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Everything posted by dkb

  1. dkb

    Shazam! (2019)

    I really liked it; it was funny and loved the dynamic between all the foster kids. There were 2 6-10 year old brothers that were with their father that absolutely loved every part of this! Zachary Levi was fantastic. This is definitely a movie to watch with a big movie crowd, I think.
  2. I watch too! Yep, that part was great. My heart was racing just like Billy's when Danielle was trying to get tickets. Great moment in sports indeed.
  3. 🤣 🤣🤣 that's fantastic! Poor guy.
  4. People are pissed at Cineplex. Apparently you could get tickets at midnight, and they didn't put out an announcement till 8. I just happened to wake up as I needed to go to the bathroom and tickets were available at 6:30am for sure, that's when I got mine. But to be fair to Cineplex, it seemed like they were slowly updating their showtimes for different theatres, not all locations were ready to go at 6:30. I could see the updates when I refreshed. I ended up buying for the Opening Night Fan Event and then 12 for Saturday afternoon, no IMAX though 😐. Tickets were flying, all the IMAX screens were filling up. (I will once again complain about the fact that Cineplex is pushing stupid 3D for IMAX screens. The good showtimes in IMAX are with 3D, while the midafternoon and late night times are regular IMAX.) Stop it Cineplex! Can't a girl get an IMAX screening for late afternoon, early evening please.
  5. I don't know how to feel about this movie. I only went because my cousin wanted to see it, I usually try to avoid movies that I know are going to try to be emotional and make me cry. This one felt over the top by the end. Stella was fine in the beginning and I enjoyed how seriously she did take her treatment; I hate stories where the sick patient is lackadaisical about their care and treatment. But gotta agree with @IWantCandy71 by the end I was like "really lady, way to be super selfish." I mean did she think that Will would never find out about the new lungs and wouldn't feel guilty about it. And way to try to get both yourself and the person you "love" killed. I mean I did cry, but as I've said before I am very easily emotionally manipulated by movies, so that was a given, and I appreciate the director and actors wanted to spotlight a real disease but even I could tell that it was going overboard to try to have multiple fakeouts.
  6. dkb

    Shazam! (2019)

    Just a FYI for Canadians, Cineplex is having advance screenings of Shazam on Saturday March 23. 2 weeks early! I'm contemplating how to go about ditching some plans already made for Saturday.
  7. I was looking back to last year and when I purchased tickets and it was on March 16th. Both movies came/come out on the last weekend in April, they should be up for sale soon. Although in Canada for Cineplex they usually come out a few days after they are already available in the US. Poor Cineplex social media intern, every other tweet at them is when are tickets going on sale for Endgame!
  8. dkb

    Aladdin (2019)

    I am cautiously optimistic about this. This trailer was a lot better than all the other promotional video and pictures they put out. And the new poster looks great too. Please be good, 🤞
  9. dkb

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    I loved it so much. It's up there as one of my favourites. It was funny, and emotional and really heartfelt for me. Maria and Carol are ❤️, Goose is the best and the Skrulls were not what I was expecting at all. My sister and I loved the montage too! It was fantastic. Her finding strength in her humanity was great. Did anyone else think that Captain Rogers was looking extra beautiful in the mid credit scene? When he popped up on the screen I turned to my sisters and was like whoa! he looks so good. I think its the beard. It's missing in the Endgame trailers so seeing it again was like 😍 😍😍 I also loved main credit sequence before the mid credits. They were gorgeous.
  10. dkb

    Shazam! (2019)

    This looks like a lot of fun! And I will love looking out for Toronto landmarks as it was filmed here.
  11. dkb

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    @Dani Nope. I already had tickets for 13 people on Saturday night, but was not going to see it again because there are so many movies that I want to see coming out this year and $$ is not unlimited. But I will for sure go for a second round, and all the hate actually made me go out to a mall on a weekend!(so many people) to buy a Captain Marvel shirt from the Disney store. And if that bomber jacket was actually available on the Disney store or online would have bought that too. There are movies made and starring actual horrible humans that people have no problem supporting, so all this fake outrage makes me angry. If you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. Not that hard. @Dandesun @raven @Trini @Cranberry your posts are great! I also regret returning my Thursday night ticket. My family was like we want to watch it too so decided I didn't need to go to the 10:00pm show cause have work in the morning and we're going on Saturday anyways. Who needs sleep??
  12. ^^ Same. Was just talking about this with my sister, like, Lady Gaga you are a star why are you pretending your some nobody who just landed in Hollywood! I get that this is her first movie role, but come on, her interviews are so cringe, I can't.
  13. Why weren't there other friends or family at this wedding? Looked kind of empty for a venue like they had. Please do not ruin J.J's home life. No thanks, that ship has sailed many many seasons ago.
  14. I loved Noel's song in the beginning. It cracked me up!
  15. I liked this episode too. I thought it was sad to hear that Emily lost touch with the kid, but so understandable with the lives they lead and especially Emily (her being "dead"). I usually like episodes that call back to previous seasons, and this one was no different. Poor David. Have there been any episodes where the team meets people from an older case and they haven't turned into the new UnSub's or victims??
  16. dkb

    Bird Box (2018)

    ^^^ I thought this was pretty good as well. I like Sandra Bullock and thought she did great and the kids were pretty good for child actors. I called Gary being one of the escapees from the insane institution though. I'm assuming that Felix and Lucy probably died. Will add the book to my 2019 TBR pile though, it will be interesting to see how I feel about the story after watching the movie.
  17. @biakbiak maybe I'm making more of it then it was. I read a far amount of romance and ya novels for my job, and I just really liked the fact it was a mixed race family, with the kids and dad trying to keep up with the Korean traditions as much as possible. I think it was Lara Jean's grandmother?? that had a really nice conversation with Lara Jean about her dad. I just think for me, I would have loved to see Lara Jean's Korean family in the show as well. Hopefully, in the sequel we'll get that.
  18. I'm one of the people that like the book better for a specific part. I don't really care about the Peter and Lara stuff , as much as the family stuff; the Korean side of her family mostly. I know things have to be streamlined but I liked the parts when Lara Jean thinks about her mother and her mothers side of the family, and their traditions. To me that part was missing alittle from the movie, otherwise I agree, movie Peter is much better than book Peter.
  19. Gotta thank VW Canada for the free screening tonight, as I have never consumed anything Transformers related before in my life. I know of the Shia LeBeof movies, and have heard that there was an animated series though. I really liked it. It was fun and funny and I was awwing over Bumblebee; he's the cutest!! I want my own robot car! I'm going to assume the previous movies are not as good, with all the stuff that is said about them. If they are like this movie, I'd watch them. Other than that I agree with your points @ApathyMonger.
  20. I liked it. The best parts were definitely the big three heroes interacting and the scene with Oliver and Felicity in the end. I don't even watch Arrow and was like totally awwwwwing at them. I don't get why Iris couldn't come over too. Ralph and Sherloque could have stayed in Central City. She could have a nice conversation with Felicity.
  21. I liked it. It wasn't the best but if wasn't the worst ever either. The WestAllen stuff was fantastic. I thought the end scene was appropriately angsty; Iris really believes Barry is Barry but she has to unprogram herself to think about Barry Oliver as her husband. Also glad that Candice Patton got to be a big part of the episode. Usually the crossovers are way to busy with too many people.
  22. I think that is what they are going for; Cicada is just the tool that the Doctor is using to promote her hatred for meta's. In my mind, she is a villain too. That would be more interesting then just Cicada alone. I guess she just got really tired of operating on all the victims of meta attacks like she said.
  23. I guess I'm as old as the CNBC people, cause I also didn't know who Supreme was. In fact didn't recognize a lot of the street wear companies, except for Stussy -only because just last week, while visiting New York, my brother wanted me to pick up something for him from their store. That shit is expensive for no reason. But my brother has fallen for they hype.
  24. I thought for sure Meghan had it in the bag, until they commented multiple times that there wasn't enough filling in her owl pastries. I didn't think Sachin would win because his wasn't as creative as the other two, even though I would love to eat it! His was basically a regular tower. Congrats to Andrei, and can't wait till the next season.
  25. That's interesting. I wonder if it was because Angelina tried to "help her," or if she genuinely had a great relationship with Angelina those last 3? days after merging.
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