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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I really don't understand how Jazz's siblings can stand to be around her. She doesn't know how lucky she is to have their support. Also, I don't think she ready for college away from home anywhere. To know she doesn't dilate when it's critical to her having a successful surgery and transformation is beyond irresponsible. She can go to the local University of Miami and mommy can dilate her every day since she's too damn lazy and immature to do it herself! Noelle is a lovely person. I hope she gets her surgery. Imagine how grateful she would be. I also hope she can get of south Florida if that is what she wants to do. The nightmare of the school shooting is just too depressing for her to deal with.
  2. Ummmm, Whit. Heather is a grown woman and if she wants to have a good time and fuck Ryan's brains out then so be it. She deserves to have some fun after the digustingness of Buddy. My god, nobody but nobody is allowed to have any fun unless it's Whitney. I wonder why Whit's dad is still working at 73. Maybe he doesn't want to be around Babs 24/7. She can be a bit much sometimes with her silly comments.
  3. How many more episodes do we have to endure the Bachelor-ette parties? Please god, make it stop. I guess Beau is now the 4th stooge. No, Stassi, you don't give a shit about "still" being Kristin's best friend. You just needed a few minutes of camera time. The new people- they are boring AF. They are not working out and the viewers don't like them. Looks like the OG's are safe for a while longer because this new crew is bringing nothing. Bad, bad, casting choices. BRAVO could have done so much better. How may young, starving WeHo actors are just dying for their big break and would do anything for a chance to be on this show?
  4. Why are they still so broke? Adam and Bonnie are married now and Adam is living with Bonnie and Christy. I thought his bar was doing really well, he bought Bonnie the new car and filled the refrige with food on an episode so I assumed all was well financially. Also, I thought Christy was working for that awful attorney's office.What's the deal with her still working at the restaurant? It doesn't seem her career is going anywhere which is disappointing. I thought I was all caught up, apparently I still missed a few episodes.
  5. Wendy had a car service. Kev didn't drive her anywhere. He was a passenger with her because they went to the show together (when he wasn't with his sidepiece). No way rich people with their own TV show are going to schlep their own car in all that mess of traffic.
  6. Oh, I totally get it. I just don't think re-hashing it on camera over and over again is appropriate. Marge, Sr. is clearly not ever going to get it.
  7. Did the two Joe's really try to fix up that disgusting old Frank with the adorable 20 something waitress? Disgusting. I feel for Margaret with her mother situation. However, she's in her 50's and Marge is 73 so let it go, it's not gonna change. Marge was clearly a shitty mother and I'm surprised they have a relationship at all but bringing it up on camera is not the way to handle it. How weird for Dolores to call Frank to tell him about her trip and not call David. Why doesn't Frank have a woman of his own?
  8. I find Mindy to be a bit of a dweeb, too. She is annoying AF. But....Zach with his word salad is even more annoying AF. Brandon is such a passive agressive douche but he and Taylor make such a pretty, pretty couple. Katie and Derek's morning after pillow talk to the camera "We did a thing", "Uh huh, yeah, we did a thing". I know they're young but please. Talk like an adult. And if I hear these 26 yr olds say one more time "I waited my WHOLE LIFE to fall in love" I'm gonna bash in my TeeVee. The twin and what's his name are boring. Meeka and Michael are a disaster. She was a mess before she walked down the aisle with her crying and pouting. Michael never had a chance. Too bad she was right and he turned out to be everything she feared.
  9. I just don't understand Sandoval in this situation. There was a clip played back of Sandoval and Schwartz sitting down having a conversation about Stassi's book signing event. Schwartz told him 50-60 people would be there. Sandoval knew all about it before hand. Then he pretends Schwartz said 15 people attending? These chucklefucks do know they are being filmed, right? Also, he couldn't find a couple of bartenders that want to work an extra shift and earn some extra cash? It all boils down to Sandoval being pissed off because Stassi went to Schwartz and Lisa and not him. Schwartz probably told her he would fill Sandoval in on the event (which he did) so Stassi thought everything was ok. The only thing Stassi did wrong was scream at Sandoval in public. That was not cool. Ask the douche to step outside then give him hell.
  10. Noticed it, too. It's because he has a dorky haircut.
  11. Even grandpa got on my nerves this episode.
  12. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that home schooled Jazz was accepted in to Harvard. I just don't get it.
  13. Ahhhh Jax. We see he hasn't really changed at all, the slimey POS. He thinks he wants a house in the burbs, a wife and a couple of kids. Then he lies his ass off to Britt telling her how he feels so uncomfortable at the strip club. The editing was something beautiful to behold showing us Jax motorboating the titties in the club and getting grinded on by the ho's. Brittney, Don't Do It!
  14. TLC clearly moved Whit to Charlotte for a storyline. She'll be back in Greensboro next season. I've seen a drag brunch on 3 reality shows lately. Enough already. The kitchen convo with Whit and her parents in her parents kitchen was useless and boring. I don't know why her parents agree to film this mess at all. Heather, girl. What is wrong with you? Crying and being all butt hurt because Whit isn't giving you enough time, then making out with this guy you don't even know. How much they pay you to do that?
  15. How does stone cold newly sober LaLa stand being around all these drunks and staying out till 4am? I would be bored out of my mind if I had to deal with that being the only sober person in the crowd. I'm surprised she's still hanging with these moron's. You would think she had better things to do with her big time producer fat fiance Rand and all of his big time actor friends.
  16. Alex G. was on again. Whyyyyy? Is she going to become a regular? She doesn't fit in with them at all. She's not loud enough, although she is definitely corny enough.
  17. Anna said her boys were soooooo upset when Mursel left. What universe is she living in? The oldest one can't stand him, the middle one doesn't give a crap and the youngest is so deprived of a male father figure he will take what he can get. Poor little guy. Anna SUCKS! Jasmine needs to call Juliana and ask her if Michael has any friends to hook her up with. She needs a Michael, not a Blake. I think Blake is the sweetest guy but not too bright when it comes to love. I'm sure he can find himself a little cutie right there in LA who actually doesn't mind working. Mike, you are home now. Forget about the Ukranian. She wants a baby NOW. She wants you to become a religious man. Then she doesn't know if she love you at all. End it before your life is ruined. At least he got the ring back. Angela and Mikuul. That dinner scene was so staged. First the family is telling them Mikuul needs to move on, they are all over it, even Mikuul said he is tired of waiting. Next minute they are all for the marriage. That was a quick turn around. What happened to the baby issue? Also, I keep asking myself why is it a big deal to get married in Nigeria? They can have a second American style wedding when they go back to the US. There you go, Angela. Wedding problem solved. If Mikuul is ever granted his Visa, of course.
  18. Wowza. They all hate Kody. Except Janelle, of course. You could tell he was really straining to keep his cool while they were all attacking him on camera during the LV real estate talk. The wives rilly don't give a rat's ass how bad they make him look. I'm living for it! I also loved the women complaining about the size of their rentals. Meri- we always had Christmas eve at my house but this house is just too small. Christine- (On Chrismas Day) I didn't realize my house was soooo small until now..... How quickly they forget the ugly compound they lived in with the paper thin walls in Utah.
  19. They did film this season 6 mos ago so maybe Beau was working then but it seems impossible that he still is because he follows her to every show on her tour and also participates in those shows. He's also always on her podcasts. And what about filming VPR, that takes time. He's a regular on the cast now. He's convinced Stassi that they are a "team". He also went to Italy with her to hunt for a wedding venue, they were gone a couple of weeks. So if he is still employed I would like to forward my resume to his boss, that's my kind of job. Just show up when ever the ever rising star Stassi deems it ok for him not to follow her around! Funny you should ask. He was on last episode along with her mother.
  20. She's still liking Shannon's IG posts so I don't know about that. I do think that the relationship will eventually fizzle out. Especially if Eddie has anything to say about it. He doesn't like Shannon. Also, Shannon's very busy with her new man and she and Tamra don't live near each other. It would take special effort to keep that friendship going. She's only had the business a year. Now way it would be that successful yet. The lies, the lies. And if she said that before she left the show then she is more of a fool than I thought. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
  21. If that's true, then I will definitely not be watching. Never liked Shannon and don't care for Braunwyn. Sometimes things just run their course. This show is one of those things. No new blood or bringing back old blood is going to save it.
  22. I know there is a new HW show coming out: Salt Lake City. They need to just scrap OC altogether and get another new city. I have a feeling BH will be on the way out after this next season, too. I don't want to see Dorit on my screen and from the gossip sites Lisa Rinna has taken on the mean girl role. Not interested. What will Shannon Storms Beador do now?
  23. Melissa knew who Manson was. She's at least 6-8 yrs younger than Teresa.
  24. Yes! Sooo much! Thinking about Meka, she was not comfortable before the wedding, freaking out and crying over her dress, then pacing back and forth saying she couldn't go through with the wedding just before the doors were about to open. Something about her just rubs me wrong, as if she was looking for anything to get out of this. Doesn't excuse Michael for being an ass, though. If he really said what she claims.
  25. This infuriates me! This is why I can not stand Dolores and her freakin' stereotypes of how Italian families are. I come from an Italian family, both sets of my grandparents came straight off the boat, one of them never learned to speak English and my parents spoke fluent Italian when they didn't want the kids to know what they were talking about. Having said that, NONE of the men in our family would ever, ever think to talk to their wives like that! It was unheard of. If anything, we were taught to show respect for the women and mother's of the family. On to bougie Jennifer. How dare she call Jackie cheap? The woman invites you to her beach house, stocks the refrige and leaves goodie bags in each room. She tells them all, "If there is anything you need, please let me know". Jennifer owes her a huge apology. How does this Dr. husband of hers stand to be in the same room as this shallow, vacant, miserable woman? Oh, that's right, he works a lot and likes to sleep in the pool house.
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