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Everything posted by ParadoxLost

  1. The way I heard that was that Universal and NBC weren't happy with the ratings and Universal fired the producers and brought in new ones. The new producers decided that they wanted to dominate the "Its like feminism never happened" thread and NBC cancelled it when they heard about the new plans. If the reported retooling was true, its better that it got cancelled. Because, damn, the plans for the show sounded awful.
  2. I love this in large part for Colbert's deadpan delivery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXKo8N0bgF8
  3. That clip tells us a lot. Carol and Tyreese are outside the gates of Terminus. They escape the container, get weapons, and escape outside the walls. Terminus is overrun by zombies. I wonder how we learn more about Terminus since they are still using the sets. Someone left behind (Beth?) that needs rescuing? Does Rick decide that another situation with the Governor isn't going to happen, no live and hope they leave them alone, they bide their time to attack?
  4. To be fair that role came across, due to hair and makeup, as George Constanza plays and aged Fabio playing a serial killer. Jason Alexander wasn't the only one with a hand in that mess.
  5. I wish they could convince Jake Johnson (New Girl) to tell the Otis Redding story on film, hammered which is the origin of this whole show.
  6. At the time, I didn't even give Firefly a chance. I remember reading about it and it thinking it sounded like something I never wanted to watch. Same thing with Dollhouse; although with that I was certain no one would ever want to watch it, ever. I just didn't like either premise at all. I watched both years later and they were ok. I think, in retrospect, that I was just burned out on Whedon. I was tuning in and out of Angel and not particularly thrilled with the direction of Buffy A lot of that was blamed, in forums, on Whedon's attention turning to Firefly..
  7. Maybe this belongs in what I thought I heard, but Taco Bell... What is a "meaningful hash brown"?
  8. No Comcast. You haven't changed. You don't change. Stop making commercials trying to convince us that you have. Saying it doesn't make it true. It just reminds me of your existence which annoys me. And Jim Gaffagan, shame on you for helping them try to sell this claim.
  9. Did they ever explain why Adalyn was rapidly aging in the first place? If its the fairy blood, then how much is needed to kick that off and is there a rapid ager in Sookie's lineage?
  10. I had no idea what that was. Looked it up and apparently Men at Work had a song with that in it. I always thought it was "a bit of my sandwich" not "vegemite sandwich". So I'm pretty sure Americans don't have Marmite or Vegemite.
  11. I think its a tough thing for a show to take on, using UST as the primary source of drama. If it goes on too long, the characters become unlikable because of all the contrivances to keep them apart and the avoidance relationships which starts to feel like cheating or cheapens the UST relationship after a while. But getting them together, if there is no other meaty story to drive drama becomes a tough road and it seems like most writers can't do it. Its easier to do on procedurals because they can always solve a crime and the relationships are generally secondary to that. But comedies are tough. Think about Cheers. I think they got really lucky that Shelley Long left. I loved Sam and Diane. Their constant push and pull, breaking up and making up, didn't ruin the characters because it fit with who they were. But if that had gone on eleven years, I doubt I'd feel the same.
  12. I have just five words...Tom Hanks fights the Fonz.
  13. Molly being ok with going to her in-laws country and not realizing the danger of staying for her dictator father in law's funeral I could suspend disbelief and accept (I still wouldn't go or take kids with me but I could suspend disbelief). The reason for that is simply this, there are countries in the Middle East that draw foreign investment, are tourist destinations, and are glamorized in the media. The American diplomat's attitude hints that this fictional country is more like that than the ones constantly in the news because of terrorism and civil wars. Plus, the fact that some of the family visited them in the US would probably have more weight than what they hear on the news. And I would imagine that having the leader of the country as a grandfather would lend towards Molly thinking its safe for them to visit while not necessarily a great vacation destination for others. So, I think more familiarity than just media outlets makes them willing to go {Molly, Son}, and given what is being revealed about these fictional rulers that those truly informed would jump back to this trip really a bad idea {Barry}. Where this whole argument falls apart is Molly's reaction to Barry telling her what Jamal did and that he thinks he's insane and that his father's abuse of his son caused it to happen. I did an actual double take at the stupidity of that scene. Go tell your father how you feel. Really? The woman is a moron. I tend to think this is the way they are going to go based on his father's description of everything he gives the people and all they want is chaos. I think {if the show doesn't suck} that they would start delving into the question of if, as a leader, you had good intentions and wanted to give the people a democracy, then what would you do if it looked like that would inevitably lead to extremists and terrorists taking over.
  14. Wait. Explain please. The recap left it at Barbie on the run and the guy who set him up is on the radio telling the town folk to round him up and execute him.
  15. So admittedly I got bored and wandered away after two or three episodes last season; but I just watched a one hour recap of last season On Demand and I have a question. Coming away from the recap, these are the things that stuck with me. In a town full of strangers, why wouldn't a man shed his nickname Barbie? Why would a woman basically decide to put that pesky business of the new boyfriend being an enforcer that was "forced" to kill her husband as long as the new boyfriend was honest with her from now on? That's the important thing, honesty? So kidnapped girl is set free and both kidnapper and kidnapper's dad turned accomplice are running around free and everyone is fine with that? How did that happen? The dome kills the girl's Mother by cutting her off from medication. The dome says that kidnapped girl has to work together with crazed stalker kidnapper? Dome tries to kill the town with weather when someone balks at not doing domes bidding? Dome orders killing one of the kid's dad? I forgot about all the dome slicing people's body parts off. Why are the kids doing what the dome wants them to do? It seems like they are doing it out of curiosity, not fear or desire to free the town. Is the dome piping in crazy gas? But that's not my question. This is. Is this fairly representative of the show? Because usually a show puts the most positive spin to bring in viewers and that makes me think that the recap makes more sense than the series but I'm not sure how that would be possible.
  16. A few zingers from Sonny's # 1 fan: Skye: Oh, Sonny. I'm sorry, I didn't see you down there. I'm wearing heels today. Skye: Sonny and that trashy wife of his have all the class of a couple of inbred hillbillies. Skye [to Sonny]: Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas. Skye: Sonny? That greaseball would repel a maggot.
  17. I recall hearing that a lot of these decorating shows redo one wall or one vantage point of a room and leave the rest for the home owner to do. They just complete enough to film. I think at was specifically about Trading Spaces.
  18. When the Impala stopped the apocalypse on Supernatural.
  19. I think American Idol is the root of all this. FOX has two thirds the programming of the other networks and Idol takes up a significant portion or their air time. Between Idol and their established programming, if something doesn't grab ratings or critical acclaim right away its doomed. They can't have upfronts where they say their schedule is full, no new shows this year.
  20. This show taught me how to recognize when to abandon a show with haste and never look back. Chalkboard. When the previously that introduces the show has no resemblance to what you watched, either the writers are terrible or the show has gone so wrong compared to what it could have been that you've gone crazy. Either way, it's time to go.
  21. They are relying on time jumps too much. What makes it worse is that they are abandoning the previous story before it feels done. Or perhaps more accurately they are doing a bait and switch and setting up things in the finale that seem promising and then jump over the part I was looking forward to and set up a confusing New premise to be explored during the season. Only I'm too bored to pay attention and become unconfused. And I've learned not to expect any payoff. I think I'm going to go back to binging the show once the season is done and think of them as loosely related miniseries.
  22. Keen Eddie. Typical FOX, bouncing it to summer and then cancelling it in 7 episodes for low ratings. At least the DVDs got released. I rewatched recently and was surprised at the stuff the censors let slip past. But it was hysterical.
  23. On the Star Trek front {and I feel like I should be ashamed} I really like Troi/Riker TNG and Paris/Torres Voyager. I loved Monica and Chandler on Friends. It was in no small part because of all the other character's reactions to finding out. "I have to tell someone." - Joey
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