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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. I wish some kind of main Star Wars project (like a movie or live action D+ show) would explore how much the Jedi order sucked. Because from their point of view you if you were skilled in the force you had to train as Jedi and have no close personal connections, because otherwise you would fall for the temptation of the dark side and turn evil. But their super rigid ways led to the downfall of the galaxy. But then in the original movies Yoda wants to train Luke as a Jedi and in the new movies he opens his own Jedi academy. And even here Ahsoka is training Sabine using the Jedi manual and calling her a Padawan and all of that. My dream is for Mandalorian season 4 if Din just says to Grogu that he is going to teach him what he knows and help him figure out his powers, and they go from there and Grogu gets stronger without turning evil. Because otherwise the idea that only Jedi can be good force people is really stupid.
  2. And an Emmy winner, since Garrett reminds me a lot of Ted Lasso. I mean he sounds a lot like him and he has a moustache (he even said I appreciate you to the cab driver). Plus he works with a guy with a beard who doesn't seem to talk as much.
  3. That is why I am wondering where this goes. Because yea even if she didn't get him on camera the rest of what she did should absolutely be a career killer. I kind of think that even if she wasn't there and she found out he was and either didn't come forward or tried to keep it quiet that would probably kill her career as nightly news anchor. And with so many ways that this comes out, how do you keep Bradley's character as part of the show?
  4. I imagine there was a point in this episode where Sabine wished she has sprung for the upgraded Mandalorian armour, with the jet pack. Especially considering that nearly every other Mandalorian I have seen has one. Also come on Republic fleet, if you just let any random ship dock inside your main ship with a general on it without even identifying themselves you deserve to lose to the First Order.
  5. I am now super curious about this. Because sure you would save time by not having to commute to the studio. But at the same time Laura and Bradley are now their own support people. So like Bradley said she has to do her own hair/makeup and make her own coffee. And they have to set up and maintain their cameras. To at least some degree you would be your own IT support. Plus you know if Mia or Stella wants a meeting at 530 eastern time they aren't going to care if that's 330 for you. Plus ever real meeting or chat becomes a zoom or teams call/meeting which always takes way longer. Now I wish this part of the story had been a whole episode This has the potential to be really stupid. Even if no one finds Bradley's footage there is a ton of other footage of that event. Plus even without that, the brother said he went with his friends. If the FBI picks one of the up you know they are going to rat him out to save a bit of prison time. And even if there is no video that ever gets released, if the public finds out that Bradley's brother was a Jan 6 rioter and she never mentioned it, that should seriously hurt her career.
  6. That was weird. I mean even in the middle of the pandemic it seems like a same sex couple hosting a morning news show together from their living room would be a huge deal. But they kind of glossed over it, even though for the audience who was ok with it, there would be a ton of talk. Everything would be analyzed through looking at how the relationship is going (every look or joke or comment). Especially since like Corey said, there was nothing else on, so that would be something for people to talk about. Plus if Alex is waking up at 3am when she was hosting TMS I guess Laura and Bradley are starting their days sometime around 1am. How do you adjust your lives around that and still be able to play charades with your friends and do stuff. That would have been interesting to see them deal with.
  7. Which is from one of the intros to The Cosby Show, it was just so funny how she played it.
  8. What is interesting is that she is also suing Disney since Weinstein was a Disney employee at the time, so they should also have some liability. Which makes me wonder why no one else has tried this yet for Weinstein or anyone else. I had to take one law class in university and even then I remember that an employer being liable for the actions of their employees is a pretty standard legal thing.
  9. I wasn't aware of that. Although maybe there is something about this show, behind the scenes, that makes people want to be on it. Lime Mindy Kaling seems like a much bigger name than June Diane Raphael, and even she only shows up every few episodes for a scene or two.
  10. That was easily the best part. After all the work and drama Paul just blows him off in about a minute. Although I do wonder if it would be that easy to leak the emails after a hack like this. I feel like there are a lot of computer hacker types could could probably trace where those leaked emails came from and that they weren't part of the original hack. Is she a big name though. I feel like I have only ever seen her in supporting roles. And looking at what she has done in tv on her wikipedia page it is mostly roles that are one or a couple of episodes. I would have been ok with seeing Bradley show up but if her being gone means no Juliana Margulies then I am good with that. Since it is definitely a case of annoying actor and character (man if The Good Wife had just been like 2 seasons shorter).
  11. The finale was weird, but the thing about lawsuits was especially weird. Because unless you are calling your aerobics studio "Strength and Numbers" I am not sure how the "Strength in Numbers" company can sue you for stealing their IP. Because it is not like an aerobics studio, even one that has child care is some kind of original thing, even in the 1980's. If it was she would have to sue every community recreation centre.
  12. Was it competent force usage? Ezra and Sabine were being chased by bad guys riding beasts and Ezra doesn't really do anything. Then when they stop he starts throwing around his force powers. Wouldn't a better time to use them be when the bad guys were chasing you, to knock them off their animals. Also it has been two episodes now and for some reason I find that the blue colouring they use for Thrawn just looks silly.
  13. He paid for her rehab right and then gave her a job as his assistant. Which had to have been a pretty big deal since I think they said Partner was the head of MI-5. So his assistant would need a fairly high security clearance, so giving that job to even a recovering alcoholic would probably be a huge risk. This show is really enjoyable. One thing I really appreciated was the comment that River tried to call his grandad, and Lamb called him and the cops. A lot of other shows wouldn't do that. It also blows my mind that Gary Oldman is Lamb. The first thing I think of when it comes to Oldman is Gordon from the Dark Knight movies. Yes I know the last one came out 15 years ago, but even so if I didn't know it was true there is no way I would think that those two characters are the same guy.
  14. It was really good. I also liked how even though Tom was the lead it talked about all the members of the band and gave them credit too. Mike Campbell is a super underrated guitar player. The Annie Lennox story was cool. I never knew before but Dave Stewart from The Eurythmics co-wrote "Don't Come Around Here No More", so I guess that was Tom's connection there. Stevie Nicks also was in the movie and had some great stories.
  15. I kind of like that he is shitty at his job. The whole point of Slough House is that it's where they send people who have issues but that aren't bad enough where they can't fire. To have them secretly be the best group of agents out there would be dumb. Plus Min was the guy who left classified files on the tube. One thing I didn't get though was how he found the Russian dude at the end. He was supposed to meet his son, who didn't show, then he called Louisa who didn't answer. Then he looked at the street view app on his phone which some how led him to exactly where that was?
  16. Just finished watching Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Runnin' Down a Dream (on Tubi) and it was amazing. It was 4 hours long so I watched it over several days but it was such a good mix of interviews, live performances, music videos and historical footage. Definitely confirmed that Tom Petty was the coolest rock star ever. A few interesting bits of information I learned from it: when Tom's house burned down (by arson) Annie Lennox replaced all his family's clothes and had new clothes sent to the hotel they were in. George Harrison talked about how much he loved recording the Travelling Wilburys and how it was a much better and more collaborative experience than recording with "the other band". They also talked about how when they recorded Damn the Torpedoes they wanted to focus on having a really strong drum sound. The interesting thing there is that they recorded it at Sound City studios. And I remember when I watched the Sound City documentary that Dave Grohl made it talked about how the main studio at Sound City gave a really strong drum sound.
  17. Plus most people want to help their friends and family be successful. Did Adam Sandler basically give his daughter a movie with You are so Not Invited to my Bat Mitzvah? Sure but he also gave his friend Rob Schneider, Kevin James and David Spade movies to star in as the head of Happy Madison.
  18. It's a pretty stupid insult since unless your parent is like a super big Hollywood big shot like a producer or studio head, being their kid is only going to take you so far. Plus ever job finding course I have taken or book I have read says to use every connection you can to help get your foot in the door and find the job you want. So why is a kid using their parents connection worse than anyone using any other connection they have. Like is it bad if Maya Hawk uses her parents to help find a job but is it ok if Uma Thurman makes a call or recommends Ethan Hawke for a job? Because it would shock me if Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke didn't help each other out from time to time.
  19. I had the day off today and binged the whole season with my dad and it really was the perfect length. This story probably could have been told as a movie but by making it 6 episodes they were able to give the characters (especially the secondary ones like the office admin and the two agents who met up at the pub) some more depth. No idea if they actually do but I used to read the comic book series Queen & Country by Greg Rucka (which also has 3 novels) and in it both MI-5 and MI-6 were split up into an operations directorate and an intelligence directorate. Not sure if it is really like that but once I realized that Taverner was the director of operations it made more sense.
  20. Of course if trained Jedi were good at that then a lot more would have survived at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
  21. There is also Option 3, when the evil Jedi dude lowers his lightsaber you shoot him in the head.
  22. Mostly I don't get Travis's comment about how he and his friends win by becoming the house. Unless the friends sell the crypto they didn't win anything, and it is not like cryptocurrency is known as a secure investment, and once it gets released that the founder died mysteriously I am not sure that would benefit them.
  23. I thought the ending was pretty good. I liked how it was kind of an accidental thing so it made it different than last season. I saw the glass switch but I thought that might have been some kind of misdirection. The only thing I didn't buy was that everyone was a suspect. No way everyone at that party recognizes the deadly plant and knows how to use it to make a fatal dose of poison. I did like how we got wrap ups for all the characters, although I am not sure the crypto ending makes sense (although I don't know enough about the subject to know for sure). Because Sebastian sold it for 60 cents on the dollar. But the value of crypto currancy is just sort of made up, so isn't that still a ton of profit? Also disappointed they didn't actually get Daniel Radcliffe for the end. Because based on his recent career choices it seems like something he would do.
  24. For me that was more of an it depends kind of thing. Like Drew Barrymore is not a writer so if she was replacing her union writing team with non-union writers, that is shitty. But if she was planning to just go out every day and kind of wing it and see how it goes I am not sure why that is bad. Plus from what I know she doesn't really have an improv background, so her unscripted shows could have been really bad and could be a great way to show how important writers are.
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