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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Jax is so annoying. Does he have to jump in and defend Brittney all the time? This night in shining armour routine of his is getting old. She has a mind of her own, let her be. I loved Lisa putting both Jax and Brit in their place. Lisa will never, ever like Jax or Kristin and I love it.
  2. Stassi transferring her chewed up hamburger in to Beaus mouth was disgusting. More disgusting was that Beau asked her for it. Those two are just so adorable.
  3. How do you take a trip to Japan and turn it in to a borefest about who is shading who? Just ask the Atlanta HW's. It was funny when they were on the bus and Kandi was trying to figure out Marlo's hair system. Is it sewn in? glued? WTF is it? Kandi cracks me up sometimes. When she's not being a diva bitch, that is. Lol.
  4. I don't understand Brittney. The minute Marcelino walks out the door her ex-girlfriend shows up and Brit is all over her. What exactly is this chick's angle? It looked to me like she was just as controlling with her ex and Marcelino is with her. I'm also wondering about prison these days. Like how do these people get access to these dating websites, posting sexy pics of themselves, drugs, alcohol, etc... Seems like there's alot of freedom there. Is this what our prison system has come to? No wonder these people come out and are such assholes. They learn nothing. They have no reason to.
  5. Meri is in denial. About everything. You could see Kody's wheels turning when Meri's friend was talking about falling in love with Sam. This is why Kody is so done with Meri. He knows Meri would have left the family in a minute if Sam was for real no matter how Meri tries to spin it. Robin's meek mumbling is out of control. Where is the outspoken Robin of season's ago? Janelle getting all excited and giggly when Meri said her loan was approved. I thought Janelle hated Meri. Or was she so happy because she thought they were finally going to get rid of Meri? I did get a kick out of all them sitting around the conference table trying to sound like intelligent business entrepreneurs. It doesn't close that quickly unless it's a cash deal. It usually takes 30-45 days to close if you are financing. It's all so phony.
  6. I read a couple of days ago that Wendy was in the hospital because she was having surgery on her shoulder. That story quickly disappeard. Now she is in the hospital because of having complications from Graves disease. What about this entire month prior? What has she been doing to get well? It's all BS. Now she is saying she doesn't know when she's coming back. I still believe she's in rehab and her family and publicists are all lying for her. I don't get why her sponsors haven't pulled away. I refuse to watch The Wendy Williams Show with no Wendy Williams. It's beyond ridiculous. I do feel sorry for her staff, though. Wondering every day what is going to become of their jobs.
  7. I didn't laugh once. I had no idea that was Bradley Whitford. One drunk is bad enough but that wife... I wanted to knock her ass out. The most annoying drunk ever. She was so adodrable as Arthur's dogwalking friend on King of Queens! Aside from all that, the storyline sucked.
  8. Certainly appears that way. It makes me sick.
  9. AJ cracks me up. Talking about wedding night: We didn't have sex. We are going to build a friendship and take it slow. I'm fine with that. Day two: We slept together. And it was great! So much for waiting, AJ!
  10. I could be wrong but I thought Jasmine asked him if he intended on paying the mortgage and he scoffed at that? I also think it depends on what the incomes of the couple is. I'm just throwing numbers out here but let's say one earns $150,000 per year and the other earns $40,000 per year. Should everything be split 50/50 then? That is a huge factor and they need to work out a plan of the financial responsibilities and incorporate cooking, cleaning, shopping in to that. If their income is close to the same amount then they should split the bills 50/50. Regarding Kate, maybe she smokes much more than the occasional social cig. Maybe she's lying about that and is a regular pack a day person. The preview shows how upset she is that Lukewarm told her he was repulsed by kissing her so it's possible he felt that kissing her is like kissing an ashtray? I guess we will find out next week. If he said such a cruel thing he better have a good explanation for it! Wasn't there a big deal made out of a couple a few season's ago when the wife found out the husband smoked, she didn't know about his smoking, then it and she was totally turned off by it? I think she was a flight attendant or something like that. I don't remember their names.
  11. Oh, shit, another long Pearson speech. I haven't watched the episode yet, but think I will fast forward through that.
  12. I agree with you about Luke. Just because Kate is very pretty doesn't mean he has to fall for her immediately. She's boring. If you have a "type" and are matched with the opposite of that it may take a while to get over the disappointment. Maybe if she had a personality he would start to come around. Stephanie's eyebrows... the opposite of Danielle's last season. I can't take my eyes off those pencil thin, drawn on brows.
  13. So grocery store guy invites these strangers to a pool party and then doesn't show up? OK, TLC. What ever you say. Buddy owes Whitney big time for getting him a starring role on her show. We all know this is where his money is coming from and this is why he is moving back to Greensboro. He's gotta keep those check rolling in, even if it means kissing Whit on camera. It should be re-named "My Big Fat Clean and Sober Life". Too bad Whit doesn't have enough of a life of her own.
  14. Don't forget about his TH with the bow tie and wrinkled jacket. I agree with you about Beau and he doesn't come off as being very intelligent on Stassi's podcasts and they are always talking about how much they drink. He's 38 and seems like he's still in the party boy stage. They are only a year in to the relationship and he is still doing what ever she wants when ever she wants. I will say he is respectful of her which is something new judging from her past relationships. I feel sorry for Stassi that she thinks she has to watch herself so that she doesn't screw up the relationship and everybody including her own mother tells her that. As if this guy is the second coming of Christ. Please.
  15. I think she has been in rehab. I don't know if I can bear listening to her lies on Monday. No doubt there will be crying involved. I wonder if she will be standing in front of the mirror this weekend practicing her excuses with BK standing next to her coaching her on exactly how he wants this to go down. I hope one of you awesome posters here has a good recap!
  16. Oh, Beau. He's gonna need to learn to put his foot down with Stassi or she is going to walk all over his ass. I don't care how much he professes to be in love with her, he can't let her get away with treating him like garbage just because she cries about it the next day and says she doesn't know why she treats him that way. It sounds like she only gets in meltdown mode when she's drunk so take a hint Stassi and stop drinking so much.
  17. I hate to say it because I don't like either one of them but the show is hurting with Kenya and Sheree gone. Cynthia is boring, and so is her Hill not Will BF, Nene doesn't have the energy to be nasty anymore, Eva and Shamea don't have what it takes to keep our interest and I don't even know what to say about that Tanya chick. As the Basketball wives would say, she's a nonmotherfuckingfactor. Porsha is crazy. She was on WWHL last night being sooooo extra, loud, laughing, talking too much, jumping up and down, while Dennis sat in the audience looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there. He clearly doesn't find her amusing at all. No way that relationship is going to last. It won't be long before Porsha is a single mom.
  18. Toya's yelling voice. I can't stand her. I will not be surprised if she and Eugene are filing bankruptcy in a couple of years. A 2 million dollar home after just paying off your $170,000 IRS debt? No way are they being careful with their money. Quad has me confused. No sex for three years now she's crying that she still loves him?
  19. Seriously, we have to be subjected to another boring wedding? Thank god I record all my shows. I will be fast forwarding through all the wedding mess. I will, however, be looking so forward to the wives putting their foot down and arguing with the boss Kodster about moving to Flagstaff even though we know they do anyway.
  20. Agree, Walmart has cute sweaters!
  21. Agree 100%. He said on his radio show that he does this show from 9pm to 11:30 pm so the baby will be sleeping during that time. When he goes out of town for work which is often, he is only away for 2 or 3 days so he doesn't think it's a big deal. I'm sure he will have a day nanny and a night nanny. I keep thinking about how Andy spends his summers partying on Barry Dillers yacht and hanging out in the Hamptons with his celeb friends. I can't picture him spending much time with his child.
  22. I don't think it's going to die down this time. Especially now that she is taking another week off.
  23. Ha ! So true, I live in Florida. I get your grandmother, there is never a good hair day here. It always amazes me when I go on vacation to a "normal" climate and realize that hey, my hair is behaving and I don't have shitty hair after all! Seriously, Laura and Kate have hair long enough so that all they have to do in the morning is brush it out and pull it back in a neat bun or ponytail. Even my husband who was walking through the room said something about Laura's mess.
  24. He is disgusting and Delores is sad for putting up with him. In fact, all the men on this show are neandrathals. That includes the classy turkish plastic surgeon and Marge's Joe who is too lazy to finish his own remodel. How many times do we have to look at that unfinished house? All the story lines are boring and the husbands, boyfriends, ex's, brothers all have too much screen time.
  25. Debra Winger is notorious for being difficult to work with. Saw her on a rare talk show appearance recently and she was positively hateful. I always wonder what it's like with the other actors on the show having to deal with her.
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