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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. So was anyone else scanning for a copy of Can't Hardly Wait inside Van's store? Crystal's death would at least be manslaughter wouldn't it. Like if you legitimately threaten to kill someone and they die trying to get away almost immediately after that happens I think you bear some level of responsibility. Considering how much of a mess this case was you would think the cops would at least try to do better. I mean there is no body and no time of death, and no indication that they have any evidence of a murder. They have a good idea that Shauna was having an affair with Adam but that could mean either Shauna or Jeff killed him. With that much uncertainty, you would think that breaking into someone's hotel room without a warrant and buying alcohol for an underage girl would be really bad ways to gather evidence. Also Lottie's prayer circle thing really showed how good the yellow and blue uniforms look against the snowy white background, so good job costume people.
  2. I know I am years behind but that was a pretty great season. I watched the whole thing in like 3 days. And maybe it's because I watched Watchmen again earlier this year and I also recently watched the latest season of Slow Horses but I feel like Jean Smart and Gary Oldman need to do a show together. Because both of them can pretty much play anything and do it insanely well. The rival agent also said how Jimmy wasn't right for Deb because he wasn't cut throat. But lying about the dead guy to save the show was pretty cut throat. Also it was pretty funny how Deborah's stand up literally killed. I think she was also wearing the $800 loafers she Deb bought her from the same store.
  3. There was also a shot of Shauna (I think before she lit the fire), where Lottie was behind her on one side and Tai was on the other side. My first thought when I saw that was Lost and the whole Man of Science Man of Faith thing. My second thought was old cartoons where you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. That was what I thought. I remember once reading about how the Viking funerals you see in movies aren't based on reality (the little boat filled with wood and the body gets pushed out to see then shot with a flaming arrow). It doesn't work because wood doesn't burn hot enough to burn human tissue and bone, especially when it's surrounded by water and the associated heat loss. I would think it would be the same here. The wood would not get hot enough, especially with how cold it was outside and all the snow around (even before the tree dumped all the snow). Also where exactly were Nat and Travis having sex? It looked like a separate building with its own wood stove and a different wall type. Was that somewhere the kids built or another building we hadn't seen previously?
  4. I liked how it was a call back to Ava saying she couldn't swim in the cruise episode. The two bottom bunks are Deborah's shoe shelf and her tanning bed. Him fitting might be a problem but I can definitely see that Deborah would remove one of those to make a space for Marcus. Obvious this happened years ago but I have to think that the email will come out at some point before end of the season. Not sure if it will be a negative or a positive for Deborah's career though. I can totally see a situation where it generates a bunch of public interest in her.
  5. Shauna was a cornflake girl though. Tori Amos has said one of the inspirations for that song was that cornflake girls are girls who would pretend to be your friend then betray you behind your back. Between that and some of the other specific lyrics mentioned this was such a an awesome song choice. As for the other music this episode was great, even better than last season. It also had one of the only Smashing Pumpkins songs that I like and a few other pretty good songs. Plus that Papa Roach song is the perfect song for a dummy like Jeff to rock out to.
  6. It's been like three and a half years since I watched season 1 and I really forgot how funny it is. I liked seeing Laurie Metcalf show up. The last thing I saw her in was The Drop Out and while she does have legit dramatic acting skills she is also really good at comedy. Also the Eva/Deborah dynamic is interesting. Deborah doesn't want to fire her for whatever reason. And Eva can't quit because she really has no other way to make money so if that lawsuit goes through she needs this job. Plus being around Deborah is really the only way to maybe convince her to drop the suit, which is probably her best chance.
  7. If vampires can't be filmed then the whole concept of the show, being a fake documentary, falls apart.
  8. And someone who can see to it that if those are your favourite pants that they get fixed so you don't have to watch a YouTube video to learn how to fix a zipper.
  9. Also it's stressful, but that is why in big, important stressful jobs you have support people working for you. So you aren't spending time doing the dishes or the laundry or taking your car in for an oil change or sorting the important emails from the bullshit ones. Which gives you more time to do your important job sure, but it also gives you time to shower, or to make sure you are wearing clean clothes.
  10. I can believe it. It fits her queen bee personality. Plus look at the show survivor. There are people who know they are going to be sent to the wilderness (so they have time to prepare) and then spend a month in the wilderness. And then at the end of it all you have people who still can't make a fire.
  11. That is sort of the thing with super natural stuff like that, it's easy to interpret it anyway you want since you don't have any real evidence. Like you could easily say that the necklace did nothing since it's just a piece of bone, or that it's evil since and attracted the wolves. Or you could say it did protect them, since the wolves didn't attack until Tai took it and left the group. But then when she returned with it, Van was saved so it must have protected her.
  12. This show is wild I watched the whole first season in 5 days. I definitely need a break before season 2. Not super surprising that Jackie died. And I figured it had to be the elements that would do it since we already had an animal attack recently. Also it's too bad she died since Natasha Lyonne would make a great adult Jackie. They sound so similar. Maybe it was one of those famous New Jersey low-interest loan sharks. It's possible she has no idea what her medication was for. She was a little kid in a car seat when her parents said she needed a doctor, so it is possible that for the last 10+ years her parents have just been saying "take your medicine". As I mentioned in another thread it's not like people were open about mental health in the 90's. Probably even less so in the 80's. As for Lottie's visions. I feel like they are vague Nostradamus kind of vague prediction where people just fill in the blanks. Like you can't get much more vague than "it's coming". So then when the bear showed up or eventually anything showed up she would be right. As for Van I can see how she would buy into that. Maybe from her perspective the protective bone necklace worked. I mean she was attacked by wolves and didn't die which is pretty amazing. A more negative person might thing that being viciously attacked was a bad thing.
  13. This was a crazy episode, although since it came out years ago most of what could be said about it has already been said. Although one funny/weird thing was that they live in New Jersey, but the loan shark that loaned Jeff the money was a pretty blonde woman, not a large guy in a tracksuit that looks like he is on his way to the Bada Bing.
  14. Is being sworn in a real thing that counts or is it just a formality? Like is there really no president between the time the president dies and the VP holds their hand over the bible? Or is it like the monarch in the UK where when Queen Elizabeth died Charles instantly became king but his coronation was just a ceremonial thing.
  15. So I signed up for the Canadian streamer that has this show since it was a black Friday deal on Prime. And so far it's been awesome. I graduated high school in 1996 so being the same age as the main characters has been pretty cool. Also I live in Ontario and my family all lives in BC, so I have flown over the Rockies a bunch of times, so just thinking how isolated they must have been and far from civilization has been really interesting too. The seance was so good surprisingly freaky. Thinking back to those days no one talked about mental health other than people being "criminally insane". So when Lottie was having a mental health episode I can imagine the girls might just as likely think she was possessed. Also teenagers are the worst, and have done a lot of crappy things so far in this show, but Shauna's daughter taking (what she thought was) her soccer uniform (from the time when she almost died and a bunch of other people did, was super shitty.
  16. So for the last week or two at least once a day when I am on the forums it randomly jumps to what seems like a malware page. It's like a fake virus thing that says my device is infected and I need to press a button to scan. It's not a pop up it's going to a whole new page. Then today something similar happened but it jumped to a porn page. I sent an email to the feedback email address 5 days ago but have received nothing back. Hope you guys can fix this since it is just your site doing it. But I think I might take a break from Prime timer for awhile until you can.
  17. Do we know she was convicted of anything? I could just as easily see that a respected psychiatrist (like Dr. Rush) told a judge that she was too crazy to stand trial so she was just remanded to Arkham. So her being able to use the corruption of Arkham and Gotham in general to eventually get out.
  18. Who knows. I mean she presumably still has money somewhere and there is clearly a ton of corruption in that place. And there is no one left like her dad basically making sure she stays there. Hope she gets out of there is another season because she was the best part of the show. And her crazy red burning down the house outfit was awesome. When Sofia met Eve didn't Eve have some comments about her special relationship with Oz and her different looks. Wonder if she had been doing the motherly thing for a long time. I mean his mother's approval and affection is important to him and she has had dementia for awhile I think. And even before that if she knew about her other son's she probably wasn't doing the best job hiding how much she hated Oz. Who's left to notice. We mostly only ever saw Sofia and the doctor in her house and it seems like everyone else who set foot in that house is dead. Yea I don't mind the no Batman. I mean with all the actual crime in Gotham I can see why he might focus on protecting law abiding people, like by stopping assaults, robberies, kidnappings and murders, so that gangsters killing each other might be low priority. Plus this episode happened like the day after that giant sinkhole opened up, so probably not a lot of time for him to respond. And in this world Batman has only been around for like 2 years. He might not yet have built up the underworld contacts to know what is happening with the Falcone and the Moroni families. Plus this Batman is supposed to be more grounded in reality than even the Nolan Batman I think. So going out every night to fight crime probably isn't realistic A couple of other small things I liked. That version of Where Did you sleep Last Night that was used while the house burned was awesome. And I loved the shot of the dirty cop getting the bullet through his eye from the back.
  19. I still think it's hilarious that no one from the valley even heard of this tournament a few seasons ago and now it's the biggest thing in the world. Although I am kind of annoyed that Kreese is no longer a fugitive with just one line. Also I'm calling it now that Cobra Kai and Miyagi will be teaming up to defeat the Iron Dragons.
  20. That might have been my favourite episode this season. There were so many funny lines. Like Lazlo's extended story of how his dad would paddle him. Or when he was pissed because he raised Colin Robinson but Colin Robinson didn't remember. The whole thing with them fucking around trying to get the car to work was a good gag too.
  21. But the fact that he knew at all, and knew before the VP is surprising. He didn't tell Kate that the president collapsed, he told her that the president was dead. Who would tell him that and why would they?
  22. Also Fargo season 2. It was a show absolutely stacked with great actors but she still managed to be really good. As for USS Calister, I have always thought that with just about anyone else in that role it would have been a pretty average Black Mirror episode, but she made it great. Also one small thing since the name sounded familiar, but Summer Gleeson, the reporter first appeared in Batman the Animated Series, and doesn't seem to have been used much in comics since then.
  23. Ok that makes sense. For some reason I thought that Carla (Sofia's cousin) was Luca's daughter and that Viti was her husband.
  24. Apparently world leaders, people who must know a ton of crazy government secrets, can't handle being told shocking news. When one of them hears it, it sends him into a homicidal rage, and for another one it kills him instantly.
  25. Wait so Viti is fucking the bosses wife? But the boss is his wife's father right? So is he fucking his wife's mom? Also I kind of wish that they had made a Sofia show not a Penguin show. She is super interesting and it has been a long time since I have seen anyone on TV make smoking look that cool. One nice thing I like is they are really showing how fucked up and crime ridden Gotham is, so for sure Batman would be way to busy to waste time with the Penguin.
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