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Everything posted by QuinnM

  1. Remember Kim has said that she had an equity loan out on the house. If she misses payments the house can go into foreclosure. I bet anything she didn't make payments and Kathy/Kyle were making them. But Kyle can't answer that or Kim will look bad.
  2. I agree. And as someone that has been watching Brandi belly fat since her CA meltdown I see she hasn't started any crunches yet. It might be that perimenopausal midsection so many women battle with.
  3. Yikes, you know the screen shots make Brandi look really happy about all the trouble. And when you realize that it's all lies it makes it that much worse. Yo has lost a lot for me. I'm finishing the year but this one might end up on the same list as Atlanta, Miami and New Jersey. I don't care to watch another year of someone like Brandi.
  4. Plus the next question is, why is that bad? I would just say thank you and smile. The comments on LisaR's weight are not new. She took a lot of heat during DWTS because she got even thinner. They had an interview on set with Harry saying the woman always has been low body fat and the additional workout of the dance practice just pushed her from thin to eat a burger. He said everyone should relax etc. Very cute about it.
  5. Yes in the real world. In the Kim and Brandi lala land what you saw didn't happen. Kyle is responsible for her sister's rent and sobriety so Kyle is really mean. Kim is too addled from years of fame to make decisions. Kim has her people make all the decisions. So Kyle made a bad decision for Kim and should apologize for breathing the same air.
  6. I look forward to Brandi in years to come. I suggest she call Kelly Bennisom on how to hire photographers to film her in a bikini in Miami. That appears to be the only job Kelly has other than child support and I think if Brandi did some sit ups she could handle it.
  7. Ok, so I said it after the first episode and this makes it 100%. Kim is an ugly, little human being. She is mean, mean, mean. The best thing for Kyle and her family is to just write her off. She will never be a decent person.
  8. I guess that it would be better if Kyle never let Kim in any of her houses. She should just invite Kim's children but let Kim know she is not welcome since it's not her GD house?
  9. I was thinking we should ask for a topic section called My GD House. I think what is most interesting to me is that previous go rounds really seemed to favor Kim's story. Then years later after watching her lie and slur and stumble, we understand. Kim just has no clue and goes through life expecting everything because she worked for 2 minutes in the 80's. I know people like this.
  10. I asked a German friend once about this. In Holland the language is Dutch so they do more of the English signage since it is silly to do Dutch/German/French/Italian/English and Dutch is not common. She said it is less likely to see this in France since they have laws against using any language but French. She said Germany you see this in cities with a large US military population. She said there just aren't enough signs in Italy to make it matter. LOL So English is universal since most European countries have some English in school.
  11. In a conversation about a recent study that showed that in the workplace the 20-34 age group struggles the most with computer applications. (I know I was like, what?) The stories about a college educated 30 year old who was confused by excel and didn't think MSWord made any sense really boggled my mind. This is why I work remote.
  12. I visit the west coast and I think the desert is the only place with clean air. I'm constantly amazed that these people can live in that smog. PS is very laid back, very little traffic, beautiful views etc. So it would be a 'get away' if your residence was in smog, traffic 24/7, houses on top of each other. Oh and it has always been cheaper. One of my friends has twice the house for half the money in PS.
  13. It looked great for a vacation spot. I imagine a cleaning service comes through after rental/use. So it being all tile etc makes that more efficient. It's not where I would want to live but I would love it as a get away in the desert. Plus being on a golf course helps with the rental potential. So I like it but I like it for what it is.
  14. This just takes me out of the story. The minute this happened I was like, who wrote this? my mother? Same thing when a show references speed dial. I'm like how old are the writers on this thing? Do they have cords on their phones? Here is how to do it. Have the names similar and suggest he always uses voice activated calling. Jess and Juss etc.
  15. No, Kim hadn't worked in more than ten years by the time her mother got ill. Kim more likely had no husband, no home and no where to go. She was the logical choice to care for her mother. It was noted in the first season that all of the families continued to use this as their vacation home after K/M had bought out their interests.
  16. Yes but Kyle said that Kim was the only person who hadn't been to the house. So should she never invite her? Kim would then say, you have everyone to that house but me.
  17. Big Kathy bought the house in 1996. It was 'sold' in 2004. 10 years later it was sold again for $30,000 more than the price in 2004. No one grew up in this house. No one made a fortune on this house. There isn't some big history of memories. For heaven's sake the family only owned the house for 8 years before K/M bought it. This house was hit hard by the real estate bubble. K/M bough high and sold low. Kim acts like there were millions of dollars involved that she got screwed out of. Total sale price at that time was $420,00. She acts like she raised her kids there. She lived there free of charge in exchange for caregiving with her mother for maybe tops 3 years. She is an entitled little person. She sees herself as this big Hollywood star when the truth is she hasn't worked since '89. She was a flash in the pan and she still can't accept it. Paris Hilton is 100 times more famous than Kim. Kathy and Kyle are 100 times more wealthy than Kim. She is a chemically addled idiot. There's the history on the house.
  18. Kyle offered to show Kim the checks and Kim backed down. So way back in very back of Kim's brain, she knows Kathy did not get more for the house. I really think that the whole 'you stole my house' thing is really mean. But I think Kim is a mean person drunk or sober. Kim you sold your share of a house. It isn't and never was your house. It was our house. The fact that Kathy also sold out at the same time makes Kyle the most believable in this situation. Kathy always has Kim's back so she would never let Kyle cheat her.
  19. So now that Kim is sober will she hear the stuff she says? No Kim what you told Adrienne is not what happened. It's a much more Kim friendly version. And Kyle didn't tell you she was selling the house? Wow, even your own daughter must have lied to you about that since she was the ne that sold it. Kim is in such denial about so many things it's hard to believe she is truthful about her sobriety. I do feel she will be very hurt when she sees Brandi talking about an intervene. But then it's Kim so maybe she'll remember it in Kim's world. You know the world where she gets to sign a bill of sale, accept a check and then change her mind. And when you change your mind it means someone is stealing from you. She needs to be off tv. She needs to just work on herself.
  20. I think I do. Wasn't he managing the airport? I saw film of the airport and it was just trashed but it was functional to the point that aid planes were landing.
  21. I need to know why the one neighbor hates him more than all the others. It's like a visceral hate. Even the guys wife seems more accepting. (I cannot remember their names, sorry) If they solve the murder and don't tell me that I will be forced to write a strongly worded email to the people in charge. edited cuz I figured out the guys name is Kevin Williams.
  22. Does Janet really think that rumors and splitting Gamble and Rick will result in her dating Rick? She's just playing a part, right? I don't think there has been one word out of Janet's mouth that isn't ugly and mean. She's got to have decided that her thing this season. I would like to applaud Gamble for decorating and serving them food and all without half an episode devoted to her having last minute disasters with food, venue and party decorations. I say this is real money. She called someone, wrote one check and it was done.
  23. The point was made that Brandi never was the initiator. My example was an instant in the most recent episode where she was. Now to the point that everyone else 'gets away with it'. Everyone else seems upset by their actions. Everyone else apologizes for their action. Everyone else interprets what they did as wrong. Brandi stands there with a big smile, kinda like someone sucked all her brains out and she is amazed she is still standing. So what remains to be seen in coming episodes, does she apologize, does she seem upset by what she's done, does she interpret it as wrong.
  24. I'll just use the last episode where Brandi shoved Lisa back twice, blocked her exit, slapped her and then laughed. So that is one that Brandi initiated in the most recent episode.
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