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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. I don't know about the hot dog on the burger--other than the character of Theo Huxtable on The Cosby Show used to eat bacon-burger-dogs (honestly not sure how you spell/punctuate that, but it was meant to be some sort of burger/hot dog hybrid/combo with bacon that Theo loved). I do know, though, that potato chips as a burger topping is (or was in the last few years) a legitimate thing. I think they call it "crunchified" style & maybe "Philadelphia" style (I think that's the alternate name for it; I know I've heard 2 names for it anyway). If I remember correctly, you can get your burgers that way--with chips in the sandwich--at Bobby Flay's "Bobby's Burger Palace" restaurants. I probably shouldn't admit this but, put some ketchup & cheese on that burger (just ketchup & cheese, besides the burger, hot dog, & chips) & I'd probably at least try it. But I don't think there are anymore Hardee's in my hometown, & even if there were, the 1 that was closest to my house was closed a few years ago, the property was sold & it's now a CVS Pharmacy.
  2. I liked her too. I liked that she would actually "deliberate" about certain issues before announcing a decision, like when she didn't immediately call for the death sentence on the teenage leader of that group of kids who ambushed the guy who owned/was delivering from the Chinese restaurant, took the food they ordered without paying for it, & killed him. She read all the appropriate cases in the law books, thought about it on her own awhile, & talked to the "Senior Staff", including Abbie & Jack, about it before announcing the DA's office would seek the death penalty. In my opinion, Adam Schiff probably would've just automatically chosen the death penalty. I also liked Nora because she wasn't as grumpy as Adam Schiff, she at least sort of came off like she seemed to realize the DA's had lives outside the office (whereas Adam Schiff seemed to get nuts if his DA's weren't living at the office, even Jamie Ross when her ex was filing for custody modifications because he disliked how much she worked, or whatever), & because she seemed quicker to tell Judges when she felt they were acting inappropriately, & threaten them with going to the Disciplinary Committee over it. She was a no nonsense lawyer, but she had more of a heart & more humanity than Adam Schiff seemed to.
  3. The little person of note was Linda (I think that's her 1st name) Roloff, the wife/mother from TLC network's Little People, Big World show. In the last week or so, she & her husband announced they're getting a divorce after 27 years of marriage.
  4. They're also getting bad at using the *correct* titles for some people--as in certain British Royals. They insist on calling The Duchess of Cambridge (1 of the titles she received from Queen Elizabeth II on her marriage to Prince William, which she's chosen to use [presumably] because she can use her given first name with it; if she used "Princess", she'd have to be "The Princess William"... Seriously) "Princess Kate", which is wrong & discourteous, among other things. But yeah, that's really for another thread. Just another example of how People is getting things almost more wrong than right now.
  5. My Pet Peeve--at least a pretty big 1--is: People who think the plural form of a word ending in S (like, "dads") is punctuated with an an apostrophe ("dad's"). NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! If you put an apostrophe in a word like that, that makes it either a) the singular possessive form of the word ("dad's car"), or b) the contraction of the original word plus "is" (like "dad is"). It IS NOT the correct spelling of the plural form of the word involved!
  6. It actually was. The print copy has it right; the website, somehow, says it's been 2 years. Apologies for the error. I didn't think it sounded right, but went with it 'cause I thought they actually had the right timeline. My bad! By the way, if you check Jen's Twitter & Instagram (her Twitter handle--& I think also her Instagram handle--is @jenarnoldMD), she posted a few, like 3, super-cute (in my opinion) pics of Zoey, taken on a "Mommy/Daughter Day Out" that seems to have happened in the last few days (maybe yesterday, I think--but don't know for sure). Zoey (& presumably Jen) got a mani/pedi (Zoey's was a "Little Diva" mani, per Jen's caption) & ended the day with "pinkalicious" (Jen's word) cupcakes. And Bill (@ReallyBillKlein) Tweeted a cute, but with serious looks on their faces, pic of himself with the kids watching Kung Fu Panda. He said it got him out of doing home improvement & chores. https://twitter.com/reallybillklein/status/607570846123618304 Just in case anyone's interested in new pics of the kids.
  7. Another excerpt from this week's People magazine article. Jen says, since her Cancer diagnosis (now 2 years in remission, according to the article) she's re-prioritized her life (as many people with serious illnesses tend to do) so she can spend more time with Bill & the kids & less time at work, & she's apparently no longer seeing patients. http://www.people.com/article/little-couple-jennifer-arnold-no-longer-seeing-patients
  8. A vineyard, apparently *in* Martha's Vineyard, from what I can see, seems to have sent the kids goofy hats & possibly oversized sunglasses. Jen took a pic of the kids wearing them & posted it to Twitter earlier: https://twitter.com/jenarnoldmd/status/606985190863306752
  9. Jen talks (relatively briefly) with In Touch magazine about Zoey's transition into the family.
  10. It's definitely Jen's blog. I've read some of it before & I remember the set-up & topics you could choose posts from.
  11. Do you, or does anyone else here, besides me, remember the Lorrie Morgan song Out of Your Shoes? It was a Top 3 song for her in the US & Canada when it was released in July, 1989. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out_of_Your_Shoes http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Out-Of-Your-Shoes-lyrics-Lorrie-Morgan/8A459707534602D548256D35003154E0 (LYRICS--Start under the green "Play the Lorrie Morgan Quiz" link; should be next to an ad on the page) Anyway, it was basically the same type of song, 1 lady talks about wanting to change places with another lady because of a guy they either both like or who used to be involved with 1 & is now with the other. Only *nobody*--in or out of Country radio--raised an "It's about 2 lesbians/wannabe lesbians--OMG!" stink about it, or misunderstood/misinterpreted the lyrics, when it was popular. There was NO stink about it AT ALL. This song was 1 of the 1st things I thought about, besides the Girl Crush controversy shouldn't even BE a controversy, when I heard about Girl Crush & read the lyrics.
  12. Earlier tonight, they repeated the ep with the kid cooks where the winner would be their youngest winner ever, at least according to Ted. It also was the ep where 1 of the kids kept asking Ted for help with stuff. What was the deal with that--asking Ted for help? Was he legitimately too short to reach stuff, did he just want/think he could get away with an extra hand--& was it REALLY fair he got help from Ted in every round/pretty much every round, when the others had no help--or what? I'm asking about stuff like the kid's height because I've been dealing with some personal health issues since last summer, & most of the time now my "comfortable" side of my body is the side facing away from my TV--so I'm mostly *listening to* TV now, as opposed to actually getting to *watch* it, so I've been trying to figure out the kid's rationale for having Ted's help & I'm not getting it just based on listening. Also, going back to Idiot Penny on the old All-Stars Finale competition. Another thing that bugged me about her was when she kept repeating in her Talking Heads, or wherever, that she was this huge "authority" on Middle Eastern cooking (then I *loved* when she proved how much she wasn't 1 by overdoing the saffron in the Entree round, but claiming the Judges, especially Amanda, didn't know what they were talking about when they said she used too much). But I seriously *loved* when Jeffrey Saad said, in 1 of his Talking Heads, she was cooking whatever fish they were given as their protein with the skin on, & apparently she didn't know you weren't supposed to do that. Although, when 1 of the (male) Judges pointed that same thing out to her, she tried to give them a "bullshit" excuse about she thought cooking it "skin on" would make the fish more moist, or tastier, or something, instead of admitting she didn't know you weren't supposed to do that & "Miss Perfect Chef" actually made a mistake. I think it was in the same round as the saffron mess up & was another reason she got Chopped, ultimately. Penny, dear, just because you say something about yourself, that doesn't necessarily make it true. And if you make a mistake, FREAKING OWN IT instead of claiming whoever pointed out the error is wrong or trying to bullshit someone that your error WASN'T 1 for some reason or other!
  13. Link to a *partial* article on Bill, Jen & family in the new People magazine (the "old" Bruce Jenner on the cover, for subscribers/newsstand readers/buyers): http://www.people.com/article/little-couple-jennifer-arnold-bill-klein-surviving-cancer-difficult-adoption It's 1 of those (stupid) articles where they post part of it online & make you buy the mag/read it at a store/wait for your subscription copy to read the rest of the article. What there is of the article is good, I think; the *article's* not the "stupid" thing I was referring to. The "stupid" part is, since they recently redid their website, most of the time they pull this "Read the rest of the article in the new issue, on newsstands (date)" stuff with their online articles which I think is CRAP, because they used to post all the full articles online. Also, I don't know if the article mentions the book (but based on the timing of the article's--& the book's--publication, I'd say it might). If it does, it's in the part they're making you read it at the store/buy a copy/wait for your subscription copy to read. The article page also has a video screen of about 2 1/2 minutes of the part from the last episode where the family & Jen's co-worker/friend went to the zoo to see their Christmas decorations, or whatever. But it got stuck for me about halfway through, so I may have to see if the same clip's elsewhere.
  14. Well, I'm embarrassed! Someone on my Twitter feed posted it last night & I, honestly, couldn't find any indication it was an old obit (I also didn't remember he'd already passed, obviously) so I posted it. Apologies.
  15. Singer/Musician Bo Diddley Died Monday, Age 76 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/03/arts/music/03diddley.html?nytmobile=0&_r=0
  16. Bradley Whitford talks to Variety about the TWW/The Sopranos "Emmys Battle" http://variety.com/2015/tv/spotlight/bradley-whitford-west-wing-sopranos-emmy-1201510884/
  17. According to Robin Leach, Alfonso will be appearing in Fresno & Las Vegas instead of Val. http://m.lasvegassun.com/vegasdeluxe/2015/jun/02/alfonso-ribeiro-fill-val-chmerkovskiy-dwts-live-to/ And it's really cool Rumer's joining the tour on selected dates, & that she got a cool new tattoo on her bicep to commemorate her DWTS experience (pic is at the link below) http://m.eonline.com/news/662426/rumer-willis-gets-a-dancing-with-the-stars-tattoo-as-if-winning-wasn-t-enough-see-the-pic But, even though I won't be able to go, I'm sorry it looks like she won't be doing the tour show when it's in my hometown on July 31st. She's doing another show in my state, the day after my local show, but not my local show.
  18. Jen Tweeted a new pic of Will today. He's lost baby tooth #2, right next to where he lost baby tooth #1--front & center in his bottom teeth. In my opinion, he's still cute. https://twitter.com/jenarnoldmd/status/605443215513108480
  19. I read on my Twitter awhile ago that he's undergoing reconstructive hand surgery in Miami (where he lives). No real surprise there. It was a dumb thing to do--though I guess a regular part of his current shows which had worked well prior to this past weekend--but I kinda feel bad for him, in regards to the injury. Hoping the surgery goes well.
  20. Bradley won the Critics Choice TV Award for Best Guest Star in a Comedy, last night, for his role in Transparent (which airs through amazon.com Prime video). http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/critics-choice-tv-awards-winners-799031?utm_source=twitter The paragraph that talks about his win, including a funny comment from his acceptance speech, is 2 paragraphs below a sort of box which starts with READ MORE in red.
  21. Damn! I was gonna watch the Finale, then I got caught up in a Perry Mason mystery movies marathon on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries & completely forgot it was on at 9. THEN I fell asleep & slept through the midnight Eastern/9 Pacific repeat. So thanks for posting who won already--I appreciate it! think there should be at least 1 more repeat sometime this week, so I'll try to catch that 1 to see exactly how it all went down.
  22. Sorry Matthew, Keri, & Lois Smith weren't awarded for their acting, & I suppose I get at least the reasoning for Taraji P. Henson winning Keri's category, but can I get *another* woo-hoo? The Americans *also* won a Peabody Award this year/last night! (though it seems kinda crappy they'd schedule 2 award shows we were nominated in on the same night, maybe on both coasts--but I guess some probably repped the show at 1 ceremony & others were at the other ceremony). https://twitter.com/joel_fields/status/605168074094985220 (I also have a pic on my Twitter feed of Alison Wright & Holly Taylor at the Critics' Choice Awards last night--Annet Mahendru was supposedly with them, but she's not in the pic; I have to go back through my Twitter again, to find the pic & I'll post the link when I do).
  23. Apologies if it's also in the obit linked by Bastet, but I wanted to share the only reason she said she took the Friday the 13th role. Her manager called about doing the movie--it was her 1st since the 1960's. She read the script & said it was a piece of junk that would never go anywhere. But... she needed to buy a new car, because the Mercedes she'd been driving had broken down/died on the street. She wanted to buy a Volkswagen Scirocco for her new car, which cost $9,999. Her manager told her if she did the movie, she'd have 10 days work & be paid $1,000 per day; so she'd make $10,000 for doing the movie. That just barely cost the cost of the car (presumably before the taxes & all the other fees involved in buying a new car). If she hadn't needed a new car, & the pay wasn't right (for what she needed it for), she wouldn't have even been in the movie. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/betsy-palmer-dead-friday-13th-799070?utm_source=twitter
  24. Considering this isn't his first biking accident (he's had at least 1 more, resulting in a broken nose & 2 black eyes), I was thinking more along the lines of, "Mrs. Landingham, your President is a klutz." (I'm pretty sure that's the line--the 1 Leo says in the Pilot after they find out about POTUS' biking accident, to which Mrs. L requests he not speak that way about POTUS, at least not in the Oval Office, which is where they were at the time). By the way, someone on my Twitter said Secretary Kerry actually had a "curboreal" stop (& he ended up worse off than Jed--a broken leg/thigh for which he's returning to the US for treatment, vs. Jed's sprain).
  25. It sounds like the kids were going to LA with them though. Bill makes reference in this Tweet to the kids being psyched about being in the sunshine again, & out of all the rain. (But just because the kids might have gone with them to LA, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be at the signing--they might stay back at the hotel with Kate or 1 or both of Jen's parents, or someone else) https://mobile.twitter.com/ReallyBillKlein/status/604630091524481025?p=v
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