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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. Age appropriate for Owen or age appropriate for Rob Lowe? Because based on the flashback to him growing up in California they are way different numbers. Also Kendra is supposed to be crazy rich right? So why is she running from the cops with Owen and using his co-worker to figure out what happened, rather than just lawyering up and getting her attorney to find an investigator to figure that out.
  2. That is sort of where I am at with AI and writing. Since it seems like if you could write something super original and creative you probably would have less to worry about than someone who writes something boring and obvious that is a rip off of something else. In which case I am not sure I care if a bad script was written by a computer or a human. Plus where is the line on what is and what isn't AI? Even email programs like Gmail give me suggestions on how to make an email sound better and more clear. If a script writer uses that, is it considered AI since it is taking a job away from another writer or an editor who might proofread your scripts. Plus if scripts can be produced with the help of AI doesn't that mean more potential jobs for actors?
  3. When it comes to the whole AI thing, it just seems like people trying to stop technology from eliminating jobs has never worked in the history of the world. If it did Hollywood would still employ an army of accounting clerks in suspenders and those little green visors, keeping track of expenses and revenue on big leger books. Now it is like a handful of people who know how to use Excel.
  4. But that is the other thing about being an actor. You don't actually have to do your own negotiating yourself, because that is what you pay your agent for. My understanding is that Hollywood rules mean you have to have an agent doing that work for you. I remember reading the War for Late Night book and every time Jay Leno's Tonight Show contract came up for renewal he always accepted what they offered (because he didn't spend that money anyways) but he still had to have an agent. Since he didn't think it was worth it to have an agent for his TV work collecting a percentage of his salary (since it is not like he needed someone out getting him other roles), his agent that booked his stand up shows would sign this contract for him as a favour.
  5. Isn't the whole point of those two key systems that the keys are supposed to be far enough apart that one person can't turn both? I mean I have only seen that kind of thing on tv and in movies so I have no idea. Plus if they couldn't figure out the code, couldn't Fury just call someone and get them to turn the plane around? Also Talos said that he has a ring of Skrull spies feeding Fury information that got him promoted up to director of SHIELD. But does that mean even those Skrulls (the best possible spies) never picked up that Hydra had taken over? What the hell was going on there?
  6. The big reason I have a hard time caring about the actors strike is that unlike a lot of other unions I am familiar with, actors are allowed to negotiate their own contact above and beyond the collective agreement. So if you are say a teacher, or a nurse an electrician in a factory your employment contract is the collective agreement. But if you are an actor and you want to negotiate more you are allowed to do that. So if an actor wants more pay or better residuals there is nothing stopping them from negotiation those things on their own.
  7. Pedro Pascal should have submitted for best voice over performance. He already got 3 other nominations this year but he could have gotten 4. Plus it is not like it's a secret that he never actually wore the helmet this past season.
  8. Is it possible that the living room used to be a dining room. I grew up in a very old house (not 300 years old though) and there was like an opening that you could lift open and closed (like a window but with a piece of wood instead of glass) between the kitchen and the dining room. My mom told me it was so that back in the old days the person working in the kitchen (probably a servant) could pass food into the dining room without having to come in. But at one point my parents didn't want to have a fancy dining room that rarely got used so they put couches and a tv in there.
  9. Wasn't that the whole point of the character? She is a pretty terrible person so I am not sure she is supposed to have many fans. But Edie Falco plays the character pretty perfectly. Then again I am not sure there are any characters on the show people are supposed to like.
  10. There is also the flip side of that too. As there seem to be a limited number of good behind the scenes people out there as well. So when you are making twice as many movies plus shows that in some way are movie quality, you are more likely to have story issues or bad special effects. Like the effects in Quantumania I thought weren't very good and parts of the story didn't make sense. I was just thinking from my point of view, if the movies were a bigger deal and didn't come out so frequently and then get moved over to D+ so quickly I probably would see them in theatres and maintain my subscription. Sure in some cases it might be the cheap theatres, but in some cases it would be the regular ones.
  11. I was thinking about how before the pandemic a lot of times I would see a lot of Marvel movies in the cheap second run theatre in my town (the seats were kind of crappy but it was cheap and the screen was a decent size). I saw GOTG2 there and I think Ant-Man and the Wasp and Thor Ragnarok there. But now Marvel movies show up on D+ around the same time they show up at that go to that theatre. So why would I bother even going there when I already have a Disney plus subscription?
  12. That seemed to mess things up a lot. Imagine how much better it would have been if The Marvel's came out shortly after Ms. Marvel and Wandavison came out. And I agree there is too much stuff. I mean I still watch pretty much everything but how important was say Moon Knight? I actually had to think for a minute to remember what that show was called. Or Werewolf by Night? The increased number of movies and the importance on Disney+ I think hurts them in a different way too. When there were two Marvel movies a year they were a big deal. The first Guardians movie went from being a movie that seemed like a huge risk to the biggest movie that year. So excitement could build up and then people, if they missed it in theaters has to wait awhile to watch it on home video/ on demand (so excitement builds up again). Now with 4 movies a year coming out there isn't as much time for excitement to build. Plus you know if you miss GOTG3 in the theatre it will be on D+in a few months.
  13. The whole story behind that raises some questions for me about that though. I think you could do that without AI so it makes me think that they are using AI as a scary buzzword. Also I get that they don't want any kind of contract precedent kind of thing set, but background actors aren't usually covered by the same collective agreement that regular actors are, are they?
  14. But what does that have to do with AI? Considering effects studios can pretty much make a fake human with CG effects now.
  15. What is the threat for AI when it comes to actors? It is already illegal to use someone's likeness without paying them ever since back to the future 2. And if you are going to create an entire new character using computers there is already animation that can do that. I guess you could simulate someone speaking with AI but promoting an animated movie with no voice actors could be difficult.
  16. I was thinking about the finale recently and it is kind of amazing that with all the deals that Saul tried to make with prosecutors, at no time did he end up having to give up the vacuum repair guy.
  17. So I rewatched this episode and it made me wonder why not having the name of the witness blew the case? Confidential informants and anonymous tips are both things that cops use.
  18. I think it could work. I mean Deadpool is a comedy and there is lots of jokes to mine about the Elektra movie. Plus Garner has a pretty good sense of humour about that sort of thing and even though the movie was pretty bad, it's not like it was her that made it bad.
  19. I think that you could probably remake Rush Hour. As long as you dial back the stereotyping from the Chris Tucker character. Because it is not like Hollywood would shy away from a movie that could potentially play well in China. The hardest part would be finding a suitable replacement for Jackie Chan.
  20. It's kind of weird. Generally the PM and the foreign secretary (called the Minister of Foreign Affairs here in Canada) are both members of parliament elected to represent their local riding. The PM is selected by his or her party to be the leader either before or after an election depending on the circumstances. And he becomes PM if his party wins the most seats. But the whole country doesn't vote for a PM the way they do a president and the FS isn't selected the way the secretary of state is. So they are kind of both elected and not elected the same way.
  21. Even if the mom was too dumb or freaked out to call mall security, when Athena showed up she should have sent someone there, both to check out security cameras and to make sure they are aware of all the exits. Then again the 911 call centre being able to tap into the mall security camera feed seems like some super high level bullshit.
  22. But if you use a bail bonds place it's 10% that you don't get back. If Matteo has no cash to the point where the only money he has for the bail is selling his Pokemon cards he probably can't afford to lose $2500. The dream sequence was dumb, especially since Matteo is what maybe 25? So his dream family sitcom should look more like maybe Malcolm in the Middle of Modern Family rather than something where a milkman is a character. As for Judd I really thought he was going to bring up that if he makes a call for his kid to get him into firefighter training, after the application cut off, the other recruits are going to hate him. And the fact that he wants his dad to call in a favour to get around the rules is a sign he isn't ready.
  23. I think Ice is hotter in the current interviews than she was on the clips from the show. Although that frizzy 90's hair style did not help. Overall I think this might be my favourite of the Netflix sort of lighter pop culture documentary series I have seen. Although I think that when they talked about how the show ended it was just sort of a changing of the times thing and I don't think they could have really done much to stop the drop in popularity. I am kind of surprised that they didn't mention the 2008 revival and I kind of wonder if the current writer's strike keeps going if it will get brought back again. Also that arena tour sounded brutal. But the tour manager guy did seem kind of stupid. And lastly I did love how they showed the clip from the Simpsons of Milhouse's mom dating Pyro. But they should have shown the one where she was cheating on him with Gyro. Because whenever I think of American Gladiators, Pyro and Gyro is the first thing I think of.
  24. Tony Stark figured out time travel in about 10 minutes in the evening after he put his kid to bed. If he was alive he should have been able to make a Skrull detector in about 2 minutes while in the IM suit fighting bad guys. He is gone though but on top of Shuri there is also Hank Pym, Bruce, Riri Williams, Dr. Cho from Age of Ultron, and maybe Vision. Putting one of those geniuses on it should be a priority.
  25. Watched the first two episodes last night. I was maybe around 12 when I first remember watching the show, so I was probably the exact target viewer. So far the big shocking things were how crappy the pilot was. Like they had no idea what they were doing. And even the first half season was awful. I can't believe how crappy the games looked, how little the producers cared about safety (they didn't even have an on-site medical team) and how there was only 3 male and 3 female gladiators so they basically had to do everything. Also did I hear it right that due to the difficulties in setting up each event they would do like all the joust events for each episode all in one day. That would have to make it super boring for the studio audience.
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