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Everything posted by QuinnM

  1. Ok, my TiVo is telling me that all first looks are 7-8 CST. Like in one big bucket. So I have to watch Atlanta first look so I can see BH? Naw, I'll tivo and ff through the things I don't need.
  2. I know that someone got banned for calling me a name and telling me to go eff myself. In the House v House thread! I was like what the hell. It's an HGTV show, calm down.
  3. Do you think if Top Gear gets a new host due to the firing of Jeremy Clarkson that BBCA will have to find something else to fill 20 of the 24 hours on the air? We can only hope.
  4. I like the murder mystery to this series but I don't know if I can take anymore Juliette Lewis. I keep thinking she's some kind of joke on the viewer. Is someone tell her to act this way? Is this Tim Burton's fault. Or maybe she is a bad actor with really crappy instincts. I don't know but if her part isn't back burnered soon I'm signing off this one. I'll come back and check the forum for the big reveal though.
  5. This of course is the same woman that when Yo took her arm while they were biking to show her how the Dutch girlfriends road together she thought it was 'aggressive'. So I guess girlfriends touching = bad and shut your fucking mouth = good?
  6. You know you can switch the names Kim/Kyle and still have a valid point. Which is of course why AlAnon exists. The disease impacts more than the person who is addicted.
  7. I too hope Kim hires a disability lawyer who will have to publicity announce that Kim is active in her disease. You understand that an alcoholic that is not currently active in their disease has not disability, right? So get a lawyer and admit that you continue to have relapses.
  8. It is an eating strategy very popular in the UK and apparently Australia. You eat normal 5 days a week and any 2 days you want you eat 500 calories (600 for men). I have friends that swear by it to lose weight and say once you start it it is easy to continue the rest of your life.
  9. Lisa V did a blog. She said she was there the night Brandi was smoking weed with Kyle and Kyle didn't partake then either. So truth or friend backing friend with a lie?
  10. So much to see and hear. Maybe that's why I like this version. Gamble - Maybe this is vocal fry Aussie style? I like her in the mix because she's going to make them crazy. Looking Janet straight in the eye and telling her what she said was mean? hahaha Janet - Gosh she's an ugly person and I'm not talking about her heart. Did anyone other than me catch that she develops properties and Petty develops properties and we are to believe in a city the size of Melbourne they don't know each other? I wouldn't believe that if it was New York or Paris. Gina - Interesting make up evolution. It is still heavy and dramatic but it appears she has learned how to apply better. It looked more professional and polished. Maybe she's hired one of those drag queens to do her make up. Lydia - She's pouting about something. Even without Gina in the picture she seems sullen and silent. Jackie - Lord, that didn't change. Plus wasn't she one of the people slamming Chyka for giving gifts that came from her line? Well that looked like a bottle of Mascara for the birthday to me. Chyka - Her everyday wear has such style and class but she always loses me when she glams up. Plus she is doing the 5-2 so I need to watch her waist since I'm considering the 5-2. Melbourne - LOVED Gamble's house. The view, the view, the view.
  11. I just started and I must say the clumsy posing during the tag lines reminds me why I love this series.
  12. You know I'm usually in her court for this. These houses that she has done in Mpls will not be redone, ripped out etc. They are all in marginal neighborhoods and simply aren't worth the money. You would end up underwater. So it's fine what she does. I'm just not with her on the battle for what was one step up from a flop house for 15+ years. And the fact that she called for her followers to act crazy and make t-shirts shows how insane she gets. Did Detroit run her out on a rail? What is she doing back in Minneapolis?
  13. So here is a pretty well balanced article that includes the history of the vote. http://www.startribune.com/local/minneapolis/294928651.html As someone that actually knew the house I can tell you if Nicole wanted to preserve the architecture of it she was too late. It's been a rundown dump with 15 bedrooms and two shared baths for very low income men for a long time. That is what the city council heard as well. That it was suffering from a lot of structural issues and all of the original detail was long torn out to make room for more rooms. Most of the online stuff is coming from people outside of the state. They don't know how bad the house was. In addition, it's not a bad little neighborhood but there is no way it would support the cost of rehab on this house. It's a marginal downtown place with lots of duplexed houses etc. Nicole is really being an ass in my opinion. She should probably go back to Detroit. There are a lot more architectural gems being run into the ground there.
  14. That was my take on the look as well. She thought this would be a good story line for her this season, keep her the center of attention and suddenly she realized that she could be the best friend when Kim totally spiraled. Her little tantrum about hypocrisy was all about being the center of attention. Kim, the crazy addict, was absent so perfect time to engage in a little me time. And a side note, ever since her tantrum about showing her stomach for the Celebrity Apprentice photo shoot I've been watching her stomach. Yeah, I'm sick. So last night she has a major dunlap in jeans. I remember her on the beach during the last Kim meltdown and it was flat. So either she let herself go or she does the starve for a photo thing.
  15. Kim is an ugly, ugly person. Watch Brandi's face. I think she finally realized how bad Kim is. Kim sitting there after everyone fled the restaurant. The way she said 'Kyle that just gets me.' She is a nasty piece of work. If Kathy treats her so good then lean on Kathy. Wait till she turns on Brandi. That's going to be even worse. And Brandi thinks other people don't know how to drop something. Does she own a mirror?
  16. I can't wait to see the crew from last season. Who made it and who crashed and burned. I really haven't kept up on social media so it's going to be a complete surprise to me.
  17. They said that Martha gets mobbed by folks that recognize her and that Chetna is prepping recipes for a pop up restaurant. So I'm wondering if that has happened yet.
  18. And speaking for random kitchen designing person, am I crazy or did he suggest replacing the cabinets with the exact same cabinet? It look liked the same white paneled door. And then that horrid luminescent tile. I guess he figured any fool that is carrying around a dog all day would think it was cool. If she didn't like it I imagine hime saying something like, well it's what Khloe has in her kitchen. Man those two fools deserve each other.
  19. Loved the Olympians kinda trash talking the dance teams but genuinely beaming and clapping when someone was successful. The two lawyers analyzing the detail of the wording in the clue, what does vicinity mean by definition here. Hysterical and better yet the reason they ended up in first. I'm liking this season and put it on One Pass (Tivos new name for season pass) already.
  20. I love that Suds of a Broken Heart plaintiff clearly and concisely explained what a snapchat message is and why she doesn't have the message. Kudzoos! And JJ took it in, listened and didn't challenge it. JJ is slowly coming into the 21st century.
  21. Wendy Williams asked her about this on the post CA appearance. She said that Kenya was lying and knew better because the bodyguard rode the elevator up in the morning with Kenya's hair and makeup people. She said it was a very hateful thing to say and that Kenya needed to remember that it was n't just her family that was hurt by the lie but Steve's family as well. She said he is married and happily and always had been. I personally thought the whole bodyguard thing was one of the ugliest displays from Kate's brother and his wife. They said it on one of the morning shows like it was a fact. Her sister in law was smiling when she said it.
  22. I just want to taste things that Richard, Chetna and Martha bake. I will miss Martha so much. She was just so good for 17. I marvel at all them rolling that dough out to that huge paper thin size for the technical bake. I can't even manage a small pizza dough to a circle. Martha's solution on the filling for the technical was genius. I did wonder why more of the baker's weren't watching Chetna's decision on proofing and baking that one. If it was me and those two comedians where picking things up while I was baking and moving them and tasting them I would smack one of them. All that stress and you've got people rearranging spices? Yeah, I wouldn't like it one bit.
  23. The tabloids said they were not a couple anymore when that series was filmed. But the last tabloid on his status was when he moved to the apartment he just was evicted from. At that time they were saying he had broken up with the latest woman. Hard to say since it is all tabloid reported. I'm guessing now that he is djing for a living there will be pics from gigs. Just knowing Jon's love of the camera if he was seeing someone they would have been together at the garage sale. That was the last time he was in public where there were pics.
  24. No this is Jon's responsibility. It is not Kate's job to force the kids to be with there dad. It is Kate's job to make that opportunity available for the kids and she does. It is really important for Kate to be a mom. It is really important for Jon to be a dad. She gave him a free van so he could take all the kids. He doesn't have it anymore, big surprise. Not sure what people expect Kate to do. Jon apparently never takes responsibility for anything as witnessed by this latest escapade. The kids are learning the hard lesson their mother already learned. He lies. He cheats. He is lazy. He takes no responsibility. At this point it is on Jon to earn his way back with his kids. It's so odd to me that at the beginning of this I was 'two sides to every story' etc. And little by little Jon has done absolutely everything possible to make himself the bad guy. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  25. Hey dingbat with a bike. You realize the car was to the right of the bus so he couldn't see that you had every intention of blowing that light? I don't need to be careful and assume you're so stupid that you'll play chicken against a traffic light with a 1 ton cannon on wheels. We should be seeing this guys obit any day.
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