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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. No wonder LeeAnne loves him. I wonder where LeeAnne thinks she going to get the money for a 500-1000 guest wedding. That would be a hugely expensive wedding. She and Rich have no big money. He's a retired cop, right? And she has no job. Yeah, I know the show is her job right now but what about before? You can tell from the house they live in that they can't keep up with the McMansions the others live in. A house, by the way, that would suit me, a commoner of the first degree just fine but we are talking about "Dallas royalty" here (lol).
  2. Joy and Austin crack me up. He has a very dry sense of humor and she's a feisty little thing. She knows he can be ridiculous. Yeah but the others were making fun of him and he seemed to be able to roll with it. Kendra is so sweet and adorable. Weird parents not withstanding.
  3. Omg, I hope Gina's life and divorce isn't going to be dragged out all season. This should have been a 1 episode highlight and no more. Who in BRAVO producer-land decided that the new girl will get the spotlight? I bet that just chaps Vicki's OG of the OC's fat ass!
  4. Guys, did I miss anything juicy? I just returned from a week's vacation and have 5 Wendy's on my DVR. Should I bother watching them? Maybe I'll save them for those sleepless nights when nothing else is on TV. I have totally lost interest in this show.
  5. Has Tarik even thought for one minute that he should have a serious talk with Hazel about his handicapped daughter and whether she is accepting of the fact that she will be living with and involved in the every day life of the daughter? Oh, never mind, he's too busy trying to steal unenthusiastic dead lipped kisses from Hazel to care about anything else. These people that are "parents" blow my mind.
  6. Ricky: Me and Melissa only ate together. That's all. Ximena: Oh, did you eat each other, too? lololol I love me some Ximena!
  7. That was a pretty hard fall Jenny had. Did any of them go to help her or did they just stand there and laugh? What assholes. No wonder she left.
  8. What kind of a deal? There is no way a father that is involved in his daughter's life is going to approve of her being taken all the way to England to live. How would that benefit the biological father? Thanks to Rachel, all he has to do is show these episodes to the Judge (if it came to that). Request denied!
  9. That is the most depressing bedroom! A small bed (for a big guy), no headboard, a tiny little night stand off to the corner and yes, a ton of blankets. Nothing on the walls, either. Does Tristan really even live in that place? My theory on Tristan is that he really can't stand Mia and is trying to be nice for the camera. His comment after the hiding under the blanket scene was telling. Can we go to sleep now? As if he is so over having to talk to her. They sure weren't going to have any sex that night!
  10. Mike's mother is worse than Mike. Is she actually blaming Jessica for the demise of the marriage? After the girl converted to Judaism for him and eagerly learned to cook all the favorite Iranian dishes for him, which by the way his mother taught her? Not good enough for your precious son? What an effed up dynamic between mother and son. Oh, and, I don't want to see Destiny crying every episode. That needs to stop.
  11. @HunterHunted I agree with you and I do know who Ryan Murphy is. Maybe deep down Reza is an insecure person and tries to compensate with his gold jewelry, fancy watches and flashy clothes and having to prove a point on camera that he earns more $$ than Adam, then humiliating Adam by asking him on camera if he had the $160,000 saved up for the surrogacy, waiting for Adam to sheepishly say that he didn't. It's cruel and this is why I get mad at Adam for putting up with this pompous assahola.
  12. This is how Reza wants to portray Adam. Reza had the nerve to say in this episode that Adam has a job but he make so much more money than Adam does. He was demeaning Adam's career. What bugs me about Adam is that he puts up with Reza's crap! He didn't seem all that upset or surprised that Reza put half a million in to this hair business. When Reza solution for the baby making was to finish the house reno, then take out a second mortgage on it to pay for the surrogacy Adam was all "oh, ok". I don't think Reza has any intention of doing that, he's just biding more time. Adam can't see that Reza is playing games so he comes off looking like a sad sack country bumpkin that doesn't have a clue. Get a clue, Adam!
  13. I do, too. His story is compelling, too. He feels like a let down to his dad and Mike feels like a let down to his mommy. Reza and his dad, MJ and Vida. All of the Shah's have interesting relationships with their parents. I wonder if this is a cultural thing. Mike's girlfriend is a dud. No personality at all. Perfect for him. Apparently Adam doesn't give a crap what Reza does as long as the end result is twins. I just don't get those two.
  14. As Tamar is revealing this info, Wendy skims right over it. Not a single question or comment. That Wendy is some kind of skilled interviewer. Having said that, Tamar is a mess. She's with a hot new boyfriend for only 3 months and ready to get married and wants more kids. Slow your roll, sweetie. All of the Braxton's are a mess but she takes it to another level. I can never tell if she telling the truth or completely full of shit.
  15. Not to mention juvenile. She makes me cringe. It's no wonder her daughter's have no respect for her. She acts like a child herself.
  16. An abusive boyfriend that beats her up yet continually tells her he loves her?
  17. Weren't LeeAnne and Brandi besties back when Brandi and Stephanie were on the outs? God, these women are so fickle! LeeAnne has got to stop wearing her hair so long and dark and parted down the middle. She looks like a witch.
  18. I can not believe Meri is still hanging around. I guess she will until the show is finally cancelled. I really thought after last season and all of the alienation and misery she would have the guts to leave but she's gotta keep collecting those TLC checks!
  19. I don't like Hannah and I agree, I don't think she was apologetic. I do, however, really like how she handled herself. She was basically admitting that she was a shithead the entire season and would try not to be so much so if she is back next season. That pretty much put an instant stop to anybody getting in to a back and forth with her or piling up on her about how horrible she is. I thought it was a pretty brilliant maneuver on her part.
  20. I'm losing patience with Danielle. Yeah, yeah, yeah she has a long commute. Does she give Bobby a rest on the weekends and take over pooper scooping for him? She's taking advantage. A whole lot of taking and not much giving. I don't even get why Bobby is on the show. He is young, adorable, responsible, has a good job and is a nice guy. Surely there are many cute girls in Dallas that would love to date him. He may have to weed through them to find the right one but isn't that what dating is all about?
  21. I can not stand her constant mumbling and whiney voice! Casey, STFU. You know you loved stirring shit between JWow and Brooke. And you did it on camera so you knew it was eventually going to be seen by Brooke. Go learn how to make coffee or something and mind your own business. JWow with his only defense of "I had no idea what I was doing". How many times did he say that? What a loser. Cap'n Sandy lost me 100%. What a bitch. I have had bosses like that. The employees that kissed ass the most were the ones that got the special treatment. It had nothing to do with talent, ethics or professionalism or knowledge of the job. Jamie looked stunning with her black dress, makeup and hair up. Gorgeous!
  22. Be safe, Mindthinkr! I went through it last year (I live in Fl.) Very stressful.
  23. He must have a lot of other projects we don't see on the show. Then there's Chaz Dean who is constantly renovating, changing, building. That's another never ending process and lots of $$$$ for Jeff.
  24. I don't get it, either. I was so frustrated with this episode. How dare that mother subject her children to that. Was she too stupid to see this guy had a problem child? I blame the father, too. You move in with a woman (that you barely know) and her kids knowing that you have a kid that is going to disrupt and possibly harm everybody's life. Where do they get these joker from?
  25. I could never work in an environment where the entire office of employee's sits at one big table. How do you make business phone calls or concentrate on your own work when you can hear everybody else talking? It's an awful, uncomfortable set up. I know it's the new hip way to do it but give me my old fashioned private cubicle or desk any day and save the big table for meetings only! What house are Jeff and Gage living in now? It actually looked normal, with the darker kitchen cabinets and granite that you would buy at Home Depot and a plaid bedroom comforter instead of the modern, sterile design he prefers. Having children sure does change things.
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