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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I guess he was demoted, just wondering why and who did he piss off. Maybe he just doesn't have an exciting storyline but they still need him to round out the group.
  2. Now that RA knows for sure he's not Blu's bio dad and see's that Darla still wants him in Blu's life as his father maybe things will soften between the two and they will eventually get back together. It wouldn't be a bad thing. They clearly still love each other.
  3. I actually liked everybody tonight! I did not care for Destiny at first, now she's my favorite. She's really sweet, funny and doesn't seem to want to start any shit or back stab anybody. Oh, and Nemo, your gf is gorgeous and nice. Better re-think that one because GG will bring you nothing but drama and turmoil. Why isn't Shervin in the opening credits?
  4. I was shocked I tell ya, shocked when D'Andra walked in to her kitchen in the morning with family there and she had no make up on! I have never seen such a drastic difference in a woman. She is really naturally pretty and looked 15 yrs younger. Not saying she shouldn't wear makeup but she needs to tone it wayyyyyy down. I think her hair was up in a messy bun or ponytail or something. Adorable. She needs a complete makeover and so does Elvira Crystal Gayle LeeAnne.
  5. If it wasn't 100% legal you know LeeAnne would be getting her claws in to it and digging for the truth. She and Brandi are not in a good place so what better than to drag Brandi through the mud with how this adoption took place. Yes, I do believe LeeAnne is that low of a snake.
  6. That was funny! He seems like a cool guy. He also said he likes all the HW's. What the hell is doing with batshit LeeAnne? She must be a 24/7 handful.
  7. Then why did Lu invite Scott? That was disgusting. Calm down, Lu. You ain't all that.
  8. Dee also walked in to the party and was standing there with her boy toy saying what a boring party it was. Horrible, horrible mother.
  9. I agree 100%. Lu really showed a nasty side of her personality, one that she works hard to hide in front of the camera. She should have most definitely thanked Dorinda for the dress hook up. Dorinda went out of her way to take her to the shop and sit there while Lu tired on all the dresses, then she gets to wear them for free? How inconsiderate of Lu and Bethenny is so quick to cut down Dorinda it really doesn't matter who is wrong or right she's going to jump on the Dorinda is over reacting train. Also, Dorinda organized that nice girls trip to Connecticut to celebrate Lu's "sobriety". She also supported Lu in that stupid relationship with Tom when nobody else did, and was a bridesmaid at Lu's waste of time wedding! Listen, we all know Dorinda has a problem with alcohol but I totally understand why she is upset with Lu because Lu has done NOTHING to show her appreciation for their friendship.
  10. Yeah, anything to take the focus off Catherine and Lyle. Who ever in the BRAVO production world thought it would be a good idea to have these two as a main storyline should be fired. In fact, whoever thought it was a good idea for a second season of these losers should be fired. At least this season they are highlighting the beauty of Savannah so I will keep watching for that alone.
  11. Enzo playing the spoiled Italian son who has been sheltered living at his momma's all his life. You did a porno, dude!! Does mama know about that? Gimme a break.
  12. As soon as I hear a man with a vocal fry I will be happy to police him, too.
  13. He likes to stir the pot and get a reaction from Hannah. And it works every time. I think Adam is right, Hannah knows she's materialistic, she just doesn't want to hear it. Ha, no such luck with Joao around.
  14. Which would never happen IRL with a young hot guy and an older woman. He would have been done with her a long time ago. He sure doesn't mind throwing his jabs at Liza repeatedly telling her she's a worthless liar. If he resents her so much then move on already.
  15. Yup. Amber needs to work on her self esteem issues. She's probably been insecure in all of her relationships not just this one. Which is why she is 36 and looking for love on this stupid show. "Do sex". Tristan, you little boy, you. What a turn off. Dave got a kick out of that and was mocking him under his breath. These couple get togethers are too forced and fake. Bobby and Danielle as cute as they are better amp up the drama soon. They are boooorrrring....when there are more comments about the pets than the couple you know this show is in trouble. Mia has a way with the bullshit, doesn't she? She got mama Tristan to buy in to her lies, too.
  16. She talked about how the lawsuit with her ex and kids devastated her. I didn't see the interview, I read it on Page Six. It amazes me, I don't know but I bet Dorinda drinks just as much behind closed doors, too!
  17. Never going to happen. Just 2 episodes ago she's running around drunk and naked on national TV while her husband is seriously sick and her daughter is still estranged from her and has made it clear she is embarrassed by her behavior. Cut Fitness must be nothing but a hobby, not a big income producer for them so where else besides the show is the money going to come from for Tamra and Eddie? Nowhere else. Tamra did not marry a wealthy man so shes gotta keep collecting those checks, she's the breadwinner in the family!!
  18. Wow! Lu said in the interview that the night she fell off the wagon she had 3 watermelon martini's, then finished off 2 bottles of wine and a six pack of beer. By herself! Holy shit, this woman is hard core. How can she hold that much liquor in her? She said she has no self control when it comes to booze and can never stop at just 2 drinks. She's going to have a very long road to go if she wants to continue to go out often and hang out at the Regis and wherever else her social NYC friends go.
  19. It's not typical to snow in Savannah. Every five years or so.
  20. Agree! Ryan is an unappreciative, ungrateful ass. Maybe Vicki was working or in meetings. The woman does have to work. I doubt the grandkids tried 20 times to face time. 20 times? C'mon Ryan. By the way, that is one beautiful house he and Brianna are living in. You can bet didn't buy that on a military salary. Money goes a lot farther in NC but still I'm sure Vicki pitched in on that pruchase.
  21. I'm not surprised about Shannon because I always felt she was a completely self centered, spoiled woman. I did, however, love love love Tamra being so butt hurt over Shannon and Kelly bonding. Her face in that scene at the gym was so tight and hard it was damn scary. I guess lighting really is everything.
  22. Oh, Kelly. Shut. It. She has a mother, father and brother and a lot of friends. I don't know where they all were but it's not like she was some homeless orphan at Thanksgiving and Vicki is her only friend in the world. She hated Michael's guts, treated him horribly in front of the camera, she wanted a divorce so stop already.
  23. That was the story. Vida left them both for another man. I don't recall if Shams was a cheater, too.
  24. When ever they do the stupid pranks on Kris, I have to fast forward. Boring. Why is Scott still on the show? He doesn't belong there. Are they that desperate to fill an hour? Maybe that's another reason Kourtney is pissed at them. Who wants their ex to still be hanging around like that. It shows a lack of respect for Kourt. Kris is at fault for that. Kim has destroyed her hair with that blonde purpleish black root mess. She needs to start over. I had to laugh at the manufactured drama over Kendall not having a place to live for a while. Ummmm...... she has 3 other sisters and a mother who all have mega huge houses. Gimme a break.
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