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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. After she had the health scare, severe weight loss, fainting spells, thyroid flare up, ( and more to the point the public outing of Big Kev's secrets), her Dr. ran all those tests and found that along with needing to change her meds she was severely iron deficient and needed to eat more protein including meat. So Wendy is now eating meat.
  2. Yes, he did. That's pompous Bill for you. Delusional Bill, too.
  3. Rebecca said in a past episode that they re-connected on Facebook, or maybe it was shown. Can't remember which but it was definitely later and it was definitely Facebook. I remembered it because I thought it strange because hasn't FB only been around for 10 years or so?
  4. That house is going to need A LOT of renovations to get it to the coastal look Jen loves. I would never have thought they would choose that outdated Mediterranean style house. I will say I can't wait to see what they do with it because Jen does have superb taste. I predict next season we are going to be subjected to all the renovation issues and watching them live in the mess until it's completed. Oh, fun. I go back and forth over who irritates me more. It was Jen for a while, now after seeing her say her goodbye's to her co workers last week in Houston I really like her again. She was obviously very well respected and loved at her job. She was always so sweet and considerate to everybody any time she was shown at work. A real class act. I will forgive her annoying parenting skills for now (lol). But Bill...... he can be so cocky and a show off. I don't care for his attitude.
  5. No doubt Mia is a weirdo but did Tristan ever think he did or said anything wrong during the entire 8 weeks? I don't like that guy and I think he is a gaslighter extraordinare! I'm looking at pics of my ex in a bikini, come and look, She's so pretty, don't you think? Hey, what you so mad about? Why you so jealous? Why you so insecure? Why you so uptight? Eff off Tristan. Amber looks good with the darker hair. Looks like she got a better cut and is conditioning the hell out of it, too! Awwww Barbie and Ken. Oops I mean Bobby and Danielle! I'm happy for them.
  6. I think that method would result in cleaner, better smelling clothes!
  7. Yes, he is a dream of a son in every way, we are so blessed! We will never let him know that we hate our front loader, hubby and I gripe about to each other all the time and laugh about how we miss our old Maytags (he does the laundry, too)!! lol
  8. That was awesome! Shut up Wendy. You're filthy rich. How dare she turn her nose up at those of us that want to play the lottery. She's just so damn nasty. What has happened to this woman.
  9. HATE my front loader. My son bought it for us for Christmas so I had no choice. He is a sweetheart and loves his LG so thought we would love ours ( for whatever reason he bought Samsung for us, yuk) Yes, you do have to leave the door open after use, your clothes will smell of mildew and they just don't feel clean. The rubber casing around the drum of the washer never dries out, you have to wipe it after each use. What a pain in the butt, who has time for that?? I did not get the pedestal, either, so bending down and reaching in to the back of the washer sucks. I have tried all of the recommendations for cleaning the washer, none of them work. My only solution is to use scented fabric softener in the wash cycle and scented dryer sheets. Sometimes that works, sometimes not. You have to take the clothes out of the washer immediately after it's done and put them in the dryer and turn dryer on. You can't leave them in the washer for even a few minutes or they will start to stink! Son also bought a front loader dryer to go with the washer and I do love that, never any wrinkles in my clothes and dries quickly. Too bad the clothes smell like shit!
  10. She has said this several times already. I gather Lil Kev does not like college. Or else this wouldn't even be a thought in Wendy's head. He hasn't even finished a semester yet, has he? All the kid has to do is go to class and study. He probably has a nice new car, all the clothes he needs, designer sneakers and an allowance most kids would only dream of and I'm sure he doesn't have to work at some crap part time job as long as he is in school. Sounds like a no brainer to me. If he doesn't make it in school he knows mommy is rich and famous so there's not much to worry about. I wonder if she will finance a nice apartment in the city for him while he is trying to find himself.
  11. You would think but I don't know. Those two are weirdly co-dependent on each other. It will be interesting to see how they play the game in order to stay on the show. Tamra has proven that if she will make up with Vicki she will do anything to collect the check. She will probably apologize to Shannon and all will be right in the universe again. I don't follow Twitter, Are their any comments between them today?
  12. This 100%! Shannon has been an entitled, hysterical bitch since day 1. Let's get real and not blame it on the divorce and depression. The woman drinks too much and is spoiled rotten. Because she was married to an ass in his own right, it took the heat off of her.
  13. Anybody else notice the moobs on Colt? He has a weird body.
  14. Shannon deserved the pile on. Sitting at the table smirking and making comments under her breath, acting like she's above it all because the conversation didn't suit her and wasn't about her. Ohhhhhh you just don't know what I go through every day! Really Shannon, I think Tamra and Kelly do. Especially since you frequently call them crying (and no doubt drunk) at 2am to remind them.
  15. I'm an American and would never let my kids behave like that. And they were taught to say "please" and "thank you".
  16. So back to the episode: I don't get why Jen's mom and aunt went with them to look at houses with the kids. The kids were out of control as usual but why not leave them at the hotel or out doing something fun with Nai Nai and Auntie? No, allllllll 6 of them had to go look at houses. What a nightmare for the realtors. Zoey is something, though. When she was facetiming with Jen on the phone and explaining her day to Jen, I had to chuckle. What a little talker she is! It's hard to believe how far she has come from the crying, screaming, scared little baby they brought home from India. She is incredibly intelligent. She is going to go far, just like Jen.
  17. He said he lives in Lumberton, NC. Regardless of the state, at 32 yrs. old if he was a successful (heck, I'll go for decent) realtor he would be able to afford a nicer home. Being that he was able to move so quickly I guess he is still a renter. Nothing wrong with renting but I don't know many realtors that do. They come across great deals all the time so this guy must not be very motivated. Except to spend money on boobies, of course.
  18. Yup, his stories were just as boring as Wendy's HT's. Maybe there just isn't any good gossip going around lately. The celebs are laying low, lol. Or Wendy and her gossip reporters have all run their course.
  19. I'm still waiting for Mariah to bring the receipts on Damon. That sure was shut down quickly.
  20. I'm so tired of the tug of war between Jamie and Eddie. It's not interesting. Tom Selleck is starting to show his age this season (finally). Still handsome but I do admire that he has not chosen to go the botox and filler route and is just naturally letting his lines and sags be what they are. Regarding the character, must they always have him buttoned up in a 3 piece suit with that same old striped tie?
  21. Kristin Johnson has a rare form of Lupus, she is probably on a lot of meds including steroids which is most likely one reason for her weight gain. I love every scene that involves all the girls sitting together at the restaurant. The lines and delivery are so good and their comedic timing is perfection!
  22. Oh, no. That does not look good. Looks to me like she can barely move at all.
  23. Except in her very own life, Wendy had the baby but she's the one Kev would be extracting money from. How did that theory work out for you, Wendy? One of the major reasons I'm sure Wendy has not filed for divorce. She probably doesn't even have a pre-nup. Could there be a more boring story? Seriously I fell a sleep sitting up with my dog sleeping on top of me (I had a late night last night) and didn't bother rewinding to see what I missed. Deleted. Why would Wendy tell that awful story? It was in poor taste and it wasn't funny. The audience didn't get it, either. The man is dead for chrissakes. That is not a Hot Topic. Let him RIP. I swear Joan's daughter, Melissa gave that broach to Wendy on the show. Maybe it was a different piece of jewelry that Melissa gave her but she definitely gave Wendy something that belonged to her mother.
  24. Omg, I hope Brandi watches the tape and realizes how badly she treated LeeAnne and that she made a big effin' deal and twisted what LeeAnne said. I don't like LeeAnne but she deserves an apology for that mess. I will say the same for LeeAnne's convo with D'Andra. What she was saying about D'Andra's drinking to her and in her TH was way out of line. These women are not fun to watch and are mean spirited to the core. D'Andra looked like Cruella de Ville with that makeup and outfit. Does that woman have a stylist? She needs one.
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