets (the underlying reason for the ad) though.
  11. I'm not sure if this is a new ep or a repeat, but according to a press release on the CBS Press Express (CBS network/CBS show PR-related) website, Thomas Lennon will be guest hosting The Late Late Show (the 1 Craig Ferguson used to host) on March 17th (which would be very late this Tuesday night/very early this Wednesday morning). And Matthew Perry is among the guests. It airs on CBS at around 12:35AM Eastern/11:35PM Central Time (after The Late Show with David Letterman), for an hour. Please check your local listings, though, for the correct time & channel in your area (if you're interested in watching/DVRing it) as the post-late news late night shows may be time-shifted into different timeslots, or even air on different networks/channels than the correct network/channel.
  12. Maybe it's just 'cause it's so early in the morning & I'm not a morning person, but I'm a teeny bit confused here. Are you saying Noah Emmerich wrote this week's ep, or that he should further expand his creative horizons (hopefully next season if it's renewed) & write an ep? I ask because he directed this week's episode.ninerfan: Thanks for the correction on the usage of Tusk in the Pilot. It's appreciated. It's been so long since I've seen the Pilot I think I was doing well just remembering the song was actually *in* the Pilot/the series. Plus, I said I was *almost* positive it was in the ep where I said it was used; not that I was *completely* positive it was used in that scene. So I gave myself some "wiggle room". I was most positive it was actually used somewhere in the Pilot.
  13. With my luck I'm confusing my Fleetwood Mac songs (& Tusk actually isn't 1 of my favorites, sadly), but I'm almost positive Tusk was used in the Pilot. I'm pretty sure it was over the scene where Philip & Elizabeth--who hadn't actually fallen in "real" love with each other yet--had kinda rough/frantic sex in the car, after the mission they were on basically got screwed all to hell but they were able to get it to some kind of completion even though, among other things, their fellow spy operative sustained what proved to be a fatal stab wound & they weren't able to get the guy we later learned raped Elizabeth, when she was a teenager training at the KGB academy (for lack of its correct name), wherever they were actually supposed to take him, because the other operative was injured & they detoured to dump him at/near a hospital. They used the "Why don't you ask him what's going on? Why don't you ask him who's on the phone?" section & a little more (sorry if I reversed those lyrics). I remember thinking, at the time, the section they picked was pretty appropriate for a scene in the ep that started as an "undercover spy op" scene, but was still playing when they had car sex after (perhaps having been aroused by the thrill/danger of what they'd just done).
  14. Noah also went behind the camera & directed tonight's ep. And there's no ep thread for it yet.
  15. I didn't say it in so many words, but I feel the same way you do: Some of the commercial's implication is the douchebag son was so concerned with making his reservation he couldn't be bothered to be considerate to his disabled Mom & let her use the damn lift for, like, 5 minutes. *Nobody* needs to make a plane reservation so badly they can't take a freakin' 5-minute break while comparison shopping among airfares! I know Kayak's trying to get users, & that's fine, but also nobody needs to be on a website to the exclusion of anything else or long enough to inconvenience others with whom they're sharing space. What if dear old Mom needed to go to the bathroom, or get her meds, or something else "time-sensitive", she couldn't do it anywhere else but upstairs &, of course, she wanted to be independent & do it herself & she had to use the lift or she couldn't do it? She's SOL 'cause she wouldn't put her foot down & make her douchebag son get off the lift (which is another part of the problem I see with the family depicted in the ad). The (apparent) wife actually did say something in the ad, at the end. After the douchebag son/husband finishes bitching about how much trouble he's having with the reservations, 'cause he's checking among different websites & apparently too damn dumb to either remember or make written note of the figures given on each separate site, so he has to keep checking back & forth to compare figures, the (apparent) wife--who seems to be doing something in the kitchen/another room--calls to him from offscreen, "You shoulda used Kayak!"... like it's a site he supposedly knew about before he needed to do this stuff, but forgot about when he actually could've used it (& probably gotten his reservation made in less than 10 minutes if he had). This ad really makes me *not* wanna use Kayak to compare fares, if I ever go on another plane trip.
  16. The commercial that makes me scratch my head (in a WTF? way), but not over the whole commercial, is the 1 for kayak.com, 1 of those airfare comparison websites. In that commercial, a guy has "commandeered" the wheelchair lift on what's supposed to be the staircase in the house belonging to his wheelchair-bound--or otherwise mobility-impaired--Mother (who we see at 1 point, sitting forlornly on 1 of the steps, presumably needing to use the lift herself while her son just keeps riding it up & down the staircase for no apparent good reason; he's never seen moving his laptop or any information he probably needs to make his reservations between floors, he's basically just "joyriding" on his Mother's staircase lift)--while he's on this search, among multiple sites, for reasonable airfares. Then, at the end of the ad, presumably his wife's voice tells him, from offscreen, things would've gone faster if he'd searched on kayak (because it's a comparison-based website; he wouldn't have had to go between multiple sites to research). As someone who legitimately needs the use of a staircase lift, if it's available, the fact there seems to be no actual *legitimate* reason in the ad for the guy to use his Mother's lift for his airfare search *really* pisses me off! He's just riding it, periodically tapping on the keyboard of his laptop as he does so. For 1 thing, if you're gonna do something like make a freakin' plane reservation, you should have *all your information needed to make the reservation (if you need to refer to notes, a brochure about a convention or other event, etc., to make the reservation for the correct dates) in the same damn place*, not half of it on 1 floor of your house & half of it on another floor (or not split among different rooms, etc.). For another thing, if he *really* needs to go from 1 floor to another to make the freakin' reservation (he appears to be able-bodied, if a bit chunky)... he should *use his own freakin' legs to navigate the stairs, not his Mother's stair lift*! Walking/running between floors only adds a few seconds more to the trip. Using the stair lift, & keeping his Mother--who legitimately needs it--from using the stair lift for no good reason, is rude, selfish, inconsiderate, & all sorts of other negative adjectives I can't think of. Especially since he appears to not really be doing anything more important with the lift than joyriding as he does his search.
  17. Thank you. I somehow missed that. And I still could swear the peanut butter ones were released earlier than 1991. My hometown is (or at least was when I was growing up) a big "test market" city for a lot of products. I wonder if we somehow got peanut butter M&Ms earlier than 1991 as a "test market" product?
  18. I don't think there's confusion about the custody issue. I at least don't feel I'm confused about it. The way I interpreted the Judge's ruling from the episode in which it was made, is that the custody arrangements are now basically "flipped" from how they started & seemed to be in S1-2. Originally, I thought Rachel had "Primary Physical Custody" of Grace--Meaning Grace lives with her (& Stan) & Danny gets reasonable visitation; & *I think* Rachel & Danny had "Joint Legal Custody"--Meaning they both could make legal/adult-type decisions on her behalf. Now, I think *Danny* has "Primary Physical Custody" (or at least now it's more "Joint" than it was, but it may be closer to "Primary" custody since Gracie can't leave the island)--Grace lives with Danny (we've seen she obviously does in numerous eps) & Rachel gets reasonable visitation... But Gracie also isn't allowed to leave Oahu under the new agreement, though she presumably can with Danny's permission. I think the issue of Gracie's "Legal" custody stayed the same after the S3 modification: it's still "Joint" custody, with both Danny & Rachel being allowed to make legal/adult-type decisions on her behalf. Oh it surprises me the Edwardses may have a home on Oahu (but they apparently have the money to waste on it, so...). They apparently didn't even use the original home they'd been using in previous seasons, so the Edwardses have a whole new home there, apparently. If Rachel/the Edwards family is still maintaining a home in Hawaii, in my not so humble opinion, they could've mentioned it *before this ep* (like, in the ep where Danny & Steve were trapped in the collapsed building, for example--seeing as Gracie'd need someone to stay with if/when Danny had to go to the hospital after being rescued; her mother would be a better choice than her father's girlfriend who she was actually left with). Plus, there's the fact that, in the S1 Finale when Rachel & Grace are gonna move back to New Jersey with Danny, I think somewhere around where Rachel tells Danny--who she's been having an affair with--she's pregnant, Rachel tells Danny that Hawaii's *Stan's* home, *not hers*. So we're to believe Stan bought a new Hawaii home that might/would only rarely be used since their primary residence was now supposedly Vegas? Except for the fact Gracie's living there, Rachel has no real reason to buy a home in Hawaii since she previously stated she considered it Stan's home & not hers. Instead, they continued to maintain that the Edwardses were living in Vegas, with a number of "name checks" of the city & statements Gracie was visiting her Mother there & similar things in different eps, or implications the Edwardses were still living there, like in the building collapse ep where Gracie said her visitation got cut short as Rachel had to fly home early, the implication being "home" was Vegas (or somewhere else besides Honolulu/Oahu). So, yeah, for me it's still a retcon. But I'll agree to disagree.
  19. Thanks for the link. I'm not sure if I've ever looked at that page, or not. As for all the varieties it listed, I'd swear we only end up getting the more "mainstream" ones where I live. I've never heard of a bunch of 'em, or seen some I've heard of in our local stores, but I'd really like to try at least some of 'em (ones I've heard of & ones I haven't). Are you sure they didn't even have the peanut butter ones (which I remember being the 1st variety out after plain/milk chocolate & peanut) back in the mid-80s? I know I tried 'em--still trying to figure out if I liked 'em, or not--& I know they were at least initially sold in bags that were in similar colors to the Reese's Pieces/Reese's Peanut Butter Cups packaging, but I can't remember when the peanut butter ones were introduced & the Wikipedia page doesn't list the date/year.
  20. If you were in high school during the "dinosaur era", I have you beat. I was in high school from Fall 1978-Spring 1981. I live in what was then a kinda strange part of Indiana where 9th Grade, which many consider the Freshman year of high school, was then the last year of a 3-year junior high school; technically I only went to high school, that was considered "high school", for 3 school years--10th-12th Grades, & they realigned which grades were in which level of schooling (basically, they just moved what was then the last grade in elementary & junior high so it became the 1st grade in the next level), so we eventually got the "classic" 4-year high schools & junior highs became 3-year "middle schools", after I graduated & moved on to college. As for the M&Ms, do the fundraisers usually only sell the plain/milk chocolate & peanut (which I assume is 'cause they're the most popular types), or are at least some of the other types available too? Just curious since I'm pretty sure they had 1 or more other types of M&Ms available in stores when we had our high school sales, but we only had a choice of plain/milk chocolate or peanut when our high school sold 'em.
  21. I'm still confused about the "Max took her to Rachel's" explanation about Gracie too--as I think I've already mentioned in (at least) a couple of other posts. Rachel, Stan & Baby (Toddler, Whatever) Charles *definitely* moved to Vegas, & Danny *definitely* went to court to counter Rachel's request for a custody modification (allowing her to take Gracie to Vegas when she, Stan & Charles were supposed to move to Vegas so Stan could build a new hotel--I think--there) with his own request for a custody modification (asking that Gracie be allowed to stay on Oahu, with him [of course], because, basically, she's [& Danny's, by extension] been in Hawaii long enough to have put down some sort of roots & she's [& Danny's by extension] getting too old to just arbitrarily be uprooted every time Stan develops a new real estate project in a different city because her custodial parent Rachel, as Stan's wife, has to move too [& Danny doesn't want to uproot his own life any longer, just to be close enough to maintain his visitation/relationship with Gracie; nor does he wanna risk losing that relationship by *not* following Gracie wherever she lives as a minor child]). All of that definitely happened. Danny got served with Rachel's custody modification papers in the S2 Finale. He went to court in S3, in the ep where Wo Fat kidnapped a sitting Congressman--who was believed to have murdered a call girl, actually murdered by Wo Fat, I think--& tried to "buy" & fix the upcoming election for his opponent (there was a "McDanno" moment in the ep when Danny fixed the tie in Steve's Dress Blues before court, & Steve did his best to "testify" on Danny's behalf, delaying taking a call from Governor Denning to do so). At the end of the ep, after the Governor showed up at Steve's to apologize for his behavior during the murder investigation into the actually kidnaped Congressman (a friend of his), Danny learned he won the custody modification suit--despite the fact the Judge didn't appreciate Steve "testifying" on Danny's behalf without being asked--& Grace would be allowed to live with Danny in Honolulu, & wouldn't be allowed to leave the island (presumably for custodial purposes only & presumably unless Danny gave his permission for her to), as Danny asked in his counter filing to Rachel's original request. In S4 & 5, they mentioned/implied more than once that Rachel no longer lived in Hawaii. Most notably in the Christmas ep for 1 of those seasons (I forget which): Steve tells somebody on the team (I think) Danny's not happy because Gracie's spending Christmas in Vegas with Rachel. Later in the same ep (maybe at the same time as Steve's explaining), we see Danny on the phone. It turns out he's talking to Gracie, reassuring her that the 2 of them would have "their" Christmas/Christmas with their ohana in Hawaii when she got back; she wasn't missing opening any presents by being with Rachel in Vegas & she'd still have her presents from Danny & his side of her family, & their Five-0/Hawaiian ohana, to open when she got home. Then also in the ep where Steve & Danny are trapped, & Danny's injured, in the building collapse: Towards the beginning, Gracie comes home early from a visitation with Rachel to find Amber/Melissa--who she hasn't met yet--in the kitchen, making coffee while wearing 1 of Danny's shirts. When Danny finally comes out of the bedroom to find out what's going on, & finds Gracie there, he asks what she's doing home so early, 'cause she's still supposed to be with Rachel, & reminds her she's supposed to call him if she has a change of plans. Gracie tells Danny that she's home early 'cause Rachel had to take an earlier plane home (implying/stating she still wasn't living in Honolulu & shouldn't have even had a house there now, & that she was maybe flying in for at least some visitations 'cause Danny's custody decree says Gracie can't be taken off-island), & says she did try to call him when Rachel had to leave early, but Danny's phone went to voicemail when she did (because he was too busy having sex with Amber/Melissa when Gracie called to pick up the phone--though Gracie didn't know that until she came home & saw Amber/Melissa in the kitchen wearing Danny's shirt & perhaps figured things out from there). I'm surprised Lenkov, who wrote/co-wrote the S2 Finale & started the whole change of custody storyline (presumably so Teilor could stay in the show 'cause lots of viewers liked Gracie/Danny as a Dad & they were dropping the Rachel storyline/character at least for the time being), & wrote/co-wrote this ep, would apparently retcon Rachel still having a house in Hawaii nobody seemed to know about until last Friday. Though I will admit it did make some sense she'd go to her Mother's if Danny wasn't around & no one on the team was available to stay with her (& they were all busy right then, trying to figure out how to get Chin & Danny outta their respective jails at the time, so...), but I don't know how eager any of the Five-0s would be to have Gracie by herself on a plane to Vegas right then.
  22. Very strange they don't have plain/milk chocolate. Various extracurricular clubs, maybe sometimes the foreign language &/or music classes, other classes, &/or the bands, cheerleaders, drill team, athletes, etc., in my high school would sell the boxed M&Ms to students & faculty, periodically during the school year, as fundraisers for extracurricular things for their clubs, classes, music groups &/or athletic groups. They *always* sold both plain/milk chocolate & peanut when they did. And I pretty much always bought at least 1 box of the plain/milk chocolate during each sale (they could sell 'em during school hours & buyers could eat 'em at school during their lunch period or, you know, take 'em home to eat).
  23. betsyboo: The boy Steve was playing football with at the beginning of the show was a character named Nahele. He was introduced a few episodes ago, in the ep where Steve was helping Gracie practice, if you will, to take the test for the President's Physical Fitness Award (I'm not sure that's the exact name for it. Sorry!). He stole Steve's Mercury Marquis (McGarrett' s car in the original show which Steve's Dad, & now Steve, has been restoring in the current show) in that episode & stripped the car/took it to a "chop shop" where it was stripped. We know all of this happened 'cause Nahele made the mistake of driving past where Steve & Gracie had been doing their running practice for the test & Gracie recognized the car as it drove past; then, later in the ep, Steve was directed to/found the place where the car's remains were (& was rightly pissed off when he saw it had been stripped because 1970s vintage car parts are almost impossible to find now). Once Nahele was in custody & the car's remains were found, Steve filled out the criminal complaint against him, but only up to the part where he had to sign it. He had Nahele brought to his office, showed him the completed, but still unsigned, criminal complaint against him & he told him he was gonna keep his nose clean, as it were, stay in school (I think), get a job (which Kamekona provided, of course), & help Steve put the Marquis back together again; maybe some other stuff I've forgotten. Anyway... Steve told Nahele that if he followed the conditions Steve set out above (& any others I may have forgotten), & (I think) he did it for a certain amount of time, the police complaint for the Marquis theft/stripping would remain unsigned in his desk drawer. If he messed up again, the complaint would be signed & Nahele would be in legal trouble for the car theft/stripping. That's who Nahele is. A (budding?) Juvenile Delinquent Steve's taken under his wing, to try & straighten him out before he gets into major legal trouble that can't be "walked back" so easily & perhaps becomes a "career" criminal. Trey: I Googled & found this website, http://www.tunefind.com, which apparently catalogues what songs are used in what episodes of (at least US) TV series. Besides Let's Stay Together, for this ep they list Violent Shiver by Benjamin Booker, which they say was played at the beginning of the ep, & The Game by Sean Rowe, which they describe as being played when Steve drives Danny back home. Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for. It's all I've found so far. I'll try to keep looking & post if I find more.
  24. Forgive me... Gonna comment on your post & another in this same answer, as I'm still unsure if you can "double post" here (answer multiple posts in 1 thread separately), or if you can't (like on TWoP). Anyway... Mittengirl, as near as anyone can figure Danny let himself be hauled off to the Colombian (not Columbian) prison because 1. He had felt guilty about killing Reyes since he did it, because (at least at that time) Reyes was, technically, an unarmed man--Reyes may have been "strapped", as they call it in the show, or he may have had a weapon hidden somewhere on his person, but he wasn't pointing it at Danny or Steve, or otherwise threatening their (or their ohana's) lives--when Danny killed him. Danny considers himself a "clean" (opposite of Rick Peterson), by the book cop. Those kinds of cops don't arbitrarily go around killing unarmed people/perps. And if they do, they need to be punished for it. Danny felt he needed to be punished for killing Reyes, even though Reyes presented a direct threat to himself & Gracie (he knew enough about her to know what time she either got out of school or got back home, once school let out for the day--I forget which--& who knows what else that he could use to cause problems for Danny where Gracie was concerned). He also presented, probably, an indirect threat to more of Danny's loved ones/ohana--his parents, Clara & Eddie; his sisters; his nephew Eric (aka "E-Train"), perhaps Rachel, & the Five-0's & all those they associate with (Kamekona, Flippa, etc.). Danny saw those threats as justification enough to kill Reyes. But, since Reyes was unarmed & not an immediate threat when Danny killed him, Danny felt he needed to be punished for it. 2. Danny was trying to "protect" Steve from being prosecuted (probably as an accessory, since he was in the same room when Danny shot Reyes & did nothing to stop Danny--or save Reyes after he was shot, if that was possible), despite the fact Steve kept throwing himself at the corrupt CIA guy, & anyone else who'd listen, at every opportunity & insisting that if Danny was getting hauled off to the Colombian prison, he had to go too since he was in the room when Danny did it. Danny was trying to "protect" Steve because he needed Steve to be around for Gracie (since she really had no one else besides him, the team, & their associates, in Hawaii if something happened to Danny) because Rachel was (at least supposed to be) living in Vegas with her current husband, Stan, & their son, Charles. So, Danny "fell on his sword". raja--Thank you SO much for your correction on Reverend Al Green. My apologies! I keep up with the Kennedy Center Honorees each year (still waiting for my most favorite entertainer to, hopefully, be named an Honoree), & I really don't know how I forgot that not only is Reverend Al Green still alive, but he was among the Honorees this past December. That's sad about his sister & I don't think I'd heard she was missing before. I hope they have a "happy" outcome, but after this long it's probably not likely. Perhaps he chooses not to make himself available for interviews about her because it's too hard to talk about, he's a "private" person, or because they had some kind of a "falling out" before she disappeared, or who knows why. There could be other reasons I'm not thinking of, as well.
  25. Do you mean at the beginning of the scene where we're reintroduced to Jimmy Buffett's Frank Bama character & he's singing along in character? If that's what you mean, it's an old classic, Let's Stay Together by (Reverend) Al Green (who I think is, sadly, no longer with us, as they say). The same song was Tina Turner's *huge* "comeback" hit in the '80s.
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