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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. She's nowhere near 28. She's about 38 and older than Devar.
  2. Melanie's son doesn't live with her? Yet, she had another baby? Looks like the true Devar shows up next episode and he's a nasty drinker. Melanie's sister shouldn't get too comfortable with liking him too much. She may be changing her mind real soon. Devar didn't know what the heck he was doing with that baby. Putting her on the kitchen counter and fumbling around trying to change her diaper. Jesus. What was Melanie thinking having a baby with him.
  3. Narcissists never realize how much they hurt people. Nicole and Pao are the same. At least Pao doesn't have a kid to damage. Yet.
  4. Seeing David sweeping out that storage unit in the dark was all kinds of awesome. He finally got a job, ya'll!! Once Annie gets her green card just what type of job does she think she's going to get? Is she qualified to do anything? I don't think she was planning on working at all. She wanted to be taken care of and make babies. She's better off to go back home to Thailand and start over with the American man hunt.
  5. And.. Anfisa is pissed because Jorge didn't stand up for her during the phone call. It's not about you, Anfisa!! It's about a poor little girl that may be about to find that she has an asshole for a father, and the mother that has not been getting any support from the asshole of a father. Azan was trying real hard not to laugh in mama Nicole's face while she was confronting him. Pao was trying real hard not to laugh in Russ' face during the big fight. Pao has got to be the most self centered, narcissistic bitch on the planet! In the reunion previews it looks like they are all turning on each other. I hope someone punches Pao in those new veneers and fake lips of hers.
  6. Sunny licking the wisk while the guest was making the cake. I swear she's doing this stuff to punk us, right?
  7. Ok, he was a guest 5 times. Brooke was still a stew each time. Which brings me back to my point which was that he said she was awesome. So not all of the Below Deck crew is fake.
  8. Brooke was on Watch What Happens Live tonight. I was surprised to learn Andy Cohen has been on 5 charters with Brooke as a stew. He said she was amazing at her job. I guess she's the real deal. Colin was in the audience. He looked even more attractive than on the show. They really missed an opportunity not featuring him more this season instead of jackass Jaowooooowww.
  9. Omg she was stuffing her face like some kind of rabid animal! She wasn't even paying attention to what the chef was trying to show her about making the sushi. The food was actually falling out of her mouth. Disgusting!
  10. What's with all the facetiming bullshit? We get it, already. It's 2018 and these ladies are soooooo hip. @LuvMyShows fantastic post. I wish I could like it a gazillion times!
  11. That is a very good description of Shep!
  12. I've said it before and I will say it again. The bright white sneakers with the dresses have got to go.
  13. If that was the reason, she was spot on. God, I hate this show. I love to hate this show. I skipped the last half of last season's episodes but coming back now I see Lisa E. still has that shit eating grin on her face at all times. Ugh, she is the most annoying person on TV. Other things that haven't changed: Abby's obnoxious ex. No bud, it's not your house or your wife anymore so STFU Jo still wearing the wig Delia and Phoebe are still incredibly gorgeous Barb never did and never will belong on this show
  14. Xanax is not a drug that would be prescribed to an addict in recovery. I think she was drinking. Mix that with anti depressants and presto you get medicated Kathryn.
  15. Southern Socialite Patricia and her "White Tie Ball". What a joke. There was nobody invited but the cast members, Patricia's redhead friend and some background actors. This is Patricia's guest list? Why is this old woman doing this show? Speaking of old, Kathryn's hairstyle was awful and made her look matronly. She just can't get her styling right. She hasn't shed all of her baby weight yet, I don't remember her having such big boobs. And she's working in a clothing store helping put together outfits for customers. I couldn't help but notice how incredibly skinny Naomi, Ashley, Danni, Jennifer and Chelsea are. Cam was perfection as usual. Craig, clean your disgusting house! I'm so mad at myself for believing he had changed and gotten himself on track.
  16. Eh, I don't know if I buy that. The other two brides live in Texas and don't look anything like that. Amber's mother and sister didn't look like that. Amber needs to update her style and stop living in the 90's!
  17. I can't with Terra and that high pitched breathless cry. I did not see a single tear. How does one manage that? She may have hustle but she can't act worth shit. Penny is so cute! Another stupid outing dragging the husbands along. Why are they making Mika the events organizer? I can't stand her.
  18. That's Bethenny with her smart ass mouth thinking she's being so quick witted and funny. Money definitely can't buy you class. I'll give her a pass, though, because her Ramona impression was so good!
  19. I thought so, too. I remember a scene (can't remember which season) when she was telling Carole how much Dennis loved her and wanted to marry her but she wasn't ready. My, how the tables have turned. I don't ever, ever, never, everrrrrr want to be single again. Holy shit, is that what's going on out there? Douchenozzles galore. Both men and women.
  20. I'll go ahead and say it. Capt'n Lee is a bitch, too!
  21. That was beyond bizzaro. Looked like the guy was in the throws of a meltdown. Can't wait to see what that's all about.
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