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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. It's Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She was on SNL, Seinfeld (which her Top 10 line vaguely referred to), The New Adventures of Old Christine, & now, Veep (& has won, or been nominated for, Emmys for most or all of those shows).
  2. If you missed all or part of it, or want to see it again, the 10th Anniversary Special airs again tonight, May 31st, on ABC from 8-9PM Eastern/7-8PM Central Time. Check local listings for the correct time if you're in the Mountain Time Zone, or going West from there. (Thanks!)
  3. Good Luck tonight to Matthew, Keri, Guest Actor Lois Smith, & the show itself at the Critics' Choice Awards! For anyone who's interested & whose cable/satellite package includes the channel, the awards will be aired LIVE on A&E Network beginning at 8PM Eastern/5PM Pacific Time tonight, Sunday, May 31st. Check your local listings for the correct channel number for A&E on your cable/satellite provider.
  4. The recent Cheez-It/Variations on Original Cheez-It crackers commercials, with the immature, talking wheel of cheese. The original was, maybe, *kinda* funny, but I think the longer the premise goes on, the less funny--& more immature, & stupid--the premise gets.
  5. This is tonight's H50 repeat on CBS, Friday, May 29, 2015.
  6. Sorry for the short notice... I just saw Bill's Tweet. https://twitter.com/reallybillklein/status/604306961706819585 If you're in, or close enough to, Houston & you can make it, Bill & Jen are doing a book signing/Q&A TONIGHT (May 29th) at 7PM Houston Time, at Barnes & Noble Town & Country. The store is at 12850 Memorial Drive in Houston; phone (713) 465-5616. PS: Jen Tweets that they will be in LOS ANGELES ON SUNDAY, AT BOOK SOUP. I don't know what time. She was responding to a Tweet wishing they were signing in LA tonight instead of Houston. https://twitter.com/jenarnoldmd/status/604328136042356736
  7. Pretty much none of The Bachelor(ette) couples stay together, in the end. At least not the ones who are together when the show actually ends (i.e. Chris & Whitney). So I'm totally not surprised. Given the show's track record, it was just a question of "When?", not "If...", to me. I didn't read the article yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd already broken up, or they were at least starting to head that way, when she stopped showing up to support him during the DWTS live shows, regardless of all the excuses he made in the press about her absence, on her behalf. (shrugs)
  8. Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? started its new run last night, on Fox, opposite 500 Questions. I ended up spending more time on Fox that hour than ABC, though I had been glued to 500 Questions every other night a new episode aired until last night. Besides being CNN's "go-to" guy for coverage of the British Royals & aviation accidents/incidents (particularly the still-unexplained disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370)--at least on the US-aired CNN network--Richard Quest is also (or at least was) a business correspondent, based in New York, for the CNN International channel.
  9. They didn't mention the status of their house, specifically, but I did see at least 1 Tweet (I think actually more than 1, maybe), I think from Jen's account, which discussed Houston being flooded/in a State of Emergency because of it in general terms. I'd assume they're supposed to be in NYC (if not somewhere else) for book publicity more than just on Tuesday (yesterday); if so, I also haven't seen any Tweets from either Jen or Bill saying they were cutting the trip short & returning home due to the flooding. You'd think they might have to say something if they had to back out of (previously scheduled) press commitments (& they might as well Tweet it if it also affects TV appearances, so people know not to watch for them). Since they haven't--so far, anyway--maybe the house was spared damage/major damage.
  10. I think it's cheese made with some kind of beer. I've seen it on other restaurant menus.
  11. Late Show Writer Gives Inside Look At Final Show: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/late-show-writer-gives-inside-797906 David Letterman Calls Indy 500 Tribute "The Highlight of My Career": http://www.people.com/article/david-letterman-indy-500-tribute-career-highlight?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  12. Taxi Driver in John Nash accident/death not yet charged: http://www.people.com/article/john-nash-alicia-death-tarek-giris-car-crash-police-statement?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag Also... 2 of BB King's Daughters Allege Aides Poisoned Him: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/2-bb-kings-daughters-allege-797899
  13. If you're stating in the bolded that the Nashes were removed from the taxi by rescue personnel before they died, that's not accurate. They were ejected from the cab, apparently by the force of the accident & the fact they weren't wearing seat belts (whether that's because they were there but they just didn't want to bother with them--they had just arrived back in New Jersey from a trip to Norway--or because there weren't any in the back seat of the cab to use), & the ejection/lack of wearing seat belts is what caused their deaths.
  14. I saw an article saying they weren't wearing them, which is why both were ejected from the cab & killed (the driver, on the other hand, apparently had the benefit of a seat belt & was either uninjured or had relatively minor injuries). But with public transportation, like cabs, involved they may not have had another option--there may not have been any seat belts *to* wear, depending on the laws regarding seat belts for passengers in New Jersey Public Transportation vehicles (which I'm not familiar with).
  15. It actually happened in my hometown. But I didn't remember anything about the case. I was totally surprised when the episode description said it took place here. And I was glued to the TV, during the ep, to see if I remembered the case or recognized any of the places they filmed in/around. Our papers normally mention when celebrities are coming to town, or TV shows (or movies) will be filming here for some reason. There was absolutely no publicity for Kelly & Yolanda coming to town to reopen/ Investigate this case, which is why I was surprised when they had an ep taking place here. On the other hand, when John Walsh was here to do a segment on another local cold case (the molestation/murder of a local child back in the late 1980s) for either the Fox or Lifetime version (I forget which) of America's Most Wanted, that visit made the papers. They mentioned when he'd be in town & that he'd be filming at our police department, & where he'd be doing some outdoor "standups" (the parts between the interviews on/re-enactments of the case/the discussions of the fugitive being sought, where he talks about the case in locations other than the ones which actually are connected to the case) for the segment on our cold case.
  16. I'm guessing that was in response to my previous post? I know, me too. I just love the nurse's compassion depicted in the ad, & the relationship that seems to have been fostered between the nurse & his young patient. (My guess is, it was a real nurse & patient in the ad & not actors--but I don't know). I didn't realize, until re-reading my original post just now, that I forgot to link to where the ad can be seen, if anybody hasn't seen it or wants/needs a reminder of it. Here you go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2PVeOq60GcA
  17. That was Jeffrey Saad who was the runner-up in that Chopped episode. He was also the runner-up in Season 5 of what was then called The Next Food Network Star. He ended up having his own show on Cooking Channel for awhile after he lost TNFNS. Penny Davidi, the original chef I was talking about, placed 7th (of 15 contestants) in Season 7 of what started out as The Next Food Network Star, which dropped the "The" from the title as of the 2nd episode that season.
  18. Daniel Dae Kim is returning for Allegiant. He Tweeted this pic the other day; apparently, at the time, he was on the plane en route to the filming location: https://mobile.twitter.com/danieldaekim/status/602297785627488256/actions
  19. I'm glad Harry seems to get to bring friends (I guess the other kids looking at the car are friends of his; doesn't Dave have a sister, or something? If he does, they could be Harry's cousins--just saying) to events like this too. It would definitely be cool for the other kid(s); especially if they're not "kids of privilege", like Harry could be considered, for whom access to events like this is a regular thing. But, by the same token, I hope he doesn't end up with a bunch of "false friends", who only like him/hang around with him trying to get invited to tag along with Harry & the Lettermans to special events like this (it happens).
  20. E! no longer cares about anything except the glorification & overexposure of the female members, specifically, of the blended famewhore KarTRASHian/Jenner family.
  21. I know very well Dave's an Indy Car Team Owner--heck, his team's got 1 win under its belt--& that this is 500 weekend (I'm watching it as I write this, & I'm from NE Indiana as it is; so, yeah, inescapable... Just like basketball season here). But, for some reason, I couldn't figure out why he ended the show on Wednesday night, & didn't finish out the week. I didn't connect it to him being at Indy (I did think maybe Harry was getting out of school for the year already, & the family was going on vacation, probably somewhere warm/tropical). Then I saw him being interviewed on ABC's pre-race coverage awhile ago, & the Wednesday farewell & the 500 connection finally clicked in my head. DUH me!
  22. According to his Wikipedia page, Angus is 21 now (born in 1993). And 3 years ago, when the video where he badmouthed the show, & possibly TV in general, was made, he was 18. The video was said to have been made in November, 2012, & his birthday is in October. With all due respect, once he hit 18--at least in many US states, if not the entire country--I believe he was considered a full-fledged adult according to the law. And if he wasn't considered an adult then, he certainly should be considered a full-fledged adult now since he's reached age 21. Again respectfully, I'm not sure I'd agree with your assessment that he was a "kid" when all this went down. I might possibly agree with him being "naive", but I don't know that I'd agree he was still a "kid".
  23. I have chronic health issues from birth, & have spent a lot of time in hospitals--& gotten a number of needle stick-related treatments/procedures--as a result. I love this ad, from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare, which originally ran awhile ago & has, after a break, been running again recently, saluting nurses/encouraging people to become nurses. I love it because of the compassion the male nurse in the ad shows his pediatric-aged patient, who appears to be hospitalized for Cancer treatment or something equally serious, when he goes into her room to give her an injectable treatment of some sort (which he knows she dislikes) & because of the relationship they seem to have fostered in the time the young patient seems to have been in the hospital. He talks to her about the drawing she's making when he comes in; then, to take her mind off her apparently disliked treatment, even though it's going into an IV or other medical port & so shouldn't be that painful (like a direct needle stick into the skin) he sings a chorus of The Name Game ("banana fana, fo fana, fi fie fo fana...") with her until the injection's finished, among other things. Thankfully, I've had nurses, in my day, almost--but not totally--as compassionate as that male nurse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2PVeOq60GcA I also liked the Rob Lowe series of ads for DirecTV (full disclosure: he's 1 of my favorite actors; glad he's starring in the new Fox comedy The Grinder--about a TV lawyer, nicknamed "The Grinder", whose show is cancelled & who subsequently decides to help out at his real-life family's law firm; NOT about any dating sites with similar names). I hope they can find a way to do some more of those Rob Lowe "alter ego" ads in the future. And this will probably show you how weird I actually am... Another of my favorite ads/my favorite ad series is the series of ads for California Milk, where a real cow has been "anthropomorphized", has a human voice in the ads, & is treated as just another human member of the family in the ad. There are at least 3 different ads: Where the humans are in the kitchen eating breakfast, while the cow is upstairs singing in the shower; where the cow & the human mother are dropping the youngest human child off for their first day of school & the cow gets over the top emotional/ separation anxiety about it, unlike the human mother; & where the cow is speaking at the wedding reception of a daughter in the human family, talking about how she (the cow) checked the groom out on the internet, & thinks he posts way too many selfies online, but he's still good enough for the cow's "human sister" (or whatever you wanna call her) to marry & the cow toasts the newlyweds.
  24. I think this belongs here... Awhile ago, there was an ad, technically for/sponsored by Johnson & Johnson--it seemed to be saluting nurses or honoring Nurses' Day--where a male nurse comes into a pediatric patient's room to give her some sort of injectable medicine; I think she might be getting treatment for Cancer or something equally serious, but I'm not positive. When he starts the injection, until he removes the needle, the nurse & the little girl sing a chorus of the song The Name Game ("banana fana, fo fana, fee fi fo fana...") then he tells her how good (sic) she did, during the injection, & asks her if she feels OK. They've recently started airing that ad again, & I love it as much as I did when it originally aired. As someone who's spent a lot of time in hospitals due to chronic health conditions since birth (most recently I was hospitalized from the end of last August until about 10 days before Christmas 2014), & who's had her share of--much hated--needle sticks for blood tests, IV's, & other treatments/meds, I wish I could be lucky enough to get a nurse as compassionate as the 1 in that ad is. Luckily, I've actually come close a few times.
  25. Well, I think they should be over reasonably soon. As of Saturday night (& probably actually as of Friday sometime, seeing as the fundraiser aired on NBC Thursday night), they've started airing Walgreen's ads thanking their customers for contributing to the cause through them, by buying the red noses & whatever. "Thank you for contributing" type ads tend to have a short "shelf life", if you will.
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