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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. I don't know much about Premier League but I am not sure that seems super unreasonable. The only sort of reference I have is that the NHL team in my city is in the process of being sold. And reports are that the final sale price will be over $1 billion. And they are not a very good team that last made the playoffs in 2017. And there arena is kind of crappy and in the suburbs. The Greyhounds are a winning team team and they own two giant pieces of property (the stadium and practice facility) in London (one of the most expensive cities in the world. So maybe 2.5 times as much (when you convert to pounds) isn't crazy.
  2. Yea Sam playing for Nigeria wasn't that big a surprise. Akufo was a crazy asshole and it would be hard to keep the public from finding out about that. And it's easy to see how any government wouldn't want to be associated with that type of person. Or a government getting a ton of bad press/losing an election if the Sam story got leaked.
  3. I watched it last night and thought it was very good but maybe not great. Probably as good a finale as they could have done based on the type of show it was and specifically this last season. I liked that Nate finally seemed to be able to talk about how he realized what a jerk he was. I also liked how they didn't win it all but really did the best they could. I didn't really understand how Rupert could lose his team for his misconduct though. He is the owner right, can EPL force him to sell because he is terrible. Didn't really care for the beginning fake out. Because why wouldn't Ted just get a hotel? Also thought the Zorro mask thing was kind of dumb, because I find it hard to believe he would change his mask and risk it not being as good going into the final game. Also the song at the end makes me think of Yondu's funeral from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. At least no one died here. Also liked the Cheers shout-out, which I thought at first was a sign that they are totally done. But then I remembered Frasier was a show. I didn't mind how Roy and Keeley ended up. I liked how he realized he is kind of an asshole and wanted to change. And the fact that they were sitting together at the Higgins's party shows there is a chance for something. That is a huge amount of pressure to put on a kid. Because Henry would absolutely say yes to moving, whether he actually wanted to or not, and whether it is good for him or not just because of how much he loves his dad. She didn't really give it up though. Higgins said that the team was worth about 2 billion. She sold 49% to the fans making about a billion. And that other billion she still has, it is just in the form of a team she could sell at any time (as long as they don't tank) if she wants the cash. I imagine it would open up all kinds of job opportunities in the world of sports back home, not just coaching.
  4. The show is kind of weird like that though. Ted is kind of presented as a regular middle class dude. But at the same time he is head coach of a team in a major pro sports league, so he is rich. I found a Sport Illustrated article that said even the lowest paid PL manager is making 1.5 million GBP per year.
  5. Yea even if Henry doesn't face any kind of legal trouble what with being a minor I can see him having to go through a ton of FBI interviews where he basically has to describe every trip as far back as he can remember, every time one or both of his parents traveled, every friend they had and any other weird stuff. Also I wonder if Stan would be able to become his guardian? I know it's tv and that kind of crap happens, but in reality aren't there all kind of steps someone has to jump through before being a foster parent?
  6. I watched Succession until about midway through season 2 back in 2021 when my cable company gave me a good deal on the streaming service it was on for 6 months. The main characters all being assholes is a big part of the show but that's not all it is. The acting from pretty much the whole cast is really well done. And all the location choices and production design are great; the show looks super expensive. Which I appreciate in general, and especially in a show about billionaires.
  7. I would say just about from the start Michael is nearly as bad as the rest of them. He is kind of crappy to his son and doesn't listen to him, he is horrible to Ann and while he hid not a criminal he sure likes to hold over his family that he is a better person than they are. You kind of know it's a show full of jerks (hilarious jerks) when the best main character is a kid who is attracted to his cousin.
  8. This show is getting good but the timing is weird. We are three weeks before the heist and they are just selling their loot not to get the cash they need, renting out the staging area, getting a car and mapping out the building. It seems like all of that stuff should have been done in the 6 week before episode at least. Although the little chips that mapped the whole plumbing system (even areas it didn't go into) was pretty cool. In my job I did mechanical design for buildings and something like that would have been super useful. Adding the agent was an interesting twist, although the guy who was into her was super numbly which was annoying.
  9. They have most of it. Here is a Google sheets link that covers what is in and what is out. Most of what is out is obvious stuff from bands that would probably cost a fortune like the Beatles or Pink Floyd. But they still managed to get some pretty big artists like the Stones, Bob Dylan and AC/DC.
  10. My wife got me the set for a present earlier this year. Not only is Jennifer smarter than just about everyone else but she has everyone else figured out, and Herb's comments to her are always looked at as creepy and inappropriate. As for Venus he might be somewhat of a stereotype, but the amount of backstory he is given seems pretty impressive. The episode where you find out he went AWOL from the army is really well done.
  11. I looked it up to remind myself and it appears that Ted of course knows that Nate leaked about the panic attack, and Beard pretty much figured it out. Either way though we the audience know everything Nate did while at Richmond, and I still say that him not being fired for leaking the story was at minimum his second chance. So any chances the team gives him now are third or more.
  12. My first thought was Titanic, which is PG-13 which has a topless Kate Winslet and a sex scene. I don't think you would see that today. Splash also comes to mind which is PG.
  13. Zava was pretty much a waste of time. I feel like a lower quality show would have had him try to come back at some point and the team shut him down. But not sure if that could really work with respect to a team of elite athletes like this. Jack was useless too. A much better storyline would have been Keeley trying to figure out how to be the boss (maybe trying and failing at being a mini Rebecca or copying Ted) and finding a management style that works for her. Plus didn't Richmond give Nate multiple chances as it is? It's not like he snapped one day tore down the sign and left. I'm trying to remember but weren't there several instances of him being a jerk before that happened? I would say at minimum Ted not firing him for leaking about his panic attack was his second chance.
  14. I love that part of the Jamie/Roy relationship. How Roy generally hates how much of a prick Jamie is but also realizes how acting like a prick makes him a better player. Which is something he appreciates both as his coach, and someone who loves football. Also the line about how she would usually take a private jet to Manchester but there were issues about her carbon footprint. Her money comes just from Richmond right since that is all she got in the divorce, so the team must be doing well. So if I understand this correctly there are 2 Champions leagues? The one they were in last year which was a downgrade from the PL, but they are going to play in a different one next year that is a bigger deal than the PL? I seems confusing and if they included it they would need to have a scene where Beard or Roy or Trent explains it to Ted. They even showed how he couldn't even bring himself to waive to Ted's kid or say to Rupert that it's no big deal that they were there. I am not sure he has learned a whole lot other than he hates working for Rupert.
  15. Are there top level clubs in London they could use (I know nothing about the Premier League so I have no idea)? Because keeping Nate in London, and having West Ham be Richmond's cross town rivals seems like it was kind of important. Maybe the other London clubs didn't want to give the show that much access. Or maybe Ham is just a funny word.
  16. I grew up with it too, it's just compared to all the other dumb changes like the musical number, it doesn't really bother me that much. Because if they really wanted the ghost to be old Anakin he should have no hair or limbs.
  17. I get that it is supposed to be mostly about the relationships. But at the same time Kate is supposed to be some super smart diplomatic brain. And the fact that they spent so much time dealing with a Russian plan without much work confirming that one little note makes her and the rest of the characters look like idiots.
  18. I don't think he did either. The reference to Michael Scott was in response to the idea that a modern version of Archie wouldn't be overtly racist, homophobic, etc, but someone who just didn't understand things. And Michael was the guy who was just too dumb to understand why he couldn't quote Chris Rock bits word for word or why it wasn't wrong to use a stereotypical Indian accent, especially around your Indian employee. Is the growth thing important. I have been rewatching Arrested Development and within the Bluth family there is a lot of straight up racism and sexism. And while I haven't watched that latest season from Netflix I am not sure there is a lot of growth from many of those characters.
  19. Isn't that just an updated version of Michael Scott from the Office though. Like a generally well meaning but completely out of touch idiot who doesn't realize he shouldn't be saying the things he is saying.
  20. Is that actually true though. I can remember in decades past you could see nudity in PG movies. Sure that was before PG-13 was a thing, but even now having nudity in anything but an R rated movie probably isn't going to happen. And with how the movie business works it's a lot harder to make money in something that is R rated, so pretty every thing is PG-13.
  21. You could say the same thing about Ryan Coogler. But personally I like how different movies have different visual styles. Everything looking the same and everyone sounding similar would be much more of an issue for me if they continued that. Do you really think what happened with Wanda was his decision? He didn't write the script and from what I under of how the MCU is run, the major movie plot points are decided on a a much higher level than the director or even screen writers.
  22. Isn't Archie Bunker all satire though? Viewers aren't supposed to be laughing along with him, they are supposed to be laughing at how much of an asshole he is. A modern day version would be like if they made a sitcom along the lines of The Colbert Report.
  23. Cool. I love the Evil Dead movies, and Spider-man 2 is easily a top tier super hero movie for me, even to this day. Sure his Dr strange wasn't great but there were some cool parts, and I would way rather watch that again than say The Eternals. Plus when I think about the Secret Wars comic storyline and what I know about it, Raimi is absolutely the one director will probably know better than to put Peter Parker in that stupid black costume.
  24. I watched Return of the Jedi with my daughter last night. And while most of the "special edition" changes were total garbage it doesn't bother me that the Anakin force ghost is Hayden Christiansen. Because if becoming a ghost can give you back your arms and legs and give you back long lost hair and figure out what it should look like then why can't it make you look 25 years younger?
  25. Is that what was about? I was a small kid when I watched that show, but even looking back now I always thought it was more about protecting the reputation of his building.
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