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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. This is Bethenny we are talking about. She said it as a personal, hurtful dig implying Carole is less than.
  2. After my husband's heart attack and the following open heart surgery, he was put on 7 medications. When he asked the Dr. "How long will I have to take all these meds"? The Dr. said "for the rest of your life". Hello. Wake up call. Eddie needs to take the meds. It will prolong his life.
  3. The Serial Killer episode. This the most disturbing thing I have ever seen on daytime TV. Is Dr. Phil punking us because what I watched can't be real. And did Shill actually tell the sister that it's ok to see the brother as long as it's in public. No, sister needs to take her kids and run the eff away from him so he can never ,ever track her down, ever. I'm still in shock over the way this entire episode was handled.
  4. That was Bethenny and Carole. Heather never shamed Kristin.
  5. We know Tasha will eventually tell Kerissa just that, too! Lynn Whitfield should win an emmy. She is amazing. Her facial expressions are like no other. She doesn't have to say a word. On a shallow note, Grace (Merle Dandridge) is a gorgeous woman. Her body is perfection and if she is sporting hair extensions they are the best I have ever seen.
  6. Brandi is still 14. The problem with these women is that they are just not funny. They try but they fail. Crazy LeeAnne that we all love to hate needs to rear her crazy head stat! No more normal LeeAnne! The show needs her batshit antics because there is nothing else to entertain us.
  7. Then when Carole said to Bethenny "My husband died, other wise I would have had a kid" made me sad. Bethenny is a vicious animal.
  8. Those two are sizzling hot, aren't they? lol. Snore. I still like them, though. They can't help it if they're boring as all hell. Not enough pets this episode! I hate that fishbowl exercise! I'll be damned if I'm going to tell my fantasies to this person I hardly know (much less in front of the world) and then tell my partner what they are not doing in the bedroom to satisfy me. How intrusive and in bad taste. Come up with something else, coaches, or therapists or what ever the heck they are.
  9. From several things she has said, apparently he parties without her a lot, and he is difficult to get in to contact with. It's a turn off to her. She said something to one of her friends a few eps ago that she didn't want to end up married and pregnant, home all alone every night wondering where her husband was. Keep those thoughts, Hannah. It won't get any better after you're married.
  10. Yeah, and how many times does she need to ask him if they can "have a chat"? No, bitch. No more chats.
  11. Oh, spare me, show. Please do not turn this in to Josh going to be a baby daddy so he thinks he and Liza can get back together and can ride off in to the sunset because she won't have to have a kid with him after all because he will already have one. Where was Maggie's girlfriend? She's the one that wants a baby, not Maggie, yet she's nowhere to be found (unless I missed it) during the sperm donation talks between Josh and Maggie.
  12. Let's begin with the ratty fake hair extensions. Remove those, then concentrate on getting the hair back in better condition. She's a short, small woman and all that hair makes her look like a bit of a troll. I was surprised to hear both Mia and Dave say they thought she was beautiful. I'm not seeing it at all. Tristin practicing his donut game in front of the mirror was hilarious! Both he and Mia are crazy. Bobby and Danielle. I think they are shy about being in front of the camera. Loosen up, kids! They are falling in love, let it happen and enjoy.
  13. I was shocked when Eddie said he wasn't taking his meds except for the blood thinners and he was proud saying it. Tamra didn't seem too concerned about it, either. How stupid are these people? When it comes to your heart, you don't mess around with your meds. Take them if you want to stay alive, you really don't have a choice , jeez.
  14. On the other hand, while they were having their "talk", she told him she loves him and wants to make it work. He said he loves her, too, and is in it 100%. Then the fighting begins all over again. Same as those idiots Catherine and Lyle. What are these people, 14 yrs old? I think Brandon is a shit stirrer and kind of mean. He had no business at the table telling Lyle he was abusive to Catherine. That's a pretty serious accusation to throw out there at a table full of people trying to have a fun dinner. I don't like him. Actually, I don't like any of them.
  15. Yes, but by the time they appear on WWHL the filming for the season is practically over so who knows what's going on with those two currently. I have another theory on what is going on with Tams and Shans. Tamra said that Eddie and David are still friends. Maybe Shannon is deep down resentful of that and is not asking about Eddie or acting concerned because she's pissed off at Eddie about the friendship. Not going to Tams for guidance on working out and diet is another way of Shans showing her underlying resentment. Also, Shannon has been self centered, spoiled brat since season 1. I'm just wondering why it took Tamra so long to grow tired of it. Shannon getting up from the table and crying "you don't know what I go through everyday" and storming off is the Shannon we all know and have seen before. Nothing has changed with her. What ever their issues are they need to sit down face to face, one on one, and let it all out instead of this passive agressive BS.
  16. Well, they are filming a show, they have to be there. I bet Kris knows they are tired of doing the show but has told all the daughters they have to do it if they want to keep collecting checks. It's pretty obvious they are all sick of doing it as evidenced by their complete boredom in their voices and actions, especially Kylie and Kendall who only show up when obligated to do so per mommy's orders and the contract she had them sign. I'm assuming they all have contracts?
  17. Same here. I could not believe what I was seeing. How very sad.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong here. If Karineee is preggers then it can't be Pole's, right? They have been apart for months, then she lies and said the preg test was negative. I'm not sure what she's up to but it's shady AF.
  19. These women are so incredibly boring. Khloe doesn't want to go out in public because she's pregnant and doesn't want to reveal it yet, so she waits until dark so she and Kim can be the pranksters that they are and go toilet paper their mom's house. They are such daredevils, those two.. I did think it funny when they were eating pizza in the car with the box on Khloe's lap. It cracks me up when they fall off the wagon and eat junk food, it shows that at least that is one normal thing they do in their lives. I don't know how I feel about Scott being invited to family functions. Yes, he and Kourt have kids together, why can't one of them have the kids Christmas eve and the other Christmas day? Isn't that what most people not together anymore do? I think Kris must feel sorry for him because he has no parents or siblings. That is kind of sad. What the hell did Kendall, the model and most natural looking one of the bunch do to her face? It was all bloated and shiny when she was talking to Kourt, she looked nothing like herself. Is she already filling her face and lips at the ripe old age of of 22?
  20. I can hear master gaslighter/manipulator Jesse now: Why can't you wear your makeup like your sister? Why don't you do your hair like your sister? Why can't you have your fake nails done like your sister? Why aren't you mellow like your sister?
  21. True, but I didn't like that his cousin was saying "Melissa" not wanting to see him again was because Ricky didn't kiss her. No, cousin. That is not the reason at all. Cousin is as delusional as Ricky. Must run in the family.
  22. Don't forget the backwards cap on his head. Because he's cool like that. I think Jesse is enamoured with the USA, which I don't understand because Amsterdam is awesome, it's not like he's coming from Hazel's part of the world. If putting up with Darcy is going help him to get here then he will take one for the team.
  23. I get all that but my question is why would MJ feel comfortable with that. Does she have NO close girlfriends? I guess not.
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