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Everything posted by dkb

  1. I think that Angelina is just petty. She probably thought by telling Elizabeth that it was her, that maybe Elizabeth would go and try to change the vote to someone else from David. Then there would be more drama and discussion and then she could be like, I told you it was the easy thing to do to vote Christian. Cause if this was jury management she isn't very good at it. I wonder if watching back Elizabeth would be saying a David should win in the end, when they ALL voted for her? I guess she didn't realize how much people disliked her, or just didn't care as long as it wasn't them. No one, seemed to have any loyalty towards her at all. She definitely did the rest of the David's a favor by letting everyone know about Angelina. After the immunity challenge, this show was so fun to watch till the end of the episode.
  2. Awww, Ray trying to act Rhagey was good, but the group acting betrayed because they found a picture of a previous mission when they were a disco group was hilarious. Ray you are the best! Actually everyone this episode was spot on.
  3. Yeah, the whole thing just fizzled out after the terrific prior efforts. I don't know how I feel about the Nadia thing, like @Bec said, why would she tell them now that she's the mastermind. Seemed like in general the police were being lenient on her, and she could still supply information to her group; so why reveal the truth?
  4. Something is definitely shady about Chanel. The finale should be interesting, now that Budd has access to the tablet. Still not sure if Julia is actually dead, or pretending or who would be behind the attempt on her.
  5. It was! Also lol, "Mythteries" that was brillant Ray. I really love dorky Ray so much. Zari and Sara bonding was fantastic, love Sara being such a good captain. Was the point of introducing Nate's dad to get the connection between a Legend and a government person, for the money? Or is there another subplot coming up the Dad for something else? Also although he doesn't bother me as much as he used to, Nate staying back to work at the time bureau would be great. He hardly steels up anymore and they have Gideon for the history stuff anyway.
  6. That was a great premiere episode. Welcome back Legends! Ray and Zari are quickly becoming the best pairing on the team for me. Thanks @Sakura12 and @Starfish35 for the info under spoilers.
  7. Tell me more.... lol. I'm assuming they weren't nice aliens in the end?
  8. This season is the first Doctor Who episodes I've ever seen. Liking the series a lot. I also really liked the episode, and thought it was very funny. Had to look away a few times, because I hate spiders.
  9. I liked Keeley Hawes performance on Line of Duty, so was excited to see her in a lead actress here. She was amazing on that show. Can't be as easy as David just shooting her, so we'll see where it goes.
  10. Jeremy imploding -- yikes! Natalie still being bossy and taking no responsibility -- yikes! The Jeremy and Angelina thing --- double yikes! Hope this season doesn't turn out gross and horrible after a good start. I know that the show is about real people and how they react to situations, but I really really don't want it to lead to real life drama outside the game. That reunion is going to be alot uncomfortable.
  11. Watching the series on the CBC player, and I was giggling at Sue's comments this episode. I hope Thierry Henry was finally rescued from Sue's basement. ;) But yes, when she said "Angry Baby Paul" I laughed out loud. Also her spin behind Paul and Mary after smelling the bubblegum flavor.
  12. oops, just saw your post @Browser26 (about Space) Supergirl is on Netflix Canada too. And its a weekly thing for Flash, if your watching on Netflix like me the new episodes will be up on Thursdays.
  13. dkb

    Venom (2018)

    Count me in the "It's a fun movie" camp. Towards the end I'm sure I had a WTF look morphed with a crazy grin because it was so stupid yet so entertaining. Can't say that Tom Hardy didn't go for it, cause he did.
  14. It's not!!! Apparently the episodes will be on Netflix Canada. Not sure if its a Black Lightning situation where they go up weekly or a Supernatural deal, where they put up the whole season at a later date. CTV has dropped all the Arrowverse shows it seems. I'm not happy about this. I had to watch the episode through other means.
  15. dkb

    S05.E01: Nora

    I don't remember if I read the name of the big bad this year, but what if it ends up being Caitlin's dad? The show would totally pull something like that. I loved the episode, all the West-Allen family stuff was great. Cisco and Caitlin were great, and Ralph wasn't too annoying.
  16. I liked it. I thought that connecting it to the old cult case made it better, even though it was obvious Meadows and Marva were added in recently. I didn't know who was or wasn't coming back this year, so I was actually scared for Reid. Glad he's okay. Still feel that they can decrease the number of agents on the team though; although I like both Luke and Matt (had to pause and search up his name!) I feel like one of them can go. Probably Matt considering I couldn't remember his name.
  17. Gabby - "Do you want to play with me?" Kristian : "In the sand?" I was rolling, that was hysterical. Dan is really naive isn't he -- re idol in his jacket. What are they basing Lyrsa being bad at challenges at? Usually they show people totally bombing challenges to help the narrative, but I didn't see anything in particular from the David tribe that would show them being really bad. Only Bee took longer on the ladder this episode then Alec. Last immunity challenge it was Carl? I think. Oof, the four who voted for Lyrsa really didn't imagine when it wouldn't go their way like at all. They gotta expect that there's always someone who wants to do something else.
  18. Totally agree; something was missing about the finale, but I really can't say what it was. Overall though, this was a great series with fantastic actors. I also agree @dargosmydaddy that Season 2 was the best. Still can't get over Tom's death and the final episode of season 2, it was so well done.
  19. Wow. Finding out the Sinclair knowingly sent Peter and David out there, was gutting. The last thing they knew was that the betrayed what they thought was crucial information to the enemy. Horrible. Thanks for the link @secnarf. Interesting reading.
  20. I really want to see Krystina out in the field with the rest of the gang, but also terrified that she would be a casualty.
  21. I believe he was considered to have died in the Pacific no? Or was that another son of Sinclair's. Yeah, I don't remember the previous seasons so well anymore.
  22. ^^ This made me laugh. I think not watching the previous 2 seasons have dialed back my cynicism about the contestants. A good break from the formula. But also agree with the below: Yes, the time he needed to be able to tell his story also seemed more legit than when people make up fake stories. When he was giving his talking head about the fact that he hasn't cried because his mom was his emotional support( or something to that effect), I didn't even think for a second he was faking. Just rang really true to me. Like @KimberStormer says above, his story also explains his rudeness and his inability to understand why all of them were telling their sad stories in the beginning.
  23. I was rolling my eyes, at the beginning with the theme talk. And continued rolling them, when all the Goliath's were making rookie dumb mistakes; bossing people around, looking for idols, showmance. Well I guess, I know which team I'm rooting for. Then this stupid show got me all emotional, with the talk in the shelter between all the David's. That was a great scene on what makes Survivor so good, all these different people bonding and supporting each other. Was scared for Pat, not my favorite person on the tribe(bossypants) but omg the pain he must have been going through and not wanting to leave the game, ya got me show. I like pretty much everyone on the David tribe, since the lawyer stopped being a douche.
  24. Thank you @fishcakes!
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