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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Also, why didn't they hear anybody out there while they were "painting"? As much as I can't stand Whit, I thought she was very nice to the guy at dinner. She asked him questions and seemed genuinely interested in his answers. She can be a nice conversationalist when she wants to. Which is hardly ever. Todd was basically telling Whit her classes have become boring, lazy and lame. Go, Todd!!
  2. What was up with that? Did they not go to the wedding? These are supposed to be his closest friends...I think they were hired from central casting. Jasmine standing in the kitchen complaining to Will that he was not making her pancakes dark enough, and the turkey bacon too dark. Are ya kidding me? The guy is cooking your breakfast, shut up and deal with it. Try being nice, then maybe you will get fucked, Jas. No wonder he's turned off, she is so controlling. AJ is so weird. His friends saying they never see him in a relationship, him saying he likes his space. Now he wants to be married and never eat alone again! I don't feel like he is sincere when he is talking to Stephanie. He says the right things (when he is in the mood) but his actions don't add up.
  3. I listened and thought it was that ugly. Jeff has not taken one ounce of responsibility for the demise of the relationship which is troubling to me. How do you reason with someone like that? Gage was only 22 when he met Jeff. Jeff was already set in his ways. He's not going to change. If they get back together it will only be a matter of time before they split again because I think Gage is restless and Jeff is, well...Jeff.
  4. I don't see any problem with Lisa's behavior towards Kristin. She can choose not to like her and she can choose not to allow her in her restaurants or in her home. Lisa put up with a lot of Kristin's tantrums while at work, and gave her second chances but the final straw was when Kristin was screaming and fighting with Lisa's manager in the middle of Lisa's restaurant and telling the manager to suck a dick in front of the paying customers and making a horrible scene. If someone did that in my place of business they would never be allowed back. Just because Stassi and Sandoval forgived Kristin for fucking Jax doesn't mean everybody needs to forgive Kristin for all of the other shit she has pulled.
  5. Well, she did invent Girls Night Out. Ha!!! What a joke. So who pays for all those drinks we see the girls standing on and behind the bar randomly pouring in all those shot glasses for anyone and everyone? Free drinks all night? Yea, right. Stassi is really impressed with Lala. Taking a jet to Solvang! Please. Calm down, Stas. It's not the French Riviera or Milan. Then Stas drunkenly sits there and proclaims how awesome and cool their group is. It doesn't take much for these chucklefucks.
  6. I continue to like James. What is wrong with me? I wish Stassi would stop waving her hands around every time she talks. It's annoying.
  7. Which means they will stand by Big Kev no matter his lying, cheating, abusive ways. I'm sure Nick Cannon spoke to Wendy's parents. What did they all have a sit down at the kitchen table to talk about Wendy? What a load of BS. He would grab that spot in the purple chair if it was offered to him. I guess he doesn't care about Wendy's oops baby comment. All forgiven. Celeb's are such phonies!
  8. Questions we will probably never get the true answers to. It will all be lies, lies, lies. Until Wendy wises up, leaves him and writes her book.
  9. Probably only because he was already marrying Sarah and he didn't ask her. Agree with you about her being fat. A bit chubby maybe, but not fat.
  10. The only "reality" about this show is that they are all ex-cons and they all had idiots waiting for them when they got out.... Clint's mama telling him that his goddess will eventually lose her looks and he will be stuck with nothing more than a drug addict. Umm Mama, already happened. p.s. Clint's mama has my dream kitchen. They must have a successful business. Jasmine needs to stfu. Her mother is trash, always has been, always will be. Why doesn't Jasmine have a job? Brittney to Marcellino: "Marcellino, come back here and talk to me or we won't talk". Wow, smart girl. Lizzie to Scott: Recite your vows. C'mon, Right Now!
  11. A poster said a few episodes ago that Tom Selleck is always sitting, he never gets up. Now, it's all I can see! I think he got up and walked a little at the end of this epidsode but not much. I also wonder if he has a health issue? And his constant scowl, please make that stop. In all of these years, Erin has never found anybody else, it's always just Jack for a booty call. Now we hear Jack talks about Erin on all of his dates. Why are they doing this? Eddie looked beautiful in that wedding dress.
  12. Well, where is the arm in a sling? This photo must be an old. Or Wendy is lying her ass off again about....EVERYTHING
  13. That would be interesting to know. I don't see Jeff going in to a partnership with Gage or relinquishing part of his "empire" to Gage. He was always so condescending to Gage about who makes the money and had the power. As far as the business is concerned it wouldn't surprise me if Gage was nothing more than a well paid employee in Jeff's eyes. I know Gage was good for Jeff's business, I just don't think Jeff ever gave him enough credit for that.
  14. Jeff said on his radio show today that he and Andy Cohen are working on something new and it's going to be really good. I guess he will be back but it won't be Flipping Out because again, he has nobody to film with. It would not surprise me if Gage is seeing someone else. Just a feeling. To leave your baby, your man, your home, and your job just to go live in a hotel. That's a lot. Either he has someone else or Jeff is just that horrible to live with!!
  15. I totally missed that Marge had a bio child with her ex. Always thought it was just the steps. She never mentions her son.
  16. He has nobody left to film with. I don't think it will be back.
  17. Great ep! Jill and the cop talking in the kitchen alone and Jill devouring the sandwich Christie relegated to sleeping on the floor then jumping under the covers The sponsor explaining to Christie that she needs to stop seeking approval from everybody Never thought of Adam as HOT, though. The cop was just as attractive as Adam and a better personality.
  18. Wow, that clip was published in 2015. Whitney really has lost a lot of weight. Good for her. (still can't stand her, though). Personalities and character don't change because you lose weight.
  19. Agree. I don't get why all his friends are falling all over him about this baby. He had two baby showers, one in LA and one in NY. Why is it such a good idea for a single 51 year old man who is always out of town to have a child? Just because he is wealthy and can afford nanny's around the clock isn't going to make him a great attentive dad. I was glad he said that! Jimmy was telling the truth and basically said that Andy has no idea what he's in for.
  20. Perfect description of AJ. Stephanie is in for a bumpy ride.
  21. Anybody else hear during AJ's childish meltdown about packing his belongings he also said he wanted to leave things there in case he wanted to spend the night there? Stephanie was shocked when he said that. I thought this guy was 100% committed to this marriage and never eating alone again! I don't trust this guy at all.
  22. Maybe Keith doesn't have any interest in learning to cook. There are plenty of people that don't cook, and don't want to learn to cook. This includes women as well as men. Keith just needs to accept that sometimes take out, or left overs or going out to dinner will have to do and not expect dinner on the table every single night. If he's cool with that then there should be no problem. If he expects Kristine to cook every single day then he needs to grow up.
  23. I have a feeling that was the real AJ and his fake mask is falling down. Yes, but he could have been nicer about it. All he had to say is "lets take the essentials now and see if we are going to want to stay there after a few weeks". Instead he freaked out and poor Stephanie looked like a deer in the headlights. He's so damn dramatic about everything.
  24. Buddy didn't explain why he stayed out ALL NIGHT after hunting down a chiropractor. Wasn't he supposed to be doing the introductions for the dance class?
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