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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. Is anyone else watching this. It started off not great but it is definitely getting better. Some of the book titles were amazing like "I hate Mondays" by James Garfield and "Galileo, Figaro, Magnifico" by Freddie Mercury.
  2. This is only my second episode and I don't really buy that with all the planning that is going on, they would bring in someone so risky and unpredictable. The heist looked really cool, but I feel like if bombs went off in Midtown Manhattan (even if they were just smoke bombs), it would be a huge deal. And pictures of all the suspects and their van would be all over the news within the hour.
  3. That is a great scene. My favourite part is when he is running he does stuff like (I think) take off his jacket and put on a hat. Things that would seem so obvious to do when cops are looking for someone with a certain description, but you never see on any other show.
  4. This was my third one and I liked how it didn't go where I expected. I was expecting just a straight double cross where Ray's partner sells him out either to the cops or someone more dangerous. But Ray wanted back in when his business was failing and his wife got fired and he chose to rob the club. Even the guy not saving his wife wasn't super cut and dry. Do they play different music based on the episode order? Because in the one I watched they were definitely playing Praise You by Fatboy Slim when Ray was cracking the safe and Roger was downstairs with the girls and the guy they were robbing.
  5. That sort of goes back to one of my big issues I had with the prequels. Yoda is supposed to be the greatest Jedi force user ever, but all he can sense is that a little kid taken from his home is scared. Not that a guy he works with on a daily basis who has tons of power is the most evil person in the galaxy. And not even a hint that Palpatine is hiding something. And then, even in Empire Yoda keeps talking about how fear is the path to the dark side. But he is the one in hiding. In general it seems that Yoda kind of sucks.
  6. That is sort of where I am at. Nate hasn't really had any kind of moment where he realizes how much of an asshole he has been. At best he has realized how Rupert is a much bigger asshole and that he doesn't want to be around him. But that's not the same thing. And by itself I am not sure it is really a reason to want to become a better person.
  7. They established in Empire that he could see visions and shit about what was going on. He knew that Han and Leia were in danger, just not if they were going to die. Plus we know that Jedi can communicate using their force brain powers (Luke and Vader did it in this movie). So he seemed to know what was going on. I just would have loved it if Luke said, why don't you come and help me.
  8. I was watching Empire with my daughter last night and there was a line that reminded me how much it annoys me how Yoda just sort of bailed on the rebellion. When Luke is leaving Yoda to go help his friends Yoda says something like "Only a fully trained Jedi can defeat Vader". I really wanted Luke to reply "Aren't you a fully trained Jedi?".
  9. I keep thinking back to what Ted said to Michelle over the phone earlier this season. About how he is really upset with what she did and he is not ok with it. But he is trying to figure out how to work through it because they have to have a relationship, and will for the rest of their lives because of their son. It would be interesting to me if he said like an alternate version of that speech to Nate about how he is upset about what he did, and while he appreciates an apology there is no reason for them to have any kind of relationship going forward
  10. That makes sense. The fact that the mission is going to be an assassination can't be that big a secret since French intelligence found out and I am pretty sure the PM didn't tell them.
  11. I was watching the show Kaleidoscope on Netflix last night and it is a show about a bunch of characters that takes place over many different time periods and can be watched in any order (except for the finale). And it made me realize that I really wish that the other services would copy the Prime Video thing where when you pause it shows you who all the characters on the screen are and who the actors are. Because the first two episodes I watched were 7 years apart and I am terrible at remembering character names, so a few times it was hard to figure out who the same people were when their looks had changed. It seems like simple and easy and useful thing to rip-off, so I wish more services had it.
  12. I am hardly a fan of Jimmy Fallon but is that on him? He is the host but it isn't like a Letterman situation where he is also the boss of the company that produces the show. That would be Lorne Michaels. Is anyone calling him for not paying the staff? For that matter is anyone calling out Questlove? Or better yet is there anything stopping the WGA from giving money to those workers to keep them on their side, or their own unions to show solidarity with the writers?
  13. No it's ok. The great thing about an all ice cream, ice cream cake is that when you want one you can get a giant one and as long as it's in the freezer you don't really have to worry about it going stale like a regular cake.
  14. The weird thing about Keeley's story is we spent so much time at KJPR but hardly ever saw her working or with clients. So we have no idea if the company was successful or struggling. Because if they were doing well right from the start it makes Jack pulling her funding look way worse than if they were losing money. But we have no idea.
  15. That was weird for me too. The PM also says "his majesty's government" which I assume means that either Charles is the monarch or it is someone completely different.
  16. That sounds so weird to me. We got my wife a DQ ice cream cake for mother's Day. We bought it from the freezer that day so it was a standard cake. Bottom layer chocolate ice cream, top layer vanilla, with a thin layer of cookies and fudge sauce between. No actual cake anywhere near it.
  17. As soon as they sat down I thought it was weird that with their level of wealth/fame they wouldn't be in those pod seats you can lie down in. I liked Dani being super competitive too. Like we know he loves football and the premier league is a big deal, but I can see how playing for Mexico would be a whole other level for him.
  18. I think that is probably my least favourite episode of the series. It seemed overly long and so much time spent on sad Nate playing the sad violin because of the job he quit. Which seems weird since I feel like if you were coach of one of the top ranked teams there would be a lot of other teams wanting to hire you. Keeley's story was ok but still kind of annoying. It would have been funny if Rebecca said she was going to use her money to sue the VC firm. Because it seems weird that they can pull their cash out like that, since wouldn't they have bought a bunch of shares of the company? I liked Rebecca's plot though, although Edwin being super crazy only works in a sitcom. Since I find it hard to believe that other rich people would bother wanting to make deals with someone that unpredictable. And one little thing, considering that Dani and Van Damme are basically British celebrities, I would thing their seats on an overseas flight would have been way better.
  19. I thought it worked pretty well as a series finale. I liked the scenes where he told his parents he bought them a house. And the tribute to his grandma was really nice. If the show doesn't come back, I hope the actress who plays his mom shows up in other stuff, she was good. I also liked how the Sheik was trashing Hulk Hogan. If you follow Sheik on social media he hates Hogan. The only thing I thought would have been nice and was missing was some sort of shout-out/tribute to Andre the Giant at the house warming. The coffee stuff didn't really work for me either, especially how much more of an annoying nerd they made Randall.
  20. It was weird but it was probably as good a time as any to age up the character. Looking at the episode guides the Hawaii parts of this episode took place in 1986. The Nashville episodes last season took place in 1987.
  21. Wasn't there a brief line at some point, about how they had to brief the palace on their plan. I think it was when the plan was to attack the mercenaries in Libya, rather than attacking Russia. But I would have liked to see that scene, just to see if the King said something like "I can't really stop you, but do you really want to launch a military action based on the word of one guy, with no actual evidence?". He was really good. I just finished Better Call Saul recently, so it was cool to see him in something different. I wish he had gotten more scenes though. At least a scene where he finds out it wasn't actually Russia and is super pissed. Speaking of the president, Stuart said in this episode that before he told his girlfriend, there were 6 people who knew the VP Kate plan. But I only count 5: POTUS, his chief of Staff, Stuart, Hal and Kate. Who is number 6?
  22. I wish someone would make an Andre the Giant comedy/drama series. Based on everything I know about his life it would be super interesting. And based on today's technology you could do it with CGI or even Elf style forced perspective. As for the High Chief his story was cool too. The only the I really know about him was he was the model for Maui in Moana, so based on that the actor they got for this episode was pretty good.
  23. I really liked the part about how the Rock had like 5 different catch phrases, since I remember at the time how a lot of what the WWF paid wrestlers was based on how much merch you sold. So if you had 5 shirts with 5 catch phrases you made more money. The match was pretty cool too. I assume that was the real commentary from the King and JR. The stuff about trusting Dwayne and letting him run long was interesting since I can remember some of those super long promos he used to do on Monday Night Raw especially "The Rock this is your life" with Mick Foley that got crazy ratings. I wonder how much they could get away with, even without him signing off. Like sure Shawn Michaels owns his name, but it wouldn't surprise me to know that WWE owns the look and the Heartbreak kid nickname. The same way they owned the name Razor Ramon and had a fake Razor when the original left. Or how the Ultimate Warrior legally changed his name to Warrior to try to get away with using the name for other companies.
  24. Also I think Hal will be injured enough where he needs care and Kate feels guilty and can't divorce him without looking like a terrible person. Plus having a husband almost killed in bombing probably makes her an even better VP candidate. Stuart I think is dead just because of how he left things with his CIA girlfriend. Not sure about Ronnie, maybe with Stuart dead it means a bigger role for the actor next season. Although how much does that suck for Ronnie, first your bike gets stolen by your rich neighbor and now you get blown up.
  25. This show started really strong for me and is still kind of interesting (I want to know who died) but there is also a lot of annoying dumb crap that really bugs me. Like how so much time was spent this episode talking about how they would arrest Lenovo but no one really talking, or looking into who hired him. Not to mention if the whole point is how diplomacy and building relationships is important, where was the US ambassador to France? And how did French intelligence figure out that Lenovo was going to get assassinated and not the CIA. And lastly no Kate the foreign secretary probably wasn't a diplomatic staff person because his main job is as an elected member of Parliament.
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