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Everything posted by QuinnM

  1. You're welcome to google. I don't save links. The $7M was leaked court docs, other wise I consider it rumor. Don't take this as fact but I think that was right about the time the court made them both stop talking to press. But the filings have not been sealed so that stuff leaks out. I know that the court proceedings were not sealed and there were PageSix reporters in the courtroom when Bethenny testified. Jason agreed to joint custody as well. He court filing was for sole custody. We can only guess on whether he wanted that or not. This might end up like the OJ Simpson case where we know nothing for a couple of years and then there is a book. Oh I can so see Bethenny doing a book.
  2. So on her Bethenny show she offered Jason a job with SkinnyGirl. She presented him with a laptop with the logo. He turned it down. He was on occasion out of town for 'business' so he never left his job. The Jim Beam deal was in talks when they got married. There was rumor that the prenup actually was a post nup that covered the new JB stuff. But I've not seen tabloid report that contains any kind of document to that so consider it rumor.
  3. Going over to the Bethenny forum with a response here.
  4. Both parents filed for sole custody. That is very common. No big deal there. We don't know why Bethenny was not cross examined. It could be that what she had said was worse than anything Jason had. If they cross examined her and brought up Jason's accusations then Bethenny would have presented her witnesses and on and on. It could be that Jason's lawyer had no idea the extent of Jason's games so they settled fast before things got worse. Or it could be that Bethenny settled so she didn't have to be cross examined. I don't know about that since she seems pretty stubborn. What I see of her on these shows or her talk show says that she will not back down. What is interesting to me is that I think less of Jason since this all started. I know who she is and nothing in this divorce surprised me. It does surprise me his behavior. So now I believe her when she says he is different on camera. We do know that there was a $7 million offer made because there are court documents. So we know that Jason wants more than $7 million. That makes him a gold digger in my book. My guess is that he wants to force the sale of the apartment because he knows that will hurt her the most now that he has had to share Brynn. If he was the primary custodial parent there is no way that Brynn and Bethenny would be jetting off to Miami and Vail every other day. One thing we do know is that Bethenny earns more than ever. She will always have more money than Jason so look for her to pay for school, healthcare etc. That's the way it goes regardless of whether its an ex-wife or ex-husband. But rest assured Jason's life will never be as big as Bethenny's. Just like the thousands of women out there like Katie Holmes that suddenly are flying commercial with their daughter after years of the child knowing nothing but private. And everyone survives just fine.
  5. Kim didn't really deny it. She did not say, you're not disinvited. She said, I don't want to not invite you. So to translate nasty addict speak, I didn't want to disinvite you but you made me do it. Watch that exchange again. It would have been over in a second if Kim had said, you're a liar, you were never disinvited to the wedding.
  6. First question, she says that all the time. She said in on RHONYC. She says it in interviews. She said it on her talk show. That and that she is inappropriate. The one time that stands out is during a reunion with the 'raised by wolves'. She said, really you think that is a true statement? Have you met me?, etc. Yes Jason signed a prenup. It was specifically drawn up to protect the SkinnyGirl money, name, corporation. It might have been challengeable if he actually accepted the job with the company but alas he didn't so it stands. What is going on now is that he is trying to find every last penny that she made that was 50% his by the calculation in the prenup with a forensic accountant. It is costing both of them a fortune. No one can figure out where he is getting the money so speculation runs wild there.
  7. Wow, Lisa has a very clear way of writing this shit out. She should come post with us. It is an unemotional, clearly stated description of what goes down. So she is either good or she has enough money to hire a decent ghostwriter. BG went cheap on the writer and the face doctor and look at the result.
  8. In NY until the judge signs off the residence is shared. If you are divorcing a douchebag he just lives there and unless you want to go into foreclosure you just keep paying until the judge does sign off the property agreement. See the movie War of the Roses for a look at how crazy it gets. Different states have different rules.
  9. Her tweets indicated that the suite upgrade was totally due to filming. So it sounded like Essex comped them because they were going to be on tv.
  10. The little people on the show have had every opportunity to say if that is true or not. There is no show so nothing to lose and a couple dollars to make selling a story to the tabloids. I waited for that. There has never been an incident documented or a little person as a source. So I see this as more of stuff tabloids make up in order to fill space. I won't hold any of that against someone.
  11. So Part 2 was one of the two episodes that made Brandi look good? She must have borrowed some of the pills that Kim accidentally took.
  12. I think the fact that he is living in the marital apartment but not paying anything towards it is what people are talking about. The county records dug up by tabloids show her checks paying the taxes and utilities. I get that he wants the apartment but then he pays for it. Right now he is just one big passive aggressive freeloader. But women do the same thing all the time. Divorce is an ugly business when one of the partners has so much money.
  13. Yes, Brandi did something unspeakable but I'm too much of a lady to say. It was very bad and if her sons found out she could lose custody but I'll take the high road here and not say a word. You know the third or fourth time K/B says this kind of thing it just seems worn out.
  14. Watch that exchange carefully. While she may sound dismissive in the tone the bill she slipped him probably rendered him deaf. It's good to be rich.
  15. So I bought the exact same Longchamp bag that has been my everyday bag for YEARS. Someone asked me why I couldn't just do a Sonja on the old one. Everyone at the table laughed. Yup, Sonja the old bag. She's a verb now.
  16. Another example of Andy trying to redeem B/K. Why would I be outraged? Why is this such a big deal? I actually said those same words here one episode into the season and no one tried to smear my husband (well the husband in my mind since there isn't one in the house). Bombshell? Naw, totally expected reaction to someone that is as nasty and cruel as Kim. Just like to add that those stills of her at the reunion are creepy. She really does think she's 10 years old and cute as a button.
  17. During the WWHL one on one with Jill Andy recounted Jill coming into his office and pitching the story line and how he told Jill not to do it that it just wasn't a good idea. Jill didn't correct him just said, I know, I know. So he thought it was a fake fight and then at the reunion was shocked that it was real.
  18. Bethenny responded to a tweet back when that was published saying - not true and then some crass remark. So can't believe everything you read I guess.
  19. Sonja dear why would anyone want advice from you on how to handle a divorce? It's been ten years and you are now just getting your settlement? If I wanted how to do a divorce for fun and profit I would ask Luann. Why would anyone want business advice from you? You have a 7 million dollar judgement against you? If I wanted how to make a brand and millions I would ask Bethenny. Bethenny - man check whether you and Andy are still friends. That was a crap edit. I bet they took every time you said homeless and lined them up until you came off cray cray. I get that you emotionally want the apartment that your ex is holding hostage. We both know that he can't afford it without SkinnyGirl money and you don't want to move on you want to move back. The filming of this is at an interesting place. It was last fall? She said they were no longer in the Hamptons. So in a month or two she and Brynn are in the new apartment? I did find the footage of 2009 where she couldn't give SkinnyGirl away was interesting. It does say something that she just didn't stop. Probably the reason I love and hate her. She just doesn't stop. Ramona - I don't remember you on the episode because it was written over by your hysterical appearance on WWHL. She was so drunk. She kept grabbing at Christina Ricci to the point that whenever she reached over with her claw like hand Christina would grip the armrest so Ramona could grab her arm and wave it about. Then the best was when she said 'those aren't my real eyes' about the Ramona mask. Honey, those are your real eyes on that mask. But that said she does appear to have stopped with the bug eye thing which is why I know she got some work done. Whoever did the work said top it you're not making yourself look good.
  20. Kim to Kyle - You asked me to the bathroom and said Lisa said something about my behavior in the car. Roll tape of Kyle going to the bathroom and locking the door. And then Kim following her in. Lol. Kim is so stoned she doesn't even realize that everything she's said tonight has been a lie.
  21. I have the greatest respect for all these women with the exception of Brandi and Kim. I would have gone after Kims kids when she went after my husband. I would have made a big chipmunk face when Brandi said I hadn't changed my hairstyle. And now Kim just calls Eileen a liar because she of course she apologized. Eileen must be using drugs. I refuse to start another season with this active addict. I'm finishing this and then RHOBH is on the Miami/Atlanta/New Jersey list.
  22. Man Kim is in such denial I now do believe she is still using. That's why she's do defensive. That's why she dismisses LisaRs loss. And quite frankly that's why her skin looks so bad. Whoever said up thread that Kim is just planning her freak out for when Monty dies.
  23. I am on the California Closet mailing list. Yes, I have a fancy closet. Interesting that they are very excited about the new colors and finishes. It is the bright euro look. So if you want a bright red closet you can get it at CC.
  24. I think Kim is totally wrong. Kathy bought Kim a house in PS. That was her house. Kyle had nothing to do with that house. The fact that drug addled Kim keeps screaming 'You stole my house' tells me everything I need to know. Kim owns everything in her mind. Of course the drugs have left her with very little functioning in her mind so there's that. No in between from me. Kim's story is just addict nonsense. That and Kim is a self serving nasty piece of work. I'm amazed that her children even talk to her.
  25. Brandi said it on WWHL. So that's the god's honest truth. She said they lied all through part one but then had to tell the truth in parts 2 and 3. And so she looked good. I think that ghostwriter gave her that line.
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