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Everything posted by QuinnM

  1. It says That's So House Hunters. I don't see it showing again.
  2. My Tivo picked up a new one. That's so House Hunters. People they are all there. The Turtle Lady. The clairvoyant. The pole dancer. Then lots of fun facts. Smallest house? 490 sq ft. Most visited international? Paris All your faves - 15 years worth. Killer fun.
  3. When the mods put up a post highlighted in yellow, it means they are talking to all of us. Just reminders. So although it appears under your post it was not specifically meant for you.
  4. Well it is a common addict behavior. It's sad but true. And that is the difficulty people have with living with an addict so much of the behavior is beyond the pale. They take a car that they have been forbidden to use to go get drugs. Crazy and sad stuff. It strikes me that the biggest problem with Monty living at her house is the dog. Is the dog still at 'school'? Because this could be ugly.
  5. It can be either. When public schools had music programs a lot of the more expensive instruments could be rented. You haven't suffered sticker shock until you priced a tuba. This is a private school so they might have different programs. One private school I know have has intro music classes where the purpose is to try out all kinds of instruments. But we'll probably hear more if they really have ordered more episodes.
  6. I took a look at Kate's twitter feed and she had tweeted during the show. Mady has become a regular roommate in Kate's room so this has been a struggle even with Cara for a while. Kate also said that when the kids said they wanted to learn an instrument she had no idea that meant Alexis would bring a drum home. I do think that is one big reason to try for a private school if you can afford it. Most public schools have dropped music programs since these cost money and do not help the scores for 'no child left behind'. After the last set of viewer numbers the inter web is saying they have ordered new episodes. I saw the Wendy Williams interview and Kate mentioned that if this allows her to support 8 kids and still make dinner for them everyday then she's blessed.
  7. They were compensated for their appearances but they were compensated with an appearance fee. Kate and Jon were producers and said no to Jodi being contracted with the show. Kate stated that no one outside the family would be under contract making money. Jodi's sister spelled it out in great detail in her purse blog. So they went after Kate but people were horrified and sided with Kate since children shouldn't work. Then Jodi's sister took down the original blog and the started hate site. It is pretty interesting. I do think the original blog complaining about Kate not letting Jodi have a contract is still floating around.
  8. The 6th bedroom is the apartment over the garage. So in the house there are the three rooms that the girls had. There was one with all the little girls, one with the twins and then that smaller spare room that was for a play room. Then the boys room and the master. So they split the twins, I agree that 14 year olds do need some space if you can. Then the girls went to the boys. And the boys go downstairs. So that does still leave that one small room which I'm guessing is the caregivers/guest room. Because if she's in NYC for the Apprentice then someone is staying at the house. I think she is trying very hard to keep them in this house as long as she can. I applaud that. It's such a difficult time and the more normal you can keep things the better. I think the boys room is a good addition to the house. So it enhances the resale. It probably also enhances the taxes as well.
  9. I bet that whole house is going to be happier when Mady leaves for school. The little girls were dealing fine with the move. You can hear them say things like, good memories here. And then Mady started punching buttons and everyone is in tears. Then she leaves the room and the girls are happily picking out a new blue for their room. That has to get old for those kids. Collin hoarding clean underwear is beyond funny. But that's a large family. My sister and I hoarded clean bath towels. Why? Because the boys left hose stinking towels and all their dirty underwear in their room. If it's not in the wash it doesn't get washed. Anyone know why it isn't just the twins skipping time with Jon? Alexis and Colin weren't with him either but all the other kids were.
  10. Yes I knew I was trending into an area that was very personal AND subjective. I didn't want to assume just fundamentalist because I do know Catholics as well that have very firm belief in a soul and that an animal is not capable of the attributes. I also know vegans that simply believe animals may not have a soul be still should not be killed for food. So lots of YMMV in this one.
  11. Of course as an avowed carnivore I don't believe that animals have souls. Vegans do have a different view there. However I also know that most of my Christian friends also believe that souls are unique to humans. So I'm sure that is how she was taught and what she would teach her children. I didn't get the feeling that she thought animals were bad or something. It's just something that vegans and bible believers don't agree on.
  12. Absolutely. Each of them will see the bullying and nasty things that were said. They will also each come to their own opinion of whether the life they led as a result of that money was worth the vicious behavior their parents put up with. A lot of these kids have already been able to do that. The Roloffs and the Duggars are old enough to see it and I bet the Gosselin twins see it as well. So it's just a matter of time before we hear how they feel.
  13. This always fascinated me. The online groups say and print some of the most vile things I've ever seen. They justify it by saying 'you shouldn't put them on tv'. In this day and age kids put themselves on social media as well and when children bully and harass them in ways and language, which is tame to the things adults say, everyone one is punish those horrible kids. Well, why? We don't punish adults for doing the same thing.
  14. I had a real problem with the kitchen layout. She talked about task oriented work areas. The refrigerator was about a mile from the stove which was no where near the sink. It looked like a commercial kitchen were you are accommodating 2-3 sous chefs and a chef on the stove. It just made no sense for one person cooking dinner.
  15. That's my memory too so I googled it. They were expelled at the beginning of the school year 2010 and then were reinstated Spring of 2011. So that's four years ago. Really old news and it actually happened after filming had stopped. So it was the divorce behavior. The other thing to keep in mind is that in a private school they don't have to take you. If you're trouble you can just leave and go to a public school.
  16. She said that the school did not and would not use the word expelled. Expelled was Radar's way of hyping up the ratings. They absolutely were removed and were not admitted back until they had completed a set of requirements. That's how private schools do it. Not that uncommon for kids in the middle of a divorce to start showing behavior changes.
  17. I agree. Stacking front loaders is the best use of space. Why doesn't anyone make a model with controls on the side? I would pay more money to have that. But I really have to stretch if I'm using top controls on a stackable.
  18. I think it is fine to exclude Alexis from the bedroom. She wakes people up. She needs to change the behavior. I come from a family of 8 and that's how it works. We teamed for dinner dishes. When one of the team members stopped working they had to do it by themselves. No one would team with them. Took about a year before they begged back on a team and suddenly they carried their share. The kids wanted to leave Alexis and Collin on the island and definitely Mady. That's because they all thrive on negative attention. That's life and personalities. They are old enough now to get that if they are mean other people don't want to be around them. It's got to be hard on them with only one parent actually caring about them. Kids know that. So some of this could be acting out there but I think the majority is just personality.
  19. Of course the world needs to look out for Kim. She has pickled every braincell and is not responsible for herself. She is a small child that needs a mom to help her every step of her life. She has a dog that is probably illegal it is so violent. She pop pills that belong to her terminal houseguest because once upon a time some doctor someplace had prescribed a pill of the same color to her. She's a mess and apparently it's the worlds moral obligation to clean up after her.
  20. I figured that last year. I don't expect that she should show every step of her recovering but it was obvious that Kyle had never heard one word or action that indicated Kim was sorry for the damage her addiction did to others. I had hope when she was praying that it was a twelve step since that requires a belief in a higher power but now I don't think so. Interesting since I know that there are programs that do not follow the 12 steps and I assume they have a success rate. Kim should look into one.
  21. My upstairs reno included a laundry chute. If I could have afforded a dump waiter I would have done that as well since my plan is to age in place. But I agree on the cramped with those laundry rooms. I don't need marble counters etc. I don't understand the thought there.
  22. I'll discuss that. She is laying claim to one big drug availability. She is just drooling at the medications she'll be able to pop all day long. He'll be half dead and she'll be counting pills. She's an addict and she is not in recovering.
  23. He doesn't have a college degree. So the job he had was one that he worked his way up to or was a lower level help desk type thing. These days without a college degree you can't get even entry level in IT. I feel for him on this point. His options without that diploma are really limited. But he can find something and since he doesn't need to pay support surely an online degree or community college is within his reach.
  24. That's not just Kate, that's PA and more specifically Bucks County. There are severe restrictions of when and where and if someone under 18 can drive. One of my friends found this out to her horror after moving to Buck's with a 17 year old. Said teenager immediately threatened to run away from home. She had a car and drove herself to school for a year and then - nothing. So if someone lives in Bucks, what is the story?
  25. You know if she had brought that up in the boardroom she might still be there. I kept waiting for her to say, listen when we left to go buy the accessories the plan was to mimic a Nordstrom dressing room. We are out there for a couple hours and get a call that Vivica had changed her mind and we were doing sowing coffee thing. If the set up lost the task, if the slogan lost the task then I am not your problem. I think the reason Vivica is throwing Shawn/Kate under the bus is because she scares them and they let her do it. Geraldo will come back at her like a lion so she's not going there.
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