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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. According to a Tweet from Peter Lenkov earlier today, Steve & Mary's Aunt Deb *will* be back in S6 https://twitter.com/plenkov/status/621304816367570944
  2. Mine definitely is (legendary Oscar-nominated actor) James Caan. He appeared in 1 episode of the 2nd season of the current Hawaii Five-0 reboot--in which his eldest son, Scott Caan, stars as Danny "Danno" Williams. But he didn't play a relative of Danny's, as you might've expected. He played a character named Tony Archer, a retired NYPD cop turned Honolulu Private Eye, whose best friend (played by actor/comedian/conservative political pundit, of sorts, Dennis Miller) was the ep's "victim of the week". Archer insinuated his way into helping Five-0 with the case (basically, he wouldn't take no for an answer), & his scenes with the team members--especially those with son Scott Caan's character--were memorable, in my opinion. I really hope the character will make a return visit sometime.
  3. USA TODAY: Pioneering TV Journalist Marlene Sanders Dies at 84. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2015/07/15/pioneering-tv-journalist-marlene-sanders-dies/30174023/
  4. I definitely don't think she's as "goody two shoes" as she/her PR team paints herself to be. Including to her fans. Nobody is that perfect.
  5. OK... I've seen, multiple times since yesterday, a promo for an ep I thought was airing today where Michael's 10-year-old (or whatever) twin daughters were in the promo & being "prepped" by him to go to the White House & interview First Lady Michelle Obama for a segment on the show. It is a possibility Michael's girls would be asked to do that because last Friday was the (2nd or so) Annual White House Kids' State Dinner (which is actually a lunch), which is the culmination of a Kids' Recipe Contest Mrs. Obama started in the last few years tied into her "Healthy Eating" initiatives. Kids from across the country submit healthy recipes to the White House; the White House Chefs (& I think Mrs. Obama, & maybe some other people) test the recipes & choose a winner from each state (maybe the US Territories as well); & a certain number of the recipes--probably the same number of courses as in a White House Dinner/State Dinner for Adults--are then prepared for the State/(Territory) Winners to enjoy, along with an accompanying parent/guardian & Mrs. Obama, at the Annual White House Kids' State Dinner. There's also special entertainment for the guests, like at the State Dinners for Adults/Foreign Dignitaries (this year, the cast of the Disney Broadway Musical Aladdin presented songs, or something, from their show), & President Obama also drops by to congratulate the winners & talk to them for a few minutes. They air the show here today & the only 2 guests/show segments that are announced/aired are interviews with Michael Douglas, for his new movie Ant-Man, & WWE (I think) Star turned Actor, John Cena, promoting I don't know what (I switched to the Law & Order rerun on WGN America after Michael Douglas' interview ended). Did they show an old promo (I thought it also mentioned Michael Douglas & John Cena, but I could be wrong), & I missed the right ep on a different day, or could they have pulled/delayed the segment for some reason? EDITED TO ADD: OK I found out what happened, thanks to my Twitter feed. Michael's girls did the interview for his other show, Good Morning America. It aired today, & I missed it. Maybe I can find it online somewhere.
  6. His wife, Calista Flockhart, is in the new Supergirl series this Fall on CBS. They had a panel, maybe other stuff, at Comic-Con this year. I thought maybe she was there for that (she apparently wasn't there after all, as far as I can see, unless she came with Harrison) & he came along for the ride & did the SW panel for something to do. Especially since it seemed to be a huge surprise he actually attended the panel.
  7. I cannot stand her! Mostly for the reasons already enumerated here. I think she needs AutoTune to help her performances; especially live. Whenever I've seen her sing live on TV, like on the Dick Clark/Ryan Seacrest New Year's Eve special, I've been BEYOND underwhelmed by her alleged "superstar talent". I also don't like when she pulls a stinkeye upon losing any award she's up for, like she's entitled to win them all just because she's nominated in the damn category. Entitled, much? And I'm sorry, but I think that whole Apple Music thing recently was as much/more about HER not getting paid as/than it was about "the little people" artists she was claiming to speak up for not getting paid. It seems to me, if you wanna use Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated's music, you have to play by HER rules or you can take a hike as far as she's concerned. It also hacks me off that a former backup singer for my favorite singer now works for Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated, instead of staying with my favorite singer who is a much classier act than her, & who already has more longevity in the industry than Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated will EVER have; especially if she continues to write juvenile songs like Shake It Off & We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together. If the backup singer in question had stayed with her previous employer, I think she'd have more longterm job security than she will with Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated. I also think, for a freaking adult, she could write songs with much more intelligent lyrics than, among others, "shake it off". Every song I've ever heard by her is so juvenile, to me. Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated writes songs like she's mentally stuck in Junior High (& I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she is). And EVERY damn thing Little Miss HIGHLY Overrated does is calculated to get herself more publicity, & does, even though she already has WAY MORE than her share. She (& the KarTRASHians, another pop culture phenomenon I see no point/have no use for) needs her "15 minutes" to be over *yesterday*, if not sooner!
  8. Yes, the Mixon family was the 1st to lose Fast Money, sadly. I was born in Birmingham, AL & never heard of the charity they were playing for. But, to be fair, I only lived there until I was 3 or 3 1/2 (mid-'60's, when we moved north because of my Dad's work) & while I have been back in the area for visits since, I haven't been back since my maternal grandfather died in 2007. For the "another name for a dead body" question, I was thinking, simply, "DB". They seem to be using that on the police shows I've seen lately. I never saw if it came up, but it probably didn't.
  9. I don't know if there are any in grocery stores, or other "regular" stores, which sell ice cream products. Have you asked at, like, Dairy Queen, Baskin-Robbins, or other "ice cream-centric" chains in your area (the regional or other not-quite-national chains)? It also shouldn't be that hard to actually make your own. Just make a "jelly roll" type cake--I'm pretty sure you can make any flavor of cake you want--& substitute your favorite ice cream flavor for the jelly filling; then, presumably, freeze it for a bit so the ice cream solidifies some; & I suppose you could put whatever you wanted (whipped cream, more ice cream--which would involve more freezer time to set that up--etc.), if you wanted, on the outside of the cake.
  10. Broadway to honor Roger Rees by dimming their theatre marquee lights in tribute for 1 minute Wednesday night (for those who aren't aware, this is a Broadway tradition to mark the passing of the bigger names in the theatrical world). Also, the linked article--sadly--says the brief illness mentioned in his early obits was Cancer. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/broadway-honor-roger-rees-dimming-lights-wednesday-32420229
  11. Broadway to honor Roger Rees by dimming their theatre marquee lights in tribute for 1 minute Wednesday night (for those who aren't aware, this is a Broadway tradition to mark the passing of the bigger names in the theatrical world). Also, the linked article--sadly--says the brief illness mentioned in his early obits was Cancer. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/broadway-honor-roger-rees-dimming-lights-wednesday-32420229
  12. Of the last 3 winners, Justin Warner (S8), Damaris Phillips (S9) & last season's Lenny McNab (McNabb?), only Damaris still has a regular on-air presence on the network (I think eps of her show are also running on Cooking Channel now). They're still running her show, Southern at Heart, at least once a week & I think they're new episodes right now. I saw 1 recently; in her voice over during the opening titles, she originally described herself as a "culinary instructor (which she was when she was on FNS), but on the most recent ep I saw, she described herself as a "chef" instead. Justin--who won the season before Damaris--got a one-off, hourlong special based on his concept, & that was basically it for on air work except for appearances as a judge on other FN shows that use judges. According to the S8 part of the FNS Wikipedia page, he's apparently doing some sort of blog for FN & he also makes appearances on behalf of the network. He also did a commercial for a Miracle-Gro lawn/garden product shortly after his win where they somehow managed to tie in his connection to FN/his FNS win. Lenny, who won last year, got bupkis. His concept was "gourmet cowboy" or "cowboy gourmet" (I forget the correct order of the words--I think it was the latter.
  13. Umeboshi also came up on an episode of Robert Irvine's Dinner: Impossible a few years ago. He was supposed to cook the meal served at the Winner's Banquet following that year's National Spelling Bee & he had to use 1 ingredient starting with each letter of the alphabet in the overall meal. He got Umeboshi for the letter U.
  14. Believe it or not, almost a year ago, Cheryl Hines married into the Kennedy family (the famous Massachusetts political 1). She married Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., & is his third wife (http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20838899,00.html). I'm not necessarily surprised he wasn't on her family's team, but I think I was a bit surprised they didn't play for a water conservation/environmental-related charity (I think RFK, Jr started 1 awhile back; it's 1 of his pet causes) or perhaps the Special Olympics, which was founded by RFK, Jr.'s late Aunt, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Not that Cerebral Palsy isn't a worthy cause as well. I guess they didn't use his/his family-related charity since he wasn't on the team. Which is understandable.
  15. OK... I've seen the Xfinity Minions ad (which actually is for their voice-activated remote control units, not their DVRs themselves) another few times. I paid close attention to the phrase that's supposed to be the word "soccer", since I missed it before. I've gotta say, the phrase which is being referred to as sounding like "suck ass" but is actually supposed to be "soccer", really sounds--to me--like they're saying "(it)'s okay", instead of "suck ass". (shrugs) Don't hate me, but I think the Minions are cute (at least partly because yellow's my favorite color).
  16. ET (Entertainment Tonight) reports Masi made an apparently surprise (at least to the audience) appearance at today's panel for Heroes Reborn at Comic-Con in San Diego. https://twitter.com/etnow/status/620343573247098880
  17. Yep, that's about the size of it, & the truth. Thanks for posting these!
  18. This may have started in the "...Scratch Your Head" thread. If so, apologies. There's a new Xarelto (blood thinner medicine) ad out with the previous spokesmen: pro golfer Arnold Palmer, comedian/former SNLer Kevin Nealon, & NASCAR driver Brian (I forget his last name). Maybe it was filmed at the same time as the previous ad & maybe it wasn't; I don't know. What I do know is, the 3 men mispronounce the name of the medicine (as Xaralto) just as badly as they did in the original ad, which is annoying & lends itself to the idea that both ads (so far) were filmed at the same time. You'd think, if this ad were filmed separately the ad agency or someone would've advised the men on how to correctly pronounce the medicine's name this time.
  19. J.J. Abrams bought donuts, & had them sent over to the Convention Center & handed out for free, for everyone waiting in line for Friday's Star Wars panel at Comic-Con in San Diego (at which Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher appeared, Harrison Ford apparently surprised everyone by appearing [though I bet he was also there 'cause his wife, Calista Flockhart, is in the new Supergirl series & she was probably there for their panel/activities], & the franchise's stormtroopers escorted everyone to a special film-related concert afterwards, where everyone got light sabers to use like glow sticks, batons, etc.). The hall where the panel was held holds 6,100; a good chunk of that number waited over 24 hours to get into the panel & I think it was a full house by the time the panel started. http://variety.com/2015/film/festivals/comic-con-j-j-abrams-donuts-star-wars-fans-1201537842/
  20. Sorry for the horribly late response. I only recently found this thread. Yep, Mark Harmon's married to "Mindy" (Pam Dawber). They've been married for almost 30 years now (since March, 1987) & have 2 grown sons, Sean & Ty, ages 27 & 23. Sean's played a younger version of his father's NCIS character in 5 different episodes of the show, so far (2 eps in S6 & S9, 1 ep in S7).
  21. Do they still make Kool-Pops (I think another brand was Ice-Pops)? Those were flat plastic tubes of different flavored fruit syrups--a bunch of different flavors in the same box--& you'd put them in your freezer for awhile, then take them out & they'd be like a slushy/frozen pop-up. How frozen they ended up depended on either your freezer's temperature or how long you let them freeze; you'd crunch/suck on 'em & push 'em up the tube as you went, until there was no more ice/slush left. I used to eat 'em when I was in, like, Kindergarten & Elementary School, & loved 'em, & don't think I've seen 'em around or heard of 'em in a long time.
  22. They might be national ads (there are national ads & local ads). You'll see them even if the companies don't have a physical presence in your area right now. We haven't had Sonic Drive-Ins here in I don't know how long (they've opened & closed multiple stores here twice already), but we still get the commercials.
  23. I've actually seen the "color" commercial a few times this week, I'm pretty sure including last night. I think most, if not all, airings were on cable channels as opposed to commercial networks. Maybe we're just watching different channels, which would account for me seeing it & you not seeing it. The funny thing is, I've always heard it correctly. But once someone brought up the "cholera's a beautiful thing" misheard lyric here, that's what comes into my head as soon as I realize the commercial's on.
  24. It's also for people who've become famous for their theatrical/live performance work. There are 5 categories in which someone can be awarded a star & I'm pretty sure at least 1 person, if not more, has received a star in all 5 categories (yes, it's apparently possible [& "legal"] to be awarded--at different times--for work in different genres of entertainment/performance). http://www.walkoffame.com/
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